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Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
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I really miss the witch. Losing the game last year was very painful as it was one of the few things I still enjoyed at that time. Didn't even manage to clear the available story, got stuck after Snegurochka on a wyvern boss. But still listen to the main menu theme on a weekly basis.
One year since the Witch died.
Merry witchdeathversary
I never appreciated the witch when she was here but I miss how cute the game was
Revive the witch.
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i miss the witch

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Today marks its 3000th day
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>Do 30 co-op stages with bloated HP mobs
Kusopl despite new Airis is enough.
>got 750 gems from doing dailies
>wasted them and still no new character
Hoping this guaranteed 5* is worth the grind
Tfw collab again already
Tfw it's another Kimetshit Collab in 2024
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I wish the free character is someone else but it won't make sense with the weapon type

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what did you want instead
>The same cast in a different outfit
This is based, though?
maybe if those other outfits were more revealing
swimsuits last year was in late july iirc, probably youre best chance since they seem to have skipped the bunnys
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New Shadow and more characters like them.
I was happy with SFs being the ultimate version of a character, maybe you could buff them later with new gear, but I'm not rolling a second or a third SF Alpha, Beta, etc.

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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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cant believe all the love this game has, im so sorry for what nintendo did to you all
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how does currency work? do you have to play like a f2p or is there better options now? i never got very far in og dragalia
There's no premiun currency anymore, the game is dead and we still play it through private servers, in there you can ask the admins to give you everything or modify your savefile yourself.
Hey again /drag/
It's been a while since I last checked in, so here's a quick update for those of you who don't use Discord:

How we are handling the APK situation going forward changed. The APKs and the IPA are stored on the CDN now, and you can find links to them as well as general instructions for installing them here https://orchis.cherrymint.live/page/setup.html

I'll pop in again later if anyone has any questions (or you can ask through the guild chat in-game if you want). Have fun
im not fan of naoki saito art

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I didn't know we can connect and play real Minetest servers with our phones. Minecraft can't connect to real servers if you play on mobile.

Anons asked more preview videos so here is playlists: >>>/vg/476720597
You can start playing with these instructions: >>>/vg/476721542

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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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>nip devs knowing how to code
>she was "bugged"
So they didnt playtest her and now they have to hammer her.
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EX6 oneshot with Anemone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf9wAa1OioU
apparently the nerf won't have a big impact on her damage outside of elemental stages.
are they going to go the nyaru route and design fights around her or are we entering a new era of powercreep?
Just hammer her again one day after ex7 drops and reset the progress for people that cleared it early. They were so fucking paranoid about maho ruining their new shiny ex already.

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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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Man I hope Zhu Yuan plays better than Billy
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Sure they can, be ready for a less fun version of Zuma: Hollow TV edition.
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>login event #3
I dunno about you guys.. but the events are kinda lacking
at least this confirms they will be shitting out those bangboo rolls
how many rolls of each type did you get in the beta so far? is it going to be another star rail where it takes more than a year to hit 300 for the free standard?
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I've had enough for one coin flip on the limited banner, and this is what my standard rolls are at. I wasn't paying too much attention to the bangboo banner, but the 5* rates are higher there and I've got like three 5* bangboos off it so far.
The standard rolls massively slow down after the earlygame freebies dry up, so 300 is probably going to take a long time.

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What went wrong?
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Omnipandering shitty game in an industry that's sick of them.
dogshit artstyle and designs
Meanwhile those are the most successful games
Yeah we know you're a tranny.
only because it's a psyop pushed by mihomo and the globohomo agenda in the same way marvel movies are. the other hetgames are easily successful even if they're not as big.

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Pikmin Bloom and Monster Hunter Now don't count because they are also made by Niantic. Dragon Quest Walk may as well be region locked to Japan because so much content is missing when played from outside Japan.
Meant for >>1465582
>dokkan plummeted almost 20 million
what the fuck lol
lol square enix will do the same as niantic
But it looks like Missing Link is sticking more to the Kingdom Hearts art style. Pokemon GO did its own thing with the art from the start. Heck, Scarlet & Violet were accused of trying to look more like GO.

