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Used my art lens for the first time in a long time. Didnt have much time to compose these photos but I had fun taking them!

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By "art lens" I'm assuming you mean some lens you built as an art project and not one of those wide aperture Smigmas? Looks like you missed focus in every shot except for the one of the blokes arses, very peculiar indeed.
lol. 35mm Sigma art lens. I was using soft focus deliberately.
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Can you cut to the chase and show us her tits?
He’s cute anon, what’s his name? Look at those adorable hrt buds
I can't unsee sigma's flat rendering

Once someone pointed out that sigma lenses were used to shoot top gun I'm starting to see it in peoples photos

Oh and it's the exact same rendering as the nikon Z 70-200 and 100-400
what does flat rendering even mean?
It's a buzzword people use, but only after they find out it's shot through a Sigma. Tell them it's a Leica next time.
Too sharp wide open, washed out shadows, muted highlights.
All midtones all the time with an overly sharp subject and a bokeh blasted f1.4 background. No contrast, just definition. Look at leica sample photos for the polar opposite.
Is this really considered acceptable image quality for modern digital shooter? Just wow.
Looks like my fooji when i use AF
>I was using soft focus deliberately
Lmao this guy misses focus and thinks that saying it was done on purpose makes it look less bad.
So in fact it just means high quality optics?
Yes, soft focus in order to give a hazy, dreamy look to the subject
People here are pretty terrible for artistic stuff. Just do whatever that best realizes your creative vision
>cow ring
It's a "blank slate". Some people like it, others say its "flat" and "lacks soul" when they can't edit. Personally I'd still prefer something less flat, editing stuff shot with sigma art usually means darkening the shadows and pushing the white and black points to get more contrast.
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I like the colors. Not sure if I'd call that 'art', but hey, decent shots overall, people post worse shit here. The dude in the pictures has some pretty weird poses, though.
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Nuffig meisje. Ik vind haar leuk.
Wat is deze
800, but all photos are stepped down by 1
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yep thats the idea. 4chan will talk shit but i just like taking photos idc

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happy trans girls make me sad because iwnbaw ;_;

is this a man or a woman????
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Does it matter?

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Just because a girl looks a bit haughty.
Fucking loser. I wish you were closer I would end you and make this world better.
what does haughty mean
It's a man, just like OP is a tranny snapshitter
I mean calling them snapshits is a stretch, as snapshits tend to actually be in focus and have some sense of natural beauty and aesthetics captured in the scene
99.99999% of photographs are snapshits
what matters is the meaning and happiness of the shooter.
Lesson learned OP: Defocus looks worse than diffusion filter
oh no he's going to find out about 1/4 black mist
Lol that lens does not have soft focus, so you just missed it completely
or worse, glimmerglass 1
>Lol that lens does not have soft focus, so you just missed it completely
you can have soft focus by just focusing on anything other than the subject. . .
99% of soft focus photos either used a special lens, or a filter medium (vaseline, hairspray, actual filter, etc) because defocus does other, weird things and just looks shaky with most lenses

like you took the photo as an earthquake started, or have parkinsons
it was on 1/50 so yeah
>The virgin zoomer: Paid $200 for a schneider hollywood black magic to put on their foolji and ttfartisans, had to apply for another credit card
>The cucked milennial: Turned his focus ring because he went broke buying sigma fart lenses, ate ramen for a week
>The chad boomer: smeared vaseline directly on his lens, didn't even bother to buy a $5 chinese UV filter
>you can have soft focus by just focusing on anything other than the subject. . .
lol, lmao even
>OOF is soft focus!
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Why would you do that?
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Does she know you’re creep posting her on a Sudanese artisanal camera obscura forum? Kinda weird desu.
thread almost makes me like white women
I kinda like this photo
There's just something bad about how things look with sigma lenses that isn't common to other sharp wide open lenses ie: nikkor S
>thread almost makes me like white women
why? she looks like a literal man
Is it the jaw or the cheeks that are slightly masculine? I'm not very good at analyzing people's faces
shes a solid 6/10
some people think literally every white woman who isnt built like a fantasy elf is manly and inside their fap folder is 9001 asian bitches

and this is an anime website
Is it the Adam's apple thinly disguised by the chocker?
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your photos are nice OP
and she is beautiful

