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What is the biggest regret of your life?
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I don't really have regrets. I had my reasons to act as I did. Honestly i think most "regrets" are more hindsight rose colored glasses fantasies then true regrets

with the HSRC Glasses even if I or someone else had chosen to act differently there is no reason to think things would have necessarily work out better just different.
Being a fucking lazy faggot and assuming I can just coast through life in a retail job and playing tons of vidya
Falling in love and marring Ann. It haunts me everyday.
How does a testicle injury last 10 years or affect you 10 years later?

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can someone tell me why did he do it? obviously the cunt was being a cunt but what was said there?
lel jews getting kinda cranky
what's the matter little guy?
She's a girl anon
i think that's a woman on testosterone.
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This is a crime against humanity. No one should live here.
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Yes, and? Are you retarded?
Calm down public shooting range rambo.
it is to slow down traffic
When we were kids we could play in the street because there were very few cars
These lines are real and soulful. The ones in Phoenix are like the detailings on a cheap golf course folly.
Why would you want to live in one?

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Meet the Axis.

Russia - Historically America's Arch enemy, has always been that way. Has used subversion for over a century, inciting various red scares at the start of the 20th century for US politicians and recently. Was in a huge arms race with us.

Iran - Probably helped finance various terror attacks throughout the world, including Hamas' assault on Israel. A huge supporter of Shia islam, they are the world's second largest killer of its own civilians via capital punishment. A huge proponent of human and sex trafficking. They also support terrorist organizations who spread Captagon (Meth) regionally.

China - The only place where Communism '''''''won''''''', the enemy of our beautiful free democracy/capitalism. They are soulless, atheists, and they execute the largest number of their own civilians more than any other country worldwide. They likely helped spread CoVID-19, and currently are bioengineering various biological hazards for who knows what reason. They also help spread fentanyl throughout the United States

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nah, that's the fate of satellites of the amerimutt empire, it's their demographics talking
But don't you see? You've already made it about 'satellites' of the 'amerimutt empire'

I think that what this is about, why this place is blessed by god (SWT) is because we are waking Europe up. They are sleepwalking, fully believing that what they are saying is intelligent things, when they speak ill of the American empire, without really understanding that what is going on is Russian influence in their thinking and maybe even education.

Russia wants Europe to be miserable and non-productive so that taking them over is easy. They were unsuccessful with America, so you are supposed to hate America.
>Is that why Saudi Arabia is basically choosing to just normalize relations with the US
We are allied to them retard
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>nothing happened in italy after 476 AD
yeah, you got mutted with "barbarians" germans and slapped around, up to this very present day

except for greeks (until "barabrians" came), all of their neighbours, that includes you, were sheep shagging simple minds with simple needs.
they even gave your "sucked on wolf tit" origin story - which of course, due to your sheep shagging simpleton nature your mighty "ceasars" expanded upon in those famous orgies where they bonned sheep,cows,goats, and who knows what else.
bestiality is not cool btw.

if there was no greek to organize and set you up, in order to backstab and steel other greeks loot you would never have an "empire"

do tell about your "original" culture.
thieves. that is about it.
steel stealing from each other.
>fate of satellites

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>you've already made it about pressing issues connected to being america's vassals in a thread about an hypothetical war between america and its opponents, how could this be???
CIA is not sending their brightest I see lmao
>Russia wants Europe to be miserable and non-productive
Is that why it bombed Libya leading to a massive refugee crisis through the med and forced its EU vassals to impose sanctions on Russia which further strined their economies and blew up nordstream and spread multiculturalism to its subjects via its overwhelming mediatic power?
Oh wait, that was all amuttica doing it, my bad glownigger sama

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Reddit thinks republicans are mentally retarded. Are they?

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Yeah they are but not because of what plebbitors think, republicans are retarded because they support the exact same shit as democrats with very few exeptions but pretend they are different
It takes a retard to accuse others of being a retard, especially when the others are more intelligent than you are.

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Cop turns in front of speeding ATV rider and they collide. A case of an idiot biker or a dumb low IQ pig?
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He would have easily avoided the other pedestrians as he had plenty of space. The cop was the one who tried to launch him into the others. I have driven a golf cart down a walking path I guess I should die for that huh?
I can see the logic but I think it was the wrong decision
You think the cop just randomly drove onto a pedestrian path for shits and giggles? He was directed there by dispatch because the nigger was being a nuisance and had the cops called on him.

>When you're driving and you see something up ahead in your path what do you do? Slow down. And go around. Like he'd done before.

So then why was he unable to avoid the cruiser? He wouldn’t have even seen the family due to the bend in the path, and would’ve had even less time to react than he did to the cop.