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Tencent is bringing a palworld clone to mobile
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and we're not going to be seeing this in like 3-4 years.
Who gives a shit?
Just wait 2 weeks
lol you are a fool to think this is bad news for them. It just means all sides have to step it up now. Secondly both TPC and PP work with tencent for some services.
call me when the monsters look cool like digimon like true monsters and not baby shit asthethic like pokemon and palworld
Call me when digimon can make 2 games in a row without letting someone commit more brand damage than a sega spin off

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Aistenijus the angry, leader of the clan anger management here, we a few free slots in a lvl 8 clan! active and high lvl players only. The only req we have: do your dailys and ALWAYS participate in clan expeditions for maximum rewards to all of us! dsc: https://discord.gg/ZMnUUAMm

Also, Survivor io clan recruitment thread I guess

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troon gayme
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>SegaSammy business report mentions "console/PC deployment of Angry Birds IP"
What do you think deployment entails?
Kill yourself.
pay2win garbage
I miss them

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flipper friends...
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>When you have so many characters it feels like such a waste of potential as well as being lazy when they’re not apart of something.
I said this earlier >>1361601 World Flipper's cast is TOO big to ever actually make events focused on all but a few of them. It has gotten to the point that I, a returning player don't recognize like, every othee single character that wasn't in the main story because I didn't pull for them and they STILL are making up new characters.

This fucking gacha is the Bleach of "make up new characters whenever you need new content," when we could have had whole events and alts centered around characters people liked but we have everything but the kitchen sink in this gacha.

Truly a less is more, if they ever do World Flipper 2, they need to cut the summonable characters down by half and make the cut half into more alts because what the fuck man.
I caught up with the main story and the events. They definitely tried to incorporate as many characters as possible however some did get more attention than others but it definitely highlights what you said before and what I said in my two college thesis length posts. That there are too many characters and not enough events with preexisting characters. It was neat having the 3 star characters as the last line of defense but if they focused on them in another event/given alts it would have been more impactful.

The Purger event having a story was definitely nice and seeing what everyone else is doing while the main cast is off towards the final battle gives them some attention and it further shows how dire the situation is.

The Distant Succession event was fine but having most of the backstory/context of the Farlands behind character stories is dumb. I knew somethings because of OG Vyron’s story but again if they made small events around the Farlands and related characters it would have been a larger and more interesting event.

So yeah they could have done things differently but I’m still going to play until the end and enjoy any content I can use Leon in. (He deserved better at least his alt art is really pretty.)
I still have a ton of character episodes I haven’t watched yet. Do I need to watch them all before the game dies, or will they still be viewable somewhere afterward?
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Pretty sure Cyge made all the story content and flipperpedia browsable somewhere for the japanese version. I'm sure the global version won't get the same treatment, so unless the community compiles everything like the Dragully one did, you're probably better off reading before EoS.
Why is Modified Purger harder than Empress Purger?
Also, how do you play Empress in multiplayer? I was able to join a bell for it, but whenever I select the fight, it only lets my play it solo.

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>open mahjong soul
>look inside
>blue archive
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Until special score bonus abilities from gacha units become necessary to reach top rankings even with full combo
explains the amount of references to chinese culture, but why would they make it about Riichi mahjong instead of the normal one
Probably the same reason Blue Archive characters have Japanese name even though the developers are Korean - the correlation between liking the anime art aesthetic and loving all things Japanese
we are talking purely from a gameplay perspective, which other than raising e-peen points the gacha still has no bearing on how the game is played whatsoever
makes sense, many thanks
got my first yakuman today btw, good feeling

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Thoughts on Supercell?
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It was funny to see them get BTFO'd off Wikipedia, which is a relatively obscure fact I think more /vmg/ users should know.
World is Mine is a timeless classic

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