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It's not looking good for them, is it? Where are they supposed to go once Israel inevitably falls? Madagascar? Haiti? Ukraine?
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We need to spread memes calling out their planned relocation to Ukraine so people DONT allow that to happen. Let them have Madagascar far away from Europeans and the western world.
Infront of Jesus' dread seat of judgment
I would prefer they just butt be anywhere but if they must then maybe that artificial structure in the middle of the ocean they were talking about or Liberia.
They will be crashing in your basement.

Only for a couple of decades, till things start looking up again.

Yes. It’s called outer Siberia.

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Kerbal Space Program is a game about frog people launching rickety rockets which grows surprisingly deep and advanced with interplanetary space missions and so forth.
A sequel was announced with some incredible features, look at this kino trailer:

Interstellar travel with near-future space drives, colonies, other weird planets from other solar systems.
Turns out this video was the only work they'd actually done for months and there was no game.
The publisher Take Two fired the company, poached some employees into a new internal studio, and then they've been fucking everything up barely making a game that works with spaghetti code ever since. It will never be finished.
Today, the entire studio was fired. The game is "early access" but probably dead. $50 early access for a half-finished turned missing most of the promised features.

America just fucking sucks now. Our highly paid professionals just can't do it anymore. They lack the skills. Big companies with big money can't figure out how to make shit work and there's no one to hire anymore.

Yeah, blah blah woke, DEI, etc. We know. This is much more Atlas Shrugged tier of they've deliberately sabotaged and excluded competent people and disincentivized competence.
I know it's just a game, but it had so much promise.
Literally, 4 years ago I told my self that no matter how shitty and lonely life got, as long as a drew a paycheck I could come home and play Starfield and KSP2.

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Sounding like the begining of a civvie11 episode
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Stop being such a doomer faggot.
Sure, there's some disaster stories but there are also massive successes as well.
Look at Manor Lords for example, it was started by one guy who worked on it for 7 years and now its BTFOing every AAA game studios out there.
Learn to find entertainment in the disasters instead of doom and gloom.
A reminder that the original superior game was developed by an entirely Mexican studio. The disaster of a sequel was made in the US of A.
Amazing. Two landwhale hamplanets hired to fuck up the simple and good enough design of an androgynous frognaut. They look well rested and clearly haven't "worked" other than self-inserting.
Middle man, the only person of the three who's actually put in time and effort into coding with sleep circles around his eyes, his passion removed and face of pure defeat in between these two planet concepts for the game.
No wonder the studio and game were canceled. If it's 1 of 3 people actually working on the game while the rest are only there to add dei/esg points to the game, you'll accomplish... well only a trailer and a shell of a game before everyone's canned. Can't say I'm surprised.

Btw you don't need more than original ksp. It's good enough on it's own two legs plus mods. They only wanted this to overshadow the original with the leftism injection.
ah yes, the Lardgrange point

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>Australia to miss target of 1.2 million new homes by 2029, according to State of the Housing System report

>Lots of men are feeling uncomfortable about Australia's gendered violence conversation. They should be

>Australia sidesteps reports it expelled Indian spies
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Their food is so full of spice you are unable to taste of any ingredients are overwhelmed to hide the fact that cow shit niggers use rotten ingredients you and your home will also smell like the back of a taxi (wet sheep) for eight days after the meal. Absolutely wretched shot tier food you dumb curry nigger
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Going to baja was a fucking retard mistake. Everyone and their fucking dog knows you don't go there if you're white. One of them apparently lived in San Diego, so its not like he wouldn't have fucking known. Fucking retards, honestly aussie tourists are essentially on par with the yanks for retardation and ignorance
>use rotten ingredients
they use whatever is on shelves at coles and woolies
Indians have a special ability to live in harmony at 1 Jeet per square metre.
Is it true that it's actually increased lately? I assumed that was either not true or true because of increased brownskinned

What's are the political implications of Indian man discovering ET.


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Plus he is a British man not Indian. So yes a British man claims to have found ET.
I love the thought of pigskin men squealing in agony as the Indic race takes over every medium on this Earth. You are losers who live terminally online while Indic men are living it up in the real world being successful.

