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What made you stop driving recklessly?
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Being actually white
viofo a119v3
they sell a hardwire kit with a selectable minimum voltage cutoff so you don't drain your battery overnight
I went the opposite. used to drive leisurely but retards keep sleeping at green lights like they want to catch the next red. got fed up with it now I drive aggressively to pass you dumb fucks. never catch redlights anymore and so fuel mileage has increased actually
I never did.
When I was a teenager I read Aristotle and he said that a good life is also measured by a good death, which is a death that corresponds to the life lived, i.e. a warrior dying in battle.
I realized that dying in traffic was the most pathetic way for me to go - I hate traffic, other drivers and the current state of highways - so I try to minimize the risks.
Occasionally I will do for a highway drive about 1am on a weeknight. Such little traffic and no cops, it's the only time I can get higher than 120. Still haven't been able to reach 175 but I will some day.

Communism is beautiful
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Doesn't even have to be BMW. This is how VW looked like in 1961.
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And VW in 1989.
Sure, but it might be something's fault that there only was that one factory and no competitors.
And trying to set up a competing factory might have ended very badly. You don't want to rock the boat in a system like that.
Amongst whom? The drunken masses piled into block housing? Please Ivan, don't make me laugh.

Chink detected. Only you yellow slant eyed fucks ever would use pigdog as some kind of insult. You need to learn better English before your gaslighting will be anything but laughed at.


Brand name of the car on the windshield edition

Honda is my favorite Honda

Need help identifying a chassis?


The last one
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200k+. Do a valve adjustment every 25k-50k or something and it'll last forever.
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I just hit 160k hooning the fuck out of mine as a daily driver and did maybe 5k-10k doing pizza delivery making me more money than I got the Si for and have only literally just now had my first ever shifting problem start up a few days ago and I'm getting it looked at on Monday.
It was the car I learned manual on almost a decade ago so clutch and synchros are probably on the table but the motor itself still redlines all day long and has some very mild head/main gasket leaks that will probably need redone sometime eventually just enough for a somewhat moist looking block but not dripping any fluids underneath yet.
It rattles on startup sometimes but I think the timing chain will be fine, probably just the plastic pieces that hold it in place finally giving.

tl;dr shit's probably going to need more than oil changes around 150k give or take but I'm ready to do whatever I need to keep the k20 screaming into the unknown future.
>Hotwing destroyed by another bikefag

That's fucked up though
Wtf I keep seeing crosstours. I just saw this 2 today other than my own including a blacked out one with the carbon fiber, blacked out window trim and grill and door grabs. Even the badge was back. And some red calipers and I think it was pre 2013! Ngl looks nice although I like some silver/chrome. Am I really going to spend 10k+ customizing my fucking Crosstour with nearly 100k miles?
You're not the only one, it's quite a common sight in California, Crosstour niggas are not gonna get rid of their vehicle anytime soon, it's like Element owners, they know they have something weird, they like it, and they're keeping it.

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This angers the liberal
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Another promise, another scene
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the seat belts wrapped around our minds
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
So come on
It's not ok to be fat, pls respect the body that god gave you and lose your excess weight
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It depends, agree with the whole zoning thing though. The same issue exists but even more extreme here in Toronto. I checked my commute and taking public transit would add an hour both ways with too many transfers (4 total - bus > train > train > bus). Visited Japan twice so far and enjoyed the mobility there via transit. The equivalent commute ex. Fuchu (west Tokyo) to Ikebukuro is beat via transit even accounting for a time bonus when using toll roads. Even better was that they put small grocery stores and restaurants under the buildings. Anything else could be serviced by convenience stores on basically every block. Trying to find a place to stay for a few months this year over there and as long as you are near a major line, it's super easy to travel. Hell even across the country is easy.
I'd also like to have a proper discussion. Would rather drive to avoid the riffraff and mental cases on public transit. More transit should ease traffic for anyone who would prefer driving anyways. At least from a city point of view.
All I want are proper alternatives when I don't feel like driving and to get people who don't want to drive off the road. Keep all the car infrastructure etc.
The fuck lmao that just looks like you don't have public transit at all
The problem is those people are constantly benchmarking European cities with 500k-1m people and trying to apply the same planning to American ones with 10+ million or small suburban towns with 10k. It just doesn't work like that. They also always neglect the fact that a large portion of workers and shoppers in those Euro cities are actually commuters from smaller towns as well, not all people living within the 15 minute walkable zone.

On top of that their attempts to do it in the US always just result in creating a trust fund kid paradise while forcing people who work downtown to move out of family homes or reasonable apartments and instead commute from the suburbs, which is only made worse by all of the bike lanes and traffic calming measures the urbanists insist on.

