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Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

(Wat racing now selling them imoutodreams designs)
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which one of you faggots with the strawberry license plate is parked in front of my apartment.
I want to give you a firm handshake
that cat look stress
got to the new place a few days ago. waiting on some furniture for the house and tables/desks for the shop. soon big decals will be available, either our designs like the city pop collection, or if you want something custom i'll be able to do that too :) unfortunately my car doesnt like the new location and is acting up ;-;
I wish the old osg op was around. He had so many old, awesome photos of people's stickers and cars.
Someone PLEASE print another smoking Mary-san diecut NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW
Anybody have recommendations for sticker shops that aren't on the website/spreadsheet? I saw that jpnrevive.com has a pretty good selection.
good point, ill start using other peoples pics for the OP image
If you want stickers all you need is a color laser printer, sticker sheets, and patience with an exacto knife. Caveat is most vinyl becomes difficult to remove after a while.
Yeah if you want garbage that looks like shit won’t stand up to use
Vinyl die cuts are pretty attainable with a $300~ cutting plotter tho
Off hand: mischiefmakers, iiiiclothing, araculture, kinokreations all have some cool stuff, but they lean more weeb than JDM for the most part
The people demand a stripping Velma.
thanks, I'll check them out
are the people in the room with us?
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How long do you give vendors?
>ordered something 3 weeks ago
>faq said 7-14 days unless /int/
>emailed their contact last week
>stalked their X to check if they were at a con
>all evidence points to them being available but I'm not getting a response
You’re definitely ok to send a follow up email around the 1 month mark but since most vendors are individuals it’s a pretty much you get it when you get it thing. Who was it though? There are some known slowpokes in the vendor ranks.
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Anyone know who made this sticker? I bought it a couple years ago at a local meet in San Diego.
Grats Taiga I look forward to new selection from you
lets see some /osg/ stickers on cars & things
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Yes, the only thing that has messed with the stickers for me has been the cold, and age.
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Bought a 944

What stickers should I put on it?
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Thanks desu
Man once I fix up my car ill need to get this quote as a sticker on the window.
"God gives most problematic electric systems to his most desirable Alfas"
what does it say?
“Excuse me/sorry, my car is slow and low HP...”
we have been called.
Do fat anime tiddies land on the good or bad end of this dude’s spectrum?
Send a $100 dollar bill with it.
Can we add more vendors to the list?
I'll take pics once the weather isn't shit and I can get a wash in
Yeah, the list/site could use some updating since there's a few vendors now that are dead and/or don't sell stickers anymore (like xpress_skins). >>27633711 might be worth checking out to see if they're worth adding.
This shit is so embarrassing
which vendors?
if its the google docs one you should be able to leave a comment so i can update it
Ill go through and check the sites i have in there
I liked the art style of MischiefMakers and Araculture, ordered a few. Will post pics/impressions when they get here.
That is a nice sticker there op ;)
Good taste
Hi imouto
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check this out
>which vendors?
he wants people to create fully stocked stores
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Bros I swear if the day ever comes that Empire restocks I will buy everything he has
do you think he will use a sticker that just says NIGGER
guys. GUYS! StrayVanity actually fulfilled my order from November! Fucking Wild! RIP
Also CMD has some cute "pout" floor mats. I want to put them in, but I know i'm an animal that would soil them instantly
Is SV ded forever? What a loss ;_;
big same
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Any nagatoro stickers?
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Pretty sweet anon
Off the top of my head I know prololi has one and neonelements & martinitime have some, no idea if they're in stock though.
I was retarded and didn't check the site against the spreadsheet. Left a comment.
Send him a dm, I did a while back and he restocked a bit later. if he gets enough interest in it he'll restock probably
updated the spread sheet
I need to get some more of this imoutodreams stuff stocked...
but but motorcycles and cars!
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not a bad plan, might do the same

Good idea just sent a message
Some shop used to sell a "Legalize Recreational Speeding" shirt and I thought it was one of /our guys/ but now I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about and who it was? My old one got absolutely destroyed when my dryer shorted out.
I recall seeing a sticker like the one you're describing but it was a long ass time ago. Most likely one of the now-dead stores is my guess
seems like something triplecat would have made
I was thinking nezumi or grandmaster
late night death squad

Of course. Let me know who to add, the site needs an update.

