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When will the Indian streetshitter meme die?
It's factually inaccurate.
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>india has toilets in 99.5% of homes
but saar how many poo in these loos?
Reality doesn’t matter if it’s funny we will meme it
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>It's factually inaccurate.
No it isn't. Over 144 million people are still practicing open defecation in India today.

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jews are trying so hard to Pivot
''It's the Zionists, not all jews''
Let's destroy that narrative /pol/

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Who are these so called “Outside Agitators “ all the news outlets are blaming now?
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I already said that was not my intention when filming.
I specifically stated that those vids are for mine and my close family and friends exclusively.
I'm not trying to impress anyone.
If you want vids, then get you ass out there and take them.
There is an oppurtinity right now of you live near a college campus. Get the fuck out there and see for yourself instead of listening to stories on the internet.
My story is true, but the only reason I have it is because I was fucking over with the livestreams.
And a good thing too.
None of those worthless fuckers have ever shown what I experienced. I don't know if this is a result of the streamers being dipshits who never noticed, or more likely they are only showing certain things, only pointing the camera where they are ALLOWED, and making sure to lean to one bias or the other.
I think that they are all scared shitless of pissing off the wrong people and getting their asses stomped as a result.
So either they're intimidated, they're paid off, they are one in the same with the pros, or they are fucking idiots who never put 2 and 2 together.
I lean towards them being co-opted. I don't know how someone manages to get close to the white kids on bikes without having their camera smashed unless they have been given a pass.
the difference is that zionists are far more capable of infringing on free speech than college lefties and not focusing down the main threat is stupid.
What's up boys?
Should I appraoch your boys and ask if they want to hang this time around?

That's assuming that this issue is scheduled to hit the street. I think it is designed to burn out soon. But that maybe there will have to be something that tales its place in order to get the normies to move one and forget.

Either way I your boys that run the street side if things will be there. If I have the time, ill stop in and say hello.
I don't care, nigger
I didn't even read the rest of your blog
either you will deliver, or you will not
simple as
>Why are most of the "agitators" women?

There will be no collapse, the economy will go on until every last resource is extracted. If you have emergency supplies, throw them away. If you know anyone stockpiling anything, report them, even if it's just a couple extra bags of coffee bean. In these times of war, every bean counts and every bean must do it's part. Ask not what your bean can do for you, but what you can do for your bean.
Cope, incoming collapse in 10 more business days
Collapse already happened in many ways. For example people under 40 are the poorest they've ever been since wwii
There will be no collapse. Instead, there will be a prolapse.
>Ask not what your bean can do for you, but what you can do for your bean.
I already made 800k off of bit bean.
We live in the stupidest timeline.
I'm so tired. I wish they would just hurry up and nuke us all at this point so the suffering can end.

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B... best economy ever!
>re-hire everyone you fired in 2020
lmao no shit
thank god all those new (part time) jobs go to shitskins

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It's not true, they have hell
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crying out as they strike you
t. Parasite after killing its host
Argentina will be their Israel 2.0
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Don't worry about. Knives are already sharpened and Krampus is hungry. Here's a handy guide how this gets dealt with. A pound of flesh in lieu of cash. At 500 billion owing, I honestly don't think their's enough of them to cover their bill.

Up to 50 cruise missiles and 24 attacams have been stockpiled to attack the bridge simultaneously.
It it to spoil Russia's victory day parade.
Putin will cry!
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Ultimately the UN and the worlds nation decide.

If a dictator intermittently wants to pretend otherwise, it's certainly not always enforced.
They won't destroy the bridges until the front is closer to the dneipro, so that can cut off reinforcments
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>Up to 50 cruise missiles and 24 attacams have been stockpiled to attack the bridge simultaneously.
this faggot fucking /k/ike peremoga obsession of victoria nuland will literally never happen

nato and the uk are morbidly obsessed with the *symbolic* destruction of this bridge
literally obsessed like demons

given the upcoming complete, total and unconditional surrender of the ukraine post may 16th, the destruction of this bridge has been a demonic obsession to provide one last "moral victory" for the ukrainian people, something for them to say
>"it was all worth it! at least we destroyed Putins illegal bridge!"
to prop up the buck-shattered completely annihilated national morale in ukraine

nato/uk/ben wallace and victoria nuland absolutely siezed on this bridge like a pitbull,
making it the symbolic representation of Putin himself
the west has assigned such massive propaganda/morale value to the bridge, its effectively *locked* into destroying it, which , is basically not possible short of a tactical nuke or nato throwing its aircraft at it, in "human wave" tier attacks

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The UN among other entities *very* officially *very* overwhelmingly (=against or abstained from confirming the validity) say the opposite: The referendum is NOT seen as valid by this world's nations.

