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what are some NEW /o/ approved cars i can buy in 2024?
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Funny how you think enthusiast vehicles are economy cars with slightly better motors, rather than cars built from the ground up to be sporty or have performance, just because the latter doesn't offer manual kek.
Enthusiast vehicles are 5000 pound landbarge sedans with automatics, just because they're rear-wheel drive? That's asinine.
so glad we are out of the angry fish era
Now we are in the sleepy fish era.

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will girls laugh at me if i stick this decal on my pajero? i know it uses a zexel pump but it's really a clone of the bosch ve
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i should just kms
Girls won't even see it
Why would you think it would? Girls just look at badges and judge you based on what you drive.
Why not put a zexel sticker on it at that point? It is a pretty neat logo
"pajero" means "person who masturbates" in spanisch :)

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I recently met a guy with an automatic Golf GTI. I asked him if he thought the dual-clutch lived up to the hype and without answering he immediately started talking about

>Gosh, I WOULD drive a manual, but it's so impossible to learn, also muh traffic, it just is completely impossible!
>But don't get me wrong, I WOULD drive a manual if it wasn't literally impossible
>I mean, NOBODY can drive a manual in the city, or anywhere, it's so hard. It just can't be done. But if it could, I would.

I just told him I never had any issues with my manual in the city and he got noticeably sour after that. I didn't even say it in a rude way, I just said it because I thought he'd feel better if he knew it was possible. I even offered to teach him how to drive one. Why are they like this?
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eat shit and die boomer. the math doesnt lie
it's kinda annoying when you're driving a car with a crappy clutch that's got 500+hp to the rear wheels but yeah 2nd gear is a thing
how about actual strip times tho
>well i woulda bought the manual but they just werent in stock!
>they had the auto on the lot ready to go!
>the manual was more expensive so i managed to get a great deal on this auto
>i just dont feel like changing gears on the drive to work every day
>my son didnt want to learn manual so i bought the auto so he can drive it
all the same tired bullshit excuses for autofagic drivers
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>tell work I’ll leave if they don’t order me a manual ute when the rest of the company is getting autos
>get a manual
>some people get fucking weirded out when they see it
>the idea that I specifically requested, let along demanded that I get a manual when autos were available is incomprehensible
>they mumbo the same jumbo about traffic and stuff
>just tell them I have adhd and need a manual for medical reasons

The main thing I despise about the traffic argument, is getting an auto for traffic is buying into traffic. Traffic doesn’t need to be horrendous, its made so through ignorance. Wilfully becoming more ignorant only makes it worse

I used to have an isf, that car ripped but man did the floppy paddles get old. That car needed a kick in the clutch so bad and it will never get it

I thought mej and /o/ would have a bigger crossover desu

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>just works in your path
We never got the 2nd gen in the states, so it's always weird seeing the blocked off rear hatch
If your only criteria for a car is that it "works", you've already lost.
Is there something special about the zetec? I've got a focus too, but it spends more time in the shop than on the road.
Auto? I had a zetec and a duratec and they were both peaches, but they were also three pedals and I know ford can't into a slusbox good.
in bongland there are still gorillions of this gen focus on the road with 1-200k+ miles
ive never really hear anyone have reliability problems with them

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What’s the appeal of these things? They’re hideous.
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>good at muscle car
>decent as truck
What is it with 4channers calling a 75% full glass empty? I swear its like "well uhhh the the mustang gt isn't a gt500, so might as well be an ecoboost" like what kind of tard logic is that?
friends family had one for hauling race bikes to the track on Sundays. they are dope
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I wanna restore a Brumby and whack and STI drive train in it pretty bad
Is that a factory Subie colour? Looks fucking great
They were the Cybertrucks of their time, ugly and mostly useless but a cool conversation piece

Where would I get one installed? Any recommendations?

I plan on buying a small boat this summer and will try to use my ‘13 Chevy impala
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If the ramp's that shallow, you could probably just detach the trailer from the car and let it roll gently into the water until the boat floats, then pull the trailer back yourself, cursing with sufficient vigor.
Don't forget to attach a rope to the boat.

Even many compact cars can sort of tow around 1000 kg / 2200 lbs.
Some countries require brakes for a trailer that heavy, though, and those can be a pain since any trailer with brakes might need to be inspected.
I DIY on Prius. PIA, rated 10/10 difficulty but not that bad.

See "etailer.com" for video for your model

PS-then get cargo tray, then bolt/screw nice 4' tool box. Makes comfy AF bench, etc for tailgating.
Idk cunt just fucking buy one and put it on
I put one on my piece of shit car and have towed like 1200kg no problem
i put a 1.25" hitch on my Civic just so I can use hitch mount bike racks. I would never dream of actually towing something
Go to U-haul or a hitch shop. Surprisingly Jew-haul actually has a 1-1/4'' hitch for it. Keep in mind it's only rated to tow 1000lbs which is pretty much a jet ski and a trailer and you're doing it with a recession era GM tranny. Pretty sure a "small boat" is asking to wind up one of those "boat ramp fuck up" compilations.