If the urbanists actually had any sense they'd be advocating for a shift to numerous new small cities linked by good rail infrastructure but naturally they never go for that one.
Mason City is a Liberal place though

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>dude, gasoline won't catch on fire it an accident
>dude, cars don't explode after an accident

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did the guy fell asleep or what
Well yeah, an actual gas explosion would be similar to a fuel/air thermobaric bomb. At a tanker's capacity it would (theoretically if the pressure could be high enough and a high concentration premix oxygen source) be enough to blow out windows in a 200ft radius and kill anyone nearby from internal rupture.

So thankfully tanker trucks cant do that tyat would suck.
>lightly hit median

i'm no engineer, but i don't think that's a design flaw
OMG they got better though right? :)
Atomizing many things makes them explosive and flammable due to the increased surface area. Hydraulic ruptures can easily turn into fires, but you wouldn't consider cooling oil flammable or explosive in a barrel like people do with gasoline.

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im going to give a girl a ride to another town tonight. gonna be about a 1hr drive. What can i add to my passenger seat to maximize the odor absorption of this girl sitting on it for an hour? I already have cloth seats
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lay down a fresh diaper on the seat and just tell her you heard girls cant hold their pee and poop in and laugh nervously and then, after a slight pause add:
>not that i would mind or anything haha
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bro this thread

fluffy seat cover
by passenger seat I mean trunk
Just ask her if she'd like to go for a couple of drinks before leaving and have her drink a lot. Then when she gets the urge to pee, tell her she can go on the seats, that you can clean it out later. Or if you prefer, keep an empty bottle and tell her to go in it and then close it tight and put it under the seat and you'll get rid of it later. Then you can taste her pee and pour it on you back at home
I feel like we have this "How to maximize female smell absorption" thread at least once a week.

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Who is superior?
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>he bought a diesel with sensors
Feels good having 3 diesel trucks and none of them have a single sensor anywhere on them
You’d have to be an absolute retard to own a electronically controlled diesel engine
I'm going to give you the engineer answer. non is superior both have their applications where they are suited best. you don't want a gas powered 36L engine in a ship and you don't really want a diesel in a motorcycle for reasons. (I still like diesel motorcycles but they're pretty boring from a performance standpoint)
Diesel. Simpler yet more effective. Loves to be turbocharged. Natural ignition and better mileage
Retard alert
I prefer gasoline, but I admit that diesel is superior for agricultural machinery.
I prefer diesel, but I admit that gasoline is superior for a lawn mower and a chain saw

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who actually uses getupside? they need to get a better radio ad
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They're selling your data anyway. The app just gives you a cut of it.

Can you explain why your data is valuable to you? You can't? okay, keep your secrets then.
Can you explain why my data is valuable to them?
aight i'm'a head out
Sure, they get typical driver habits and sell that to marketing agencies, possibly gas companies to get better information on buying habits, usage, and other similar data to market and advertise "better" along with price changes. If they know nobody buys gas on a monday morning, and everyone fills up thursday evening, they can adjust prices accordingly.

And before you exclaim how smug you are, marketing companies have been doing this exact same data collection and consumer behavior studies for over a century.

Again, explain to me why protecting your buying habit data is important.
I think my sister was using it for awhile, she recommended it to me.

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/o/ humour rekt thread
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Out of everything in this thread...Jesus fuck.
Chebotarev_life on social media, this guy posts shit like this all the time.
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best motoring is funny


>miata is always the ans-
why are mazdas such rust magnets? never seen another brand catch rust as much
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i'm currently considering a ZC31S Suzuki Swift, guess i'm fucked if they salt the roads during winters.
unless i pick out a good example and do an anticorrosion treatment?
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>why are [miatas] such rust magnets?
1. shit owners who don't maintain it
2. the softtop has drainage holes which get ignored, water gets blocked, rust rots the car out from the inside
solution to the second one is to use a trumpet cleaner.
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Skill issue
Yeah, pretty much any older Japanese car is probably rusting somewhere, even if you don't see it. Especially if it's been used in an area with road salt.
I think they finally figured out electroplating/hot zinc dips by the late 00s or so, but who knows how they do things at their local manufacturing plants.
it's doing that paint job a favor desu

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>click video
>immediately notice 1 thing wrong
>she was going faster than the truck in the right lane. likely executing a pass.
This is simply another example of why vehicles classified as Trucks should simply never be allowed in the left most lane, and why it should be illegal for them to overtake anything other than a truck in a lane on the right purposefully made for slower moving trucks to drop back.
Heavier vehicles need much greater restrictions on them for their own safety and for the safety of everyone else on the road.

