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Found in the "Low Miles No Miles" public Facebook group.

What's wrong with these people?
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>"properly stored"
>"22 years of dust"
why are corvette owners like this
>buy car for 83k inflation adjusted dollars
>do nothing with it
>sell 22 years later at a 50% loss
i'm disgusted, those better be 240 comments telling her she's an enormous fag
>It's an auto
Oh even more worthless
>clearly hasn't even been touched in 22 years

Haha holy shit. Imagine being so retarded that you don't realize you are indirectly admitting your car is going to have a shitload of issues.
The majority of C4 and newer Corvettes are auto(obviously not including manual only ZR1s and Z06s).
Dear lord that is immaculate.
>never seen rain
But actually true.
Did he miss a zero? Just 40k sounds stupid, especially if you adjust original price for inflation.
In his (only) defense, dust like that is easily washed off. Like theres no chance of paint or clearcoat damage.

Its mostly corvette owners because it was the attainable "super car" for boomers. As they get into their 40's an onward, a simple car loan could get you a corvette so long as you didn't have a boat, RV, vacation house, timeshare, heloc, and 12 other loans before it. It was easy to get as a middle class level boomer. He's clearly higher income with the viper, likely also with fewer than 10,000 miles because tying up $100k in cars you never drive is what they could afford to do. Theres a dude near me that begun a resto mod of a squarebody, his sale photo is a gallardo next to it in his 2 car garage. His house 15 years ago was probably $300k, today $800k. Its just what idiots with weird obsessions do; I have 4 guns I bought last year I still haven't shot. I don't know why I bought them. Its like increasing your horse is the dopamine hit, not the item itself.
This pic is probably more appropriate. You just have to look at the garage around the car they're selling. This specific listing, he already took photos outside in a well lit area of the rear, why include this photo then?

My theories are:
-Is it an uninsulated messy shack? Means they fix the bare minimum to keep the car moving, but want top dollar because the car can move inside the garage.
-Is their garage an immaculate palace to 1 or maybe 2 cars? They get more pleasure of owning that thing, and looking at it instead of driving it, repairing it, or modifying it.
-Does it look like a normal dude's garage with stuff in storage, charcoal, kids toys, and the wife's minivan? He just enjoys driving the car but is focusing on real life before fun toys as he grows up.
Doesn't seem that hard to understand, have you heard of model car collectors?
Seems reasonable, maybe slightly too reasonable but it's not like clean C5s are in short supply, rare doesn't always mean desirable. Still, I would have asked $47,425 for the story.
she and no.
I would actually somewhat kinda maybe consider buying it if it wasn't automatic.
As would anyone else looking at older vettes..who the fuck wants a slushbox.
Autos are for retards who buy them new and keep them for 3 years before moving to the next flavor of the month car
There's a boomer lives near me in Oz, has a ZR1 from the 80s or 90s, IDK, with delivery miles only.
fuck me i want that viper
They started it, ran fuel stabilizer and it has hand prints indicating it has been touched
i want you.
$3k bike lol
god that's such an ugly color and those rice tail lights don't really do it any help
You can’t afford it.
Link pls
I'd buy it for $30k right now. Would pay $35k if it were manual.
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>boomers are retarded
news at 11
>Found in the "Low Miles No Miles" public Facebook group.
>use search function within group "corvette"

first post. not hard to find.

The premium its gonna cost for no mileage is not worth it. It's not rare enough to just keep like that and you'll feel stupid driving it ruining the main gimmick.

