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I wasted 7 hours of my life doing this and it looks so fucking bad. It kinda frustates me everytime I need to use watercolors
eh, don't be so hard on yourself. I like the vibe of this

I think your values are too similar, and you can make better use of negative space.

You'd benefit from some perspective practice too, a solid week of study and you will see improvement.

Look up "10 minutes to better painting" by Marco Bucci he gives tips that can help you immediately too
anon, most artist take 5-10 years to improve. It's not a race, it's a marathon. There nothing wrong with being bad, you are doing better than most people because they either don't draw or quit within the first week.
You clearly have potential. And what anon above said. Don't come to this place for advice, since you're able to draw. People here use their time to do anything but that.

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Is the anime style becoming more and more accepted in the American Comics industry? If I want to make a living as a penciller, is the anime style a viable thing? Also, is it possible to make a good living penciling and inking comics for publishers that aren't the Big 2?

I heard horror stories of anime-style comic artists unable to find work in the early 2000's, but surely things have changed now, right? Anime is quite literally the most commercial art style that exists. I find it hard to believe people aren't accepting of it, even now, in comics.
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the weirdest thing about his guts drawing is the reinforced concrete
Looks like shit
American comics are desperately trying to copy manga style, but doing it badly
Frank Miller too

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What's the best art advice you received?
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treat it like a job, draw as if you are getting paid to do it.
"Nobody will fucking care about it tomorrow."
>"It's a cartoon, it's supposed to be fun"
I think this is from a John K story, or someone similar, when he was being mentored by an animator. The dude was smoking and drawing shirtless and not giving too much of a shit about how he was drawing, and when asked why, that was his response.
We're supposed to be having fun when drawing, if you're not, what's the fucking point? Become a doctor, or pick up a different hobby.
Make her drunk first
No, it's actually less harsh than wacom surfaces.
An acetate sheet would be better for tip preservation if a bit slippery.

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how often do you guys draw?
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Would you buy it for a Scooby Snack?
I've never drawn anything. I've copied drawings, but that seems like a completely different skill.
5+ hours per weekday and 12+ hours on the weekends. I wish I was a neet so I'd draw 12+ daily.
I don't draw enough. I wonder if I just don't like drawing that much.
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Like 1-3 hours. I try to get a drawing done (at least inking) every day. Even if I absolutely don't feel like it or if I hate what I'm drawing.

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>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

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>have you done a steam page or a blog to follow?
So far we only got a youtube channel. Search for "@JuyaNoYamiGame"
If that so, I might do another piece for you If I get time. Drop another OC.
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Better pic taken sketches.wip
Thank you so much! I love how chunky you made the gloves. Is there anything you'd like drawn?
Thank you, wow! Mine are the bottom half and I love this style, it looks like a 2D animation standing still. Really satisfying round shapes and texture. Got an OC?
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Sure mines this one here >>7156958 though it's an older thing I did. Still been working on his general clothes though here's a newer sketch I did keeping things still somewhat the same.
I was thinking of having his legs being able to fuse and detach since I was trying ways he'd use plant abilities.

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ur a fgt edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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Looks like the torso is mixing perspectives. Her shoulders suggest a slightly tilted front-facing view, but her hips and breasts suggest her torso is far more twisted to her right.
i suggest you catbox that pic
i like it tho
>but you didn't see the 20 years prior of him practicing those lines to get to that point.
The most important bit, I feel. A lot of people miss this about art, or any skill, really. For every thing produced of worth, there are hundreds if not thousands if not tens of thousands of hours put into it.
I think it's because you don't have any dark, hard shadows, so it comes off a bit flat. there should be much darker areas in places completely blocked off from the light sources direction
Sorry, I forgot the no NSFW rule

What is it about AI art that isn't quite right? Even with the very best ones that get made you can tell by looking more than two seconds that something's wrong but what exactly is it? I was talking to someone about this today but couldn't quite put it into words. It's something to do with the curving around edges of objects but there's more to it.
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The vast majority of it was pure shit, and I say that as someone who is open to AI. There are some good ones (picrel), but I find they're the ones that don't try to look human-made.
The big issue, as I had said earlier in the thread, is that AI images are just kind of boring. It's (usually) Anime characters in undynamic poses being 'cute' or 'sexy', and that's if they're not the overly glossy realistic homunculi humans that AI often churns out.