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>bad composition
>horrible color grading
>ugly out of focus quality
These are the peioke buying $1000 lenses
>can't be stable snapping a 35mm lens at 1/50
Work your technique what the fuck, i take photos on windy days with an 80mm equivalent at 1/50 and 1/3 of them come unblurry, no stabilization either
its called walking while shooting
Why do you go on the internet and type lies to strangers when you are upset?
Surely you have one you can show us, right?
These are objectively shit. I could have gone the rest of my day without seeing this. None of these are in focus and there's tons of motion blur in the indoor game hall shots.

This is a Sigma 35/1.4 ART you mean to tell me you are so shit at photography you have one of the best low-light 35mm lenses money can buy (because I have one too so I know) and you still fumbled getting her in focus and avoiding motion blur. Jesus Christ I could have nailed these on my fucking Pixel 7 better than you did. You spent all that money on a good lens and still couldn't buy any talent.


and you still fucked it up, that lens does f1.4 you mean to tell me you fumbled a low light shot with that kind of capability, this is like losing a boxing match to a retard with a cleft palate and a congenital hand deformity. You're not a photographer you're a GWC, Guy With a Camera and until you develop your skills and get more practice in, study the classics and then practice some more, you will never be a photographer.

God damn read a fucking book, this one, pic related. Don't come back here until you have done something useful with your pathetic excuse of an existence you grab-asstic piece of amphibian shit.
stay away from girls like her anon
bro probably had his shit on auto
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sure, this was the day I bought a EF 50mm F1/8 II for night photography, for my APS-C camera.
I decided to explicitly test the lens at night to compare how many more T-stops it has over the 3.5-5.6 kit lens I have, which are absolutely abhorrent to use for fast-moving subjects at night. Dxomark has values but I doubt the accuracy. hence ignore the subjective content of the photographs, I don't even take street photos in the first place.
These lens suffer from coma wide-open.
>IMG_1868.jpg: File too large (file: 11.57 MB, max: 5 MB)

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you can really see the comas here, looks like its vertically blurred but the bushes don't lie
took 4 photos, took the 1st with AF which failed, the 2nd is shaky, the last 2 are fine; that was the 3rd one
>but you said it's windy
it was and I was standing right next to the corner of a building, which made it more intense,; the bushes in the photo waved way less than the tiny brushes standing right below me even though they were in the middle of nowhere. If i stood a meter back I'd be sheltered from the majority of the wind gusts but I'd then be standing in the spotlight
I am quite happy with the lens considering the measly 60 euro

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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I like your photos, OP.
Has that cinematic quality to it; like when you pause a movie and take a screencap kind of vibe.
Yeah dont do that

You need to shoot at fucking 1/2000 if you're moving while shooting
she is a demon, look at the literal malice in her eyes, not a flouride stare yet a prerequisite leading up to it, she is giving you a stare as if she wants to butcher your cock just because u are a man, that bitch is wild, the choker kinda seals the deal, she can't even muster a smile, a lot like if you told a demon to show positive emotion, that bitch is possessed, no amount of high quality lenses can give her charisma, all she can do now is perversion and manipulation, couldn't you find a sweeter girl to take photos of, she is giving me femcel vibes.
and even when she does giggle a little bit in the third pic, its a very jewish, goblin type of snide smile, so even when she can't help smiling it comes out as a goblin snicker, goddamn. People are blaming the lens but u need to find a better more natural model, the person u are photographing is just as important as your camera and your skills using it.
p.s. 4chan's metadata reader is bugged and it's reading some other tag as ISO instead. It probably isn't aware of Canon-specific EXIF tags that I copy from the CR2 when exporting. Both were shot with ISO 800.
she's the opposite of a femcel, although she does have a tragic life that would make some people bitter and jaded like incels