Takes over what. They are being hired by jews to replace whites. Nigger

could be
sounds real definitive
the science grift does this all the time to get funding
they were claiming they detected possible life on venous a while back

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Just so you know there are good jews fighting the cause out there.
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Israel vs. Palestine is 100000000000000% not my fucking problem bitch.

They're going to tax me up the ass to finance their little faggot bomb runs anyway, but I do not want to pick a side because it's a game that I have no stake in.
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>dont pogrom us goys plz look at our theater we have feelings we are totally human and junk see not all jews see!!!
Free Palestine

you will never be a woman
Dear Goyim,
I'm glad that you finally understand that.
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Hitler and Palestinians were allied.

Anything anti-Israel is pro-White.

I hope they start killing jews soon.

The Jews Killed Jesu - ACK
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imagine pilpuling this hard

romans killed him because they didnt give a shit and just wanted to prevent another violent uprisng which they would have to put down
Catalonia is always just Israel.
Acts 2:36 — “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
Ok that was pretty funny. I thought you stopped being a lefty, now you're a lefty again.
Where do sandniggers believe the Jews killed Jesus?

If it was in Israel, it means Jews were there 2,000 years ago.

If Jews were not in Israel 2,000 years ago than it was the "indigenous" Palestinians who killed Jesus

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The Washington Post published this article.
Could it be that the reason the media has become totally unhinged and unsophisticated in its propaganda be because all of their journalists are the same retarded children who believe things like this (AKA women)?
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you were worried that all the holocaust survivors would all be gone.
its ok.
we solved it.
Can snakes talk, fellow genius men? Did a magic man multiply bread and fish with his magical hands? Is he coming back to save us in two weeks?
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witches. they welcome in the demons that the jews worship.
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It's nice to see zoomers are old enough to start making retarded posts now

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>The white power structures that existed in 1955 may have been suffocating to some, but now we are drowning in the horrors they were protecting us from.
It's also important to note that they ultimately failed in that protection because their dialectic and Will was weak. NatSocs correctly saw the path we were headed as a result of Liberalism. Their politics were a revolution against the dangers of later stages of Liberalism.
Very few really analyze how completely out of the box National Socialism was. It sought (and still seeks) to undo thousands of years of mistakes and set a concrete new foundation for the future.
We don't want a repeat of India, Egypt, or Rome, or America. We dream of Rome, but it too ultimately failed. All of that failure is a result of not accepting the absolute undeniable fact of biological determinism. Race and genes are the dialectic of the future.
White Liberal (and by Liberal I mean it in its truest sense, including all centrists progs and cons) ideals of Star Trek are not possible until this is accepted, and even its creator, Roddenberry was still in deep coping denial over it.
Biology MUST be treated with the same seriousness as Physics. When the liberal stands atop a tall building, they respect physics, but they'll argue bitterly that we are all born in some empty vacuum and all equally independent and capable.
The Liberal is also completely incapable of critiquing Liberalism. Any fault in this system is a result of some outsider force, some secret revolutionary politic. Even communists dare not critique Liberalism and state it is some secret fascist or feudal system.

It's cowardice.
if you read the links i posted >>466917393
you'll see that the "suicide note" was buried in his papers. the only "note" he had left was the piece of paper in his typewriter that had the single word "counselor" on it (ie he was writing when he got shot) and he was on the phone with his wife. he had also just told his journalist friend that he was working on stories about 9/11 being an inside job and white house pedosex blackmail, see >>466918093
I find the source to be dubious at best, but evne if legit, it's really not all that different from any prog at the time. It was highly common to claim the WTC was destroyed by thermite. That narrative was another rabbit hole designed to stop people talking about things that mattered, like Dancing Israeli's. I'm going to safely assume that planes did bring it down, because why does it really matter if it was planes or not? The outcome is the same.
What matters is why and who. The answer is Israel, and I highly doubt Thompson ever stated that.
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>I miss my breasts!
Hunter's note was cited in the Washington Post as writing "Football Season Is Over"
"No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun -- for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax -- This won't hurt."