If the nigger was operating his motor vehicle where he was supposed to, then he never would’ve got injured. Imagine he was driving down the sidewalk, a cop would be well within his rights to to impede his ability to do so.
The nig got what he deserved, and hopefully the police officer gets what he deserves for fucking with a protected species. Win win.
it makes no difference if he's white or black, the driver was acting like a NIGGER

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In highschool, I once mentioned how jews have been killing palestinians for decades and they looked at me like I was Adolf Hitler. Flashforward to today and they're all suddenly pro-palestine supporters. "I told you so" has null effects, how do you cope?
Don’t care
Smoke weed everyday

Who was in the wrong here, the pig or the nig?

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I didn't see him coming until before he hit the squad car.
Sounds like a made up ex-post-facto excuse by the police.
I think the cop was stopping to help with the 'blacked out square' situation with the pedestrians.
Cops work for the state. The state lies.

But yea, the guy was going too fast.
You sound like trash
So tax payers have to fix a fucking police car over and to stop kids speeding on a toy, but there's no health care? Got it. Perfectly rational country.
Oh are you raising your family here on this anime website full of porno?
If he fucked up that close to a cop what was he gonna do to the people walking in front of him? Hope he has brain damage and never recovers. Also doesn't get a pay day from the city or state.

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Kerbal Space Program is a game about frog people launching rickety rockets which grows surprisingly deep and advanced with interplanetary space missions and so forth.
A sequel was announced with some incredible features, look at this kino trailer:

Interstellar travel with near-future space drives, colonies, other weird planets from other solar systems.
Turns out this video was the only work they'd actually done for months and there was no game.
The publisher Take Two fired the company, poached some employees into a new internal studio, and then they've been fucking everything up barely making a game that works with spaghetti code ever since. It will never be finished.
Today, the entire studio was fired. The game is "early access" but probably dead. $50 early access for a half-finished turned missing most of the promised features.

America just fucking sucks now. Our highly paid professionals just can't do it anymore. They lack the skills. Big companies with big money can't figure out how to make shit work and there's no one to hire anymore.

Yeah, blah blah woke, DEI, etc. We know. This is much more Atlas Shrugged tier of they've deliberately sabotaged and excluded competent people and disincentivized competence.
I know it's just a game, but it had so much promise.
Literally, 4 years ago I told my self that no matter how shitty and lonely life got, as long as a drew a paycheck I could come home and play Starfield and KSP2.

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ah yes, the Lardgrange point
I love KSP, I have never cared about KSP2.
I hate what they did to Maxis. Simcity 5 was such a disappointment.
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>publisher Take Two

gta 6 is guaranteed to be shit.

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what the fuck is wrong with these jews? they're not even trying to hide the fact they own congress
how does a civilized society let groups like AIPAC exist?

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Bumping for TKD
aipac is an american lobby about a foreign issue, moron
>Republicans with a spine don't want to send money to a lost war in Ukraine
>Jews cry out and strike them
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>civilized society
we're not a civilized society.

My parents divorced and I feel ultimately neutered as a man. I feel like I'm behind my peers in some ways. Never mind the fact that I had to deal with a neurotic female with no man to set her straight. Women a fucking cruel and they need to be controlled, divorce taught me that. It also taught me that no step dad will really give a shit about you, escpecially if they have kids.
A mans future is his father. A boy stripled from his father is completely alone.
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>My dad was a psychopath that bullied a retarded classmate of mine into suicide
Its really funny how our humor has changed.
I read this and the first word that pops in my mind is 'based' lmao
Thanks for crying online you tranny faggot

Apathy is the last state and a killer to all.
In today's society having a dad isn't beneficial if he's a normie. He'll just brain wash you into being a weak beta male the whole time you grow up. And then you'll have to be lucky to escape your own mind.

You need to read Carl Jung, and look for a Jungian or Family Systems therapist.

Green Fairy here, will try my best.
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Timestamp with bussy you sissy slut.
Ask the cards if you will show tits?
Rolling for the Moon (upright)
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Will I get the job soon?
Shut the fuck up and post tits you stupid hole
>be nice
Fuck you whore. Women cant just waltz in places and demand men change especially not on /pol/
Empty egg carton

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Harvard has 50 billion in endowments. Yale has 40 billion. Colombia the epicenter of the protests has 40 billion.

Due to their Jewish leadership huge amounts of this is invested in Israel and in the occupied territories.

If you hate the ZOG it's a religious, political and ethical obligation not to fall for the goy trick conservitard false narrative.

They want to get you to hate the protests to protect Jews.

Jews fear boycott. Jews fear divestment and they fear public pressure against their ethnostate.

Israel is the command post of the Zionist world order. Destruction of Israel is necessary to breaking their hegemony over gentiles.

Do not fall for the trap of letting Jews trick you into fighting their enemies.
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Jew cope.
i so much more to hate them for than that
holy autocorrect fail
I have so much more
Nah. You idiot shitskin communists and the kikes can duke it out while I laugh at the both of you.
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Why does he hate jews more than /pol/?

What's are the political implications of Indian man discovering ET.


