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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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Oh no a 4channer thinks im trans for being ok with homos what will I ever do!
Does anyone have experience with doing r18 art commissions via Pixiv request? I don't have the mental capacity anymore to deal commissioners who belong to padded rooms. I just want to draw, ship it and get paid.
Just be more selective
are you on pixiv?
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What a weird frog! Ribbit

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Can someone explain how people complain about calarts then go around enjoying something like pic related? Both styles are kinda just ugly copy n past slop to me
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Are we going to just forget that Leon's palate can also just be changed with other male characters and there will be no noticeable change?

If you are doing realistic/semi-realistic anatomy, you only go so far in modifications.

But yes, I agree that if your character can be distinguished based on silhouette alone, then it is a great design
the problem with nu-designers is that they get off on people wanting to lewd their designs. characters exist solely for being lewded online and nothing else.
because muh troonime gud
everyfin els bed
shrimple as
99.9999% of the people who enjoy your pic OP have never heard of cal arts, never thought of cal arts and have certainly never complained about cal arts.
Spend less time on 4chan for pete's sake.

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share anon art here.
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Is there an art course or book that shows how to shade like the GOATS but in digital? When I use fountain pens and map pens on paper, it's not hard. When I try to do it in digital I don't know what the fuck to do to get same results. In fact, mangaka who do digital art have dogshit shading.
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Just ink it in CSP with the g-pen.

Use screen tones and layer them to achieve variations in value. You can buy these from any Online art supply shop that sells japanese stationary although they are going to be expensive since most Manga artists just use digital tools for the same purpose.
Clip Studio is the stardard for this as it comes prepackaged with an extremely large library of templates.
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>just like toriyama
>toriyama is shit at storytelling
...in the opposite dimension.
this entire thread is retarded. its called rendering not shading. older mangaka used ink and zippatone/toner packs for everything. modern shitters use clip studio and blender and similar programs for it. some do mix of trad and digital. for soem artists theyll render with copic for grey tones or if doing color pages. others bust out gouache or water color.

the issue with modern digital versions is they arent even inking the hatching or other lines. its all with digital brushes so you get the same look and generic linework with no variations. across so many no talent 3d tracers, it blends together and gives the modern shit look to all manga. the lack of imperfections in the linework and hatching is the major imperfection of modern manga. it also leads to the faux amateur look gege and chainsaw guy do. they are blatant 3d models and objects for everything but the chicken scratch lines and shit looking art let people forgive it somehow. like they believe its just bad artist and not deliberate shitter.

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>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread: >>7050249
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Come on he wasn't the only one thinking it. The broad shoulders, the rectangle torso, the freckles that look like body hair at first glace.
And I say this as someone who loves this retro style, it's just this character is specific looks 101% like a tranny
Bold of you to think this could've been a quality thread when the opener OC is a literal tranny
What was your blog called again? Trying to find your stuff
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silly maymay, will come back soon with another video thingy lol

So cute!! I wanna go to the beach now

Would keep as pet/10, extra-based points for watercolors

Based and OC-pilled. People like that do these things because they have nothing to lose, while people who are building something have too much to lose. Better to spend that time drawing and sharing creations instead.
You know, I'm not only wanna to eat him.
But maybe and eat out too.

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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread >>6791154
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Sorry, I just noticed that, in my advice concerning symmetry, I linked the wrong post. I meant to link this one >>7153669
I totally wasn't expecting the subject matter of this one. Ironically, I think that a dragon being used as a mount would have taken me by surprise a little less.

I really like the flowy manner in which you drew the hair of your characters: the somewhat whirly arrangements of their strands blowing in the breeze are quite pleasant, and they subtly but effectively communicate a welcomed hint of vitality in an otherwise dormant scenery.

Also worthy of note is the level of three-dimensionality achieved through the painstaking amount of detail involved in your construction method, a most-desirable trait that has come to be expected from your work.

On the subject of the main feature of this piece, that's quite a girthy sauropod... perhaps just a bit too girthy.

I'm no paleontologist, and I hardly ever attempt to draw animals, so I'm mostly going by my memories of conventional depictions of dinosaurs and dragons, but I get the impression that your sauropod's torso might have come out a little too corpulent in relation to its legs.


Of course, one can only make educated guesses regarding the complexions of these long-extinct creatures, but, judging by the following article, the bodies of sauropods in particular might have been akin to those of imaginary hybrids with elephant-like torsos and elongated, hippo-like legs:

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thank you for your insight as always. made some adjustments but honestly I don't know if they helped lol. the eyes still feel off to me
>made some adjustments but honestly I don't know if they helped

They definitely did, in my opinion. I can notice that you chose to raise the outer end of the foreground set of lashes instead of lowering that of the furthermost one, and I think I can guess why: you didn't want to sacrifice Alessio's original foxy expression by de-emphasizing the curving of his eyes, and, by extension, the upwards push of his smiling cheeks. In any case, the gist of my recommendation was to double-check the symmetry of both sets of lower eyelashes, a piece of advice that you followed rigorously and to good effect.

Just make sure to raise slightly both the crease of the furthermost upper eyelid and its corresponding eyebrow. By adding a few extra pixels of vertical width to the area in question, specifically until the levels pertaining to said features are in parallel alignment with those of the eyelashes and the mouth, Alessio's facial balance would be technically irreproachable.

Regarding your discomfort with Alessio's eyes, my best supposition is that it might have something to do with the current amount of distance between them: provided that you intend to follow the proportion guideline of "the width of an eye" as the degree of separation, the distance between a character's eyes in a 3/4 view should encompass, at the very least, the foreshortened width of the furthermost one. In other words, unless your stylistic choice is to depart from said guideline, the eye furthest from the viewer in this portrait of Alessio is a bit too wide to accurately convey the general perspective of his face.