But it was written 4 days before his death, "according to family and police."
The Washington Post omits this, wrongfully implying it was a note on the spot
at the scene of the suicide/murder.

If the family knew 4 days before, that Hunter was suicidal,
would they not talk try to talk him out of it, or call a counselor?
Nothing like this is reported as having happened. Suspicious indeed.

It begs the questions:
Why wouldn't Hunter bring out the suicide note and put it on his desk?
Why wouldn't he say these chosen words to his wife Anita on the phone?
Why did Anita not hear a gun shot? (and no silencer found on the scene)

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Jesus died living a full life as a rice farner in Japan.
Israel more like AIsreal 'cause it's not even real lmao
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Official government data has emerged that shows that a staggering number of pregnant women suffered miscarriages and other reproductive ailments after they received a Covid mRNA shot.

Two sets of data have revealed that both the Canadian and U.S. governments were aware of the harm caused to pregnant women but kept the information hidden from the public while pushing the “safe and effective” narrative.

A Canadian government database was exposed in a new report showing an explosion of horrific side effects among expectant mothers who received the mRNA injections.

In Canada, governments and businesses widely mandated the Covid mRNA shots during the pandemic.

“It is past time for the Canadian medical and government establishment, along with mainstream medical professionals and legacy media, to stop gaslighting suffering patients,” explains a report from Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly of the Daily Clout.

“It is time for them to explore the dramatic evidence of the relationship between Covid vaccination rollout and the reproductive damage that tens of if not thousands of patients suffered.”


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I was under the impression that babies loved the vaxx
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The people who profited off this may enjoy their comfort creatures and money. But their soul knows they did wrong and it will eat them up. Love/Hate is energy too.
all vaxxies should die
>99.99% survival rate
Assuming you are young-ish and healthy the survival rate is statistically impossible to determine because it is essentially 100%. Not 99.99% but more like 99.99999, better than the flu.
I know two people who have ongoing health issues from the vaccine more than 2 years later. Nothing too major, but still. My sister got it while pregnant, the only one I know, and her baby came out fucked up. Tiny and sickly, they thought she might die. I'm not allowed to say what might have caused it obviously. It might be coincidence in her case, but then again it also might not.

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Oh come on the kid is 15. Its illegal, sure, but psychological trauma is a huge stretch.
Maybe so many of these teachers are having sex with their underage students because thats what the kids need in this screwed up world.
Women don't and can't have any authority over horny boys, faggot.
stop shilling your faggot youtube channel, buy a fucking ad
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>15 years old TRAUMATIZED

>Alexander the Great led his first war at 18. An 18 year old leading men into battle.

>15 y.o. cant handle some ass.

We need to kill leftists. All of them. Even if they are your family members. Anyone who enables this insanity must DIE! Or society is over.

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Buy an ad
You will never be white

This is political because i have been effectively sterilized by jews
I have been off antidepressants for 3 years but still have lower libido than i used to have. Also i feel less energy than i ever did before. The reason i went on jewpills is because i had nausea and anxiety. The doctor bitch lied to me telling me this shit will make me feel better but after a week or 2 of taking it (zoloft) i noticed the symptoms became much much worse than before. And i had gained new ones which i talked about above. But after i stopped taking the jewpills none of the new and old (now even more extreme) symptoms went away. I have not had the vaccine thankfully but i feel this is very simmiliar to taking the vaccine. You are taking brain altering drugs. And they don"t tell you that even just one pill alters your brain. When you go to google to look it up all it mentions are temporary symptoms not these ones that i am afraid will be permanent.
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I used to take them for anxiety too but everything you have said is still a coping mechanism you have to steel yourself and mentally push through anxiety basically building mental callouses. On a side I've been off of SSRIs for a year now and my sex drive went through the roof after
>memeflag? JEW!
>Geoflag? VPN JEW!
it's not about the flag, it's about if you don't agree with them.
Then stop being a fatfuck faggot and start eating well and working out. I have more libido now than I had when I was a teen, because I'm fit with less than 15% body fat and fairly jacked. At the same time pick up a hobby. Start drawing/painting, practice an instrument daily, have some goals in life, and most of all, don't fap too much. Maybe once a week. That will start filling your balls up again and unfuck your dopamine pathways.
>a coping mechanism
i dont think many people would call exercise a 'coping mechanism'. it's a treatment.

its your life you can do whatever you want but i know this works and have treated my anxiety with it for years.

ill keep lifting weights and listening to metal, you can keep taking pills.