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Indians still haven't resolved the Depok Curry Shits problem
until then white man will continue to rule
it's a planet
meant for
Oh....you don't know how to spell Venus? I see..
Maybe Indians should discover toilets first instead of going in over their heads

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Everything needed to stop the modern liberal globohomo satanic pedophiles is within the Bible.
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If you only knew the pottery of that allegation.
Removing a cancerous tumor from your body is nessecary for future healing and health.
>its all part of the plan
tar black floppy lipped baboon
Why? Anyone who tries to save his own life will lose it. Don’t you read the Bible.
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Have you actually been to church? Almost all of them are dripping with inclusivity in the hopes they'll cynically get money from the insecure and from foreigners. And modern London and NYC aren't even bad.

Why were videogames so SOVLFUL back in the 90's. Pic related is the closest we're ever gonna get to that feeling again.
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All the good games have already been made. Every genre has been perfected. Every cool idea has been tried. You will never make another classic, at best maybe you can have an interesting gimmick but nothing truly revolutionary.
The canon has been written. The pen has been lifted and the ink has dried.

Tech was always the main driving force of creativity in videogames but even tech is stagnating. Gamers are so stupid they don't know about Moore's Law.

We are hitting real physical and metaphysical limitation that we might never overcome. 90s-200s were a unique point in human histroy and you shouldn't have expected it to go on forever.
Lol, No.
The esrb was created for a reason.
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>only faggots would consider playing a game that you cannot play as a male
Play as a male and beat women or play as a women and save them.
High-T men instinctively choose the female character to protect her.
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>Tech was always the main driving force of creativity in videogames but even tech is stagnating. Gamers are so stupid they don't know about Moore's Law.

This the tech in videogames was a small showcase of what was only then becoming possible. Once it had uses outside of entertainment it became obsolete to sell silicon to the pleb excess male population.
PC Version would fix this

If we could see her today what would Cleopatra ACTUALLY look like? Common interpretations portray her as this sexy caramel skinned seductress, but history portrays that she was probably some 6/10 butterface white lady larping as an Egyptian.
She (the left) looks like my wife but my wife is white skinned Italian
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like a normal Balkan girl with a pretty face and big nose
6/10 butterface white lady larping as an Egyptian is the correct answer
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*Invades the US*
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Ever see that Aussie and found a huntsman with its legs gone that he fed flies to until it grew its legs back? Never did find out if that was legit or not.
9/10 I chortled
btw ty for the fruits,

ill leave with one more bug insight

if you get invaded with stink bugs and you can not use the light trick

make your window accessible , open blinds and pane. and the critters will gather there. [esp if lights are off]. and when you get home, announce your self and remove the screen... the bugs will fly out when you get home and the bugs or their kids will stop entering

>Verification not required.
5 hours away is like a month in bug prison
>Dragonflies can stay.
Dragonflies are bro teir. They eat mosquitos.

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Let's discuss the effects of liberalism in Ireland.
Ireland went from being a homogeneous society to a complete shit show in under one generation of liberalism.

It's time to return our roots. Make the Irish language mandatory, rebuild the authoritarian family, rejoin the church, and state.
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some of us bent the knee to william the orange faggot. wonder why there's ORANGE in your flag? niggerfaggot catholic pope cock sucking nigger. I will move to Ulster and go full Loyalist on your ass if you try to make priest fucking the state religion of EIRE
We are all living witnesses of the great inroads which were made in the ranks of the undergraduates in our own colleges during one year and a half of warfare
in the late World War. We may well ponder on what the conditions would have been if the war had continued for ten or twenty years, to say nothing of several centuries of warfare. We all felt keenly the shortages in supplies and the scarcity of many articles of use, in which manufacture ceased
owing to the fact that the nation's energy and man power was being
directed to the manufacture and production of the things that were used solely for the prosecution of the war. If this continued for a great length of time, we can easily see where many of the arts and sciences, in fact culture in general, would have been neglected and as a natural result forgotten.

When we think what a comparatively small nation Ireland was in those
days beside mighty Rome, we may well think it a miracle that learning did not perish from the island altogether. It is to this island we must look for the original source from which our learning and science came. Here is where it was first conceived, nurtured, and cultivated, and from here it spread throughout the entire world. Her sacred literature has been pilfered by Rome and her learning and mythology handed over and accredited to Greece by these same English Romanist tricksters. In the mythology which they have stolen and handed over to Greece, they have covered up and secretly preserved, for their own knowledge, the very source from which it came, for, as the Greeks' said, they "knew not where their traditions came
from, for they were strange to them." Of course, they were strange and are
so yet, except to the knowing ones.
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>see picrel to better understand the rat jews attempts at gaslighting the Irish and attempting to rewrite our history
peak jewish schizophrenia
why dont you reinstate the king instead of asking for the pope for permission on how to fuck little boys

im an irish ethnonationalist and my blood runs ORANGE faggot so you're gonna have to figure out how to accept me as a brother without crying because I don't gobble some continental papist cock like you queers love to do
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Every new post you jews spam = +1 of your people sent to hell

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