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Oni Edition

>Welcome, are you interested in motorcycles?
>dbt is ghost town now
>still too many t7s tho
>dbt dead as gn125 rip
>giving out riding advice and then lowsiding
>"no motorcycles in the kitchen" - wife
>take the stickers off your bike
>nobikes gtfo
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

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What's the incel bike?
probably BMW
just get a boss hoss brother
Moto-Guzzi disagrees:


"A masterpiece that combines minimalist style and the unmistakable Moto Guzzi attitude, the iconic transverse V twin-cylinder ..."
The Sunbeam has an inline cylinder block of traditional layout with a common crank.

KR250 is a tandem twin with separate crankshafts:


"The Tandem twin concept was essentially a pair of 125cc singles mounted one behind the other on a common crankcase, with cranks connected by large gears. This layout perfectly suited rotary valve induction directly to the crankcases via dual carbs, producing a very slim machine with a low centre of gravity. The new KR250 roadster however, had little in common with the GP machines other than the arrangement of the cylinders. Unlike the racer, which had both pistons rising and falling together for 360º crank timing, the roadster used a 180º set up, achieved by having the right side clutch gear split, with the halves being held together by a shock-dampening system. The rear crank and cylinder sat above the gearbox keeping the overall package short and compact. "


"Tandem is used to describe many things that involve the connecting of one object to another similar object behind it. "

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Saw the new IONIQ 6 on my way to work today. Do they have a hippo sit on the back before the model leaves the factory?
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Yeah the car is is ugly too
>we want the c class audience
apparently I don't know the Mercedes car lineup. I meant CLA class
Am I just old or are they really changing design language around a lot? Cause it was only like a couple years ago they started doing the whole graphics card cooler look, and now it's a new beetle mixed with a tesla 3.
Wild how the Koreans can go from the 5 that hit it out of the park design-wise, then shit out this thing as a follow up.

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Hey I'm going to import a Porsche Cayman 987.2 from Japan to Germany, what should I look out for? I will be buying from USS Tokyo and I have a company that will check the car irl for me. Obviously they can't do much more than idle the engine for a minute and snap a few pictures of the undercarriage.
Anyone here who bought a car from Japan before and can share their experience?
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No, the auctioneers just provide a basic physical inspection. No one is going to tell you if it has scored cylinder walls.
>"Hey Mr. Takashi, some schizo in Germany wants us to open up the engine of this $8,000 shitbox and send him photos to see if it has scored cylinder walls"
gtfo. If you buy the car and pay them $2k they might do it for you. If you want this type of service, buy from a porsche dealer in Japan and pay them in advance to inspect it for you. Auction houses sell vehicles in bulk, they aren't going to do this type of inspection for you.
>Sure there is bottom of the barrel stuff but in Japan a car with 80k km is considered used up, right?
Yeah, basically Japan's bottom of the barrel is your cream of the crop.
Kek, that guy looks shifty. I was introduced to this idea of importing the Dubai converted Mercs to Europe because they're apparently cheap, but even importing from Japan directly seems like a better idea.
what auction site is this
>No one is going to tell you if it has scored cylinder walls
you misunderstood me, I actually said the exact same thing that you can still get scored cylinder walls because you can't know.
Thanks for that link
>Japan's bottom of the barrel is your cream of the crop
A 80k km car is not bottom of the barrel and Japanese will pay full retail just to sell it for 80% off 7 years later, not sure who's the schizo here
Only the ones that were not originally meant for the JP market.

t. BMW owner in Japan

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Keiichi Tsuchiya and some race queen are checking out cars. Its very Japan thing ;O.
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The classic boomer yellow fever tale of settling for a SEA because you don't have the retirement money to lure in the Japanese or Korean girl you initially wanted.
More like:
>I need to import women from a poor rural background because my shitty libculture made the women in my country insufferable

It just so happens that Asians will run over each other trying to suck this countrys financial cock, 300 years ago it was negros filling the void
>tfw no tiny Japanese woman in my trunk
THEY have a fetish for US, because THEY know that WE have the superior genes.
i want to do this, but with eastern european women. they still look white, in addition to being poor, appreciative, and not corrupted by western culture.