This car is literally worthless
Damn that's a clean interior. Shame it's kinda fugly
bro is personally insulted no one wants his auto shit box
I too would drive a Viper over a Corvette.
this is the sort of cope where you tell a chick she's ugly after she rejects you
Ooo an auto shitbox, how I’ll be crying myself to sleep!
You’ll be ready cash in hand though right, you’re not poor right? Prove to me that you’re not poor and go buy that boomer’s regret
i wonder how many people know how fucked the engine will be from running it without actually driving it long enough to burn out moisture
It's a boomer. He had his wife list the car for him since she is a 15 year veteran FarmVille whale and he is too proud of never learning to use a "comfuser" to start now
So why did it just sit and was never driven?
You think he bought it and then realised he hated driving it? Or was it all some boomer plot to flip it in 20 years for profit but ultimately failed?
I think they did a "his and hers" sportscar purchase on his insistence and she just refused to drive the fucking thing after purchase. Women WILL do this no matter how die hard passionate you are about your hobby and excited to share it. Just let it be.
What happens to rubber things after being stored for 20 years?
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poor car :(
Lmao nothing to see here guys
Doesn't rubber rot anyway?
I have guns I bought and haven't shot or shot very little just for collection purposes to own and look at it mostly. I can't imagine doing that with a car, cars are expensive so if I buy it I'm driving it. More likely the dude refurbished it and dropped the mileage.
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>845 miles
>seats already fucked
american build quality
Aged leather is a feature
Would make sense. He's got a viper in the shot, could've been his car, the matching-color vette was hers (hence an automatic) and she never used it.
Impressive very nice now let's see the cylinder walls
Boomers don't understand inflation

My boomer dad also just has a million euros sitting in a savings account. I try to tell him this costs him about € 80k a year in inflation but he simply ignores this fact and refuses to do anything with it
Yes, all the fuel lines, gaskets and seals will be ruined. Tires are easily replaced but replacing every single rubber part in the engine bay is a huge pain in the ass
jfc. I don't know the options in europoor land but we have money market funds offering 5.5% last time I checked
I know, he knows and he invested about 50k one time so that's hardly making a dent into his inflation costs
>>27658608 ONE WORD.
>properly stored
>regular starts
so it's seen cold starts and cold shutdowns its entire life
that engine is fucking RAPED
>Blue with red interior
Christ no wonder they only built 3 of the fucking things
I have a theory that some boomers remember that times as kids seeing fairly rare cars being sold cheap and so wanted to do something similar. I think it would have been cool if I had enough space and money to keep one of these cars or any car almost brand new. Imagine keeping the last charger stored just to look at it and sit in it, you could have another one that you drive daily.

I heard a story of someone getting a fairly normal car in the 70's and not being able to drive it so it had about 1000 miles on it. It ended up only selling for a few thousand in about 2015 or so. All that work keeping it good and the family just flogs it off. The only problem with these is that they still make corvettes, if it was a chevy caprice I think it would be worth a bundle.
There's a MILF who lives near me who rips around in an arctic silver 996 Carrera 4S, rain, shine, or snow
>22 year old leather is slightly wrinkly omg its so trash!!!!
Grow up.
data miner do not reply
For starts, anything rubber needs replacing, including those 20 year old tires, all the fluids need to be replaced, "regular" starts lol.. Just because it was never washed dosen't mean the paint isn't fucked now. Fucking boomers man.
Would be 300k today if the money was instead put into the SP500
After taxes about $220k He'd be able to buy a new corvette! oh boy!
>bachman auto
I used to work with them lol
Cars are depreciating assets. Even these awesome classic body styles and restorations aren't worth all that much after inflation. Boomers are retarded and invest heavily in shit that makes them negative money, news at 6.
>increasing your horse
Boomers keep doing it so SOMEBODY is having success with these "Ran when parked, collectible vehicle only 30k over original MSRP" specials.
That's gay. Almost as gay as owning a corvette.
>844 mi but seats have clear ass degradation to them
>Dumbass claims perfectly stored but hasn't bothered to wipe any of the dust
>Check engine light possibly due to retard not changing fluids
Jesus fucking Christ all of you were correct. Boomers are fucking stupid. God forbid I don't do shit like this in the future.
what is the point of buying a cool car and putting it in your garage and then not washing it at all?
like do you not give a shit about this car at all?
if I did something lunatic as this, I'd at least wash it sometimes and maybe clean up my fucking garage every once in a while
If you have any enemies it's fun to put up a listing for some highly sought after car/item on these groups with a cheap but realistic price with their phone number
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Reminds me of my dad's silver shadow. Parked it up for 20 odd years, and he insisted the tyres were still good and didn't need replacing because he only put 200 miles on them before parking it. You could see the dry rot between the tread.
Lmao fuck these boomers.
These cars have to be cursed, no one ever drives them. The mechanics hate them and lose money working on them. The selling price is always simultaneously too high for a project car but too low for anyone to make any money.
I think I meant increasing your horde, or hoard was probably the right spelling.
>meme stocks