The last V6 Toyota will likely produce and are below MSRP.

Should I do it bros?
Yes, most based is 2019 tho with none of that electro gizmo
Yeah sure assuming you are a generic teenage girl
"Below MSRP" is still probably $70k+. Sure they may be simple and reliable but they also get 15mpg, suck to drive on the highway and generally don't give you a lot of vehicle for the money.
My ex friend that works for toyota is $70k in the hole for buying one of these and "never has time to do anything" because all he does is work to pay off his 4skin that he never uses other than to drive to work, meanwhile his wife has been driving a 1994 civic shitbox for the last five years.

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What's a cheap 70s to 2000s car for an European shithead who wants to feel like he's piloting a fighter jet? Pic semi related.
Saab 900

accept no substitute. Like a jet, its great until it blows the fuck up, then you just bail out.

It wont "blow up", just scatter some metal in engine or gearbox.

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>go to start the car
>Doesn't click
>Unscrew and starter to ignition wire
> Works for a few weeks
>Then doesn't click
What the fuck? Am i just not tightening it enough?
Unscrew and rescrew***
Could be a red herring. The solenoid itself might be dying and just by tapping it while you are removing the cable, it might work for a bit. When you pull the wire, are you wirebrushing the stud and connector end? Could be some corrosion build up. Some (old) Ford starter motor were famous for being super-touchy about corrosion on the stud. I had it happen to me, but I've never known why.
It's a brand new starter, i just cleaned the wire last time with my fingers, it had some shit on it, old car. Not a ford is a chevy gmt400. Literally the only problem with the damn car. I can tell when i need to reconnect it because the start will be very rough. I don't know. Maybe the torque of the car is through the damn thing loose. I need to replace spark plugs i think because it doesn't always start on the first crank
Is throwing* the damn thing loose
So nobody knows???? I really feel stupid here. I used an adjustable wrench like a tard so this time will use my screwdriver set to really tighten the shit out of it and this time put on new spark plugs

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Elon Muskrat is a jew rat and if he cared about innovation at all he'd make cars you can steer like a tank for maneuvers in tight spaces because that can easily be done when each of your wheels is driven independently.
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Teslas don't use one motor per wheel, also if you want cutting edge EV technology you should look to China.
Leafs are insufferable but Qu*b*cois are worse in every way
I'm actually an Emma Miskew aka Best Emma fan
Such a wonderful woman =^_*=
Neat party trick but a poor idea. Would chew out owners tyres and the consequences for the roads would be worse for everyone.
Homosexual cope

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what is the most similar car to this that I can cope with?
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>hurr muh bone stock
I can't tell if you're legitimately retarded at this point or not. Why are you coping/moving goalposts about other cars needing to have their drivetrain upgraded? What does that even have to do with your retarded claim that contradicted itself words later? Lurk moar you fucking mouth breathing moron.
>lets be honest, when you have a turbo the fancy variable timing and lift shit is irrelevant
Incorrect. VANOS will help your mid range and spool. Turbo engines do not work differently than NA engines, VVT is still highly relevant. Learn before you speak. The only reason anyone ever preferred NV was
>too retarded to learn to tune m50 vanos which is a simple on/off system that takes about a half hour to tune on the street and 3 pulls on the dyno
>too broke to buy aftermarket cams, NV engines had hotter cams
Non broke boys put a modified M54B30 cam and a modified M50NV cam in their M50s for maximum frankenstein OE performance, and people who actually have a budget put a set of aftermarket cams in there and use vanos to augment the mid range.

t. 8,000rpm 2.8L turbo M52 owner.
shut up you unbelievable nigger shitfag retard fuckface. I am literally comparing stock drivetrain to stock drivetrain but you're too much of an inexperienced supra sucking fanboy retard nigger faggot spic dumbass to understand it don't get mad at me because your mom drank herself half to death while pregnant with you leaving you with the iq of a plum and the reading comprehension of a pitbull with a brain injury
>all of this retarded cope
>not one sentence saying "well I shouldn't have said bone stock then listed the things that actually need to be changed"
So you're tripling down on the retardation?
i think he is giving you shit for this
>Bone stock drivetrain will handle it too, all you need is a clutch. Upgraded axles and cryo treated diff if drag racing on radials or slicks.

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I'm thinking of buying a 2005 Scion tC to use as my daily driver, talk me out of it.
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The engines don't go to shit until the 2007 model when they fucked it up. So a 2005 should be solid.

My friends sister bought one of these new back in the day, manual even. She let me drive it and I was thoroughly unimpressed, at the time I had a '91 CRX Si and it felt better in every way aside from the TC feeling much more solid. But that's to be expected since it weighed like 1000lbs more.
If it's been taken care of go for it
2nd generation looked better.
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Agreed; they also switched to the 2.5L 2AR-FE which is less problematic than the 2.4L 2AZ-FE although its still known to sometimes have oil burning problems particularly in the earlier ones before 2013.


