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Straightforward message. QR code provides a wealth of information for anyone interested. Thoughts?

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>no more wars for Israel
>proceeds to recruit for wars for Israel

I hope islamoniggers and kikes kill each other over there, and I hope the islamonigger fetishists and kike lovers kill each other here. Escalate the violence, I’m fucking begging.
Good shit. Bump.

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For me it's zion joe. Drumpf didn't shit down blm riots but old demorat joe sure as hell shut down leftists rioting this time
I'm trying to read your sentence, give me a few moments to decipher these boomer outrage runes.
.OK retard is on the left side of the iq scale. Remember vote blue no matter who so Israel gets more money
So after looking at your previous posts, you really love to start sentences with "funny", implying you have some important retort. Are you denying that trump doesn't bow down to jews? Biden and trump do the same shit. You boomers are so hard headed and dumb. You worship jews.
Weird how you brought Trump in this to deflect from your vote for zion joe

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>The ICC issuing arrest warrants for Israeli officials is antisemitic
>The IDF is the most moral fighting force in the world
Did this sand nigger really say all this with a straight face?
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Can't the same be said about all Ashkenazis, more or less?
>unironically linking to (((Prager))) U video.
Why is this place so infested with kikes?
He is Polish
IDF is the new FAG
ashkenazis literally mean judeo-german and majority of them still have middle eastern genes
but bibi's grandmother was fucked by a slav

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The number of Democrats who hate Israel and sympathize with murderous terrorists continues to grow every day.
The only way to stop their extremism from poisoning our government is by strengthening the Republican majority.
Chip in $25 to support expanding the pro-lsrael Republican House majority to receive your "I Stand With Israel" mug!


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I don't get it.
jfc. reality has a liberal bias. told you that already..
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This is a crime against humanity. No one should live here.
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golem plantation
which straight road? upper or lower left corner?
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My kids will wander through my small town with rolling hills and play in the creek and forest unsupervised and there's nothing you can do about it.
He vill play with ze minnows and be happy.
You don't need farms or office buildings, just make everything suburbs!


What are the political implications of floyd being pictured in LA and UAE at the same time.

A Statista data study from 2023 found that, out of the 6 most dangerous cities in the world, ALL 6 of them were located in Mexico:

Celaya, Mexico
Tijuana, Mexico
Cuidad Juarez, Mexico
Cuidad Obregon, Mexico
Irapuato, Mexico
Ensenada, Mexico
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Aztec genes plus Catholicism, both have demonic nature
vivis en un pasillo chilote putito
>Until Mexico fixes that violence
you fucking junkies are the driving force for this, together with the dea and cia, eat a massive cock until you choke and die
y porque no mejor te vas a chuparle los huevos a los jazaros junto con tu adorado líder milei?, argensimio cagador. Saludos
By that meteic were three generations away from the guys that orchestrated WWI and WWII

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Yes. I think any woman that has that mindset should stop loving all men. Take themselves out of the genepool. Hit late 30s and realize they fucked up. Spend the rest of their lives being miserable without anyone. Grow into old age and fall into the local nursing home with zero family to visit them or take care of them. Sounds good to me.
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slant eyed gooks arent "other races"
Women dont adapt they decay like a fruit dropping from the branch for they are literally mammal fruit (ovaries). Anything said to the contrary is a paper tiger or merely for attention.
Post starts with projection and complete reversal of reality.
Not worth reading the rest.

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Why did he do it?
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Y U don’t have a 2x4?
L.A is basically IDF/Mossad mafia HQ & they're being antagonized on purpose to expose them. They took the bait. kek. Muh Chosen People
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uh, we need to do the thing again.

Just like the invaders in gaza deserve the same casualties. Death to Nazis.

Conspiracy theories
The NSA hides surveillance operations as reality TV shows and every neighborhood in the US is one big entertainment stage to keep as many eyes on the Panopticon as possible at all times.
You've been Yellow Mustarded!
Brown people act stupider than they really are because they know it pisses off White people and they think that's funny.

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cancel them ALL RIGHT NOW


jesus fucking christ, Google is now pushing for "Schedule A" to bring even MORE foreign workers in, right after they layed off 12,000 and while 94% of Americans CANNOT GET HIRED OR EVEN A CALL BACK

it's not economic fucking science
and what the hell is wrong with this board? was it streetshitters the whole time?
Who are you talking to
The people in power aren't browsing this board. they're busy eating babies and sucking their cerebral juices. this isn't the movies, the good guys aren't about to come swooping in at the end to save the day. you can't vote them out, the system is rigged. you can't arrest them, they own the cops and courts. only an armed revolution or the intervention of a higher power can correct the course. the main question - no, the only question - you and everyone needs to ask themselves, when confronted with the evils of the world, is: "what are you going to do about it?"
What are you going to do about it?

If you don't want to live in a homogeneous non-monetary you're severely mentally ill and believe in money and trading that not only don't exist but are used as a leverage to enslave you. Every single negative behavior is caused by malnutrition, pollution and trauma since we are physical beings and so every action has a cause. If someone is lazy, evil etc. unless there's a very specific underlying genetic issue it was caused by the people in that society. Not wanting to take responsibility for that means it will become the norm.
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Then why does your country exist?

