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It's the weekend. What are you working on? Post shoddy repairs, complain about parts availability, bitch about engineering decisions made 30 years ago, or circlejerk over your Rock Auto magnets. Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets and transvestites not allowed.
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>tint the windshield.
Gotta be careful with that shit; cops love seeing tint on a windshield for an easy pullover and in some states its 100% illegal, some say you can go to a certain ANSI line, some have no fucks given.
I was considering 70%, which I don't believe would've been too obvious. The biggest giveaway would be the cutout around the rear view mirror.
kek was trying to find out wtf car a simplicity was before i saw the lawnmower blade in that diagram
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That looks cool. I'd like an old bike to tune and clean next.

This stock MP5 has a small exhaust leak coming from the gasket between the cat and the resonator. Gonna drop the new exhaust, clean with Brillo pads and apply red gasket maker on both sides of the gasket and let cure for 24hrs then maybe I can actually drive the fucking thing.

Car has this goofy torque biased Mazda MPV engine that only Japan used for a couple years ('99-'01)
It just depends on your state and sometimes local tint laws. Some factually will give you a ticket if you put ANY tint on your windshield. If you still have the factory one, there should be on the left or right about 6" from the top a line with an arrow pointing at it as a "tint line".

Its never worth it though, out of all that I've seen done its not going to block enough sunlight to make a temperature difference in the cabin, and will still blind you if you're driving into the sun and its just in the right spot to not be blocked by a sun visor.

Not trying to convince you either way, just telling you to be careful because some cops see that shit and automatically pull you over just to fuck with you. Also mostly because minorities and felons do it.

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Hi Autobros.

I was thinking about how fewer and fewer 'luxury' cars today have wood in their interiors. Is it merely cost-cutting? I asked an AI which mentioned sustainability as being a reason, as if plastics and synthetic materials made from oil are more sustainable than trees which can be replanted. Are Mercedes, Jaguar, Beemer, Audi and the others relying on the prestige of their names to some extent for an appearance of luxury, whilst lowering the quality of the cars for the sake of a wider market? I understand that tastes may change, but surely the market demand for wood interiors hasn't diminished to such an extent that it's the reserve of Roller and the like? What are your thoughts?

Also, thread to post some nice car interiors you really like. :)
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What car is that, Anon? It looks damn cool.
For luxury cars it's fine. For everything else meh
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Certainly, not every car should feature wood. Indeed, plastic is a very sensible, pragmatic, cost-effective, and hard-wearing material. But, I suspect, the inclusion of wood into the interior design of a car (and the quality of that furnishing), is the boundary of where true luxury starts to begin in the car market. It perturbs me that chrome-coloured plastic is seemingly increasingly acceptable to people on what is supposed to be a more upmarket brand / car.
I'm an idiot. I've only just realised the switch gear is the same as >>27662813
The wood option would definitely liven up >>27662813 immeasurably.

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My car sat at the shop for two weeks while I had it wrapped and eventually the battery died.
When I got my car back, I had to replace the battery because it wouldn't charge after jump-starting the car. However I got a new battery and it still isn't charging, despite starting the car just fine.
Can an alternator just stop functioning from sitting around for too long?
I have a 2010 BMW 118d and yes the new battery was registered after being installed.
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If your engine is running it's probably dead. Or maybe the belt is loose and the alternator isn't actually turning. Or maybe it could be the brushes, which in that case if the alternator is serviceable you can replace them and if it's not, you'll have to get a new one
Engine: running
Belt: tight enough
Alternator: spinning, albeit poorly (need to readjust the new pulley I put on)
ordered a rebuild kit, so hopefully that solves it. Thanks for the help anon.
Boomer wives’ tale. It works the same as ever on modern vehicles.
OP here, really need some help figuring this out.
Scanning for codes returns the following errors:
4A66 - DDE: Power management, vehicle electrical system
4A17 - DDE: Generator
4A56 - DDE: Power management, battery
4121 - DDE: DDE main relay

Can this just be a bad ground or is my system fried? Alternator works, battery works. What's the issue? Voltage regulator? DDE relay fried? BMS fried?
I think ya just need an alternator.

I'm done with being gaslit about EVs when the ICE market is the most garbage it has ever been.