I wish AI image creators would lean into what the AI can do, and make something that's so technically complicated and over the top that no human artist could, or would, create such an image - but they're too busy churning out coom slop and going on /ic/ threads to try and convert people to ever actually make anything that interesting.
>The vast majority of it was pure shit
Wow you just described the experience of opening up /ic/
lol, weak AI faggot, why don't you proompt some thicker skin?
>Probably why AI ero/hentai looks the best
most of the time it absolutely mangles nipples.
it can barely string together concepts, you have trouble tardwrangling it to even make a character eat a sandwich while making a slightly annoyed face. it gets boring even for my porn addled brain

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>everyone uses AI to make high quality emotes and reactions now
My job as an emote artist is under attack
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So the artist who uses AI and can paint and make changes to it will be victorious
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> emote artist
You as an artist can use AI or other things as references. That’s your own personal choice. Your success as an artist depends on your marketing skills, how you can make your art very valuable and unique. Innovation is key too, and choosing a niche is important
Hello saar, please do the kind next time do not type AI in OP, it makes the fooling of americans to dificult!
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Hey wtf that's not Aqua

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How do "just draw" fags cope with this?
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Anon, using Chris Chan as an example implies that you view yourself on the same level of incompetence as Chris Chan.
Believe in yourself.
Just draw young grasshopper.
Just draw is a filter for dumbfucks who can't think for themselves and have to be spoon-fed in order to grow. If you seethe over that simple of an advice, you have an issue when it comes to doing shit independently
I have to wonder what life is like being a schizo like op
Josh "Jewsh" Moon was actually helping him facilitate this as a pseudo-manager before the Barb-Fucking arc blew up their relationship iirc, he was making pretty decent money but needed a tard wrangler
Chris-Chan is too egocentric to realize the flaws of his artstyle and thusly improve on it.

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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7139494

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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for a second I thought it was ben 10
You made me realize the premise has some similarities. It wasn't meant that way but there may have been some subconscious inspiration. There's magic watches and fantasy creatures and a wise adult character whose main job in the story is to drive the car
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Thanks, it all came from spending more time on things and drawing on A3 instead of A4 sized paper. I haven't been grinding particularly hard.
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see? It's easy to draw popular stuff, you just need to keep drawing and git gud anon
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Whatever helps you learn, if something isn't working for you then try a different approach. Everyone has different brains.
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How does it feel knowing the OC creator will always be more popular and acknowledged than you?
you could be like pantsu ripper and draw that guy's character and get thousands of followers.

Last one: >>7121414
A bad sharpener will slow you down and ruin your pencils.
A good sharpener is like a fresh breath of air, such as pic.
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Would it be better if it’s in a tube?
I'd go for a primary set instead;learning to mix colors is crucial. Pebeo has an okay one, but there are other brands; just don't go for the cheapest.

No weird chemical smell either.

> Also how do I keep it fresh to not be moldy
Mold will depend upon the pigment, local climate, water quality, and probably other random things. Letting the paint dry usually works: don't try hold it fresh by airtighting it once it's out of the tube. If you paint daily, the paint will never fully dry, and you'll be able to rewet it easily.

If it's hard rock dry, you need to work the paint a little bit with a palette knife and water until it goes back to an acceptable consistency.
Ohhh okay I understand, thank you. !
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Doesn't it say in the picture that the paint is non-toxic though? I"ve never heard of gouache being dangerous outside of certain pigments, it's not like it has heavy fumes like solvents or anything like that. But if you're concerned anon then maybe buy Arteza instead. It's about the same price as HIMI but it comes in tubes so you only need to pour out small amounts at a time.
Gotta go out dude. My local mom and pop stationery shop sells 200gsm 22x28" sheets for $10

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How and why do bad artists manage to get published?
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I don't mean literally I mean what do regard as an example of high level skill in regards to cartoons and comics
if its interesting it will have a fan base. Ranking of Kings is another good example that isn't a comedy, which is usually easier to connect to an audience with.
Jazza is considered a professional
They just drew
Because muh disability.

How bad is it to completely copy the art style of an artist you like?
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Not really that bad. Copying styles you like is how a lot of people end up eventually finding their own style, because it spawns from differences you do compared to the artist you're trying to copy.
Bad on a professional level, but fine if you're a hobbyist. Eventually - so long as you're not continuously actively trying to ape the artist's style - you'll form your own style.
According to /ic/ it's just as bad as Ai copying the artstyle of an artist somebody likes.
it's a master study
btw tracing is fine, too, as long as you are doing it to learn and not to more quickly shit out more products to be consumed
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It works for the Japanese.
The beauty of it is, eventually your own subtle details and nuiances will give birth to YOUR style.
Look at Araki for example, the first parts of Jojo were just Fist of the Northstar with wack ass anatomy.

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/ic/ humour
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woah sir you have a big cock
I love big cocks sir
those are all me btw
>the punchline is porn
This is cute.
I like this.

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