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Happy Birthday Saki
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Collab when, Bushiroad?
Obligatory MV
When do you think next Haya-Coco content will drop?
Toilet Saki!
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Yuri Collab
Happy birthday, our cutest dragon DJ!
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Finally finished the last one of Princess Letter songs.
Also beat all those unit instrumentals earlier except Abyssmare lol.
Where is everyone? Thread is back to pre-Doggo dead.
I was watching that gay band anime that Kidani is shilling. It was more gay than it is band.
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Could have had more band if Kidani wasn't so bad at money. Plus the band autist hasn't taken the central stage yet.
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Collab Yuri
D4DJ needs more Domestic yuri
D4DJ needs more covers of songs like this:
D4DJ needs more sexy DJ costumes:
Do Xross cards get special buff from growth? My Kyoko's 45+25 has 10s skill instead of 9s.
The on perfect one? It has 2 tiers, the rare one lasting 1s longer.
I thought it's either 40+20 or 45+25, and both have same 9s length. My Esorin has only 9s.
I don't think the autist can make it more band than gay without spoiling anything...

You didn't get the rare one. Someone last thread posted a 10s one
Right, I saw that. That feels irritating, getting 45+25 is already hard enough, but then there's ultra rare skill with +1 second?
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Oh no, 2baki...
What's her unique appeal again?
She's like Ultramarines of DJs
Oh yeah let's randomly add 5 scratches in succession near the end.
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It's been a while and I STILL love Bell.
How come Call of Artemis doesn't have their own weekly groovy mix tour?
Probably because they got effectively written out of the game + get no music due to their IRL composer being busy with other shit.
From what I remember, their composer was the guy who actually wrote "Wow War Tonight", "EZ Do Dance", etc., which were apparently actual EDM songs in Japan back in like the 90s.
I was right to save my tickets for CrossBeat Michiru.
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Elsie's tight little ass...
This is rough timing since Neo and Sophia have their birthday next month and they also have high swimsuit event potential this year.
Sophia's lovely single just hit 1 million views.

Bad Doggo summer
>All this coping
Is that hard to accep that COA is just an extra unit in the game?
Is like asking why L.M.O does not have cards.
How come Shinobu and Nagisa's grandpa has no cards? I bet he will outsold Michiru.
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>Bushiroad gave up on using D4DJ Groovy Mix as collab slave
idk about cards, I wish they had songs
April Fool gacha cards
Alternative dimension where they are girls...
Same actors but with voice changer
Is Merm4id event story a metaphor for D4DJ?
You are the new one if you never saw the same slide but with Groovy Mix.
>no u
So the few D4 players alive are tourists who have no idea how bushi TCG work?
stop embarrassing yourself if you have no idea what the conversation is about
>few D4 players alive are tourists
daed game...
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>dead internet
I am the only real Diggler
What is Elsie's favorite assault rifle?
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Why did you shop D4DJ out?
Erased just like Neo's mom...
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Can you take 1*s into growth? It's not optimal, but it sure will be funny as hell to see a team of 1*s hitting close to original 3* card levels
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Why is Weronika so cool?
Big Heckler & Kock fan
Uncool Sophia
>sniper rifle
What's that egg in the hand though?
>growth lives need stamina
>it also opens up poker card
Welp that's one design flaw
Nice famas
Will Muni and Maho kiss on-stream?
For me it's staff-san
girl cum?
they called unichord a flop...
who? the doggos?
Is it a metaphor of how they are doing irl?
I saw someone do kokoa's BPD hair thing irl the other day
Reminder that Kokoa's unit name has a special character with unicode code point U+00D8
*gunshot SFX*
Does Shiika ship Kyoko and Shinobu?
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Was the schizo saying UniChØrd being the least popular unit judging by Twatter (Currently X) likes actually right? Bushiroad also only gave them a Talk event with mini Live instead of full solo Live like Abyssmare is getting. And they have to share the next album with Abyssmare. Were people not buying UniChØrd CDs? Were Doggos the Schizos?
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Eimi is obssessed with Rinku
Shiika is obssessed with Kyoko
Date is somehow connected to Abyssmare

Which old unit is Bell connected with?
She has written a bunch of Kyoko x.Reader fics
She wishes she could burn down Arisugawa and all the rich people with it
You can but the 30% limit won't be close to 3*
Neo's voice makes me mistake that Gundam song as a Macross song.
Setsuna is for the ELS what Minmay is to the Zentradi so what's the difference?
Sophia's singing voice is pretty nice
>health recover and loss stop
It's only 6.5s max but it looks handy for clearing 15s
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Forgot to attach pic
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Love these 2 obscure side characters from D4DJ
Kidani should fund an anime about these two minor characters
We, the Anonymous, agree.
interesting how you can reset the skill to the original one if you don't like it... not gonna do that for my 65% scorer wedding saori now though
Where is the Doggo dance video wth 3 likes where they show off their bare JK legs
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Tamagotchi Nyochio collab when
Unironically who is this girl?
That's how Hayate looks at m*n?
What's with the uniform?
That's how middle school Hayate looks at m*n?
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Happy birthday, Mana! Beer restores mana!
Do you mean Mana is from Love Live Sunshine?
Beat the final boss of 神激 (some say 神使轟く、激情の如く。)
Good collab
I prefer Denonbu Mana.

Will they live perform Superstar and Love Hug Groovy?
XROSS BEAT live sounds interesting.

Having Photon and RONDO together (and other combos) the first time is gonna be so cool.
RONDO is perfect for any dance unit
First day:
Photon x Rondo Ashen Cinderella
Photon x Peaky 8 Tones
Abyssmare x UniChØrd Cyberpunk
Abyssmare x Peaky Number 1 and Only

2nd Day:
HapiAra x Ri4 Half Baked Egg
HapiAra x UniChØrd Vital Signs
Merm4id x Ri4 Metamorphosis
Save D4DJ
Save Sasakoi
Beat the final boss of Monster Hunter
Good collab
Did long events kill the game?
They're long? Seems perfect to me
Game is dead so they lengthened events to reduce cost
하야코코 is Haya-Coco in Korean.
Which DJ is korean?

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