This article is just lying.
>I think the ukrandians are desperately trying to get propaganda victories and somehow get Crimea back

thats all it is
victoria nuland assigned mythical status to the bridge, she made it the metaphysical representation of Putin himself,
thus, destroying the bridge, means Putin has been "killed" too

in the mind of nato/ben wallace/victoria nuland, kerch bridge being destroyed will somehow cause a civil war in Russia, where it balkanizes, deports Putin to the hague, and then pivots toward a "european future" as a band of broken rump states administered by the uk

its truly absolutely shit-insane

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Go away hole
Nigger you're retarded, enough women actually believing this crap IS IMPORTANT. It shows how fucked up gender relations are between men and women, women having such a fucked up mental image of men and lacking any ability to judge danger due to it. Explains so much about why we are were we are. And though blame lays at both sides crap like this shows the majority of the fault lies with modern women.
Finally, someone speaking sense.
Foreigners rape woman or someone in their group. Feminism taught them to blame all men. The KGB propaganda worked
Wow Anon, you just defused their whole little psyop.

Why are (((they))) taking sexy scenes away from us?
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Good, I fucking hate seeing sex scenes in the movies, I have yet to see one that adds anything at all to the story being told.
who cares faggot, hollywood is jewish
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lol, maybe in your country. swedish 70s softcore films are numerous and legendary.
>Passing bodily fluids is necessary in a film

If I was a director, I would have several scenes in my movies where the characters are shitting on the toilet. Each. None of my films would be comedies.
About time. Sex scenes are just a cheap way to pad out the run time. You could just show 2 people going into a bedroom and fade to black, and the narrative would stay the same. "Then they had sex". No need to show me a 10minute makeout scene afterwards.
Also, who enjoys watching 2 people making out, which is what most 'sex scenes' end up being anyway.
If the sex scenes actually features sex is sfw grinding at best, late night german television sid it better 20 fucking years ago (looking at you ZDF)

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Why do rightwingers deny they have had presidents?
First they memoryholed Bush and claimed Obama was a 16 year pres, now theyre doing the same with Trump
What in their ideology requires them to deny their own?
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>First they memoryholed Bush
I had money under bush and trump and it was worth more per dollar.
I'm broke under obama and biden and it's worth less per dollar.
Based Heshposter
what a stupid fucking waste of time this thread is. op should kill xirself ASAP.
What a dumb community note
Nowhere in the post does it say Trump wasn't president, or that Biden was
>joe biden didn't exist until he became president
You know people can say things while not currently being president, right? Nothing she said was incorrect.

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Hearsay and frankly up for speculation. I disagree.
He is EXTREMELY useful and definetely better than Assange whom tried to sneak into Russia instead of seeking political refuge somwhere else.
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>Trump winning would pacify whites and redirect any remaining energy to boiling the frog slowly
A part of it yes, but not all, there are too many people that have noticed there is a jew lead racial war being waged against Whites in their own countries using all kinds of non-Whites as jewish cannon fodder/proxies against Whites, and current events have even some hard headed cuckservatives wondering how niggers were allowed to burn loot and murder during the Summer of terror without cops doing shit (cops even kneeled to the BLM niggers), but as soon as kikes get sad about Israel being criticized the pig politicians instantly threaten to send in the military and send cops to stomp everyone.
Trump is probably getting installed, so be ready to keep the pressure up and make good use of the time he buys us.
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>and he got cheated out of his win on the 2020 election


he really believes that...

I wasn't sure at first, years I am 100% there was no serious voting fraud that would actually make a difference

Media and various organisations were in cahoots? Not a real cheating is it.

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an indian health minister for the indian government is openly talking about the covid vaccine used in India, Covishield, and how it's manufacturer has admitted to it causing blood clots and he is also talking about sudden deaths in India. This same vaccine was injected into 100s of millions of Indians, with over 2 billion doses used. What are the political implications of a billion indians being poisoned by the covid vaccine?

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yes, any day, you can suddenly ACK!! Or get turbo cancer. The cancer rates are at their highest level ever, worldwide. But that has nothing to do with the vaccine, eh?
i hope you watch your own children dying of the vaccine, you evil little bastard
Have sex.
It's not a big deal. Everyone needs to have just one more kid and we have our numbers back.
go rape a lizard or something

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>Anger as George Galloway says gay relationships aren’t ‘normal’ and kids shouldn’t learn about them

>Fury as Tories propose that trans women be banned from female NHS wards – and Keir Starmer agrees

>Man jailed for ‘vicious homophobic attack’ on two men waiting for bus after Black Pride event

>Checkout worker accused of ‘blatantly insulting’ customers– just because they wore a Pride T-shirt

>Drag Queen Storytime founder defiant in face of threat to ‘cut him up and throw him into the river’

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>make it make sense
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are you new here? that's a pretty standard response to the "if da shoe was on da ova foot" crowd
I can't believe you're so invested in this that you went looking back through the interaction for gottchyas. just don't reply to this now lad, keep some of your dignity.
We've fallen out
Fucking prick
What do you mean, it's that openly gay?

