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Well the cars aren't supposed to collide with each other at all. They're supposed to go in a relatively straight line on their lane
>pulls steering wheel entirely to one side
that probably didn't help things
Why the fuck are people parking on a bridge?
his steer wheels would have been smashed to one side
>a truck
Is one of them the container ship taking out the bridge?
i'm finding this hard to believe.
FWIW, this is the 2nd Street Bridge in Louisville, KY. It parallels I-65 across the Ohio and was the only "free" bridge in operation in the area at the time as the I-64 bridge was closed for repair. The other bridges across the Ohio in that area are toll bridges.

Anyway, the 2nd Street Bridge is pretty narrow and really shouldn't be 4 lanes just because there's no room to recover. There's also no room for a center barrier nor guardrails. Trucks shouldn't be on it either but you can't really stop them. Speed limit is posted as 35mph but it's basically a free-for-all with 70mph speeds being common as there's no opportunity for traffic enforcement on the Kentucky side and only a little bit of space on the Indiana side just as you exit the bridge northbound. Most of the time ISP is operating as a wolf pack around I-65 mm7 though.
probably broken down or some shit. dumbass in the pickup probably zoned out
>retarded nigger swerves at last minute to avoid car that has its 4 ways on
>destroys her steering linkage when hitting her since her attempts at counter-steering is futile
>straight up skin of her teeth hanging off the bridge
jesus christ how horrifiyng
Why is she turning her steering wheel 100 times a minute like she's fake-driving in a movie
So basically it was just a matter of time before OP happened
>100 times a minute like she's fake-driving in a movie
i've seen people spin the wheel quicker going around a corner in daily traffic. also whatever steering linkage that truck used was fucked when the pickup smashed it
I'm talking about how fidgety she is before the crash when she was just driving normally.
Maybe she shouldn't have cruised in the left lane. Reap what you sow.
You're a fucking retard in so many ways.

Have you ever actually driven a car? Roads aren't perfectly flat like in video games and vehicles are not perfectly stable.
the road she's driving on looks flat to me.
The drunk hit her front left wheel blowing out the entire front axle. Complete steering loss upon impact.

It's clear they've never driven a large truck to know any of this.

The movement of the steering wheel is a clear indication of undulations in the road surface. It is a bridge, after all. The whole thing is also contracting, expanding and moving with the wind.
she was going faster than the truck in the right lane. likely executing a pass.
large trucks are sensitive to small bumps and unevenness in the road. that bridge sucks to drive on. semitruck steering rack degrees from lock to lock are insane too. this freightliner m2 i'm sitting in is almost 5 rotations. the little fidgets in her steering wheel aren't that much input.
wait until you see all of the pajeets we have driving trucks these days.
>toll bridges
>Land of the free
>Cant even drive over a bridge built with socialist tax monies
Oh say can you see
Why are trucks so easily upset? I swear, the lights bump on the road and the whole thing goes sideways. The fuck are these things made of?
>click video
>immediately notice 1 thing wrong
>she was going faster than the truck in the right lane. likely executing a pass.
This is simply another example of why vehicles classified as Trucks should simply never be allowed in the left most lane, and why it should be illegal for them to overtake anything other than a truck in a lane on the right purposefully made for slower moving trucks to drop back.
Heavier vehicles need much greater restrictions on them for their own safety and for the safety of everyone else on the road.

