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>1/80,000 flash sync
Imagine buying anything else but Sony right now.
37 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
1/8000 shutter speed
1/14 shutter speed
on nikon z7
each row collects light for 1/8000th of a second
but it takes 1/14th second to sample top row to bottom row
so the overall process, of rolling shutter, makes it a 1/14th shutter speed

you need mechanical shutter to compensate
or CCD
or a nu-global shutter CMOS

cameras have been cucked unnecessarily for so long
rolling shutter is ridiculous
>The phone can get something in focus without a 1 second delay
lol no
>You need mechanical shutter
Well then, problem fucking solved.

Now what's the point of paying out the ass for a global shutter sony when
1: It has the dynamic range of a micro four thirds camera, so bad sony has clear noise reduction cooked into their raws to make the SNR *LOOK* like its only as bad as APS-C (to be fair they are not the only one, canon does a similar thing with... literally every EOS R, usually at low ISOs but its every ISO on the R3, olympus apparently forces color noise reduction in raw and denoising and moire reduction is normally a baked in part of demosaicing xtrans)
(hot takes ahead, some plane spotting autist might be mad, and some gearfag autist whose ego is based on racking up debt to buy an R3 might be madder)
3: The readout of a mechanical shutter, or a MS-speed eshutter (Z8, R3) is already excessively fast for anything but specific motorsports, which is honestly a boring, soulless non-artistic waste of time of no more value than blurry phone snaps taken of the exact same thing and you should feel bad for being enough of an autistic bugman to want to photograph it with a $6000 camera.
4: Anything over 10FPS is of 0 use for anything but PROFESSIONAL sports photography where things like the very moment a golf club hits a ball are valuable. Again this is a soulless endeavor. it is impossible for it to be art. you should feel bad for wanting to photograph this. This is the domain of engineers playing with high speed cameras that they would normally use for testing and research making an appearance on an informational youtube video/mythbusters or some shit, not "REAL" photographers (artists). Perhaps 12fps, but much faster and we're getting into the territory where strobes recycle times can't keep up.
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*Nikon already has

RED just asked for the sensor, towejazz designed and built it. Then Nikon asked for RED and everything they had, including their supplier contracts with towerjazz.

muh mechanical simplicity
muh indestructible electronics

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Used my art lens for the first time in a long time. Didnt have much time to compose these photos but I had fun taking them!

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 15 Macintosh
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he is using "finesse" in an obscure way, similar to 'trick' or 'con'. It implies you are being 'finessed' into accepting something you shouldn't.
Color is mostly determined by the lens
Then the CFA specs and proprietary raw cooking
Then by the raw converters settings
Then by the display medium and room lighting

Imagine if you could not shoot raw. One camera equals one film stock. Not happy? New camera time or gearfag over lens color transmission until the end of time.

Also, AWB fucking up? Always. Have fun manually setting white balance all the time.

Oh wait thats how fujislug consoomers actually live
>omg must buy for the new film sim!
all that and it gets worse
8 bit color, 10 with limited compatibility, thats it
lossy format
being stuck with whatever shitty “sharpening” and “chroma/luma nr” the camera maker could fit on the shitty low-power chips that cameras must use in the name of battery life
if moire or fujiworms happen you are stuck with that

negative film unironically had more editing latitude and general utility than jpeg
jpeg = digital is worse than film period. only a fucking retard would accept this trash. 1hr photo automated printing does a better job. all digital photography looks like godawful soulless shit.
raw = ok, now digital is as good as consumer 35mm film… if you have like, 36mp, at least.

people mostly my age have no idea how much worse the average digital camera is compared to a $15 roll of portra in a cheapo nikon slr
Well you know, it's all about the right tool for the job. They want to have pictures of things, while you're out shopping for a personality that'll be like all cool and artsy and special and stuff to sate that desperate need at the core of your being. (Don't worry, it usually sates itself around the mid twenties.)
The bitchy insult at the end is an auto-L. Couldnt be more low test if you tried.
>dont do things well! dont care! Do the minimim AESTHETICS ARE IMMORAL
OK enjoy your drab box church, solid black outfit, and phone photos jebediah.

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Old thread reached limit.