There must be a way to combine the spreadsheet and the site, since it works using a CSV file. Please let me know if we can discuss about how to automate it.
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i forgot my image
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Also I’m practicing how to make multi-layer diecuts. Most of the time I’ve been helping a club in the local car scene since exporting is too expensive nowadays ($20 for non-tracked shipping)
Sigh... thanks anyway anon...
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you want one?
just tossing out suggestions:
imoutodreams [dead], oworacing [dead], concept100 [dead], xpressskins [stopped selling stickers]
>>27632083 and/or >>27633711 might be worth looking into. Maybe Kamikaze Girls or ThiccThighs but they're both currently out of stock.
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So do you guys only do stickers and patches and shit or does anyone do license plate frames too?
Just updated the site. I briefly took the “NSFW” and “OSG” filters after I completely restructure the entire thing.

I will ask if they want to participate on the list then
Looks like you've got a Never Content item as the pic for WAT
Nah I really just wanted to shirt he sold in the same style to replace the one I lost. Thanks anyway.
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Looked at links, do I dare put this on the back on my car. BMW F34 340i
Also, whats the aource image from?
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do you have hololives? i want hololives. i want to put hololives on my truck.

I had several late night death squad stickers on my car, wish he wasn't dead
A good number of the shops do plate holders, just look through the links in OP
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>be called late night death squad
man i forgot to cop for the headgasket blowing ecoshart

no worries.
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cyheck out what i got reprinted :D
hell yeah
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Taiga this is a good candidate for you to expand
hmmmmmmmm its perty cute, wheres it from? might have to talk to the original dude about it if hes gone
I'm thinking about this one. Got a nasty deep scratch on my car that would be a good place for a sticker. Cheaper than the paint repair. I still have to hide my power level at work so can't be too weeb.
I keep seeing it as "NoYaris" an cry because I'm American.
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It’s Mary(-san) from Genki, the most popular textbook series Japanese for English speakers. They have these cute simple manga characters that are in whatever situation you’re currently learning about and they get into some hijinks (including Takeshi-San, her Japanese friend, getting groped on a train). Basically everyone here has read it at least a bit before because >anime website
i meant who made them before, sorry lol
Posted a while ago but didn't see any responses before the thread died. Anyone doing eye cricuts? Yummystickies (RIP) had a ryuko design that was sick but haven't looked for anything more recently.
It does seem like eye diecuts absolutely died in a way no other genre of sticker has just fallen off the face of the earth. Closest you’ll get now is a slap that’s a full color closeup of someone’s eyes.
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just made this new design, look good to you guys?
i'd buy it
Thank you! Fixed it.

Also I sent a message to all the vendors mentioned before to confirm their details and if they want to participate.