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>Holding all men responsible for a violent minority has failed to keep women safe

>Instagram and Facebook feeds would be stripped of news if the federal government uses its laws to force Meta to pay for Australian journalism in a high-stakes threat that has prompted Labor to mull new laws to take on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media giant.

>Anthony Albanese says decision to not put ankle bracelet on detainee who allegedly bashed Perth grandma 'lacks common sense' but stands by Immigration Minister

>Three people have been arrested in connection with the disappearance of missing Perth brothers Jake and Callum Robinson in Mexico.

>Taxpayers pick up tab for MPs’ Gallipoli jaunt

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This is the best proof I've ever seen about him controlling the drug trade in Victoria. Why didn't that picture go wide during in the lead up to the last election, or before? Why have I never seen it before now?
The government cracked down hard on any journalists and reporters who didn't follow the narrative that why now we only get controlled opposition like Frank Chung.
Precisely because the media (or more specifically the owners of the media) told them to. You are confusing two arms of the same organisation as separate entities opposed to one another, which is exactly the sort of mistake people make when voting.
traditional media doesn't have the kind of sway it used. Even god emperor Murdoch can barely contain the opinions of boomers now. They rely on each other for survival, traditional media has no purpose in Australia other than to shill for Labor and Liberal. Both parties would have implemented their online regulations at the grovelling request of trad media in exchange for promotion.
You're still living in the 80s Anon or you've been watching too much of that normie show Succession where the Muurdoch parody has the president on speed dial, it's a red herring.

The banks and the () have the level of sway over the government that you think the media does though.
you can read the room and still not be engaged if only for self preservation.
you should be preparing for the fall rather than fighting for someone else's nose to be in the trough.
anyone which isn't preparing for the fall and to no be here deserves to be roped into 'the system' and be part & party to the coming UBI/Commie take over.
If you are smart you'll not be here when it goes completely mask off and/or WW3 finally happens and the shit properly hits the fan.

Politics is for people who either can afford it or already have their nose in the trough being fed and getting fat off it, normies are the idiot tax payer which think they are 'doing something for the greater good' while walking around with E//R banners or 'climate change is violence' bullshit.

The '4 women are killed by partner violence' is a drop in the ocean compared to what will happen when the chinks or poos properly make landfall.

Anyone which is properly 'woke' will have themselves preparing NOW to get their affairs in order to go anywhere, anywhere to being in buttfuck nowhere, not even worthy of having a military presence.

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It would be hilarious if this retard got elected President

t. Ameriposter
>Flesh Fleshman 24
Climate fag

American Jew bros...

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Not quite. This is like the third article or panel discussion i've seen on this. The recurring theme is these are professors of Jewish studies who are actually rather conservative and believe in traditional scholarship. But they've been cloistered in their ivory towers for so long they just weren't paying attention to the wider culture. It's not so much they were pushing the woke mind virus themselves, as they didn't realize how far and fast it spread through the rest of society. Now they are finally waking up and they are shocked. They have no idea what to do about it. They are asking questions like, How do we convince Judith Butler and Ibram X Kendi that we are actually an oppressed minority? Protip: they can't. The neomarxists want to burn it all down and are not interested in sharing power with anything that looks even vaguely white.
I want israel to die
how do I take part in this "coordinated attack"?
They more they cry out in pain, the more they are found out.

This ends the same way every time.
we all do bro, we all do.

Unironically, who are you voting for in November; Trump or RFK?
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We live under an anti-Christian government on the most fundamental level.
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ehem *coughs* forgetting someone anon?
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Voting for Trump
He's just pandering to the boomers with the Israel shit. Who's got that graph showing how much less gibs they got under him?
Didn't start a war with Iran last time did he? No, libs/neocons all said he was in bed with Russia because he was such a peace president.
Vote for Trump, don't fall for the biggest psyop of 2024
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Part 2 Electric boog-

I just bought the 4th edition of this book…what is it missing or how is it different than other versions, politicly speaking?
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Compare it to the audiobook
So what edition is this audio version?
As in the 1-3 editions

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making high IQ look based
Elon Musk aged like shit
His brother is better
>Denies God
>Get's one of the worst types of cancer
Atheists BTFO.
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>Haunts the men's room at the local Synagogue.

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I think social media has already had a negative effect on humanity. It very quickly became mainstream to share all your information about yourself to the entire world publicly. What do you guys think?
The scariest part is that nobody gives a shit, you're not special

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University demanded students to leave by 10pm
>media set up to smear movement as antisemitic
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This is surely another (((organic))) protest
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>This is surely another (((organic))) protest
thanks ODIN
I seriously doubt that they will be removed. It's Canada. They will be mildly supported but mostly ignored and eventually it'll completely peter out once the american version is over.
I plan on going there this weekend and telling them to go home. They are giving Jews more power by making them enact antisemitism laws and shit. I am going to tell all these protesters to hit them where it hurts most. STOP CONSUMING. Download "No Thanks" on there phones, cancel all Netflix, and other Jewish subscriptions and take away all their revenue.
How brown is it?

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