This is a friendly reminder that Diagolon is a federal operation to discredit any opposition to Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party's far left accelerationist agenda as a radical white supremacist far right terrorists. Diagolon members are all federal informants and undercover field operatives that plant provocateurs to poison the well and make everyone attending the protests look bad by association. You have been warned. Friends don't let friends get caught up in nudge operations.

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Based MAGA conservative Abbott doing what's right.

Following recent demonstrations at the University of Texas, Governor Abbott declares May as 'Jewish American Heritage Month.'
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anyone who says they are x-american and didn't pass emigrate and pass a citizenship test is a faggot
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They will literally breed with goyim (animals) and create generations of mongrels then pretend they are some separate distinct and mystical race lmao
Kek. Same black eyes
It's the facts. People who are smart don't go to war for no gain or a foreign country's border problems. Does anybody come to America to help Texas? No. Do we go down south to gun down the problems? No. Why are we crossing the seven seas world wide to do it for a bunch of people whose entire success at being a state hinges on belief in a work of fiction as true reality?

Weak people can be triggered into violence over mere words by crossing mere imaginary lines but strong people just keep it in words because they're not overcompensating for whatever is wrong with them.
stupidity, theyre called golems for a reason. the jews make zero logistical errors in their criticism of golems, their only fault is in their moral approach about how to deal with them.

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Look. Basically the jews killed Jesus. I know..UGH I know..IM SORRY! It's just that the jews killed Jesus is all.
That was 2000 years ago. Get over it.

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And you won't do shit about it ;)
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Real question is, should chemically or surgically sterilizing yourself be considered a human right? I mean, yeah, the quick answer is that you have the right to decide what you do with your body, but the desire to do these things, I would consider an indicator of mental instability. And the right thing to do then is treat the mental instability, not allow someone to castrate themselves. If only in my opinion.
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i love trannies, trannies are my favorite people, trannies live rent-free in my head 24/7
I am beyond being tired, I've reached "transgender" exaustion. It's gender dysphoria, they think they are a gender they were not born as. CT scans of people with gender dysphoria shows it their brain shape doesn't correlate with typical male or female brainshapes, it's just incorrectly structured and wired. Why are they getting surgery and hormone treatment instead of therapy, and support? It's not the thought process of a person that's sane, why do people try to treat it as such? We don't make accomodations for people with multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia, or any other disorder which negatively affects the mental health of the person suffering. Why do people try to treat gender dysphoria as normal? It's not some incidental preference like homosexuality, it's something that inherently causes negative self-image and harms the person having it. WHY CANT WE FUCKING TREAT IT LIKE OTHER MENTAL ILLNESSES. THESE PEOPLE NEED HELP AND THEYR GETTING PUSHED FURTHER DOWN
Transsexualism is pedophilia and will be eradicated from planet Earth

This image speaks volumes
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No it doesn't. Not even in the slightest.
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The Pacific Northwest acts nice but is mean. It's the passive aggression capital of the United States.
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Like wtf, he came as a visa student for some shitty college, i think humber. Now he got a whole business and lambo

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>jeet is a Tate ball licker
why am I not surprised. you faggots are so materialistic.
Theres nothing faggier than buying a RACING car for personal use. Completely retarded & gay
they think it makes them look sooo cool lol. jeets are wannabe niggers, they look so lame driving around in their gaudy sports cars and wearing nigger bling. too bad their expensive colognes can't mask the scent of poo and curry.
He'll be shot dead by another poo within a year. It's how it goes.
there's for sure some fuckin funny business goin on here..don't see any leafs being able to just start up or buy companies and instantly buying huge houses and cars n shit

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He got his start talking shit at the bar. Never forget that
He looks like Bald and Bankrupt with hair.
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if you do not sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

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