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Does this mean that you won't be able to legally criticize Jews and Israel in the US?
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>Does this mean that you won't be able to legally criticize Jews and Israel in the US?
Glad a thread like this finally. The quick answer is no and anyone that actually believes that is being set up to look foolish. Anyone care to discuss?
I can still criticize vampires and leeches.
All jews must be gassed for real this time.
Free speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
isnt it weird that they funded the protests, let it go wild for days, plastered the videos everywhere, then passed laws that prevents them from being criticized and then immediately dismantled the protests and everyone moved on. Almost as if the whole purpose of the protests was to justify passing the law.

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good morning saar

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Post examples of normies noticing
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If a Nigger said water was wet, /pol/ would exalt them into based negro status and call them /ourguy/

Because /pol/ is fking retarded
whites freed slaves to spite jews
its kinda impressive seeing a monkey ride a bike
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>greentexting a link
Based negress

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I know it's said here that Jews did 9/11, but it has been established that True Christians are the True Israel, the real Jews.

Witness 1 comes here, and I assume he has a copypasta on standby that says Jews did 9/11, but that's like calling a man by his preferred she/her pronouns.

Whatever Israel was involved with 9/11 was likely a counterfeit Israel.
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They see all their perceived enemies as pests, and believe that if any group of people could ever potentially become an enemy of jews, that it is morally righteous to murder them as babies and children.

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, jewish activist, wrote a book called “The King’s Torah” advocating that it is morally righteous to murder the children of any potential enemies of the jews.
This is why they are murdering tens of thousands of children in Palestine.


He makes multiple arguments on why it is permissible to kill “Gentiles” and “Innocents”, and these are the actual terms he uses.
>spooky jews
Yup, they’re edgelords who actually suck baby dick to be spooky, and I am spooked.
>Whatever Israel was involved with 9/11 was likely a counterfeit Israel.
revelation 2.9 and 3.9 in the Bible tell you about these folks
Understanding terminology is important. Jews refers to Judean and we are NOT that. We are Israelites as we are from the other lost tribes. Jesus was Judean but not a Jew because Jews are the corrupted Edomite/khazarian rape babies of former Judeans. The Bi le says there will be 12,000 Judeans who will be set apart in the last days (12k from each tribe) otherwise I would argue there aren't any true judeans any.ore
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Why are men not allowed to have men-only spaces? 4chan is literally the only place online where some freedom of expression is allowed in order to freely discuss men's issues.

Pandering 100% to women isn't sustainable for any society and is harmful to both sexes.
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its fucking plebbit
they banned femoid subs too
TF they did. 2X is alive and well.
That's what you think. That's how they get their foot in the door. Next thing you know there's women thinking they can be cops and soldiers and boy scouts and there isn't shit you can do because you opened the floodgates. No. There's a reason we had separate schools for boys and girls.
Why do 4chan users fall for bot threads ?

Name some laws and policies you would like to see your country's National Socialist party implement or use if they were to gain political power over your country. Or laws/policies you would implement as king or dictator in your country. I'll start:

-Those of Germanic descent are primary 1st class citizens and guaranteed some level of privilege in this country.

-The races, even sub-races, should be segregated and separated in school and places of education and learning.

-Anti-White speech, pro-communist speech, or satanic speech will be outlawed and prosecuted.

-Only those of pure Germanic descent may own firearms unless otherwise approved and registered by the National Socialist state, and if you are not Germanic an oath by your God(s) is required to own firearms, if the oath is broken you will be executed.

-The National Socialist state is secular but only Christian Identity or any form of European or pro-Aryan paganism or neo-paganism are the only approved religions for the Aryan people to follow, any other religion is prosecuted and may result in exile from the land or in worst case scenario, execution.

-Homosexuals must be reeducated in reeducation camps or be exiled out of the land if they persist in their faggotry.

-If you steal you may be sentenced to a beating unless you are really young or really old.
Guaranteed mortgages for anyone working.
Part of your mortgage paid down for each kid you have.
Ban on degenerate art.
Small business loans to replace greedy Jews
Stimulate competition by reducing red tape and removing protections from mega corps and strengthening protections for small and medium businesses
Audit of all non-profits and religious organizations
Nationalize electricity, food, and water production
A union of all Americans committed to the principles of the constitution and the idea of self-determination
Non citizens may live and visit Germany only as visitors or guests of the state
No appointments of non-citizens to critical positions.
The stripping of citizenship from dual loyalists
All able-bodied citizens should have equal rights and duties
The states primary purpose will be protection of its citizens and to provide them livelihood or a means to achieve if. In all other cases it will fuck off.
Abolition of incomes earned without work.