The new link is
but the old one should redirect anyways to the same link.
Maybe a little too detailed but otherwise good
looks good, thanks taiyo
More of a Minna no Nihongo guy myself sir :)
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I got a t-shirt with the stickers from mischief and it came first. It looks exactly like the pic on the store. Sharp detail, bright colors, soft material, looks great.
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Someone should make a legalize asbestos sticker
nah, only someone who works at the ball crushing factory can rock those
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Araculture order came in. I like the designs and the printing looks good, only issue is the transfer tape is extremely low tack, to where it’s difficult to actually handle them. Backing paper has no material branding.
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Also big ups to nezumi
nice cat
Bad Decisions maybe? I bought it back in like 2017 I can't remember who made them
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the more my econobox veers into shitbox/rust bucket territory, the more stickers I add. next up I finally cave and put something on the paint
Is Fujiwara sticker shop kill?
Ordered some super eurobeat stickers several weeks ago and they were on backorder and even sent an email asking about when they'd ship out and heard nothing back.
Pic for reference
Seems that way, slaps don't work on the helmet though, which is why it has to be a cricut.
Looks great, do you take leftover bolts for payment?
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Tried to post this but /o/ just ate my pic and left me nothing. I usually keep my stickers and don't even put them on because I'm afraid I'll fuck them up putting them on, which I inevitably almost always do. For the sticker guys here make stickies with transfer sheets. They actually place quite easily. I literally ALWAYS fuck the other ones up.
Besides slaps and perfectly circular ones it’s very rare to get stickers without transfer tape. You can always buy a roll to use with any that don’t come with their own, like https://a.co/d/bhkn4wy
based reibro
Yeah its pretty rare that I get some like that. The touge sticker in my quarter window was one of the best placing ones I've had yet. Not sure where I got it now. Maybe cardrugs almost 3 years back? Lol
does anyone do a VW eagle?
I'm waiting on an order from December lol
source on the NA Spirit and Understeer Engineering ones?
Seems like there’s a 6 month wait on average based on anons stories in these threads but the back ordered powered by super eurobeat seems to be even more elusive than that
>NA Spirit
>Understeer Engineering
taiyo, but custom scale
>still waiting on muh eurobeat sticker
>Find clothing store related to never content
>absolutely awesome designs
>literally everything is sold out or only available in size S

Why do people start these shops if they're not going to keep shit in stock? The whole "drop cycle" bullshit is dumb as fuck. Whether it's shirts or stickers or slaps or whatever else. Why does a fucking slap need to be "limited"? Just fucking take my money holy shit.
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kek I know what you mean. I got really lucky one time and scooped up picrel in an adult size, but lightning never struck twice. I get making drops limited, but fucking clear them from your site or at least dump them into some shitty "last size" section so I'm not digging through every page only to find there's only XS and/or XXXXL remaining
same :(
>I get making drops limited
I don't even get this part. Like, unless you're selling these limited drops for insane prices like a Supreme or something was, then who cares? What's the point of having a regular ass price for al limited drop? Defeats the whole purpose of making more money from the limited release cycle.
By taking advantage of autists' FOMO you can quickly flip the initial investment.

There was a vendor that had an unreleased design I liked. So I joined their shitty newsletter so I wouldn't miss the release. Shit finally dropped, but without any announcement and ended up missing it. I proceeded to blacklist their web address in my pi-hole so I don't buy from them again or even browse them.
I get it from a manufacturing and sales point of view. most people aren't making shit in house, so it makes sense to just get 30 (or whatever MOQ) of some tee printed from shenzhen and call it a day, and also call it a "limited" drop. it's a fairly low risk business model
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$100 dollars ($one hundred) and it is all yours my friend
Yeah I know this scam, I come to buy the sticker and tyrone and jamal come out with lead pipes
黒人じゃない!!ヽ( `д´*)ノ
Well that doesn't make me feel very good about this... hopefully I get it before I move next February lol
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I need this made as a gift for a friend so bad ;_; will pay
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strange thing is that he sent out the orders for pic related in March, but the Super Eurobeat and the Shingo slaps (idk about others, those are the two I ordered back in like November) are still nowhere to be seen
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I’m sure there’s something about the pbse sticker that he’s having a hard time with the production of since it’s pretty unique among his lineup. I just wish he would communicate at all.
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based, very lummy.
At this point Fujiwara being dead could be the reason behind the delayed order dispatches and Taiyo's lack of new releases imo
He has never given a shit about any of his customers, this general or his products. You guys should have learned your lesson last time.
18+ website, bucko
>Taiyo's lack of new releases imo
anyone got the Taiyo moving copypasta?
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>game released in 2004 is now "underage"
You need to fuck off newfag
>even has the reading comprehension of a child
18+ website, scout
Deflecting from your inane original comment. This is embarrassing (for you)
Wow, big words for a child. Good job! Though its seems your brain isn't done developing; an '18+ website' means you must be atleast 18 to post here. Begging for stuff related to a game you probably saw in your milennial dad's steam account doesn't mean you can post about it.
Bad bait. Thanks for bumping the thread multiple times for free
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/osg/ sticker sellers always start out involved in the threads and enthusiastic about production, but as time goes on it tends to get old. Especially with people talking shit on you. Most of these people work other jobs and do not do this full-time.