My suggestion is that you attempt to narrow down slightly the width of the eye in question by "squishing" it, just until the distance between both eyes is broad enough to contain the furthermost one.

Apart from that, I would suggest that you accentuate the presence of Alessio's testicles, given that their current size is a bit too understated, even for a prepubescent boy.

Post facial expressions.
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Mayonaka no Yoruko-san. Serialized H-manga.
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faces are hard
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Artists says she's saying "kimoi" (disgusting).
literally no one has eyes like the bottom ones
This guy is the most demonic human being I've ever seen in my life. Something about him is so subtly yet severely off that I can't even look at these photos for long.
If man was made in God's image, this is what man would look like without even a shred of God.

Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
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Niggas here think learning skills in real life is like grinding shit in WoW because that's the only thing they ever put any effort into.
They always ask for advice like they're looking for the most optimal mob to farm. Hopeless losers. None of you will ever make it.
Wtf, don't just jump straight to lineart. Download a program where you can have multiple layers. Create a sketch layer first. That fox is a combination of multiple basic shapes. If you would start drawing a head then draw an entire ball, not just the chin. Begin with a sketch marking where a head, torso, arms, hands would be and focus on getting proportion and likeness right. Don't bother with cleanliness just make it look simillar and appealing. After that you can create a new layer on top, lower the opacity on a sketch layer and trace making fast swipes and clean lines. A good workflow with layers really matters if you want to make your drawing process more controllable and fun
>Be fiddleafox
>Say things about black people and trannies that everyone knows but wouldn't admit, all in a private DM with a friend
>"Friend" leaks DMs after fiddle refuses to do some gay vore erp with him
bad advice
I was using a mouse and did it in a minute.
Also you're thinking too hard.

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How do "just draw" fags cope with this?
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Just draw is a filter for dumbfucks who can't think for themselves and have to be spoon-fed in order to grow. If you seethe over that simple of an advice, you have an issue when it comes to doing shit independently
I have to wonder what life is like being a schizo like op
Josh "Jewsh" Moon was actually helping him facilitate this as a pseudo-manager before the Barb-Fucking arc blew up their relationship iirc, he was making pretty decent money but needed a tard wrangler
Chris-Chan is too egocentric to realize the flaws of his artstyle and thusly improve on it.
Thank you again Wise Chinese master

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>just practice for 5 years to see if you're among the 10% of people with the right neurology to participate in the lowest effort-to-reward ratio "hobby" in existence
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>just practice for 5 years
You just need a few months, 1 year to see if you have aptitude.
>It's the same with bodybuilding, marathon runners, health junkies
It's not, those benefit you long term, specially old people. Drawing is ultimately useless.
>try animating then
Animation is even worse and less fun, specially trad 2d which is boring as fuck.

please help me anons, I am SUFFERING as I am trying to make my comic.

My problem are the panels. My comic depends on very autistically spaced Alan Moore style panels. It's all divided very rididly with no stylistic element leaving the panel (pic rel).

I cannot for the life of me get clip studio to do that. Tried reading through the documentation - nothing, tutorials are focused on more "manga", wacky styled comics.

I am willing to learn any digital tool. How do I make autistically spaced Alan Moore panels?
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Dave Gibbons, literally the artist from the watchmen, has made videos about how to do paneling using clip studio paint.
Here's one of his webinars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIT42n84dIE
I don't know if he does paneling in that one.
Why is Allen Moore getting all the praise?
Dave Gibbons is the man with the vision, craft, and talent.
Moore wrote and created it and probably drew the storyboard
damn the coloring is great in those Watchman pages. coloring in most contemporary US comics is so dogshit.
Dave Gibbons got/gets a shitload of praise for Watchmen, dude. They're both highly lauded for the project because both of them brought their A-game and made something really memorable and compelling. And John Higgins did the colors, by the way, so don't go ranting about misplaced praise.
He wrote the script. A famously detailed and meticulous script.

What's a good tutorial on how to paint hair?
This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Qh4Cu5ecM

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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Experimenting with walk cycles and trying to work in head-turns.
Do you guys have any resource for animating faces? more specifically mouths with dialogue
Do you guys think using Clip Studio Paint for 2D vfx is a good idea?
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Shilling my animation pipeline test for my personal project

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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
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>get off from work
>strong desire to make use of what little free time I have to draw

>be neet
>choosing to draw instead of sitting and staring at the wall is an impossible task

in one scenario you're going from working to having fun. In the other scenario you're going from doing nothing, to working.
Finally a job opening that I've been waiting for popped up and it's at least 100k/year. The perfect day job. There's no reason for these bastards not to give me the role with the experience I have.
This. It is impossible for caffeine to "give you energy", all it does is make you burn through the energy you already have a lot faster. Sleep, nutrition, and staying in shape are what actually give you energy.
yep, that's the thing with caffeine. If you sleep like shit it would be the worst thing to drink. You end up even more tired and you'll lose focus quite easily.
you're telling me, I do CAD and my brain is already melting by 4 (I get off at 5) and then on top of everything I need to find time and the will to do something creative

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A collection of art I have commissioned over the years.

This is also my first time using this site
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as white as the average yellow bug
now fuck off back to /pol/
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You spent money on this?
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>Genociding kikes is... le bad!
Go back to r/the_donald.
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More art from the “Fuck zoos and pedos” collection

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