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Imma watch this fucking show until the day I fucking die. Heaven save me I'm a tried and true PBS car review fanboy.
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Watching John gain weight with every show is a tru American experience.
JewTube. They even do live marathons.
The only car show worth watching on Jewtube, really.
i love the original intro that they now use for their retro reviews, catchy as fuck
For me it's vintage Bud Lindemann road tests. They test every car on the track. It's pretty comfy watching these majestic beasts go around a track.


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i fucked, I broken the hose of the acceleration body, how I can do a temp fix in the time I get the replacement?
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blast it with piss
i going to the junkyard if i dont find the piece i going to give a try to use a rubber hose, thanks
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Well the junkyard have nothing with Ford focus 07 but I buy a new hose in the AutoZone this is the end result
I going to test this shitty contraction and go with a friend to help me to make the hose fit the connector I don't have enough strength in my hands to make more tight, thanks for the idea
Jb weld
I like butyl tape to seal off things like that.
>two inch duct tape to hold it in place
>wrap to hold in place
>four inch gorilla all weather butyl seal tape
>wrap around hose and duct tape
>seal it
>it will probably stay that way forever
Rubber adhesive is disgusting stuff but I'd be hard pressed to find something that can stay that way forever.

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>Gas prices perpetually increasing
>Dramatic rises due to war
>High IQ people are seeking to maximize MPG's
>Low IQ people choose to he poor
How are you holding up anons?
You are getting 2000 miles per gallon, aren't you?
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>Because it's still more fun than gas cars that do 0-60 in 10 seconds
>cvt equipped 3700lb shitbox
Is this the first and only car you've owned or something? You seem extremely stupid saying something like this. An old 1.6L NA isn't far off a 10s 0-60 and it's 1000x more fun.
It doesn't have a CVT. It has an eCVT, which despite its similar name uses entirely different principles. It's more akin to a one speed transmission.

I'm not comparing it to a Miata. I'm comparing it to cars most closely resembling in it in size and segment, like the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla.
Me again. I was curious to learn more about how the Volt's drivetrain works and is basically uses planetary gears to achieve infinite gear ratios instead of belts. It doesn't actually shift, though, it spins one shaft (motor 1) faster or slower which forces another shaft (motor 2) to spin slower or faster while maintaining speed of a third shaft (the wheels) to keep the combined speed of the motors down to improve the efficiency or something. I don't know. It's still not as efficient as a BEV without planetary gear wizardry.
An E-CVT is just a worse CVT since it's simulating the bands ability with clutch packs.
The planetary gear set in an eCVT has far less friction to contend with than the belt and pulley system in a CVT.

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it's over
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Why the fuck do you fucking retards think people will spend $45k on a chink truck/SUV over a $50k domestic?
This. Detroit had some solid entries in the full-size market, but who in their right mind would buy a Chevy Celebrity or Lumina over an Accord of the same era?
No they are not you dumb weeb

>Mitsubishi motors falsified data for more than 25 years
>Kobe steel falsified data since 1980s
>Toray Industries falsified data of tires
>Takara airbags falsified data since 1990s
>Toyota falsified data of engines since 1980s
>Daihatsu falsified data of crash test since 1980s
>IHI falsified data of diesel engine for more than 30 years
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>a non-Tesla, non-burger cybertruck

Is this real or just a PS?
>the american populace already sold their soul to japan and korea due to 'muh cheap new car' (nearly killing the domestic producers in the process) and never blinked twice
I'll play devil's advocate and state that American automakers never give other segments that aren't trucks, SUVs, or SUV-like crossovers the investment necessary to thrive, but Asian automakers do, and reliably steal customers doing this. The American auto industry does not have a viable affordable entry into the market except for the used market, and used cars do not matter to manufacturers.

When the economy shits itself, American automakers don't build a car to handle the economic hardship. They bring in a world car from a developing nation, Americans bitch that they feel poor, and then abandon affordable American cars. When America has an economic boom, they promptly discontinue the affordable car option and continue as normal.