Why would I romanticize a slow, abused, piece of shit old Nissan that is garbage in all most every way when I can have biden literally pay for a portion of my car just cause it's an EV?

I know they are soul less and not good for the environment, but I don't care about that. If I commute 100 miles both ways and electricity is a shit ton cheaper than gas, why am I bothering with any of this shit for a slower and more unreliable car?

Your Elantra N has fake exhaust tuning, your GTI pumps in fake engine noises, your Audi doesn't even come with a manual anymore. Your Evo or GTR holds your hand around the track, so what's the point? If you are buying fake shit than buy the best fake shit you can, why are we larping that purity isn't already ruined. And if you want that good luck spending over $10k on a shitty NA Miata that has a quick release wheel and floor mounted racing harnesses.

It's just stupid, we are the next boomers. We are driving objectively shitty cars to keep the dream alive, but we are being taken advantage of at every turn.

I'll just take my free biden bucks and buy a GTR equivalent Tesla for $45k and eat chicken tendies while it drives me to work.
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Or maybe like most people I just don't drive 200+ miles every day
i wish a marque would make a car
and then they make a car but "oh also it's an EV btw"
Leaf is ONLY viable as a commuter car, period. If you don't ever plan on using it for anything other than commuting within your city, it's not a bad choice but if you want something you can take on road trips even occasionally it's just not an option. I'd only ever recommend it to someone if it's a second car so they have another vehicle available for long trips as needed.
Maybe not everyone is a cuck that likes to be limited in range? If you're free you do things because you want to, not because you need to
>Your Elantra N has fake exhaust tuning, your GTI pumps in fake engine noises, your Audi doesn't even come with a manual anymore. Your Evo or GTR holds your hand around the track, so what's the point?
based nu-male wrenchlet, fuck evs fuck automatics

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>Be me
>Let my car's battery go extremely dead
>buy noco GB40
>Clamp it on battery
>Charger lights won't chase
>Activate manual override
>Car's alarm blares
>Click it off
>Wait a while
>Go to turn over car
>Gets 3 VERY slow cranks
>Freak out and go back inside
What do I do now? The car responded, but fuck all is happening at the moment. Is the GB40 capable of trickle charging?
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No. Those GB40 packs are pretty weak. They will say “good for 800A!” Or some other bullshit, but the packs really only do like 100A or 200A. Their BS ratings mean they can jump a car that requires a battery with up to a 800CCA rating, and that assumes the battery in the car is too low to start it but still has a little balls to help the jumper pack along.

My brother bought that GB40 and it wouldn’t jump a 4cyl Focus with a real flat battery. A lot of people have issues with that pack on anything more dead than “I left my headlights on when I ran in the store”.

Muh Gooloo 1500 has cranked 5.4L V8s with totally flat batteries though because it’s got more balls than the GB40. I keep wanting to buy the 3000 or 4000 when they’re on sale.
Stop buying these sperg boost and buy new batteries
So you connected a jumpstarter to both battery terminals? Are you trying to jumpstart the car, or jumpcharge the dead battery.

Sounds like someone didn't read a manual.
They’re lifesavers. Most of the time you don’t know your battery is dying until it leaves you stranded. And like 30% of the time it’s because the battery drops a cell and goes to ~10.4V without warning and testing the battery health a week earlier would never tell you it’s about to die.

For $50-$75 to have the thing in the trunk and be able to help save your own ass or help friends and family or even strangers, it’s not a bad buy. Even if it saves you once, that’s cheaper than calling a tow company to jump your car, and it’s cheaper than buying quality jumper cables that don’t take 20min to charge up the dead car.

I’ve bought half a dozen jumper bricks for friends and family and they’re great. Even the Chinese ones have been lasting >5 years easily. The oldest one from 2017 or 2018 is finally starting to have a cell bulge a little bit.
I've only got a 1.6lt little hyundai. I heard that the GB40's are good enough to start up 6 cylinders so I went for it
There is an override. Is it safe to leave the thing on override for more than 30 or so minutes latched onto the battery?

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How to "Kwik Disconnect" A/T lines to radiator on 1999 Sable?

I've got one of these but there is so much frame around the fitting I don't see how it can get in there, and I don't even see how I could get any wrench or socket on the nut unless I make a custom deep set socket with part of it cut out. Lisle 39660 Transmission Oil Cooler Line Disconnect Tool, 3/8" x 1/2"

Some Youtubers have 1999 Rad Replacements and they say it can be done in little over an hour (by real mechanic) but they don't show how they get to the Kwik Konnect.