no thanks
>Cars are depreciating assets.
In general yes and sadly we can't predict the ones that will appreciate for the most part but some classics appreciate like crazy. Rarely worth keeping a lifetime but it's true that once upon a time the 60s Impalas went for like $800.
My dad wanted me to recommend him a new tv for 300, I asked him when was the last time he actually bought a new TV himself and he said the 90s; even then apparently he spent more than 300 on it. He doesn't get that when he pays bottom tier prices on everything it's "not as good as it used to be" because he isn't paying as much as he used to
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Don't matter, there's oxidation in the top of the cylinders that will cause knock city pretty fucking quickly, also lots of plastic and rubber is worn to shit. No one should fucking buy that thing because very soon it will cost another 11k to fix everything.
That shit washes right off. It's the cars that have been religiously buffed, for twenty years, that have no life left in the paint.
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>$40000 = $22,937 in 2002 dollars.
The value of that car halved just sitting in his garage. Stuffing that $47k in a mattress would have preformed marginally better.

Its actually kind of unfortunate. A lot of guys in the 90s and 00s were buying cars and storing them like that thinking it they would have a high value car on there hands some day that they could just roll out to Barrett Jackson action or a car show. The problem is the supply of these 90s/00s cars out strips the demand from younger generations.
Probably dudes thinking they were getting the new version of 1960s classics not realizing everyone growing up in the early 2000s would want JDM legend cars or BMW/Mercs from when they were made solidly.
A truck motor in a car stereotyped for being owned by rich douches isn't what anyone is excited for now.
You're such an idiot. Stop looking at it from a boomer's perspective of investing and inflation. He's listing it for $40k because it has no miles on it and boomers love corvettes.

This has been listed for over a year, its one of the least desirable corvettes and has known glass jaws like the crossfire injection. Its just what boomers do. See my post above of having that attainable "super car" feeling their parents had specifically for corvettes.
I run across this listing all the time.
>He preserved an automatic.

Boomers truly are fucking retarded.
lol looks like a bird shit on the engine
>he thinks that's an actual check engine light
You're a fucking retard.
You in DFW? And yeah, he's relisted all of his corvettes for well over a year, now just realize each month its $5 per listing. Now realize how many people would rather pay craigslist probably hundreds of dollars instead of just taking a couple thousand less on offers. But that corvette is probably a $16-20k model given its overall condition. Its weird seeing collectors value their own cars and just being wrong because one time they saw a similar car go on auction for that much.
>regular starts
Literally more wear as if you beat on the motor all day
>>Check engine light
This anon has never started a car.
>keeping an automatic non z06 c5 and thinking it'll gain value
>cold starting it and not driving it, thinking that's good for it
even more kek

oh boy the automatic transmission fans are here. You guys realize a C5 has one of the shitty old automatics from the 90s, not a new 10 speed with lightning fast shifts and 800ftlb torque capacity, right?