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>0 accident. 0 ticket
>$300/month to insure in a:
>state with the least crime rate
>a $7 minimum wage
>the fewest accident
>lowest car theft
>one of the safest states
>$300 is the lowest I can find

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200 quid a month here, mate. Shit sux all around.
I really don’t know how insurance works but when I swapped my 2010 Accord for a 2020 F150 my insurance rate (full coverage) almost halved.
something here is not adding up, sounds like you are lying about something.
thats because you are listening to retards that dont represent the average american.
I pay for $50 a month did you buy a fucking Lamborghini

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>find metal on drain plug like this last oil change
>Current oil change same thing
This oil change I am going synthetic but it makes me sad I love my truck I don't like seeing it like this. Can someone hold me?
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Yes. Will give me an excuse to finally drop a cumming into it but I love the 360la that's in it we have done so much together. If I pull it I doubt I'm going to put it back in unless it the cylinders are perfect
Rip OP truck.
My truck was a complete shitheap that I had neutral feelings for and sold for as much as it was purchased for with very minimal money put into keeping it going.
But man, I miss it. They shouldn't even be allowed to sell trucks like that ever again and I still miss it.
I will never sell this truck I just can't do it. It's about to roll over 100k. Engine doesn't make a bit of noise but I think it's from sending it 100mph with no od. Just gonna baby it from now on
Mine had a max speed of 80ish and noballs despite chebby 350 because of anemic 80s EFI and emissions and what have you.
Glass joe transmission started making the death clunks and I noped out of there, guy who bought it just wanted a relatively low mile (70k?) 350 block to fuck around with for who knows what project and I needed better than 14mpg for a daily driver.
I've got an 86 to daily now but man if I find a roller cam 360 it's gonna get the full treatment and out in there if I don't do a Cummins swap

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>when braking hard at hwy speeds my suv will loose control and the rear tires will start moving sideways a little

Why is this happening? the ABS seems to be working so its not the tires locking up
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check your tire pressures. If that’s not it, get your brakes fixed.
> its a new car, 2024 just got it 5 months ago
You bought a nu-SUV made for soccer moms and you’re surprised it’s driving dynamics and stability are mediocre?
Whats the make and model?
Weight shifts forward, reducing grip on rears. This can produce lockup on the rear tires and not the front. A tire that locks will slow down less than one that doesnt. That gives the rear more kinetic potential than the front. If your are driving in anything but a perfectly straight line with a bilaterally symmetrical car, the rear will have a slight bias toward left or right, and will then move forward and in that direction, essentially spinning the rear around. Abs in consumer vehicles is trash, and so the tires can still lock somewhat.
You need new tires wheels brake pad and rotors
sounds like the rear is locking up before the front.

Why do people want trucks with non-existent beds these days?
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>Why do people want trucks with non-existent beds these days?
>sees a truck
>immediately thinks about interracial cuckold porn

Truck Derangement Syndrome
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Once you realize OP is a paid actor it all starts to make sense.

Found in the "Low Miles No Miles" public Facebook group.

What's wrong with these people?
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Don't matter, there's oxidation in the top of the cylinders that will cause knock city pretty fucking quickly, also lots of plastic and rubber is worn to shit. No one should fucking buy that thing because very soon it will cost another 11k to fix everything.
That shit washes right off. It's the cars that have been religiously buffed, for twenty years, that have no life left in the paint.
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>$40000 = $22,937 in 2002 dollars.
The value of that car halved just sitting in his garage. Stuffing that $47k in a mattress would have preformed marginally better.

Its actually kind of unfortunate. A lot of guys in the 90s and 00s were buying cars and storing them like that thinking it they would have a high value car on there hands some day that they could just roll out to Barrett Jackson action or a car show. The problem is the supply of these 90s/00s cars out strips the demand from younger generations.
Probably dudes thinking they were getting the new version of 1960s classics not realizing everyone growing up in the early 2000s would want JDM legend cars or BMW/Mercs from when they were made solidly.
A truck motor in a car stereotyped for being owned by rich douches isn't what anyone is excited for now.
You're such an idiot. Stop looking at it from a boomer's perspective of investing and inflation. He's listing it for $40k because it has no miles on it and boomers love corvettes.