Post birds.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D60
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added ur noise back

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution240 dpi
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Image Created2024:05:10 18:36:27
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anyone have some good tips for editing reds? They always seem to look off to me
Just use the dropper tool and toy around with the different reds.
I won’t screw with the noise from now on. 4R80
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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON Z 8
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Focal Length600.00 mm
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Exposure ModeManual
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Gain ControlLow Gain Up
Subject Distance RangeUnknown

I've seen these pop up once in a while o market place, or ebay for relatively cheap.

Are they worth getting for just dicking around or more of a hassle than anything else?
I heard the lenses are shit.
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I have a d60 and d7200.
I'm just curious for something that I can keep in my car or laying around the house or for like a birthday party, something that isn't my phone, I don't want to buy flagship phones anymore. And I thought a camera like the J1 would offer an alternative. I'm also more inclined to actually post or keep photos from a camera than my phone since I'm used to taking large amount of photos from my DLSRs and such.

The 1 series I think was made in Thailand, that was around the time Nikon started to really export production.
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at least its not saskatchewan. this thread got me lookin up V1s on ebay, man, fuck.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON 1 V1
Camera SoftwareAperture 3.4.3
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Focal Length (35mm Equiv)27 mm
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Yeah I guess vomit is slightly better than shit
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yeah these things suck balls, better sell them to me.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON 1 V3
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.2.0 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)810 mm
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to actually answer your question OP, i love nikon 1 shit, people can complain about small sensor size whatever but the real killer is lens selection, Nikon made fuck all and there's almost zero third party shit and the stuff that is available is in focal lengths that don't match the awkward 2.7 crop ratio.

Save yourself the grief and either get an e-p1 for $50 and have the whole catalogue of m4/3 lenses available or get an e-m10 mk1 if you really need the viewfinder. Or a Panasonic but i don't know what models.

That being said, the 1 niggor 70-300 is really fucking good.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON 1 V3
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.2.0 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.7
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)810 mm
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length300.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB

The first known photograph of a little girl

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerTodd-White Art Photography
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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>>424103 pdf file alert
See what?
british roses are even ugly at young age
Now post the last known photograph of a little girl

Very armature pictures on iPhone

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationRight-Hand, Top
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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This is a nice one

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Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationBottom, Right-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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Image OrientationRight-Hand, Top
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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At least you aren't oversaturating them in post like NPCs. I've seen them up north many times and the shots you're seeing on the news are basically fake.

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what are some good jackets for storing all of you camera lenses in that makes it easier to change it from one to another when on the go while photographing?
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>How to sweat to death and weigh a ton at the same time.
Deck is 100% cotton. So no, you won't sweat to death.
They used to have that issue with some other jackets with plastic parts but I haven't faced with this problem to be honest.
Get an Austrian M65, I have one from 1984.
It's heavy as fuck but has infinite pocket space, is basically waterproof, and is peak comfy.
For an idea of pocket capacity, I can store about 3 pints of beer in each bottom pocket and 1 pint in each top pocket.
Jacket looks like your pic but less gay and probably 10x cheaper.
What you gonna do when it’s too hot for a jacket?
Its still waxed cotton, which means it doesnt breath. So you will be prone to getting cold easier and hot easier. Also, enjoy getting wax all over your camera bag. Waxed cotton coats are obsolete. The realm of farmers now, because they can be repaired. Wealthy people wear them to make it look like they own a house in the country. But they generally dont.

I used to work for Barbour lol.
Eat a dog.

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Kodak Colorplus Edition

Previous thread>>4309008

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

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How many pictures are you waiting to share? I have a couple maybe. :D
just scanned two rolls today!
new thread

Well done!

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Is the Peak Design Travel Tripod really the best lightweight compact tripod that still gets the job done?
>pic related

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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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New kino just dropped. Did you ever want to use your tripod as... HIKING STICKS?
Anon monopods are nothing new don’t fall for chinkoid marketing nonsense
Manfrotto MSQ6T, works on other heads than just the ones they list. I have one on a MHXPRO-BHQ2
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It's nothing new, solutions using poles existed for years. The problem is, my two poles are already used as supports for my tent's structure, pic related. Would work for taking pictures during the day, for which I don't really need a tripod anyway, but not for milky way photography.
I've yet to find a regular tripod that fits my needs. The only time I need one is when I'm hiking, for which I do multi-days hikes in one go and where I can't justify wasting a full 1Kg on a piece of metal. Especially not when I cut down every little gram to only keep what matters, even on food and water to the point of it being dangerous. As a cope I simply use a shitty 30cm gorillapod weighting less than 200g. I just have to find a rock somewhere for more elevation and it werks fine enough as long as it's not too windy. But it's still a pure cope solution.