>800ftlb torque capacit
that's it?
with how much these spammers hype them up, I thought it'd be at least 1000ft-lbs
A 10R80 (mustang/camaro/F150 10 speed) actually is rated at 800Nm, an 8HP90 (hellcat 8 speed) is rated at 900Nm. Both will handle substantially more at least on a temporary basis judging by how many stupid fast forced induction mustangs and modded hellcats run around with stock transmissions.
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nm /= ftlbs
And at those power levels the clutches get absolutely roasted and have to be rebuilt regularly or everything gets real slippy and you can't put the power down anymore.
>nm /= ftlbs
yeah, that's why I specifically wrote the unit, you stupid fucker
You always write the unit you nigger. Always.
The conversation went
>they can only handle 800ft-lbs?
>yeah they are rated to 800nms.
So no, they aren't rated to handle even 800ft-lbs.
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>yeah they are rated to 800nms.
He didn't say that. He actually told you it's rated at less than 800lbft because if you did some simple math you'd realize that 800nm < 800lbft
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>he wants a 4l60e corvette
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Are you retarded?
How could anyone with a functioning brain possibly read through the reply chain and come to the conclusion that the issue in communication we are having is that I need to be be told that Nm stands for newton meters.
I clearly know that it does in that I am have pointed out that a ft-lb is greater than a nm.
You absolute simpleton.
Damn bro, it's almost like you can't read.
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>I drive a corvette
>b-but it has the 4l60e!
>...I drive a corvette
Spiderman color scheme
The joke is that even if it were a manual it still wouldn't be desirable. Jesus you guys are retarded.
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Hi guise what's going on in this.... oh mai.
Most don't. They watched Mecum/Barrett Jacokson auctions which filled them with the notion that any car that has sat in a barn for 40 years can be sold for six figures with just a spitshine. They will let their cars sit for a literal decade with a 'for sale' sign on it because they are adamant that some day somebody will come along willing to recognise their "hidden gem".

It's actually pretty easy to predict what will appreciate. Limited collectors edition of a mid range or luxury car? It'll appreciate. Super car? It'll appreciate.
If he had picked some actual desirable options rather than the Spiderman Special he probably could've got some decent money for it in another 15-20 years.
"One of only 3 built"

Translation: Only 2 other people thought this color scheme was a good idea.
Just saw this gem. in the last 18 years he's driven it 600 miles. I can't tell if thats his trophy wife or his daughter.
>transmission shits out on the side of the road after a lifetime of taking 2-3 seconds for every shift
The fact that there are 4l60e stans on 4chan is baffling
Why the fuck would you restore a car like that and drive it just 600 miles?
That’s like having a wife or a daughter that looks like that and never fucking them, just saving their pussy for the next chad in line.
>does it come with the woman?
belongs in a car crusher. when i become a billionaire, my eyes wide shut hobby will be buying garage queen cars and crushing them for fun
lay off the meth, cody. what you should REALLY do is mark them up even more and sell them for a profit. Inflate their value. Punish the buyers financially.
>when i become a billionaire
luckily for the garage queen owners, you never will become a billionaire or even get rich. Unluckily for us, the world has another whistle diesel wannabe in you
was probably displayed with the hood open on the dealer lot
Pretty good car at a good price what's the problem
>You in DFW
No, but I've been seeing that ad since last year. I usually browse for old shitboxes daily and there's some others too that been listed for so long just to have their price knocked down.
>its $5 per listing
Only for dealers, which is why you see so many dealer scum listings in the by owner section. Flag them when you see them. Make dealer scum pay.
>Only for dealers
Sir, by your own image you are incorrect.
Forgive my retardation. I didn't realize the car wasn't on.
Expect more.
lmao least clean the fucking thing

>climate controlled
>not filtered air
>tires have no dry rot
>22 years

retard. >>27658578
>drove 20miles before listing
aaaaand it's ruined
30-something boomer here. Thinking about getting one. Not as an "investment", of course, but something fun to drive on the weekends. Yes, I know it is stupid, but I wanted one since I was a teenager.

>thinking the S&P 500 is a meme stock

So, the colors clash. Whatever.
>Thinking about getting one.
Thanks for letting us all know. We don't care.

its automatic retard.

if you think its a good price for an automatic C5, then you are the retard.

here's what $40k and WAY less can get you







What is it commemorating?
>its automatic retard
Yes, I am a retard that doesn't know how to drive a stick. An automatic is not a problem for me

>if you think its a good price for an automatic C5, then you are the retard.
I wasn't thinking of buying this out of touch boomer's "I know what I got, I won't be lowballed" C5 in particular, I was thinking a C4 or C5 in general since the prices on those are actually affordable.
>Hmmm, should I finance and get a brand new diesel truck capable of towing anything, has a good 300,000 miles in it, is comfortable and reliable, tremendous aftermarket and plentiful repair parts?
>Should I buy this 27 year old piece of shit that some boomer drove 3000 miles per year?