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If I were choosing between a new Miata or BRZ, and I didn't care about Miata's convertible. Should I just get the BRZ instead?
I heard the Miata is pretty miserable to drive with the top up, especially the soft top(which is the one I'd get).
I know nvh is something you shouldn't care about with sports cars like these, but I still want it to be at least a little bearable.
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>buying an MKII BRZ
enjoy your exploding engine, lmao
well memed
Buy a used bmw not those slow pieces of shit
You buy BMWs twice.
Once to purchase it, another to keep it running.
If you don't care about the convertible just get the BRZ

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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Bad bait. Thanks for bumping the thread multiple times for free
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/osg/ sticker sellers always start out involved in the threads and enthusiastic about production, but as time goes on it tends to get old. Especially with people talking shit on you. Most of these people work other jobs and do not do this full-time.

That's why sticker sellers only tend to last so long, Only a couple ogs are left. Waifusquad sold out, notori, turbololi, osr, lnds, etc eventually disappeared.
I remember using late night death squad slaps as my phone cover
Still waiting on mine. I had to reach out, and it looks like my order is either in no tracking limbo or he accidentally marked it as fulfilled without actually packing it. Only time will tell at this point

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Is this car any good?
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looks nice
A - Fix
L - It
F - Again
A - Tony
breddy gud :DDD
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From what I seen rust and petrols raging from meh to kinda bad while diesels are solid vag 1.9tdi tier but its kina gay to driver diesle berera. I would buy mint one tho they looks kino

Bedford Rascal appreciation thread
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Midnight purple street machine.
Just gonna leave this here
I'm sure a lot of burgers would love a new Delica. Mitsubishi's are pretty solid off road. I always like the early ones. Look like an oversize Rascal
RIP little Rascal
Yeah, I like that a lot. The problem is many if not most American car buyers see a long commute on a highway. For example the majority of my driving is 70 mph (120kph) in heavy traffic. This is why stuff like the Suzuki Jimny isn't going to to ever be the most popular thing here.
If Mitsubishi bring over >>27661717 and it's not too small, has at least 200hp and costs less than $40k, good chance I'll buy on. If it's a 130hp k-car or costs $60k, they can keep it.

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What was your driving test like?
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About five minutes for the bike. Turned up half an hour early and we left immediately. Scored a whole 2 hour lunchbreak since everyone said it's an hour and a half ordeal.
>Turn here, turn there, go to onramp, go to offramp, back to station.

About 20 for the car.
>Just talking shit about people he's had stick out in tests
>"A couple years ago this nice lady in her late 20's said, in front of my female supervisor, that she's more comfortable driving with her top off (mx5). My mind went straight to how difficult it would be to concentrate with her tits hanging out just stood there like an idiot. That bitch teased me for years in the office with shit like 'tomato face' and 'stuttering Steve' after that.
>Parallel park here
>Ok do a u-turn there
>Alright you passed. Gonna go have a long lunch, ID in the mail.

Got chill dudes both times I guess.
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Assuming they’re all going straight, red is farthest counterclockwise so he goes first, though if this is the case then green would go at the same time. I assume that’s legal/required everywhere in America and not just here anyway
It occurred to me not long after I started driving over a decade ago that there were several situations in which a 4 way stop is a deadlock which my state government has no official contingency for, because it’s literally impossible. There’s no other solution for this happening during power outages at stoplights other than “whoever goes, goes”, but intentionally designing 4 way stops is fucking retarded. Almost all of them could be improved by picking one of the roads to prioritize and getting rid of its stop signs so at least there’s a clear order. My city instead replaced some of them where this would’ve been a massive improvement with roundabouts which due to taking up way more space now butt up against buildings or parked cars so you can’t see anyone coming until you’ve already been hit. America’s road design is insane but for the exact opposite reasons that anti-car communists say they are
>I've no idea how we survive as a country
We don’t and aren’t. Our elites are world record speedrunning civilizational collapse
I though you would have something like "give way to the right" like we got in straya
>learner’s permit
Just a written test. You could fail a randomized set of 20 questions 4 times a session before getting kicked out and needing to wait a certain amount of time before you could retest
>probationary license (able to drive by yourself and use highways)
20 minute drive around a neighbourhood. All way stops, one way streets, traffic lights, parallel parking, reversing, lane changes, etc. Pretty comprehensive actually
>full license
Same as before but including highway driving

