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Every county in the world belongs to America
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Fuck eurasianist """"super powers""""
America the continent
Lmao. Every country belongs to Israel, including America.
We're a nation that overvalues a populace that comes close to being borderline retarded. lol

>the United States of America
>strongest nation on Earth for 79 years and counting
>highest GDP on Earth
>worth 51% of the global economy
>largest army in the world
>has military bases on 1/3rd of Earth
>only country with a functioning railgun
>30 years technologically superior to any other opposing nation's military on Earth
>developing a new generation of spaceships
>only country to have been to the Moon
>only country with a private sector actively working in space
>global center of the arts, humanities, education, finance, commerce, business, warfare, technology, industry, culture, politics and communication
>leader of the free world

I fucking love the United States of America, the American people, the American dream, the American way of life, the American rags to riches story. Thanks, America.
2000 called, they want their propaganda back.
I used to be an american. One of her favored sons too

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Daily reminder that 99% of the world population will never know for sure what lies beyond our atmosphere and below our oceans/earth. Only the top 1% aka the (((elites))) are aware of it and gatekeep this important knowledge to themselves.

>inb4 go back to /x/
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Hopefully you're being flown over what you're told you see
Is that just flat earth stuff?
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Better to say, The Powers that Be (TPTB) over the elites. Because they're not elite people, they're nepotistic trust fund kids and calling them elite implies they're in top performance and form, but they're deranged sociopaths that lack even the most vestigial form of empathy or love. Would you call such a creature elite? Would you call people who derive their power from hurting others elite people?

The powers that be says, they're in control but without qualifying them. They're who is pulling the string. That's it.
Better to say the Jews because they're all racial jews or their golems.
OP can't inb4. Go back to /x/ dumbass.

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>soon Ukraine will no longer exist
war is always stupid, how many lives have they lost for nothing?
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Yeah one of the sides have the explicit goal of eliminating Ukrainian nationhood, the other have some weird conspiracy theory of immigrants somehow doing that.
>US citizen
Yes but I'm not proud of it
Retard, they can compromise with putin and vow to never join nato in addition to giving back Russian majority provinces to Russia.
They're literally risking getting nuked by letting the big powers play proxy war in ukraine.
>Please, only genocide half my people!

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Meet the Axis.

Russia - Historically America's Arch enemy, has always been that way. Has used subversion for over a century, inciting various red scares at the start of the 20th century for US politicians and recently. Was in a huge arms race with us. Russia is a relic from a former, monarchical age, when the rulers ruled the subjugated with an iron scepter, keeping the ruled down with force, coercion, and illicit means.

Iran - Probably helped finance various terror attacks throughout the world, including Hamas' assault on Israel. A huge supporter of Shia islam, they are the world's second largest killer of its own civilians via capital punishment. A huge proponent of human and sex trafficking. They also support terrorist organizations who spread Captagon (Meth) regionally.

China - The only place where Communism '''''''won''''''', the enemy of our beautiful free democracy/capitalism. They are soulless, atheists, and they execute the largest number of their own civilians more than any other country worldwide. They likely helped spread CoVID-19, and currently are bioengineering various biological hazards for who knows what reason. They also help spread fentanyl throughout the United States

North Korea - The former losers of the Korean war, they have always been beligerent towards South Korea and America and have continually been a war monger in the region. They hate freedom and having the people have any choices whatsoever when it comes to their own lives. Another autocratic regime, also a relic of a former era.

It's time for you to join the winners
Repeat after me there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his last messenger
There is not God but Allah and the Koran is the word of God.


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so when will you mutts stop cockblocking us from removing the cancer? we want to finally rest
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Talk to the reform Jews in NYC. Hard to believe there are two starkly different Jewish factions… surely it’s a psy op. Why don’t you just annex gaza and the West Bank though? Then there’s no such thing as Palestinians. Problem solved!
>t. Mischling
You can finish them off, just do it. No one is stopping you. Glass the fuck out of it with a neutron bomb and exercise your power. Don’t glass Bethlehem though. Just annex the Christian parts of Palestine and they won’t mind living in Israel where at least they can use the airport.
You'll find another enemy to kvetch about and beg for more money.
Trump needs to understand the Jews hate him because he’s a nationalist. No amount of aid or ball tonguing will correct that. They cannot allow a proud national populace at ALL costs.
>"you have to clean out the cancer"