Others on Youtube say 9/10 of these are no-go and unscrew the whole thing, but I can't see how that is possible.

Do people just cut the tubing then patch it in later once new Rad is in place???

I'm not understanding this pic.


I thought the tool slips into the rad fitting to pop some spring or clip but this shows it down stream on the tube past the ridge.

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You can quick disconnect my cum from my balls ya bitch
i think you're supposed to compress the plastic things with the tool while pulling out
Yes. Broke it lengthways then pushed the bits in both sides and pulled on the hose. Did my fuel line and return on my truck.
I used the end of a hose clamp that I bent into an arch.
And OP, get these.
I have three or four different sets of those tools and always end up using my fingers or a cut up drink bottle or pen or whatever. Fingers mostly. You can shove a little meat in there or squeeze some deformation. Have you found a good pic of what youre up against?

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What is the most nice colour?
red maroon or blue?

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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
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should've specified what car you had then. yes, they'll fit then. you will need to upgrade your wiring to handle the additional current as these are 250w. If your car runs the current for the high beam lamps straight through the switch, you need to change it to toggle a relay that's sends power to the lamps straight from the battery via a fused connection.
You will melt wires and cause a fire if you disregard this and simply upgrade the current high-beam fuse.
What are you talking about? Did we watch the same video? I see a truck with its high beams constantly on, which then responds TO a flash with flashing light bars and headlights. The truck didn't flash its high beams at the OP until after being flashed for having his high beams on.
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m82 solas which was designed for spotting boats lost at sea in inclement conditions, or v82 which is targeted towards land based vehicles.
m82 has a narrower observation angle than v82 but still enough to fuck with high beamers on the road. place it on your back bumper and people tend to stay the fuck back. place it on rear headrests to get back at lifted brodozers since they sit taller. note that the glue on the tape is extremely sticky, if you ever want to take it off, you may want something to protect whatever you put it on.
for oncoming traffic you can either stick it on your bumper, or on your sun visor.
Context, dummy. I said >>
>I noticed these are 5.75", will they fit in a typical sealed beam bracket in an old car?
This implies that I noticed the same size as the headlights in my car. Whether they will fit or not depends on the profile of the sides, and since you posted about them I assumed you had used them and would know if they fit where a normal automotive sealed beam will fit. Then I said
> I'd love to upgrade my high beams
which implies that I have quad headlights. Because you CANNOT upgrade just your high beams if you only have two headlights. Come on. As for the wiring and stuff yeah no brainer, I'm only interested in whether they mechanically fit in the housing.
>sharp corner
>lifted truck has to cut over center line to turn his shitrig


What kind of car does she drive?
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god damn how are white women so fucking beautiful

i just want a white woman bros i hate being brown
Pale, pink, sunburnt hands typed this post.
No one has driven a Cavalier in years. She drives a fuckin Jeep with ducks and shit in the dash.
Selling feet pics didn't exist back then
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Shut it, zoomer.

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What's the problem?
Yes? This is pretty typical standard options list for a special edition car.
i guess the yellow block might make it easier to check for leaks or something. assuming you're going to keep it forever or at least a very long time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk


93 D250, PDR Twins HX35&HT3B, 60+# boost,PDR stage 2 head w/o-rings, PDR Cam, modified VE Pump, piston style lift pump, modified 5" intake w/AFE, ATS ported manifold,DTT 89% converter, 4" RIP exhaust, modified tranny, EGT/boost/tranny/tach gauges, TPS removed, a little chrome under the hood. Mag-Hitec tranny and diff. covers. Rear sway bar. Line-x bed liner, after market seats. Single stage Water/Meth system installed. Oversized intercooler w/3" IC lines.

