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I'm getting into making art peices out of animal skulls and other random mechanical parts or left over items. This is my first peice, a skull I found and put some bird feathers as horns and some black sheeps wool as a little hat.
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Are you?
looks like shit, literally
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I didn't interact with him much,other than asking permission to photograph his art. But it was a local crafts fair held in a park in Northern New Jersey, and unlikely that it was who you meant, but not impossible.
See a doctor immediately
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i would like to ask something at the cost of being called a retard
what exactly IS gesture drawing? i read about it, i looked at a few examples and then used a website that shows various pictures to do it myself, and picrel is one of the things that came out of it, very rough and ugly as i had to do it in 30 seconds, is this gesture drawing or just a scribble? i read that it is about the "flow" of the movement but i'm not quite sure how to represent such a thing
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Good to know, thanks!
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first thing I usually look for is pinch and stretch to exaggerate, and anything I can simplify into one big swooping line (bonus if it's a "counter shape" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC849fT8xUk - the lady's legs in this pic make a good counter shape)

try to find better reference though, you want high-quality nudes, not small pictures of clothed people. It's worth shelling out 10-15 bucks here and there for a gumroad/artstation pose pack unless that's like a month's wages in your country or something (not trying to be insulting, I know global pricing can make a difference and I have no idea who's in what country)

notice how even though I pushed that pinch and stretch it ended up getting stiffened up in the final sketch, that's normal and that's why it's so important to exaggerate and push those contrasts as hard as you can - harder than you think you need to - in the early stages
thank you, it's not much money here but i won't have it until i get a job first
i don't feel like asking my parents for money for nude pics, they will think i'm a weirdo
nta bur sometimes theres thread of pose packs and they upload a lot you can download, keep an eye out for those
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i'm not really sure what i'm doing anymore but it seems to be turning out okay

>get a batch of commissions for 500$
>I'm so self-critical that never show them and keep making edits
>client gets tired of waiting after 6 months and moves on to another artist
>despite being almost done, I still don't show what I got, I lie and tell him I didn't do any art because family stuff.

I fear criticism to the degree it's a mental illness
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For that rate, might as well do it yourself.
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your art is good. stop undercharging yourself

what do you mean?
I've only ever had commissions a month or two ago when it was priced for discord nitro. Even then I was told the same exact thing. I do try and advertise on a lot of public art discords as well, disheartening to say the least, but I guess its deserved for drawing anime.

I don't mind too much either way, I can just use it to say my art's not yet good enough and that's why I don't have clients. even now I think 20$ is pushing it considering its been at that price for a while with no bites.
Just use AI with tags like "sketch" or something to generate shit that'll look better than you could ever draw and just show that to the client
I say that precisely as someone who does draw

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Buy horse miniatures
Truly the masters of old had perfected everything
if and of you are still around I'd really like to see your blog(s)

So it's all literally just a popularity contest
You practice and study so you can become better at drawing so more people can be impressed and your art can appeal to a wider range of audience
Whoever has the most patreon subscribers and followers is better
yes i did read your entire post in walter jr's voice
option 2: do it because you enjoy it

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>traditional painters can make the transition to digital almost effortlessly and very quickly make art that better than digital ""painters"" who have been doing it for years
>digital ""painters"" seemingly regress to near /beg/ levels if you make them do anything traditional
Really makes you ponder. The same also holds true with sculpting vs digital sculpting. Digital in general is an impoverished, hacky ""medium""
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This is true. Painter Andrew Tischler made a drawing with Procreate for the first time and this was the result. Although he already has experience with digital art (he worked in Photoshop), the result for his first attempt is very good.

Define "evil".

The patterns on both sides are so varied that it's statistically easy to find correlations, especially if we're being loose.

Nathan Fowkes did the transition when he worked on le-whatever-famous-movie-but-not-prince-of-egypt. I don't recall him saying it was effortless though, but I feel like he's often staging himself, so it's hard to tell how much is true...