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>Especially not when I cut down every little gram to only keep what matters, even on food and water to the point of it being dangerous.
There's either something wrong with your legs and back or you're doing that shit just for shits and giggles.

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>Going all primes is stupid in this day and age
Virtually all supertelephoto requires lots of speed for good results, normally zooms can't cut it. 70-200 is good for portraits and such but after that you're going to be limited if you pick a zoom over a telephoto because you probably are using the reach for sports or wildlife. All the fieldcraft and "just get closer"ing won't save you from a blurry shot when your target does something cool (ie, moves).
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R8 my lens collection

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I specified image stabilisation for a reason, because your main issue beyond 200 mm comes from shake, not target movement.
However if you went with primes instead, you'd need at least 5 lenses:
>24 f/2.8
>50 f/1.x
>135 f/2.8
>200 f/2.8
>300 f/4
Where as zooms allow you to get away with 3 (perhaps even 2) lenses, either:
>70-300 f/4-5.6 image stabilised
>24-70 ish f/2.8
>70-300 f/4-5.6 image stabilised

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The absence of 85 mm in your collection has been well regarded.
21mm and 40mm. Everything else is bloat, slop, cringe and garbage. Not a single good photo has been taken on 150mm+. Get closer

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I bought a D700 off ebay some time in 2019ish before the youtube people made it inflate in price.

I don't see a reason to upgrade, everything seems like diminishing returns. Don't need any more megapixels, autofocus is fast enough, build quality is great, body is a tank, color science is great, great lens ecosystem.

What are honestly the advantages of upgrading? More muh megapixels? I don't see the point when this thing is perfect. Even the newest hottest most basedest 2024 shit is like 10% better at most, and thats in niche scenarios.
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never send deposits
Does the D700 become a semi D3 when you add a grip?
Sure looks like one.
Kinda. It still isn't as fast as one, the build quality isn't quite as tough, the shutter will not last as long, and you don't have voice memos, but you are getting most of the D3 experience out of it.

On the plus side, the MB-D10 is a fucking massive chunky grip that may fit your hands better than the D3's vertical grip if you have large hands, the MB-D10 also has its own AF joystick, whereas the D3 only has one, which makes adjusting your AF point while in vertical use a big reach for your thumb; the EN-EL3 batteries for the D700 are really fucking cheap compared to the ones the D3 takes.

Overall, if I didn't already have a D3, and I wanted to choose between the two of them, I would set a budget of $350 and get whichever of them I could that was in the best condition, with the provision that the D700 comes with at least two batteries and the MB-D10.
Underrated post

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Industrial town

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Nice. Please proceed.
how does a Samsung look THIS bad?
zach core
I helped build that coker. Built scaffold at the top of it. You from the region?
Flare stacks at night can make for some great photos, with the refinery lights in the background.

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How overbaked is too overbaked?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.2 (Windows)
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypePortrait
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
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Get a lens with less distortion. Or better yet, a tilt-shift lens.
t-s lenses are great but I shoot buildings way too rarely to justify getting one.
The pic I posted is a stitch of several shots taken from the same point with a telephoto lens
>How the hell do I fix distortions? This shit is impossible

I do it with a combination of shift lens, rectilinear lens (low distortion), and correction software like DXO viewpoint
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>t-s lenses are great but I shoot buildings way too rarely to justify getting one.
What about a t-s girlfriend instead then?