t. Fuckbuddy
>I was molested as a child
I'm so sorry. A playful arcade doesn't suit her personality and she would look better if she were shot in front of an office building with a canon+L lens but you're just deranged here.
Remember this is the guy giving you advice
What are you implying here?
He's not like the other girls.
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i have a fucked up situation too eggs cost 7 dollars, u want a medal or smth?
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it's not improving


have you considered switching to a canon powershot s95 i think it would play better with your style
Greasy ass looking hair
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Dutch women actually look like this
t. knower
If I see that fucking cat one more ti-
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This is quite cool. Keep it up, glad someone's got the balls to post actual pictures on /p/ when the threads are brimming with gearfags and assholes
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Its really harder and harder to tell if just a white wom*n or a tranny
no, worse

its bad photography. some people think just centering a non-fat woman in the frame is enough desu. total coombrains.
finally something not technically incompetent (framing aside) and objectively hideous (look your photography improves when you drop the troon)
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>the only non blurry mess is a photo of other photos
really makes you think
imagine if OP had started with this one
she looks like she does stinky poos
sleep demon
Clean your fucking lens or sensor nigga
Cool aesthetic and great direction but unfortunately whatever soft lens effect you went for just looks straight up unfocused and amateur
As other anons have said there were better ways to go for soft lens
Hopefully you don't have a big ego and are willing to to take some of the critique and utilize it to improve
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Ken-sama please update your reviews page
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I wish he'd update Katie's page.
I'd grow katie's family
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It's a man. Look at the tiny malformed cone titties
>Look at leica sample photos for the polar opposite.
Provide RAWs comparing the two.
I'm willing to bet that you're just some dumb post-process nigger who is seething at someone using different presets or something. Snake oil, it sounds like.

Tell me.
Exactly how much resolution do you believe a 24MP bayer sensor delivers?
How detrimental do you think an OLPF (AA filter) is to image quality?
Do you believe digital is or can ever be "too sharp"?
>Exactly how much resolution do you believe a 24MP bayer sensor delivers?
Less than vision3 in 35mm.
>How detrimental do you think an OLPF (AA filter) is to image quality?
Very. Pixel level sharpness actually matters unless you're a boomer viewing from the back row. Later generations eschewed the reading glasses for 24/7 corrected vision, that's why we "pixel peep" and want retina displays now.
>Do you believe digital is or can ever be "too sharp"?
Digital is not sharp enough. 4x5 = 400mp, foveon.
i would of instantly deleted these photos when sorting my SD card
blur and out of focus looks like shit

>nooo i dont want it in focus or it will show all her ugly ass pimples and texture
learn to photoshop, what your doing looks worse
>washed out shadows, muted highlights.
You mean it has good dynamic range?
All 100% legit.
Would love to see some objectively sharper Leica lens shots though, I haven't really seen any "sharp" photos that aren't post-processed by either side of the camp.
confirmed poser (not even the french spelling)
Focus, at fucking last.
>would of
what does that even mean?
The problem is not really the composition here, although i guess it's never good to put the model in the center of the photo... But your colours are badly set. I get that you were in a place where there are tons of colours but you should have made a tone choice. It's better in the pics after those first though.
or gtfo
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little homoerotic but
BLACK AND YELLOW BLACK AND YELLOW color palette is attractive
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Holy fucking Ken Rockwell. These are awful.
Perfect example of why the raw file is such a finesse.
These are the sort of colors you get when camera companies are allowed to spend zero effort on in camera colors under the guise of:
>serious shooters demand complete control over the final image
So you get a generation of aspiring photographers pulling the sliders around until they give up and buy a preset pack.
>i fag instantly deleted these photos when sorting my SD card
no... doesn't seem like it fits?
he is using "finesse" in an obscure way, similar to 'trick' or 'con'. It implies you are being 'finessed' into accepting something you shouldn't.
Color is mostly determined by the lens
Then the CFA specs and proprietary raw cooking
Then by the raw converters settings
Then by the display medium and room lighting

Imagine if you could not shoot raw. One camera equals one film stock. Not happy? New camera time or gearfag over lens color transmission until the end of time.