That's why sticker sellers only tend to last so long, Only a couple ogs are left. Waifusquad sold out, notori, turbololi, osr, lnds, etc eventually disappeared.
I remember using late night death squad slaps as my phone cover
Still waiting on mine. I had to reach out, and it looks like my order is either in no tracking limbo or he accidentally marked it as fulfilled without actually packing it. Only time will tell at this point
anyone afraid of using their old stickers? i dont wanna put one of my favorites that will never be remade on a car im gonna sell or on a water bottle that might get lost
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respect that you are still active in these threads

I have the Old Soul Republic Komi peek. Not really even into Komi anymore, but I remember really wanting this sticker in 2018
>scan it
>fix it
>reprint it
How the hell can you be paranoid while not even attempting to find a solution? I started scanning stickers years before I even considered buying a cricut.
I saw that the threads had died and brought them back a couple months ago
After moving i was very busy
if you have a spot you might want to use a sticker, just use it.
keeping it in a book is another option
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Stickers are fun as a hobby but very easy to get way in over your head without having anything to show for it.
I don't want to say the fun wears off or it isn't worth it though.
In any case it's been a LONG time, it's expected people move on unless they find out how to make it a living, which a few people from here have. But if that's your goal then this is basically the worst place to do any sort of marketing; we post here because we like it here.
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oh shit these threads are still alive lol
here have a pic of this retard I saw on the road the other day
What the fuck did you take that with? That is too high of a quality to just be a "random photo from my phone." Dude has a DSLR on standby.
yes? and you don't?
never know what you'll see on the roads
pentax k-1 + pentax-d fa* 85mm f1.4 @ f2.8 1/250s
Unfathomably based
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Comfy Sunday working on art, and thinking about sticker designs.
Its what like 20 bucks if I want a custom sticker eventually?
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I don't have money for that, I just have money for the car and maybe a woman.
>pentax k-1
Wait a minute I think I know that setup
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Buy a used Micro 4/3 and some lens adapters for film lens. Shouldn't cost more than $250 all in with satisfactory results.
Or I could use that to help with a Skip to the TRD Monoblock Big Brake Kit.
To those of you with lewd stickers on your car, why do you do it?
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yep that's me
the last time I stepped foot in /osg/ I had neither camera nor dolls though
wonder if I'd be considered an /osg/ oldfag at this point
maybe stop with the charity cocksucking and you'll be able to afford a real camera
>Not really even into Komi anymore
Too many vendors go all in on fotmslop
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its so over
its only been a year...
Idk, at least in other threads oldfags are usually the ones who've stuck around since. I don't think there's a term for a "returnee"
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I'm not trying to hate on you for selling your shop, At least your stickers are still available, you could have just totally shut down.
I'm glad you're still active in here too, I follow you on Instagram.

based plate
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Not sure if this is the thread for it, but any suggestions on how to fit my Juniper key chain? The little plastic loop snapped off the metal bit when I was pulling my keys out of my pocket. What plastic that is there is very fragile. I feel like drilling a new hole could crack the plastic further. Should I try repairing the loop it's or should I just go super ghetto and tie some string around the body of the key chain?
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Got my book in, thanks lads. Man is that a lot of stickers (Man is that a lot of Hololive stickers). Shame it isn't a layflat book with all those crossover spreads, but lord knows those books get expensive to make.
Maybe try setting it with a clear epoxy?
you *could* drill a second hole maybe near the butt?
Sorry, it’s a low horsepower, slow car.