Oh no Zionist bros are these college institutions cult camps? How could this happen?
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The criticism of colleges was there over the years, but you're right that the crackdown wasn't this severe until it came to Israel's US facilitated holocaust.
Remember the only possible way you could oppose jewish domination over you is if you were in a cult.
EVERYONE in mass media is 100% aware that jews control everything. Everyone.
Those who are successful and made a lasting career in media (including so-called "alt-media" which has not been an accurate label for the better part of a decade now) has simply made a calculation to stay silent about the jews in exchange for money. That is the calculation Joe and many others like him have made.
Joe doesn't give a fuck about you and he doesn't care about being a "truth teller."
He cares about staying in the proscribed limits of what is kosher and continuing to make money. That's what his priorities are.
Its a theory people are saying joe and his family kind of hate each other they just have an agreement he pays the bills and they stay out of his hair while he does he spends hours writing comedy practicing archery cheating on his wife and mma and cryotherapy and hunting trips with steve rinella and running through the mountains with his dogs and all the nonsense he get up to
> And the controlled opposition controls.
it shouldn't come as a surprise
The vast majority of families in the West are totally dysfunctional. And that's a direct result on the decades long all-out assault on traditional gender roles and family formation.
It's basically impossible to have a healthy family while your wife is a "liberated feminist" cunt, your son is a prison gay 27 year old virgin, and your daughter is burning coal to get revenge on you for NOT molesting her when she was 5.

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What are the political implications of the Killer Bean?

What kind of political movement is like what happens in the Killer Bean? Have people done anything remotely as cool?

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no the background people are Europeans, not americans
Aaaaaand a black Hitler was born
That's what happened when brics browns flood the consensus on /pol/ with retarded shit like white nationalists love Muslim browns but hate anglos and Christians.
Hitler was not a Muslim shitskin

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>Amerimutt government
>Amerimutt media
>Amerimutt police
>Amerimutt military
>Amerimutt intelligence
>Amerimutt academia

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Fuck the commie mudslime terrorist protestors

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Are Palestinian Christians just jews who converted to Christianity?
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Odd are Christian having to speak and read hebrew like muslims must do with thier holy book? Must they dress a certain way eat a certain way from an 1st century culture. No your idea if false.

>can not type Jesus
Why do you reject him? He love you and wants you to know him and him saving grace
Mamzers don't go to heaven and obviously you're not a Christian because you haven't read about the divine judgement upon Edom and their anticipated extermination in the book of Obadiah in the Bible.
How do you end your prayers? with a jewish word?
take your meds
They never converted to anything
Because unlike modern "jews" they always believed in the God of the Bible

You are not "just a chud". You are a beautiful son of Christ.
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What is this face called? looking extremely feminine and emotional for a video like a faggot type face
now thats gay
How so?

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Unbelievable. What's the definition of chutzpah again?
Schizophrene, die Medizin! Next you will be saying that Hitler and Himmler are two different people
The Jewish lie by omission, here, is most likely how much the skeletons date back to.
5,999,995 to go
The top flower is Myosotis macrantha! The bottom flower is Myosotis pulvinaris!

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>never smoked weed
>try it
>kept forgetting things
>made me feel like a literal retard for several hours
>was slurring words, entire body was wobbling, and wasn't able to do anything for hours
>coulnd even go tot he bathroom because I was having all these irrational fears about things

maybe this is the reason why US lost against rice farmers and cave men, same with the Ukraine war, how the fuck could anyone fight while under the effects of marijuana?
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what is brown-brown
>There is no way soldiers smoked weed
>Peter Lemon: Like no way bruh.
Weed is a lot stronger today than in the 70s. T-thanks Soros...
OP did you ever consider the fact that you're a massive pussy, and that men that fight in wars are not massive pussies?
>how the fuck could anyone fight while under the effects of marijuana?

People do it all the time.

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USA will be the 111th
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Fuck jews

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There's a reason why they're called 'abominations'. Had this exact realisation and put me off weird looking seafood for life.
Jokes on you I hate both, Hapa.
That just means he's sad all the time. That's worse...
>nor that tiny fucking bird you eat covered with a drape over your head
Why not?
God himself forbade crustaceans at one point.

Makes ya thunk.

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>third worlder Africans and Indians appearing in my non-central non-tourist neighborhood
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Time to get BLACKED
You had a good run, social and economic disintegration is your future now

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I just flip off everyone. Most people get mad but those who don't are my unspoken friends.
Masonic handshakes are just white goyim gang signs.
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How long have you been part of a gang sex offender? Report to the showers for penis inspection.
I can't wait until this shit is dead and gone.
Press your hand on their lower stomach where the uterus is and gently press down. Women that like it REALLY like it, but a few also hate it.

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But the gold isn't stacked on china.
>that webm related
>They genuinely just sell it to Chinks and such
no. China owns Africa, full stop.
There is no sale between china and niggers for metals or gems.
China owns most of Africa via from loans given to niggers, for 'prosperity'.
niggers use the loans for what the fuck ever they want.
when the bill comes back, china just takes metals and gems.
it's legalized slavery, tactics learned from jews.
New Zealand flag...

Lol seriously you are stupid, powerful is in my pants

Dumb fagot
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I would love to see a version of history where the roles were reversed and it was actually Africa and Africans that were doing the colonizing.
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>t. pic related

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