This also seems like a case where the bridge should be narrowed to two lanes with shoulders on either side for emergencies and a lane down the center for emergency vehicles.
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Yes, semi-truck and similarly large vehicle restrictions are far too lax in some places, creating dangerous roads for the cars that use them. Here in the deep south, specifically tennessee, we allow our semi-trucks to go 70-80mph with no consequence and it causes all sorts of problems for other drivers and other truckers. When they go up a hill they rapidly lose speed, down to 55, and then they speed back up to 80 as they go down the hill. This causes cars to pass on the left, return to the right, just to have that truck riding their ass or trying to re-pass on the way down. This upsets drivers and causes congestion as the left lane is blocked by a trucker who cannot complete a pass. Our weigh stations do not have sufficient advance warning or truck lane restrictions to get all trucks in the rightmost lane without disrupting traffic flow. This causes major backups during rush hour where a weigh station is located right outside of a city. We also have very short on-ramps which causes truckers to plow into traffic going 30-40 under the limit. This causes domino-effect braking during high congestion hours, causes drivers to flee into the left lanes, cutting people off to avoid having to brake, and makes them scared of using the right lane. Our overhead signage makes navigating junctions confusing for some people, as the guidance arrows tend to be misleading in some cases, and causes truckers to select the wrong lane, and they will correct at the very last minute before the road forks.
Potential solutions:
- State-wide truck speed limit (Roadway speed limit minus 10mph)
- Passing restriction zones applicable to vehicles over 3 axles or GVWR 26K+, no passing on long grades, narrow bridges, etc. Sign: "No trucks left lane", & "End truck lane restriction". double indicated.
That bridge has no reason to be 2 lanes each way with no shoulder, it dumps right out into downtown anyways.
One more thing, couldn't fit it
- Lane restrictions 2mi in advance to weigh station
Yellow beacons flash when weigh station is open.
These shall be overhead signs on >2 lane interstates, double indicated standard interstate shoulder signs otherwise.
Yes, it's a nigger woman, literally the worst of the worst, but she unironically did nothing wrong here.
lol that's just the same kind of steering correction you do in a car, but amplified because trucks are a lot more sensitive than cars to bumps and undulations in the road
Because the rich lady was an asshole.
1. Woman driver
2. She only has one hand on the wheel
3. She's got a bunch of shit sitting on the passenger seat
4. She's driving in the left lane but not passing
5. Dipshit swerves out into oncoming traffic
6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself
7. Uh, brakes much?
8. Woman driver should count as 2
9. IDK
10. A bunch of resources were wasted rescuing a nigger
What I will agree on is that its as bad habit, since you can see the camera POV go left/right. Same with her posture, making her more tense than she needs to be.
Some of the twitching is feedback due cheap as fuck power steering, but a lot of it is really horrid habits for correcting that.
>rent free
Lol, lmao even.
>6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself
She steered to the passenger side, she did exactly what she was supposed to do.
>7. Uh, brakes much?
Are you under the impression that semi's can stop on a dime?
>she did exactly what she was supposed to do
If she was doing exactly what she was supposed to do, she wouldn't be a truck driver
>Are you under the impression that semi's can stop on a dime?
I didn't realize it was a dime's length between her lane and halfway over the bridge
However on that particular bridge the northbound right lane becomes exit-only within a few hundred feet of where the accident occurred.

She was actually being a bitch by closing in on the truck in the right lane, boxing him into a lane that would be closing out. I wouldn't take a genius to figure out Right Lane would be wanting over within seconds, so why close in? Admittedly, the bridge is undermarked since you can't really see the Exit-Only sign until you're right on it but as a Sysco food service driver she's local and would have been through there repeatedly so she should know.
Did we watch the same video? She got front-ended by the black SMASHEDSLAMMED pickup that veered into her lane, which was the one that was avoiding the stopped car. Watch from the start, the pickup is totally hidden by the white utility truck in front of it until it's already going into her lane and way too close for the semi to stop or even really slow.
well, the front end's come off
No one's asking this but why did that pickup trugg randomly cross over the median
To get to the other side of the road.
>wait until you see all of the pajeets we have driving trucks these days.

