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its ok pawel
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>Keep drawing
>raise standards
>fail to meet them

I'm becoming even worse
>doesn't draw
>old art still getting sold
it's fine i guess
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>keeps drawing
>still having fun with it
I'm on an ascended plane, beyond crabbing and doom posting
I have won
To me,a Work is something that is the culmination of the dozens of drawings done in its development. When you doodle in a sketchbook,,every result need not be "good",immediately useful nor completely useful either. You learn through doing,so these sketches aren't for public consumption. You build a Work carefully, so the final drawing is spectacular.
I know that feel
I don't draw that much, like once per month, yet whenever I draw I get a lot better. My secret is that I study drawing theory a lot inbetween practice.
>once per month
1 day per month* and I spend hours drawing and trying to apply my art theory knowledge. It somehow works because my theory level is way higher than my practical skills so I'm teaching myself how to draw on the spot.
How much do you draw and how long have you been doing it?
For hours of actual drawing isn't the same than for hours of drawing while being distracted every 20 seconds by insta/tiktok memes.
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I had a problem with this. But then I started watching Bob Ross videos. He taught me everything I needed to know to become a great Mangaka.
you have to draw a lot bro. jimmi hendrix annoyed his parents for years with shitty ass solos before he got good. the thing is he was enjoying it the whole time
How many hours are you drawing?
What are the exercises/studies you do?
>keeps drawing
>gets better
>keeps drawing more
>get worse
I don't understand
i think it has to do with fatigue. dodson talks about it, and if you're tired of doing something, you won't operate on the same level as someone who doesn't mind putting in the work. i find myself doing it a lot, and it's a hump i need to get over if i am to ever improve as a beginner
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Top kek, lets see your work, bud.
This is why I masturbate a lot.
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I’ll never be Knox, no matter how much Koreanmaxxing I try

Why live?
the day to day improvement is so non existent its hard to see the forest for the trees.
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so with this one the whole idea was "catch" like the timeless game that baseball players? I always looked up to Babe Ruth, and so did my uncle Jerry. Jerry and I used to play fetch in the backyard, and I drew this piece in honor of him. the leading edge of the hand is a visual cue to signal to viewers to look at the ball, making them similar to Jerry, who has also been asking to retrieve the ball. it establishes an emapthic connection beyond the frame of the canvas between man and his best friend, Jerry, and I hope you like it anon there's a lot of theory behind this one don't try to take it all in at once.
>"Someone how works hard can never beat someone who enjoys himself."
Why can't you do both at the same time? You know these two are not mutually exclusive.
have you tried drawing more
Yes, I got worse.
I realized I dont actually get better. I just find new ways to gaslight the viewer.
I suggest drawing more then
So I can get even worse than I already am? Thanks.
Is it normal to get angry at yourself for getting better? That just means you were wasting time doing something wrong before.
Do fish in a fish bowl become better fish?
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why is there a rock on the table in this meme? i never understood it
kneaded rubber.
probably not drawing enough
I have no reason to
Like I said, I've ascended beyond crabbing
dude you don't have a lucky drawing rock?
what the hell, how can you even draw without one?
Or because everyone who says they "draw for fun" artwork always looks like shit
You keep repeating the same mistake over and over again that's why you don't improve. You need to focus on improving your weaknesses thru deep practice.
Guess you just have to imagine whatever, bucko.
I wish I had the vast reserves of mental energy I did when I was younger. Back then I was shit at drawing but I did it for hours every day.

Now I'm better technically but I spend more time thinking about what to draw than actually drawing. I have to spend hours brainstorming and ideas and eliminating shitty ones. Some days I don't even draw because I have no idea worth turning the tablet on for.