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Some felons may own a firearm if approved by a stately court by appeal, but they must take an oath not to commit crime with it/them. If they break this oath, they are executed.
>95% white with some Chinatown type diversity in the big cities
>state owns all the mines, factories, oil, etc (mostly staffed by convicts)
>no taxes for ordinary people, tons of social programs
>homestead-suburbs, people produce 90% of what they need, every family owns a car but only need to drive it once a week, social life based around family and neighbors
>British style overseas colonies

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>now on the rise

Black americans have been deeply anti-semitic for decades. They’ve just benefitted from not showing it all these years, but now that they think the tide is changing some of them are going mask off.
It is, they just can't refute her.

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14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.
Damage control. They want you to think them violating your constitutional rights is somehow not even relevant. The only thing it proves is they have nothing but contempt for everyone around them.
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um acktually, hamas did it, goyim.
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You're missing one jew variety. 'Howdy Infidel'
That's an illegal thought you are having.

What's white fragility?

>afraid of competition against non-whites in everything
>would use biased platform and rules to squeeze competition down to zero to make a monopoly
>only good at doing some eazy deconstruction work such as explaining basic scientific theory. But never can't go deeper.
>only goot at basic engineering but get mogged by non-whites on real engineering.
>makes shitty games most likely if not hiring non-whites to do hard tech works.
>can't take criticism because they are so fragile.
>every time you criticize them they will show their 'gratefulness card' because they want you to believe it's white who makes you great but not yourself.

If you know more about them, you know the reasons why jews are dominating them for hundreds of years lol. WHITE FRAGILITY is so REAL! LMAO!
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Hey, small tiny little bug man? Do you find money this way? Does this make you some grains of rice? the first reply was "YOU" or should i say (((you)))
.....so boring.....
>banning BYD and smash Japanese cars so we can save our face!
Protectionism is a standard economic practice should another countries economy find themselves under threat.

>Let's play our DJ music aka 'white' music with our Japanese invented music equipment!
Everyone uses DJ equipment like boo hoo.

>The first version of the turntable was created by Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville. He created the phonautograph in France way back in 1857.

>The dynamic speaker was invented in 1925 by Edward W. Kellogg and Chester W. Rice.
>we whites are scientific nerds! Everybody loves a white nerd in a white school! Trust me bro! Classical music are whites! even though shitalians are considered lowest white since they have black eyes and black hair! We ginger monkeys are just superior! Also christ is king! We love science since Christ is fucking da king! But not da Jew! Don't read our ancient history since it's all about Greece and Rome! Our ginger shit are really living in mars at that time! KEK!
>Classical music are whites!

>shitalians are considered lowest white since they have black eyes and black hair!

No one thinks this anymore. Italians are European and are therefore White. Bach, Beethoven and Strauss were German

>We love science since

>Don't read our ancient history since it's all about Greece and Rome!
Yes in North West we lived in mudhuts. Pretty impressive that we got here then. Must've taken some real intelligence.

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Poland should give back the territories stolen from Germany, if I was German I’d sperg the fuck out and try to recover them by becoming new Hitler. How can toilet cleaners can be proud of their shitty fake country. You got historic, developed Kraut land. I hope Poland gets butchered again by Russia, those territories were a gift by comrade Stalin and they’re still the fags they were back before.
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there is A LOT more land to reclaim by us, injun
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they werent polish 300 years ago, the absolute horsehsit Pollacks believe
a nation build on lies
>Poland should
My favorite.
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The territories that they got in WW1 had polish citizens and even some got a referendum where they picked to be Polish. But in WW2 they literally got HISTORIC, Germans lands such as Silesia and Pomerania, the birthplace of the Prussian Empire who united the Germans people under a common flag, now possessed by toiler cleaners, all gone now…

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unironically this bear attack happened a mile from me. the guy had his jaw ripped from his skull but lived. carry slug and 10MM only, females would only hinder protection

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>You are providing nothing
you know you could just ask me to explain the order-of-magnitude estimate, right?
that's gotta be less embarrassing for you than trying to gaslight me into forgetting my own post
>emotional and wanting to be right
evidently you were projecting here
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Except no substitute.
I always liked the safety levers of 1911 type pistols. There's no way one can screw up with them.
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Wtf does a "grizzly bear range" map have anything to do with the conversation? Show me data faggot, you are the one arguing in bad faith.
>Says nothing again
Still winning over here, the only one who provided cold hard numbers was me.
You are just wordsalading and posting bear maps lmao, how about some actual numbers?
This is why women are better.
Women W