Isn't this a perfect time for the left in the UK and USA etc to join teams with right wing "anti-semites"? You guys obviously have a common enemy and this is the perfect opportunity simply join them, swelling their numbers and you can inject red pills into the crowd on Jewish control in the media, government etc. Even if many dont see kindly to your presence, they will subconsciously see you as an ally that also opposes occupation from a sinister force. And its not like they will spot you in the crowd and shun you because you wouldnt exactly be Seig heiling with Nazi flags (Feds might use this tactic soon to discredit pro-Palestine marches). I think kikes are incredibly worried that the right and left anti-semites will join up and bridge the gap, hence why they are putting Jews and other actors into the protests screaming anti-white bullshit to convince the right in USA that these pro-Palestine protestors hate them and therefore use the Right as golems which they have been for Israel and world Jewry for decades.
I'm genuinely surprised the massive groups of white nationalist, Anti-ZOG white men arent flooding into the streets 10 times more than Charlottesville and melting into these leftistm marches in the streets because FOR ONCE you have a common cause/enemy and you can feed off the momentum + hide amongst them + Swell their numbers and have Jews kvetching hard that anuda holocaust is commencing.
I think the reason you faggots do NOTHING is because 1. you have no ability to see an opportunity or have any strategic bone in your body to take advantage of a crisis like this and 2. you're inactive cowards that will always find a way to justify your inaction, such as
>Hur hi FBI, nice try kike wanting us to peacefully protest which is our god given right in order to expose you and gain momentum, which we of course wont do. Check mate heh

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I hate groypers too but that's not really relevant.
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I would say you are right, it's not about right vs left anymore, it's about jews and their collaborators against everyone else.
Palestinians don't mind that, kek.
Palestinians generally speaking like us more than leftists. Leftists want to see Palestinians as victims, whereas we want to see them as victors.
Well, stranger things have happened. Show them this:

The Jews and Slavery:

Slavery was how most Roman Jews made their money:

Enslavement of non-Jews is at the core of Judaism:

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Palestinians are starving and getting killed at food trucks rather than allowing jews to deport them here. Literally why the fuck wouldn't I support them?

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As far as I know my family have always been here, in Portugal, however, some years ago I found out I had a Jewish ancestor (1700s) who was a rich slave owner in Penamacor (Northern part of the country), mostly traded on Mozambican slaves.
What are the political implications of this?
Because OP is a retarded Spanitard
aaaand fpbp deleted their reply asking why OP is posting Dutch christmas elves with soot on their faces and why OP is so retarded.

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>HAHAHAHA our sanctions from hell will destroy Russia in 2 weeks!
>plox China sanction Russia or they beat us in ukraine!Also your industry is over capacity and it scares us :(

What went wrong nafo sisters?
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delusional toddlers can't come to terms with the reality its not the early 2000's anymore and they can't control the whole planet by waving their aircraft carriers dick around
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>what went wrong
That little yellow star is your clue
The people running this country are stuck in a mindset and understanding of the world from the 1990's to the early 2000's.
China's position relative to America and the West has improved dramatically since then. Russia is also much stronger than it was in the 90's-00's.
Furthermore, American interference in parts of the 3rd world has generated a lot of resentment. While Russia obviously miscalculated on how the war would play out, so too did the US overplay their diplomatic and economic hand in their response to the war.
>While Russia obviously miscalculated on how the war would play out
they miscalculated ukraines willingness to mass suicide on behalf of the anglos.
it should have been ended before even starting with a written agreement in Istanbul only boris jonson showed up and told the ukies to trust the anglos.
i guess they get what they deserve for doing so in the year of our lord 2022.
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Lizard boy

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What does Russia think of Bulgaria? Are we still BFFs?

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unironically this bear attack happened a mile from me. the guy had his jaw ripped from his skull but lived. carry slug and 10MM only, females would only hinder protection

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Women consider this a better fate than being raped by a non-Chad.
Just so you know how disgusted they are by sub-8 men.
bear or man meme?
the story is more about the "move to Montana" meme. Idiots come out and get culturally enriched by ursine niggers.
I prefer my bears shaved.
all these advantages, and women still choose a bear
what does that teach you, chud?
Trying to make women hate you less than they hate a bear. Pathetic.

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Why is natsoc movement so bigoted and racist?

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Would you be happier?
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Black people are kind and nice to me, you treat people how you want to be treated.
what if nigger were gooks? then we could cooperate. but guess what they aren't
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Then they get called house negroes and slave catchers.
I can't into magical thinking, sorry OP.
read mungo parks travels into the interior. before europeans ever met africans they were getting enslaved by muslims. mungo park visits africa and basically has to carry a chest of trinkets to bribe every nigger he meets because they ALL try to rob him or demand tribute.

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