Dope sticker btw.
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>that 944
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>Saving up for a new car
>Book mark a bunch of stickers I want for it
>Check my book marks
>Half the stickies I want are out of stock
Should I just order what I can now? I probably won't have my new ride until September or October.
Very stoked to see. I have more cool shit coming soon. Thanks for your support guys!
Tbf I regret it every day, and I've been doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes to help out what vendors I can.
At the time I thought it would give me opportunity to do things I wouldn't normally be able to myself.
Now I'm starting over and going to do them for real this time
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As a side note, one of the things I've been brainstorming is the idea of functional merch vs ornamental merch.
What are some things you guys would like to see that actually have a day-to-day use?
I have a flask I got from Ahoworks for example.
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waifusquad tires? theae big companies dont do me well maybe you would
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Oh shit, so you do come here. Between the WAT and the shimapan sticker, I figured that there was no way you didn't. I think I've passed you on the road two or three times before, but I didn't have any stickers on the car the first time, so I would be very surprised if you noticed me. Still, it is funny running into another /o/tist on the road. I'll make sure to wave if/when I come across you again since I spend 2+ hours a day driving on rt7. Really miring the picture, by the way. Photography is one of those things I wish I could put the time in to practice because the few photos I take now are just phone snapshits.
Are we talking dollfies? Based if the case. That is another hobby I wish I had the time (and money) to get into
test, nigger
Tailgaters need to coom so they can chill out.
Gunpla resident here, if you're a modeller and have some plastic cement lying around, you can use it to bond the crack. It should work cause acrylic are poly chains.
But if you don't have that, acetone may work better? Since acrylic isn't PS and modelling cement is formulaic to PS.
However, careful application of superglue will probably do just fine, especially if you plan to daily it on your keychain

I like mugs, but I don't think it will do well cause designs will be hit or miss.
I could make mugs again...
>Should I just order what I can now?
that's what I do, generally
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>Are we talking dollfies?
yes but also other brands, picrel is an AP
had to go find where I put my ancient sticker collection for this
it was yummy
RIP yummy
Thanks Nezumi
Very nice. Do you go to any of the meetups at the DC cons? I know that Katsu has them and I'm pretty sure I've seen some at Ota too. I've always thought about poking my head into those to chat with the guys, but I'd feel bad crashing the party with "yeah I just like looking at them". I do make poor financial decisions, though, so maybe I'll buy my own sooner than later.
Nice stickers too. I've only been hanging in these threads for about 2 years so there's a lot of stuff I've never seen before. Definitely feel like I missed the heyday for the threads, but it is what it is.
post designs
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I could theoretically print just about anything to a mug with the on-demand supplier i use
this is the one i made before
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maybe one of these?
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DMV gang

I'm always a fan of shot glasses.
>DMV gang
Hell yeah. What part are you at? I'm living out in western Loudoun but driving into Tysons for work.
Seconding shot glasses, or rock glasses for that matter. I don't really know of anything else that I'd buy that I don't already have, but those laser etched glasses are always sick. Not sure how difficult it is to get those done at the scale you'd likely be operating, but it is an idea.
Within reason please. I daily on Advan Apex V601's though and they have been good for me.
Mugs are fragile as fuck and heavy, but not the worst idea.
Shot glasses and rock glasses might be the move. An artist friend of mine is making a cocktail recipe book that also has art of the cocktails as anime girls, that might be a cool partnership.
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I think it's time to remove the last anime girl from this bike. There's a giant scrape being covered up by that sticker, so it's either fix the fairing damage, which I think I can do well enough, or find something else to cover it up. The Akira sticker is staying, so maybe something else Akira related.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
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Added an easter egg for the shop bros, inspired by an anon in a previous thread. Fuse lid was the only surface that really worked.
I'm in Stafford, but work in Arlington or Tysons a couple days a week.