God Bless Our Country and Damn The Goverment
Slow piece of shit

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Yes, it's a nigger woman, literally the worst of the worst, but she unironically did nothing wrong here.
lol that's just the same kind of steering correction you do in a car, but amplified because trucks are a lot more sensitive than cars to bumps and undulations in the road
Because the rich lady was an asshole.
1. Woman driver
2. She only has one hand on the wheel
3. She's got a bunch of shit sitting on the passenger seat
4. She's driving in the left lane but not passing
5. Dipshit swerves out into oncoming traffic
6. After getting hit, she veers into oncoming traffic herself
7. Uh, brakes much?
8. Woman driver should count as 2
9. IDK
10. A bunch of resources were wasted rescuing a nigger
What I will agree on is that its as bad habit, since you can see the camera POV go left/right. Same with her posture, making her more tense than she needs to be.
Some of the twitching is feedback due cheap as fuck power steering, but a lot of it is really horrid habits for correcting that.

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Why do I hate them?

>Because they represent bloat and style over functionality.
>Because they look tacky.
>Because they are plastic and excessively electronic.

A man thinks in terms of functionality and efficiency, not in terms of projecting unexisting wealth or power. Kei trucks are unironically more manly. These hueg trucks are a symptom of an increasingly feminized society.
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Well anecdotally you are a faggot and it’s pretty significant
Very low impulse-control truckold behavior. Do better!
Who said anything about being a truckold?
Dude, rollovers are extremely rare compared to crashes with other cars. You have to be driving like a maniac in very specific circumstances to roll a truck over by accident.
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You make it sound like someone is holding a gun to your genitals, all but forcing you to buy one of these. Then you completely eviscerate what little credulity you had by declaring Kei trucks to be"manly".

FFS OP. Nobody gives a fuck what you drive, they just want you to stop driving 5 under in the passing lane and to learn to use your turn signals.
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>watch American driving test videos
>its literally just parallel park then drive once around the block
>whole test is 10 minutes long.

It's a wonder why you have so many shit drivers.
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I never had to parallel park for the driving test.
Genuinely can't tell if people in this thread are joking or you're actually serious. I'm from a third world country in europistan and our driving exams are absolutely brutal

>need to take mandatory driving course (theoretical and practical) that usually clocks in around 30-40 hours total
>need to take a written exam, have to sign up and it costs money just to take the test
>entire test is filled with multiple choice answers, and the last page is dedicated to "right of way" examples that you can't fail, if you get even one of those wrong it's an automatic failure

then you have the actual driving test which should ideally take around 45-60 minutes total and is a complete lottery depending on the person doing the evaluation

also you get a different licence depending if you did the practical exam with an automatic or manual. If you did it with a manual you can drive both, but if you did it with an auto you can only drive cars with automatic transmissions
Yeah any normal person just drives and picks it up along the way. Sure have a class for the first time you get behind a wheel and someone telling you rules and signs and such, but once you get past that it comes down to being comfortable in whatever you are driving which come from just doing it.
I got mine on an empty airport with no lanes and no cones and no signs or any traffic, without parking, in Toms River, lol

Sucks because it lets everyone drive, but we've cucked ourselves into being so car centric, it fucks you over hard to not drive, even if you don't plan on driving.
Me and my retard buddies waited and thus had state IDs, not license, even applying for McJobs in my town, I'd hear quite often that a bicycle or walking wasn't transportation and they'd go with another applicant.
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When I got it I burst into tears like a fag so hard I forgot to honk the horn in celebration like the other guys. That shit was fucking scary, and we had to do it here
The CDL test is an actual skill fourwheelers know nothing about. Can you imagine one doing a pretrip? Lol

My experiences on the road would beg the differ when it comes to others.

>Yeah any normal person just drives and picks it up along the way
I'm unwilling to use my body and property as their learning experience, that's the fuckin problem. Go tell some mom with a now dead kid, oopsie I was learning!

post cars that aged like milk
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"futurism" or turpism ?
never understood the Altezza (IS) hype, the Aristo (GS) is much better
I also used to love the Soarer (SC) until I realized it was just a bigger Del Sol
It's ugly as hell
There is already a thread for this you fucking retard >>27660785 kill yourself
I absolutely love classic cars with simple and clean lines like this. Hate modern shit that looks impotently aggressive, with wacky body lines that and nowhere and start nowhere. See: modern Mustangs.

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>when she puts her legs on the dash
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i have a similar car and wife i'm gonna try this.
Your feet are mine
I'd like to see what happens if there's a collision and the airbags deploy
It's so obnoxious, and yet so hot, when girls do stuff like this. 'I've worked hard to be able to afford the car that I drive, but she doesn't care'. Implied dominance.

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