Also, AWB fucking up? Always. Have fun manually setting white balance all the time.

Oh wait thats how fujislug consoomers actually live
>omg must buy for the new film sim!
all that and it gets worse
8 bit color, 10 with limited compatibility, thats it
lossy format
being stuck with whatever shitty “sharpening” and “chroma/luma nr” the camera maker could fit on the shitty low-power chips that cameras must use in the name of battery life
if moire or fujiworms happen you are stuck with that

negative film unironically had more editing latitude and general utility than jpeg
jpeg = digital is worse than film period. only a fucking retard would accept this trash. 1hr photo automated printing does a better job. all digital photography looks like godawful soulless shit.
raw = ok, now digital is as good as consumer 35mm film… if you have like, 36mp, at least.

people mostly my age have no idea how much worse the average digital camera is compared to a $15 roll of portra in a cheapo nikon slr
Well you know, it's all about the right tool for the job. They want to have pictures of things, while you're out shopping for a personality that'll be like all cool and artsy and special and stuff to sate that desperate need at the core of your being. (Don't worry, it usually sates itself around the mid twenties.)
The bitchy insult at the end is an auto-L. Couldnt be more low test if you tried.
>dont do things well! dont care! Do the minimim AESTHETICS ARE IMMORAL
OK enjoy your drab box church, solid black outfit, and phone photos jebediah.
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fucking hot...
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1.88 MB
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You have to get in closer, don't be afraid to cut off the tops of the heads of your subjects
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4.55 MB JPG

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Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
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>featuring Burt Dunlap in a Steel Urinal PissMatch (only on WWF Summerslam Pay Per View)
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2.5 MB JPG

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I want to do disgusting things to her

More disgusting then taking terrible, out of focus pictures of her?
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This one has motion blur
While this one is crisp and the noise looks, dare I say it, filmic.
Tell that dude you can either have a septum or nostril but not both at the same time.
>and the noise looks, dare I say it, filmic.

spent 15 bucks on a fuji film preset pack LOOOOL
Kiss her for me...
>Tell that dude you can either have a septum or nostril but not both at the same time.
You are wrong about everything.
>Kiss her for me...
ive done more than that lol...
Did you tell her it was from me? If not, it doesn't count.
File: DSC03108.jpg (2.79 MB, 2048x1365)
2.79 MB
2.79 MB JPG
Ok, next time I will tell her its from anon

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3 MB

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You still have 9900 pictures to take before you will make anything good, I've tossed shit that looked better than these.

Old /p/ would have bullied you into the Shadow Realm for posting these.
>You still have 9900 pictures to take before you will make anything good, I've tossed shit that looked better than these.
i just like taking photos because i find it fun (:

Well it's still better than the endless gear threads and it's a photo thread, which we rarely get anymore, so I'll allow it.

Why is you exif missing on all of these? Harder to give feedback without it.
I miss her.
If nothing else, respect to op just for continuing to post even after the initial assblasting from everyone. Brave of your trans girlfriend to pose for photos for you.
idk, capture one wipes it out for some reason

thanks, i just like taking photos and sharing them ((:
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When you click export there is a checkbox at the bottom of the tab that says "show all options", check the box and it will allow you to export the exif data. It is disabled by default for some reason.
File: DSC01364.jpg (3.07 MB, 2048x1365)
3.07 MB
3.07 MB JPG
it is checked indeed - I am using capture one pro from last year, idk if that should make a difference

the metadata seems to be unchecked i will try it now with this photo

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Color me surprised
yeah idk why it is like that
Might want to uncheck that name field on there.
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3.89 MB JPG
fuck it who cares

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Ryan deez nuts, bitch.
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2.87 MB
2.87 MB JPG

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4.16 MB
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I can fix her
File: DSC02968.jpg (2.95 MB, 2048x1365)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB JPG
you cannot. Trust me lol

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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
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Exposure Time1/125 sec
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No, i can. I’m a vet. The organs are pretty similar between humans, cats, and dogs. It would take me like 30 minutes.
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3.93 MB
3.93 MB JPG
Oh you mean like spay her? Well, either im shooting blanks or she's already spayed