Was just at a meet in Lorton,
might as well lean into it and get the rest of the akira bike stickers
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I like engine bay stickers, they always get a good laugh from me. Personally, it is the super crispy "hot" sticker on my coolant cap. It is actually a miracle this thing has stayed stuck on so far
That's a sticker from Fujiwara. Good luck getting one
yea he's gone, i ordered in january when i didn't get a hold of him in march i opened a case with paypal and he still didn't respond. at least i got my money back
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tank protectors could be nice, market is lacking in fun ones like pic related

This anon here, I ordered this in November and asked about it in I think January, no response but I let it be and it came in March. I like his designs but can’t recommend buying from him until he at least starts communicating with people. Good luck to those anons still waiting on the super eurobeat sticker.
Meant to reply to >>27676587
noice. I hope that lasts longer than it does in my bay. the heat and elements really do a number on it. there must be a way to put something more resilient and transparent on top to seal it down
I keep meaning to toss this in my wife's car, but I'm too lazy to strip the stock rad sticker
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Posted these up from the imoutodreams stuff
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Yeah it was a pretty slow turnaround time for mine but I'm happy with the result.
The dealer guys got to see this when it was taken in for some warranty work on an engine oil leak.

Why do industrial "designers" think it's a good idea to put these plastic cowlings over the engine?
Hey, I'm just wondering what this board thinks about anime. A lot of people seem to like anime. A lot of people seem to really hate it. I hear that there are some good animes, but maybe there are really bad ones too. I'm just wondering what this board's opinion on anime in general is.
>anime website
How should I feel about anime? Good? Bad?
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How do you feel about movies or music? Exactly. Make your own decisions, first of all, and fuck off of this thread about putting stickers on your car with that.
>How do you feel about movies or music?
Some are good, some are bad.

I personally get the impression like anime is probably very good.
He has made it abundantly clear he does not give a single fuck about any of his customers. He made it abundantly clear last time too, yet people gave him another chance.
where'd you get the /o/ certified shitbox sticker?
If vendors are being jewish why not steal their designs?
I’m sure at least some of the people giving him “another chance” are newfags stumbling into these threads, seeing the shop in the list, seeing designs they like, and buying without knowing what they’re in for.
So can you suggest some good designs, maybe that I could put on a bumper sticker?
Anime seems really cool.
Exhibit A
No one reads OP

I'm just wondering what I should think about anime, and if someone has some interesting designs for me.
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Will Empire Decals ever restock?
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I actually just went to Katsu '24 as my first (real) con, there was a /jp/ doll meetup there
lurk the bjd thread and you'll end up with one eventually
>I've only been hanging in these threads for about 2 years
all my stickers are 7+ years old lol, all these shops are dead (except WAT the Eternal)
speaking of,
imouto finally exited the market, or just selling via you now, or what
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>if someone has some interesting designs for me.
No one has interesting designs for you.
OSG vendors now have a special designation.

Is it alright to add more people? I reached out to some of the recommended vendors but haven't received any responses yet - stay tuned anyways.

I was planning to add another separate section for car accesories / services in general.

I'm currently working on new tools (and suppliers). Since the shipping rates are so expensive to export, I am trying to offer services to help in some way.

I'm hosting a map for local car meets and doing some extra design work for some shops. The rest is texture /logo design for some games
behold the genius
Taiga definitely deserves the /o/ badge.
I've always wondered is the a secret to getting into someone of those sites that are password gated.
>just went to Katsu '24
Yeah, that was the one I almost poked my head into and was loosely following the threads for. I don't know if there is going to be another one at Otakon this year, but I'll be going to that in August, so maybe I'll join in by then and can say hi.
Sold the remaining stock to WAT if I recall (it was either last thread or the one before where they figured it out)
Usually password protected sites just means the site is in maintenance mode (i.e. not currently open) If you somehow got it, you'd either find an abandoned site or one that has half of the stuff missing
You know, I like the idea. Putting stickers in weird places is kinda fun
>Is it alright to add more people?
yeah go for it, I'm always looking for new stores
Has anyone ordered from Racing Spirits? Asking since I've been looking at a windshield banner from them.
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For me, it’s sticky white stuff:
>for me it's white boy summer
hoping they restock at some point soon
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>Sold the remaining stock to WAT if I recall
ironic timing, she was the last one I recognized
loners crew, nite shift, WAT, imouto dreams, of course notori & yummy, backyard tuners, dirty drive, kawaii or die, robust vinyl, bad decisions, impure thoughts, waifusquad are all shops I bought from, did some designs for some of them too
The pink glitter version of this is still on my gas cap
Can a vinyl sticker hurt the paint? And is it just use a hair dryer to remove it once it gets old?
Havent put a sticker on a vechile in 20 years.
Assuming the adhesive is rated for automotive use (which any reputable seller will use) you're pretty safe to put it on your paint. It is best to use a heat gun to loosen it up on removal, but you probably won't come away with any real paint damage unless you're completely ham-fisted about it. Glass is generally easier to deal with, though.
Looking for stickers of Kos-mos and T-elos from Xenosaga series.