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I've bought an Epson L8180. How do I find the real DPI of the printer? The data sheet states "5760x1440dpi" but surely that can't be right.
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>See anything related about Printing
>See everything is gravitating to 300 dpi or ppi
Why 300 is the golden number in DPI? Why not 100 or 500 or 1000?
>just know there's a reason why people do paperwork with laser printers
>Why 300 is the golden number in DPI
it is twice as much as 150, which in turn is the nice rounded number which is twice as much as 72, which is what resolution dot matrix printers had.
>The data sheet states "5760x1440dpi" but surely that can't be right.
The printer is capable of laying down dots at that resolution. That's how it's able to reproduce so many tones and colors with its ink set. Extremely fine halftoning.

However, you may not actually be able to feed that resolution to the printer and expect to see it on paper. Obviously not with shades of gray and colors since you need multiple dots to simulate the tones and colors. Each pixel you feed the printer breaks down into a set of dots. But even with pure black and white line art, the printer driver probably scales input to 720x720 or 1440x1440 before figuring out the halftone.

Years ago, when I got my 3880, I remember testing it to try and figure out what resolution could actually be sent to the printer using B&W line art. I seem to remember seeing improvement all the way to 1440 ppi. So on pure B&W, which means one ink, the printer was able to accept/render 1440 ppi. This requires special paper, i.e. your typical office paper has a dot bleed size larger than 1/1440.

On color photographs there was no improvement beyond 720 ppi, even on sections that had a pure black line on a pure white background. Beyond that I found that
- 180 ppi was acceptable for most shots.
- 240 ppi saw a large improvement over 180 ppi.
- There was some improvement to 360 ppi, but you really had to look for it.
- On carefully crafted images you could see improvement to 720 ppi in monochromatic areas, suggesting photographs are scaled to 720 ppi before halftone. But otherwise there was nothing to see between 360 ppi and 720 ppi.
- By that time the scaling algorithms in the printer driver were already so good that hitting a multiple of the printer's resolution didn't matter. 240, 235, 245, 252 ppi etc. all came out the same.
>Also if you have images that exist at 300 PPI, you will need to interpolate them to fit 1440 DPI printing or let the printer handle that scaling.
>If you're looking for 1:1 input-output with a 300 DPI file you need to use HP/Canon/Brother who use 1200 DPI for their nozzles.
By the late 2000's the driver scaling was so good that this does not matter at all. You don't need to scale your 300 ppi image, and sending data at a multiple of the print head resolution or not makes no difference.

The only reason to scale in PS is if you have a very low resolution image because you can take steps to try and smooth out jaggies. If you send 72 ppi to the printer it's going to faithfully reproduce it and you will be able to see the stair steps. But 300 vs. 360 vs something odd like 305 is irrelevant. If 300 ppi is what you've got, it's what you're going to see on a good photo paper.

>when trying to print a 1800x1200 image for a 6x4 print on an EPSON because it's incapable of directly translating that to ink droplets without INTERPOLATING.
None of these printers "directly" translate the pixels to ink droplets. All of them scale to something they want internally and then apply a halftone.

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I wanna become one of those "street portrait" guys who makes the videos I see all over instagram reels. Only issue is that I want to start a new account to do this, and don't have any street portraits to post to start, nor do I have any followers. How do I get started when people will inevitably ask to see my instagram when I say "hey I take photos of strangers for instagram, could I take some pictures of you?" and they say "sure, what's your ig name?"

buying followers is not an option since that basically gets your account shadowbanned.

Pic is not my image, nor is it even a very good one but it came up when I googled "street portaiture"
25 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.

>I think I'm ""ok"" at portraiture and I like it


>Like I feel like people are going to say no to me because they think I'm gonna put their images up in my goon cave or something

If that's how you carry yourself.
I'd feel bad posting a portrait of someone on 4chan without asking. I don't carry myself that way but idk I guess I'm very self conscious. It's part of why I wanna start doing street portraiture, getting better at speaking to people.
If you see a lot of likes on a "reel" like that, with no much content besides someone taking portraits of random people on the streets, it means they're constantly reaching more people through the algorithm and probably many are bots.
Anyways, do whatever you feel like doing. You might create some interesting content for future clients, who knows.
File: DSCF8251c.jpg (1.04 MB, 3000x2000)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB JPG
>Do you mostly shoot mexicans?
no that was the only person i've interacted with whom i couldn't talk to

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>How do I get started
>people will inevitably ask to see my instagram
hahaha no worries, they never will

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