If I was getting one I'd go for a 2004 to 2006 with the 2AZ before it got screwed up or a 2013 or later after they revised the 2AR engine.

Why is it that this board is so polar on everything? Either you're a cumguzzling anime fan that worships the ground {usdm} japanese cars drive on, or your a walmart dwelling Uncle sam worshipper that thinks vinyl seats are luxury and 3500lbs is lightweight. Can people learn to accept merit from all different corners of the auto industry? Its actually sort of depressing seeing people here post with nothing but hate and seethe while pointing fingers over each other, which in the real world, there's a huge exchange that goes on in motorsports and engineering that people have respect for each other over. It seems like we could have nice things if people had impulse control and discipline. Anyway here's tsuchiya in a nascar
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It’s not just this board, it’s the online car community in general. The anonymity of the internet lets people get away with being as rude and divisive as they want with zero consequences. It’s part of the reason I don’t talk to people online about any of my interests that much, because they don’t even know what they’re talking about anyway and they’re really annoying about it. Here on 4chan, it’s a blessing of free-speech, but it also makes having any serious discussion nearly impossible.

I was in a Discord group for a car-related YouTube channel I really like and while the actual channel owners were great to talk to, everyone else had the stupidest ideas and opinions I’ve ever heard and never wanted to talk about anything actually interesting. One JDM guy had the biggest victim complex I’ve ever seen and constantly whined about “purists,” “collectors,” and American cars. It was pathetic. I left because I could feel my brain mass decreasing.
I find it's healthier to meet people outside.
Admittedly I only find boomers, but at least they are reasonably nice at car shows and I have lots of knowledge via the internets so I can converse about most cars.

Online I find gets toxic, I have a bad experience, and then I seclude myself for a while. Everytime I do this I feel better
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I tried doing that
people just got mad that I wasn't engaging them in shitflinging and so they proceeded to falseflag as me just to give themselves something to be angry about
Yeah it sucks cause I feel like here is the only place I can find people that post certain information about cars or unique car stuff I haven't heard of, but 90% of the time its because someone made them mad and they had to find peer reviewed articles or first hand documented accounts specifically to site to someone who disagreed that ____ car or ____ platform is the best in the world or was better than ____ trim level in the 5th year of production in the 1970.5 model year. I just try and appreciate when threads show up for cars that occupied a weird niche or motorsports that aren't given a ton of attention
The "weeaboos" aren't the problem

It's usually euro car fanboys who think the B58 can NEVAR looz or American car fanboys who legitimately believe no car should exist if it's not a Camaro or a Corvette of some kind, and everything should get LS1 swapped ($500 at a junkyard and a afternoon). Along with nu-car zoomers who think you need at least 400hp and a 11 second 1/4 mile to merge onto the highway (they've never actually driven a 11 second car)

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NA stands for Naturally Aspirated, stupid fucking bot
They're build on basically the same frame, probably to save on cost. Which is why Titan suspension/diffs basically just bolt onto the frontier.
I'm so sorry. Forgive me, anon.
I have no excuse.

Also, I appreciate you correcting me. Thank you.
Have you seen people's complaints about the 1500's Trail boss having lifter issues? Looking at 2022, 2023 models.
Really considering the 6.2L V8.
Fronteirs are super reliable and have pretty bad resale value so you can pick them up for cheap. If I had to buy a vehicle right now, I'd look for a good deal on a sequoia that didn't have 350k miles, not find one, and then buy a frontier.

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Have any of you guys ever used Maaco for a full-paint job? I know they have a terrible rep in general but I've been searching and it looks like if you go to a highly rated location, do the prep work (popping out headlights, tail lights, trim), and opt for the top package where they actually do a 2 stage paint job you can get pretty good results for about 2k.
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>he told me to do the entire car, it would cost 30k.
Is the paint infused with fucking gold?
Repaint =/= Repainting to a different color

If you want it done right, you basically have to take the car apart and paint everything, engine bay, door frames, basically anything that will be visible one way or another
I got quoted like 9k to paint my c36 amg. He told me he could also do a quick and cheap maaco style single stage paint but warned it will look worse than it does currently in a few years. He said if it was his car he'd leave it how it is and not repaint it. But then the guys at benz shop told me there's a mexican body shop that does oe quality repaints for 4-5k. I don't really trust any of the maacos around me. There's so many p71s around here that got resprayed after being auctioned a few years ago and all of them have ruined paint already.
>style single-stage paint
Yeah, this is exactly what I'd stay from, if I go Maaco I'm gonna opt for their dual-stage option which is pricier. If there is some mexican/independent shop that can get me a quality paint job for 4-5k like you mentioned I might go down that road
damn my museum quality dodge viper with 4400 miles on it cost 31k.

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