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>Another day, another escalation
- Hail the size of marbles fall in Ede, parts of Limburg flooded due too the rain
- Assassination attempt on Spanish VOX politician was funded by a Dutch women
- Ozempic documentary pulled from air because of fine
- They are releasing criminals now due to ‘staff shortage’, also the ones with felonies and given welfare
- Haarlem wants to change the road speed to 30 km/h
- Ronald Kahn (CoolCat, MS Mode, Sapph, America Today) leaves the Netherlands because taxes, rules and bureaucracy
- Protests against the monarchy on kingsday, supermax also removed and searched in Emmen
- XR protesters removed from A10 highway
- Man refuses to be knighted in the order of Oranje, saying that it is no honor for him
- From 100 euros wages, you only keep 47 euros
- Significant increase in pay for civil servants
- Law that will regulate the rental house market has been approved
- Utrecht is going back to gas as electricity grid is too full to connect new houses, told you so.
- New parents have both have to work fulltime to make ends meet

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>Er zat tevens een boer die sterk het vermoede had dat er in Nederland voor extra regen gezorgd wordt
zeker iets teveel eigen pesticiden gesnoven
gebaseerd, hoop dat de hele oogst verpest wordt
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/pol/der gaat international
ja maar je eten wordt dan nog duurder

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The system allows for a narrow set of ways your representatives can make YOU happy. Why is it about you? It's about you because each person's ideal representative serves all or most of their interests. With the world growing in complexity it is getting harder to make everyone happy but we deserve a party that makes MOST of us happy. The current paradigm does not seem to allow for this.
The left seems to do a better job in saying, "Believe in X, Y, and Z or this party is not for you" which excludes those who don't like being told what to do but makes sure satisfaction with the party is higher.
The right seems to have a stance of, "Hate niggers? Welcome to the team! Don't worry about X, Y or Z and we'll take care of the niggers" I find this model to be insincere and taking advantage of it's base because their interests are half heartedly addressed if they are addressed at all.
In both cases YOU don't get what you want but you can learn to love churches becoming corporate entities who don't pay taxes or gay Marxist action teams removing statues that bother people.

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Harvard has 50 billion in endowments. Yale has 40 billion. Colombia the epicenter of the protests has 40 billion.

Due to their Jewish leadership huge amounts of this is invested in Israel and in the occupied territories.

If you hate the ZOG it's a religious, political and ethical obligation not to fall for the goy trick conservitard false narrative.

They want to get you to hate the protests to protect Jews.

Jews fear boycott. Jews fear divestment and they fear public pressure against their ethnostate.

Israel is the command post of the Zionist world order. Destruction of Israel is necessary to breaking their hegemony over gentiles.

Do not fall for the trap of letting Jews trick you into fighting their enemies.
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jews (LARPing White people) control every important pillar or global leadership. There's no escaping their influence if you live in the West especially.
I support the full implosion of leftists kike academia
>Let them kill each other and don't get in the way
couldn't agree more with you anon. too bad many people fail this simple task like pic related. fuck university kikes they have pushed anti-White propaganda for decades now and now their brown nigger cattle is attacking them because they can't differentiate Whites from kikes and assume both to be the same which is why i hate them too. let them fight and like you said just redpill anyone you know especially how the cops are swarming these when they did nothing during the nigger riots in 2020.
>Harvard has 50 billion in endowments. Yale has 40 billion. Colombia the epicenter of the protests has 40 billion. Due to their Jewish leadership huge amounts of this is invested in Israel and in the occupied territories. If you hate the ZOG it's a religious, political and ethical obligation not to fall for the goy trick conservitard false narrative. They want to get you to hate the protests to protect Jews. Jews fear boycott. Jews fear divestment and they fear public pressure against their ethnostate. Israel is the command post of the Zionist world order. Destruction of Israel is necessary to breaking their hegemony over gentiles. Do not fall for the trap of letting Jews trick you into fighting their enemies.
I hate Israel more than I hate most of the American protestors.

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What are the political implications of snacking
My father will hear the chippie crisp packets scrontching in my sleepchambers and will forthwith unclammer from his undergarmentry and hastily make penitrative action upon my soft unguarded boyhood for my shame and chastisement.
These threads filling the catalogue are a countdown to iran being nuked by israel.