He started listing this last year for $70,000. No, I'm not exaggerating either.
the amount of boomers that watch Barret Jackson and similar auctions and think they would get a half million for their low mileage antique. My friends dad has a 2009 RT challenger and he has 1500 miles on it.
The release of the commemorative edition c5
>My friends dad has a 2009 RT challenger and he has 1500 miles on it.
Does he also think its for no reason worth more now than what he paid for it, plus interest on the loan?
>I am a retard that doesn't know how to drive a stick.

nice truck but yeah this dumb ass is asking way too much
red interiors are fugly
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i like in the 964 RSR
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its cursed and you are a retard for liking that 80s shit
Incredible how people this moronically stupid had such an easy life.
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Oh, of course.
It hurts my eyes.
Saudis be like AWOOGA AWOOGA

>brand new diesel truck

Naw. Not a 3/4 ton truck at least, especially with a manual transmission. And that 7.3 is going to last longer than a new cucked diesel. $46k might be a little high but not much if the truck is really that nice.
i'm reminded of mr bean trying to paint bomb his room
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My friend bought this for 3k from a Amish man who had it in a shed since 02. Apparently some guy rented the shed from him and then died/disappeared and the Amish guy had it sitting there since. The guy had a shit ton of spare parts in the shed too.
Do we need to flesh out this topic one more fucking time?
A 22 Year Old vehicle that sat for 22 years DEPRECIATES LESS than one that was driven regularly.
This Fantasyland of "it shouldn't depreciate at all" and rather "it should actually appreciate in value" is fucking Bollocks.

Go Grift elsewhere.
He already rejected you though
>it should actually appreciate in value" is fucking Bollocks.
For desired cars you're wrong. An all original 1970 Plymouth Barracuda will sell for at least 400x what it sold for in 1970.

A random piece of shit car will plummet in value, then often just keep up with inflation. A Ford Pinto was a pile of shit in the 80s. Now in decent condition they're selling for 3x what they were new.
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>For desired cars you're wrong. An all original 1970 Plymouth Barracuda will sell for at least 400x what it sold for in 1970.
That's a fair point, for which I forgot to include the caveat.

The car in question here is not in the same category AT ALL.
>boomer wife also wants a "weekend toy" to drive because Merv doesn't let Betty drive the Viper
>buys wife a Corvette
>she drives it and complains about trivial shit that makes her drive the car less
>won't matter if they car sits there as clearly it's in a separate/second garage on the property so the Corvette isn't taking up unneeded space.
>because it's a "special edition" they keep it so that it becomes effectively a fancy garden ornament to show off to his other boomer friends
>likely deciding to sell now because Betty wants to turn the spare garage into an overly expensive AirBnB or some shit because her other wealthy boomer friends did the same.

Women are retards, no matter the generation.
>The car in question here is not in the same category AT ALL.
Assuming you're talking about OPs corvette you're still only kinda wrong. Those corvettes are desired by people building race cars and boomers wanting to own an inexpensive corvette when they instead spent money on some other bullshit in their life. For that undriven example something in the 30s would seem reasonable to a cheapskate like me. You'd have to be silly to spend 40k on a corvette that old because ones with some miles on them are still ~$15-20k.

Sometimes you have to throw belief and value propositions out the window. Kids had posters of that piece of junk on their bedroom wall, and 30-40 years later now that they have some money can live that dream of owning a poster car. Thats true for nearly every generation. Squarebodies are super popular (going up in price) now. 10 years ago you couldn't give them away. Easiest example are any year Ford Bronco. They were junk 30 years ago, they're junk today but that won't stop beaters from selling for $15k still.
Le Mans win(s)
Le Cletus wins.

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