What the law says you have to do and what will actually allow you to get around (safely) are two different things here. Things that can cause problems during your tests include cars being allowed to change lanes through intersections when you’re expected to go if your lane is open or you get penalized when that’s really dangerous and you’d wait in the real world. Or you getting stuck pacing someone in the opposite lane doing the speed limit in which you need to change but it’s illegal to slow down to get behind them because that’s “interfering with traffic flow.” Luck is a large part of passing our driving tests because traffic has to cooperate with you on these stupidly designed roads

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That's a lifestyle vehicle not a truck
will be amusing to see /pol/tard contrarians do an about-face on their love of pittup twucks.
That a Chadtruck not.a USAtruck

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions. (it doesn't really fucking matter you faggots)
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.

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>Ford's air ride system has always been shit,
Oh please. If a Ford air suspension defeats you then you shouldn't even consider owning a classic, they're that simple, The system's not a problem if maintained, which basically means replacing the air springs every 5 years or so due to dry rot. This goes for anybody's air suspension btw.

Neglect is where they start having problems due to the compressor running too much (which burns them out for one thing) and that in turn puts moisture in the system, making them do seemingly weird things that make the average car owner think it's possessed.
I blew your mom’s cunt out with my cock
while any dana rear end is automatically based in my opinion, a ford 9 inch is better in 90% of situations, they also made just about every gear ever for them, people only say they are noisy because they suck at building rear ends.
ill suck your cat's cock and piss in your galaxy faggot
I need help getting my new RX350 a rebuilt title. I big dicked $5.5k for it on Copart now I'm at a loss what to do.

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how do i know if my seats are real leather or fake leather?
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Looks like trash
Most likely plastic. Real tanned cow skin is hard, uneven, and rough. Anything soft and easily bendable is polyurethane.
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Top grain leather is obtained from the outer layer of the hide, featuring finer, densely packed fibers for strength and durability. It is sanded or buffed to create a more uniform appearance, making it suitable for various applications in fashion, furniture, and automotive industries.


Corrected grain leather undergoes finishing treatments, such as buffing or sanding, to create a more uniform appearance. This type of leather is ideal for consumers seeking a polished look without the high price tag of full grain or top grain leather.
I browse dozens of 70s-80s mercs on fb every day (wfh chad) and i can count on one hand how many had seats in decent condition, and most of those specifically said RE-UPHOLSTERED in the ad

Meanwhile in China.
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chinese are still the most nuisance tourists
in a number of asian countries they have no-phone policies on public transport because the chinese tourists will just shout down their phones 24/7
god was smiling on that nigga
>caught fire *instantly* instead of the like 2 second delay that the Pinto had
Ate you talking about the infamous video where they couldn't get a pinto to ignite in a crash so they used a remotely controlled explosive to detonate the gas tank?
You mean chingga
Juan atleast isn’t a fucking turn coat for his yellow overlords

>every 2020s car that isn't a SUV
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Also Suzuki Ignis, another small hatchback that looks boxy compared to other new cars.

Remember the future X6 BMW parody and then the XM came out and it wasn’t funny anymore. Feel like you just cursed future cars
This one to me looked like a soccer ball
>If you want shit range, sure.
That's every EV. If you want to go fast/far you need ICE

Saw this at a small meet
Anyone else got some fwd to red mods?
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MadMike's Mazda3 with 4rotor
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This Civic has it's engine in the back
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Also doesn't Jay Leno have some Ford Fiesta/Festiva done like this?
weird how all these manufacturers are drivetrain swapping the FWD shitters to compete in professional drifting instead of just building a proper car to sell to the public

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