On god, would rather have a black woman driving a semi. They tend to easily panic under stress but are pretty thorough otherwise, Pajeets are confidently stupid and will do said stupid thing anyways, and taking several people with them.
Maybe he shouldn't have
Unhinged truckold passing double yellow instead of waiting two seconds
Why didn't the truck just pass the parked car without going over the median
>6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself

You're blind as fuck. I can throw the rest of the post away just based on that.
>9. white man rescuing a nigger
I love how there's a car stopped and two cars hitting each other, but every time I've seen this posted anywhere, it's all about the truck driver.
That's why I'm out of it. [Motor]cyclists pay with their lives, CDL holders get raped for anything their fault or not, it's just fourwheelers, the princesses of the road who never did anything

Pay three pigs; one to watch cars incoming, one to watch cars outcoming, and one to monitor a live feed. Find a way to oull them over, I don't fucking care, there has to be a way.
I've been nearly ran off Walt during a road rage incident and what good is the DPRA station right there if they don't enforce?

I'll give you that one

Then the industry needs to stop paying in pennies on miles as the crow flies, dude.
I pass you now on the bridge, you'll never see me again till I'm in CO or something, it all adds up, we're not all commuting to Mr Scheklbergs office

You're an actual fucking retard if you think mixing two speeds is ever a good fucking idea.

>6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself
You have eyes in your head, don't you?
>You're an actual fucking retard if you think mixing two speeds is ever a good fucking idea.
Midwestern states do it all the time with a statewide speed limit for 26K+ GVWR that's about 10mph slower than the car speed limit. This keeps most truckers from being floored against their governor and makes them more predictable to cars.
less 68 vs 69mph races on two lane interstates and less cars passing uphills getting trapped in the left lane by that truck on the downhill.
It works perfectly fine.
>seething sheboons
You're asking me to make less money because you can't handle yourself then?
Most eastern states you can't even back out of your driveway without some schmuck in a hat wants a quarter.
you should be getting paid hourly while driving, not by the mile/km.
you truckfags don't stand up for yourself and get shit all over by your company who pay less and less cents per mile/km every year.
Because most of the industry is right wing bootlicking retards
I agree, thats a large part of why I'm out. Fox News on every screen, and wimpering adult men losing their absolute shit over the Loves girl reminding them to wear a mask.
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a lot of truckers are the lowest of the low iq wise. i appreciate what they do, but so many of them are flat-earthers and shit like that. they get manipulated by their company into buying and leasing their own truck and trailer, and they'll still believe they're being paid extremely well and treated great despite only coming home with maybe 60K/yr. All it takes is waving the keys to a 2024 Peterbilt in front of them and they'll get on their hands and knees for it.
They deserve to be treated better and paid properly. After all, they spend more time in that truck than anywhere else. I don't know where the industry will go after they all retire. My guess is the pajeets will completely take over the trucking industry.
1. Nigger
2. Woman
4. Dominant hand putting too much pressure on the steering wheel
5. Bored face
6. Second car crashing into her
7. Turning too far down to the right
8. The first car parked
9. The second car parked
10. The janky motion to the right she was driving in the beginning.
>Pay three pigs;
You are way overcomplicating things. Literally just put a "NO TRUCKS ON BRIDGE" sign up. Have a single copy at one end to write tickets for trucks. Would sort itself out after a couple weeks
She should have hit the brakes hard instead of trying to overcorrect with a useless steering wheel.
either way:
>a semi truck
>with one arm
disaster waiting to happen
>female driver
>nigger driver
>2 second reaction time
>female nigger tier reaction
It's pretty clear that you're a busrider
>license plates required in all 51 states
>driver license required in all 51 states
>brutal police ready to kill you for mere speeding
>muh freedom

Only idiots believe in this fallacy.
Clearly it’s
1. Nigger
2. Nigger
3. Nigger
4. Nigger
5. Nigger
6. Nigger
7. Nigger
8. Nigger
9. Nigger
10. Nigger
>big long rambly post demanding MOAR LAWZ
>Here in the south...
Way to out yourself as a califaggot transplant.
>We also have very short on-ramps
Can confirm. Green Springs Hwy onto I-65 in Birmingham is the worst. You have about 100 feet to merge, and there's often some broke down nigger wagon parked on the shoulder, so if you can't merge you basically have to go off the road or rear end the nigger wagon.
>Potential solutions:
>Make traffic even slower and clumsier
>German-style regulatory cruft

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