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Most people are giving you undeserved shit, but I like the colours and also the subject.
File: pepe-licking-lips.jpg (236 KB, 580x563)
236 KB
236 KB JPG
we all like the subject
you like trannies?
I do, but the girl doesn't look trans.
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3.93 MB
3.93 MB JPG

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ok, since ur the trans expert ill leave it to u but she looks like she's got a dick to me
the lighting here catches his Adam's apple well, nicely done
Have you ever seen a 3D woman?
catches the hickeys very well too
shes a nasty slut
haughty, more like neurotic. She seems like a bitch, you can tell from her physiognomy( face shape is proven to be connected to hormone profile and gives a hint at what kind of temperament a person has, and its so accurate ai can
now identify this in photos of human faces) and her choice of self expression( cow rings). Surprised I don't see any visible tattoos but she's likely got some hidden.
She hates men, run away before she sets the state loose on you for some alleged transgression.
File: DSC03159.jpg (3.34 MB, 2048x1365)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB JPG
>face shape is proven to be connected to hormone profile

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>shoot wide open on portraits
>miss focus
a tale as old as time
File: DSC03132.jpg (3.58 MB, 2048x1365)
3.58 MB
3.58 MB JPG
she hated when i did that lol

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4.28 MB
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File: IMG_8652.jpg (78 KB, 500x561)
78 KB
It’s like this

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This is the kind of bs you gotta tell kids to teach the same lessons as the new testament that actually hold up when they ask you why serial killers are so handsome kek
>lucifer was the prettiest angel sweetie
File: IMG_8500.png (91 KB, 432x221)
91 KB
>satanic dubs
But Roald was 100% right, this may be from a childrens’ book but it is a verifiable scientific fact that people who think evil thoughts will reflect it in their expressions, their “vibe” as the kids would say, and other people can feel it and will treat you as such, creating a feedback loop where you become more and more miserable. The only way out is to be a nice person. You can’t explain that!!!! FACT!!!!
Most psychopaths think evil thoughts constantly and are charismatic.
Most nice people are very sad all the time if they are at all aware of the state of the world outside their suburb.
And that's where the trolls come in. The only attention they get in their sad little lives is the negativity they create on this website.
I bet she's a daemon in bed.
so you guys are either talking about a female doe or a man... WHICH IS IT
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3.72 MB
3.72 MB JPG
I way miss my ex though, she would legit cut me and it was fucked but also hot

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Scene Capture TypeStandard
I wish I had a nasty whore to photograph bros. You know she would be down for *anything*. It's just so unfair.
The girl in OP's pictures. I know you find it hard to imagine that women with vaginas and BPD exist, but let me tell you: not every woman is actually a man.
>not every woman is actually a man.
Yes, but every ugly woman is potentially a man
Hands, throat and tits all say cis woman. Is it so hard to accept?
Also, she's not ugly. Not like a "universally attractive woman" but actually the crazy eyes and piercings make her hotter than most.
>piercings make her hotter than most.
Gayest fucking basedboy shit I’ve ever read on this webzone tbqhwy
File: DSC03095 1.jpg (2.77 MB, 2048x1365)
2.77 MB
2.77 MB JPG
she's unfortunately very mentally unstable anon, i advise caution

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera SoftwareCapture One 15 Macintosh
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Width2048
Image Height1365
It's wild that you somehow got shots this bad with that camera. Genuinely baffling.
sigma art lens is not for shooting with tight apertures
I said it
We can tell from the looks. I was in a 3 years relationship with a borderline girl. Best and worst time of my life. Needed years or therapy afterwards, but at times it was also genuinely amazing. I'd say as long as you don't get attached there's no downside to it. And from her looks she seems like a nice person. Like the type of person who mainly suffers herself from her mental instability, not the type who murders your infant daughter because you came home 5 minutes late.
I can fix her
>Lens Aperture f/3.2
Are you okay?
D for uptown dandy?
>she would legit cut me
Where, with what and how severely?
>Needed years or therapy afterwards

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