This also seems like a case where the bridge should be narrowed to two lanes with shoulders on either side for emergencies and a lane down the center for emergency vehicles.
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Yes, semi-truck and similarly large vehicle restrictions are far too lax in some places, creating dangerous roads for the cars that use them. Here in the deep south, specifically tennessee, we allow our semi-trucks to go 70-80mph with no consequence and it causes all sorts of problems for other drivers and other truckers. When they go up a hill they rapidly lose speed, down to 55, and then they speed back up to 80 as they go down the hill. This causes cars to pass on the left, return to the right, just to have that truck riding their ass or trying to re-pass on the way down. This upsets drivers and causes congestion as the left lane is blocked by a trucker who cannot complete a pass. Our weigh stations do not have sufficient advance warning or truck lane restrictions to get all trucks in the rightmost lane without disrupting traffic flow. This causes major backups during rush hour where a weigh station is located right outside of a city. We also have very short on-ramps which causes truckers to plow into traffic going 30-40 under the limit. This causes domino-effect braking during high congestion hours, causes drivers to flee into the left lanes, cutting people off to avoid having to brake, and makes them scared of using the right lane. Our overhead signage makes navigating junctions confusing for some people, as the guidance arrows tend to be misleading in some cases, and causes truckers to select the wrong lane, and they will correct at the very last minute before the road forks.
Potential solutions:
- State-wide truck speed limit (Roadway speed limit minus 10mph)
- Passing restriction zones applicable to vehicles over 3 axles or GVWR 26K+, no passing on long grades, narrow bridges, etc. Sign: "No trucks left lane", & "End truck lane restriction". double indicated.
That bridge has no reason to be 2 lanes each way with no shoulder, it dumps right out into downtown anyways.
One more thing, couldn't fit it
- Lane restrictions 2mi in advance to weigh station
Yellow beacons flash when weigh station is open.
These shall be overhead signs on >2 lane interstates, double indicated standard interstate shoulder signs otherwise.
Yes, it's a nigger woman, literally the worst of the worst, but she unironically did nothing wrong here.

>collision warning radar saved my ass for the first time
I will never make fun of modern safety bullshit ever again.
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somehow people prefer to pretend to live in their idealized world rather than face how it really is
I have no collision on my record after 15 years of driving and he's right. People who need a computer to tell them what's happening should not be allowed to operate vehicle. It really is that simple.
Literally nothing wrong with devices that keep women and plebs from ramming into me. Change my mind.
>Missed out on his first collision

anon I....

you need to experience at least one with a casualty to become a real racecar driver.
>crested a hill and didn't see that traffic in front of me
Then you don't go 80 mph shitcunt driver

I'm 6'4" can I fit in an ND Miata, and are they good? I am longer in the torso I think. Or should I get an Ecoboost Mustang or something like that?
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> 2inches head room

ur 6ft 1 maybe probably just 6ft.
too many slightly above average height dudes making bogus height claims.
I can't tell you how many fags tell me they are 6ft5+ as my 6ft 4 ass looks down at them.
inseams are part of lookism now?
what did that happen?
sure thing buddy. Not everyone is built the same. Some people's height comes more in their legs, also the RF has more head room than the soft top. Real 6'3'' hear and have no problem w/ head room, but like I said, probably couldn't wear a helmet.
>the RF has more head room than the soft top

Random other 6'3"anon here, this was not my experience. I spent 10 minutes trying to find a seating position where I could fit in an RF and gave up, in an ST I fit just barely, hair touching. I think you've got things reversed.
>RF has more head room than the soft top.
not in my experience.
I've sat in both.
still couldn't fit my head in a RF that had a slider delete and a thinner Sparco Sprint seat.
ur ass is 6ft.
I can guarantee it.

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I deliver pizza with a 2011 Toyota Corolla. I run the oil and tires. Also it has 250k miles, I plan to do the job with this car for another 5 years. The car is a workhorse.
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Thanks for sharing. How many more miles do you expect to put on it during the 5 years?
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Eggcellent vehicle for task.
Watch out for "them". Never Relax.
2011 Corolla huh? You really hit the jackpot
You plan on delivering pizza for five more years? Dream big anon.
and sometimes wings, too

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its a fiat panda, it absolutely has a reverse gear
100% a stancefag
It was a different era, man. These old timers had balls of steel, cocks like donkeys, and valued comfortable clothes over getting a small burn or scraped knees. Granted, the science of modern pit teams is faster; but they might as well replace them with machines at this point.

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