Soon we will all be talking about snacks and then the happening happens
I said in another thread to stop the threadception. But you retards just won't stop.
>Around 12 threads have now died because of the snackception incident

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since we shut down nuclear and stopped importing Russian gas and since wind and solar are a scam.

Why can’t Germany into sane decisions?
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>since we shut down nuclear and stopped importing Russian gas and since wind and solar are a scam.

those arent smokestacks
>Was there a particular goal associated with shutting down nuclear?
its like Germans don't know modern nuclear weapons are lesser radiation hazard than living downwind from a coal plant thats working as intended and that coal power kills more people every single day than nuclear power has killed in total
>man germany shutting down nuke plants and then having to go back on coal because they bombed their major natural gas pipelines and can't sustain their energy requirements on solar and wind is fucking hilarious
This must have been political sabotage by foreign agents right? Like convince a country to shut down their working energy and exchange it for something that does not work. It can't just be stupidity?
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yes, the greens are paid by americans


Hal Harvey is an American lobbyist and deep state actor, implementing projects for the Rockefeller family, Bill Gates, in the fields of climate, environmental and energy policy. His infiltration of state bureaucracies, noticeably in the Olaf Scholz government, has led to dramatic energy problems, especially in Germany and Europe.[1]

He has founded numerous foundations and think tanks in the USA, Asia and Europe. In Germany, he founded the think tanks Agora Energiewende and Agora Verkehrswende as well as the Climate Neutrality Foundation.[2][3]

In 2023, he was described by the German Die Zeit as "the most powerful Green politician in the world."[4]

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Listen to this clip. This guy is one of the top officials and advisor to the white house. And even he can't clearly explain the logic behind the US Dollar

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>He is a kike. Of course he knows
Jews are too dumb to know anything. They just shit up the space around them and overinflate their importance. If one gets in power, he just shits up the entire power structure trickling down under him
Full boomer and kike death now. Fuck these anti human pieces of garbage.
>2 more week and Russia replaces the us?
Working pretty well in the ukraine
here’s your super kike bro

My girls having my baby lads. Recommend me some good resources on being a good father. Cheers
The Qur'an
>no injections
>at all
>not even fucking vit K
>no vax
>be present in life and do a lot of stuff together
>make sure to not lose temper over petty shit
>mutual trust is priority
>redpill on jewish deceptions used in society
>learn to easily spot a liar
>NO INTERNET/PHONE/TABLET until at least age 13
Truth is there is no book to get you ready to be a dad. I'm a father of 2 kids and no amount of prep work had me ready for being a dad. Be a just father, benevolent, understanding, and strong for your kids.
If you wish teach them religion, history and math. It will be frustrating. It will be a lot of heartache and headache, but you will see your child grow and even emulate you in some way.
Give your kids the confidence to take on the world anon.

>Right wingers seethe about Israel for years and it amounts to nothing but posting on social media
>Left wingers seethe about Israel and suddenly the entire Western world is erupting in endless protests, chaos, national guard troops being called in, Israel becoming a pariah state due to all the international outrage

Has this whole thing exposed the right as fundamentally status quo shills? Conservatives, by definition, want things to stay the same and do not rock the boat.
These 's0í faces' in the pic unironically have more balls than MAGApedes, you can't deny it.
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Objectivelly correct takes. Any legitimate right wing movement is just a kindergarden designate to corral losers and avoid any meaningful change. There is no 2 party system and has not been since the XIXth century.
The right is weak. All the do is whine while strong men fuck them in their pretty little bussies.
>the left has institutional backing
>against the jews
>that the government is passing laws against
By whome retard? Jews are backing your dumb right wing asses. Fucking kike liar piece of shit, get in the gas chamber.
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nothing will hapen. nothing ever happens.

Australian aboriginal gang invades neibouring Town, firing shotgun, crossbows, throwing rebar spears and torching several houses overnight.

In other news, white urban liberals say indigenous incarceration rate is fault of white people
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This is unrelated to the mayhem in Alice Springs, Wadeye and Darwin. Which are about as far apart as London, Madrid and Vienna.

The whole inland of Australia is just petrol, sly grog, sand and machete wielding aboriginals
sounds like fun
Australia deploys militarised police to try and stop mobs of aboriginals killing all the doctors, nurses and teachers in their communities.

Every community bar none is welfare dependent, there's not a single business that produces anything out there. These niggers live off mining royalties and handouts, with which there is nothing to buy but drugs, alcohol and child prostitutes. Some real kony shit goes on out there
Territory response group
AKA the cook cunts

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