This has been listed for over a year, its one of the least desirable corvettes and has known glass jaws like the crossfire injection. Its just what boomers do. See my post above of having that attainable "super car" feeling their parents had specifically for corvettes.

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>be me
>retarded p*destrian confronts me on my driving
>turn 360 degrees and drive away
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They have but Chinese EV imports were banned and so was BYD's YangWang U8 which could do it. Now Mercedes copied it.
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haha it's spinning just like the windmills that are saving the planet™ so wholesome y'all
>not my problem.gif
four wheel independend motors is expensive and in reality it has no use
sage negated fucktard

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No car under 150k is trying to "fool" a rolls buyer. It looks leagues better than its actual competition in its class (the LS 500) and if the Toyota and G90 swapped body styles but kept their respective mechanical guts, the LS would be considered nearly-perfect.
It looks even more chink-ish than the Lexus.
Ugly face
Actually, I need my front bumper covers to be less than 80% grille.
gook car shill

fck off Korean cuck. we don't care about your shit cars gook
fckin gook eyed. fck genesisy/Hyundai

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>a front-wheel drive automatic overweight sedan is fun!
>it doesn't need to have more than 150hp, it's a car and it's fun!
>well my overweight fwd sedan is a manual so it's automatically fun because of that!!!

If their obese FWD grocery getters are so "fun", why do they spend so much time trying to convince other people?

>inb4 "muh civic type r!"
Your Automatic 1997 Camry isn't a Civic Type R, tardass.
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I don't think I'd consider navigating gridlock, to be fun in any car let alone an automatic base model civic
All that matters is if you like it. You like your cute Fiesta? Good for you anon. Your like your Corvette? Good for you anon. The problem starts when you try to claim that "x" car is better than "y" because this and that. Stop acting like children and grow a pair.
>near silent 2.7 liters v6 fwd diesel
>hydropneupatic double wishbone suspensions
>205 hp and 440 nm torque at 2k rpm
>leather interioor with wood
>longest landbarge everywhere I go
>adaptative spoiler

I love this frog so much it's unreal
Nice windstar anon
some people just like to drive

OFC a sporty car is more fun
ofc a burping v8 is more pleasing
ofc a lightweight car feels better
ofc a manual gets you more involved
ofc RWD is the right is floats many boats

If one likes to drive, an overweight sedan is going to be fun. not as fun as a hellcat, but still fun

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Tesla just got saved by lazy Joe. Thoughts on this?
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That makes the US sound quite retarded then to allow this to happen unabated for decades. People that actually warned about this exact thing years ago were systematically silenced by our leaders and media. Oops.
The World loves China
The World is amazed by our EVs
Only USA is afraid
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China has hired the best designers of Europe, what do you have?

Ching Chang ping pong ah yes herro sir your fried dog is rready
The US establishment is indeed comprised of greedy gullible retards of all stripes in a vacuum, but a large part of this is also the (now former) global elite being insane Jews and weird libertine communists in general and China having successfully sold itself as finding the key to achieving whatever esoteric satanic end state for humanity they’ve decided is “true transcendence” at the moment, in this case a a kind of third positionism in the form of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. How easily they gave up authority they worked so hard to achieve is the craziest thing about it. You have to be incomprehensibly fucking Machiavellian and generally good at lying and selling yourself to out-Jew Jews

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Post Sunday Cups
i want a japanese racing series where its just american shitboxes. any american car they could import (impala, trucks, crown vics, express vans, old nigged out escalades etc) just racing in one big open series.
Already exists

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I thought Chinese vehicles were supposed to be cheap?

>$54k USD
>$58k USD
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>$54k USD
>$58k USD
That's relatively cheap. Have you seen the cost of new US trucks lately?
>Boils Your Dog
>Chinese cars are ba-GLUG
Yawn, already read that one.

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