But the other anon is right, the movie industry shifted from acrylic or gouache to digital at some point, and all trad artists had to learn digital, apparently without too many issues.
>Although he already has experience with digital art (he worked in Photoshop)
wow, it's fucking nothing
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Yes. They are already used to no-layer drawing. Digital artists tend to overuse layers.

When the artist whose trained on no layers comes to a media where you can choose to use only 1 layer, he can do well. When the artist who is too used to using multiple layers comes to trad media, it can be difficult to adjust at first.

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How important is it for artists to learn Sacred Geometry? What kind of effect will it have on your work?
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Link to book
I'm not saying you should put these structures in your work, or that they aren't some contrivance of the author - but it does not hurt to look at this and think about how your composition works as a geometric structure as a whole.
If you draw anime girls in the void this does not apply to you
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Posted this on another thread but relevant here:

VeRy ImPorTAnT: https://www.goldennumber.net/wp-content/uploads/pepsi-arnell-021109.pdf

That stuff is gold.
someone explain this to a retard like me
Conman tricks corporate boomers using science words
It's supposedly a logo rework paper made by a design firm, leaked by an insider. It's grotesque enough that it's reasonable to assume it's fake, but we don't know for sure.

I can nearly feel a coke addict (pun intended), sparking red eyes, drafting this like a frenetic, his eyes distending like crazy every time a "grandiose" idea rushes through his brain.

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I'm taking a figure drawing class next semester where I'll be looking at real life naked women.
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it gets boring honestly
yeah you might get a hottie or whatever but it gets old after a while
My school had four figure drawing groups each semester, I had a gorgeous tiny pixie girl and a hot chick from the volleyball team as models.
I only found out a couple semesters later when doing some extra credits work with the program manager that he made sure to give the best instructor and hot models to the most attractive and well-adjusted students.

The other groups had old, weird and fat models. Including a legless dude who'd constantly leak smegma.
weird situation in a figure drawing class i took, one of the models was the girlfriend of a guy I knew. I did not know her well, when I hung out with this guy she usually was not there and when she was there she was quiet and didnt say much but she was cute. When I saw her nude I was surprised, she had a great body and these nice torpedo tits with upswept nipples. Never would have guessed it, she dressed like a guy when we hung out. I had no idea she was going to be a model in the class, she had no idea I was taking the class.
Made it weird taking to my buddy after that, I'm sure he knew I saw her completely naked, I'm sure she told him, but it was never brought up, even when she was with us when we hung out after that. Like they made a decision to completely avoid talking about it around me, I m sure of it. But we would be playing video games or watching a movie and she would be talking about somthing so I would just look at her and think "She has great tits, I know what her nipples and vagina look like". I just kept thinking about it. I dont hang out with the guy anymore, but sometimes when I draw a sexy female character, I draw tits on the character exactly like the hers.
hot story desu
you probably could've hit, wasted opportunity.

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Do you plan your art by writing down what will go where, what objects will be in the background, sketches of intricate parts what colors you will use, and reminders, or do you just improvise?
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sometimes, depends if I either don't feel like drawing during that time, or if it is something I want to not forget about when I am trying to find good ideas to work on my free time

most of the time though, I just improvise on whatever I have sketched out if it's something simple for me to complete
I just keep drawing until I give up trying to save it
I mostly plan out everything in my head, then "finalize" the composition in a rough sketch before doing the actual drawing.
I write everything I want in the drawing first, because I learned the hard way that I actually don't really think when I improvise, I can't do two things at the same time. If I have a clear goal it's way easier, and for that I write all my ideas in my sketchbook.
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>Do you plan your art by writing down what will go where, what objects will be in the background, sketches of intricate parts what colors you will use, and reminders, or do you just improvise?