already have the ones from ProLoli
It will hurt your paint in the sense that the paint will be sun affected from normal use while the paint under the sticker stays more vibrant. If you remove it there will be a "shadow" of the sticker left on your paint.
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Hope sws sees this post in the best of spirits
really hate to say this bros... but last thread he said he didnt have access to his printing setup anymore. its over for real
>pop into local craft store
>all oracal rolls discounted to $5
>even 851 and other specialty ones
The cutter’s eating good tonight bois

If you're going to put stickers on your car, might as well do it right
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If you're going to put stickers on your car, might as well do it right
I don't have an anime grill I would like to put on my car 24/7 yet. But when I do I'm at least getting a hood wrap
I hugely prefer fat fuckin' anime tiddies barely contained by an overworked bikini to flat children in frilly european maid costumes. There's nothing cute nor funny about your image at all.
both look like kids even if they gave some big tits
anime is for pedos
>anime website
hasn't been the case in over a decade
People who kill humans in GTA are murderers as well. You're right.
Shut the fuck up retards
Mass reply-ers are gay and don't like boobs and/or anime, and thus don't belong on a website originally created by/for college students to post pictures of anime tits.
>literally nothing but weebshit
why is that the only acceptable sticker/decal to this group?
>multiple photos of cars with anime free diecuts/no tiddies
have you tried using your eyes motherfucker
I need more American stickers. Unfortunately the USA wat logo is out of stock and opposing force closed. What do
I know he may be in hiding, but doesn't fuji have a usdm slap? I swear grandmaster had some silly diecuts too
It was a HKS design with usdm iirc. I need something more garish but I'm not resorting to normalfag stores
yeah i have some american sticker designs. Will be puting some more up on the store when im done catching up with orders, should be soon
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Based cowtit appreciator
Based meds avoider

I saw one of these recently. Are these only from here or is it a popular sticker from elsewhere? Do one of you fags live near me?
I don't got much interest in stickers in general but If I get the nu-supra I really wanna get some nice asuka stickers for it since it's german and Japanese like her
not big enough
I haven't seen anybody besides Nezumi selling it but I wouldn't be surprised
I prefer the stiggy
milky milky
Brown anime girls were scientifically designed for sex
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I'm aware these aren't stickers, but I thought I might share them anyways. Up for sale on yasoku.us.
Currently working on VTuners 2: I'll post previews soon.
Fuck you stupid dumb cocksucking assholes

I clicked on this thread for the first time 4 hrs ago and now I have like $400 of stickers in my bookmarks
Won't do you any good since 80% of them are out of stock
Well that should save me some money
>mildly related
Is vinyl the most durable?
I'm looking to cover my side markers. And most sellers use vinyl but I was wondering if a different material might be better.
I was considering replacing the OEM ones but some forum users stated they cause some issues with the ECU.
is there like a single website that doesn't just sell weeb stickers?
yes, how many sites did you look at
i was like you
but now I want to drive a coom mobile
this is a fact
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Decided to take a crack at stiggermaking myself…here’s my first ever die cut attempt, inspired by Nezumi’s “That’s wicked” from memory. Not quite at having my own shop level yet but it’s fun

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