I work at Mcdonalds so I carry a napkin around with me to write art notes. Im planning a mural of Grimace raping the Hamburglar once I get some free time

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>gossiping women
y-you too
>random quantification based on nothing
you are too mindless. stop using google.

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Honest thoughts on the art style of Kagurabachi?
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KGB is peak unlike midslayer
aside from magic and swords they have nothing in common its closer to chainsaw man if anything '
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Naruto, but sauce is the main character.
No demon slayer vibes. The guy who drew karugabachi was inspired by Naruto.
I only read the first chapter but it looked fine to me. The line work is mostly what lets it down, but the rest is more than enough for what it's going for. Kinda feels like a particularly high-effort web manga, but if people find the story compelling then I don't see the issue.
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Not as stylish as Kubo but the author definitely has a flare for angles and camera work.

He's certainly one of the best in the magazine (top 10-5) when it comes to fight scenes

Glass dip pens were invented by satan himself to deter growing artists from conveniently using line-weight in their art I swear to god.

What about this process seems satisfying or productive, use a normal ink dip pen w nice flex and line variations please. I’m not even saying this out of hate or anything I genuinely want you to know what your missing out on please, better yet get a felt tip brush pen nip please. I don’t hate you or the person in this photo I want to save you please.
>sees 1 artist make a tweet
>Why do all artists hate this thing?
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Kill yourself OP.
It’s not all, it’s just that very specific but large group of instagram/tiktok/twitter artists that post sketchbook tours and talk about markers and stuff

Post overrated paintings. Here is that ugly painting of Lucifer beloved by edgelords and pussies who think it’s deep.
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Well yeah. That's what the internet was for to begin with. You didn't think this military run CIA organized technology was made for the betterment of mankind, did you? People were calling out its dangers long before they shoved it down our throats. Anyone using it is complicit in its continued replacement of all values with greed, narcissism, mental illness and profiteering. This isn't new, everyone with a brain said this would happen and those without brains (the majority) didn't listen because OH LOOK YOU CAN SEND MESSAGES TO PEOPLE AND LOOK AT PORN DURR HURR

Anyway, like comment and subscribe.
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Haha wow it looks like 90% of /ic/ CAN'T FUCKING STAY ON TOPIC FOR EVEN TWO POSTS!!!!
Don't worry op I'll contribute. You can find so so so much bad anatomy in the early 1600s to late 1700s period before observation and rendermonkey cope became king to hide the lack of knowledge. Here's just one example from Titian, who yeah, couldn't draw like Michelangelo said.
>You can find so so so much bad anatomy in the early 1600s to late 1700s period
And it doesn't matter in the slightest
Based retard based retard enjoyer.
This. What makes this the perfect Lucifer is not the palpable suffering in falling from grace, but the refusal to accept it was his fault.

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whats the appeal of this books? kek
artfags getting desperate for any money or what
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You're like ten years late. Yeah this shit is cringe, but why comment on it now?
Also if there is a market for this kind of shit, why not? Are companies that sell adult diapers also "desperate"? If people want it, and you can make it, your practically pushing money away by not catering to them.
old women who cant draw/color but consider themselves artists like doing these
The worst thing about these is bad line:white space ratio. Hideous little drawings, not suitable. It's like adults are so insecure about being perceived as kids, they become retarded and worse than them. Even a dumb little kid understands more white space = more colors. But no, "adults" have to senselessly complicate a simple thing to make it feel like it's a different thing from what little Emily is doing.
i tought its some teraphy shit etc?
It is occupational therapy.
Some way to fool brainless adults without constructive hobbies into doing something other than drinking themselves to sleep in front of the t.v.

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Gesture drawing is a begtrap, dumbass
>I think I'm not improving
I had this issue as well until I started organizing everything I draw by month and year. Progress isn't always a breakthrough but goes bit by bit so you don't even realize it sometimes. Going back and reviewing works from a couple months ago actually lets you see that jump.
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>Autists expect quotes to account for edge cases

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