>just draw random things xD like a purple elephant wearing a bikini xDDD

no. If you want to make music you don't smash the keys of the piano. If you want to cook you don't open random containers and put it all in a pot and cook it in the oven for 2 hours.
>still has the need to post here
Need? No
It's fun, therefore I am here.
Nice projection though
I only have fun when I'm drawing stuff I want to draw.
Then I post it, get told I gotta go through a bunch of books and the fun is lost.
What does it matter if it does?
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>draw what I want to
>start to be unsatisfied
>set a goal for the week like 100 gesture drawings with the occasional waifu in a void to not burn out on just grinding
>apply what I learn and get minor progress
The eternal state of becoming you are truly alive
i don't have the fundamentals down enough to "draw for fun", that's the real hell
The problem is not in the fundamentals, it's in the mindset. Yes, even at this point. If you can't draw for fun now, you won't be able to even if you do master the fundamentals.
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this sounds impressive but it isn't true
>no arguments
I accept your concession.
>le debate me bro
terminally online retard
things that never happened
My best hasn't really improved in the past decade, but I can do it faster and much more consistently now, so I guess it's all good.
NTA but my problem is I'm having zero fun trying to learn the fundamentals.
Like I have fun drawing whatever I want, but the moment I'm required to draw something to learn all that happens is that I get anxious, frustrated etc.
Why do you wanna draw? Why do you wanna get better? What's your goal here?
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>keep drawing
when I draw something, it takes an infinite amount of time to finish. I never finish anything, I just eventually give up trying to save it.
There is no such thing as "hitting the wall" in art, by which I mean you cannot get better anymore. There is always new improvement available for you.

Pick an art study subject, and do something small every day to fix your problems with it: colour studies, anatomy studies, animal studies, imagination sketches. If you're scared of ruining nice sketchbooks and don't have a digital tablet, get a huge stack of printer paper and draw on it with cheap school pencils.

JUST KEEP GOING! I promise, it gets easier later!
post wrists
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Just keep drawing till you improve. Brute force it.
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just make AI art. you're instantly super talented
I kneel
Or use 3D models from Clip Studio, seriously, if you are still studying fundies and medical faggotry from the XVI century and are still ngmi you deserve it
Have you heard of freestyle jazz and experimental cooking? You're too far up your own head
Once you are out of your Dunning Krueger phase you'd understand that not everything has to be executed, silly little permaprebeg nigger
At least I draw, but keep daydreaming about it
But you draw shit, that makes you no better than a npc little shit void of virtues since you only "do" things, without any kind of impact or retribution.
You suck
Look at this guy, he has fun. Oh la di da Mr. Sunshine. Did you have "fun" today drawing your pretty little happy flowers? Fuck you. I don't want to have fun, I want to win. I had my fun, now I want fame/respect/attention.
Gesture drawing is a begtrap, dumbass
>I think I'm not improving
I had this issue as well until I started organizing everything I draw by month and year. Progress isn't always a breakthrough but goes bit by bit so you don't even realize it sometimes. Going back and reviewing works from a couple months ago actually lets you see that jump.
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>Autists expect quotes to account for edge cases
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>study colors, anatomy, perspective, etc
>everything looks fine
>try applying it to an original piece
>it looks like shit
>spend all day trying to fix it
>it still looks like shit
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this. anyone can be talented these days. now get prompting.
>has the ability to generate anything he wants by just typing words
>just does the "soilent faggot doing art" prompt again and again and spams it every thread

actually hilarious
so glad all perma/beg/ schizos have one tag in common now (ai-generated) so you never have to see their art again
You got a chuckle anon, good job.
Drawing badly takes more effort than drawing well. I work so hard polishing turds and pushing past my limits and my art just gets worse and worse. Meanwhile good artists just go by muscle memory without thinking and shit out masterpieces.
This. Even professional comic book artists trade 3D models to make production faster. Just make sure the model is your own work if you want to publish your traced artwork.
Remember that it's only illegal if you get caught.
I can't find a single drawing-related subject that I understand well enough to attempt to put it into practice. If I had at least a vague understanding of what was involved in a functional drawing process, or understood how drawing worked in general, then improvement would be guaranteed. Without that, though, it's really hard to get anywhere.
>cant draw arms
>practice arms
>can draw arms
holy shit!!
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>keep drawing
>doesnt get better
>in fact it gets worse
>feel no love for the craft anymore
>look for ways to enjoy drawing again
>realize the problem was my workflow being retarded
>change workflow
>keep drawing
>speed gets better
>art gets better
>experimenting gets better
>social media engagement get better
>commission money gets better
>everything gets better
I is going to make it, bois.
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Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat YOU! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics anyone's ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. EVERYONE can be super! And when everyone's super...

...no one will be.
>cant draw arms
>practice drawing arms
>cant draw arms
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>Keeps drawing
>Gets better AND faster
Man those poor-skilled people always hit me.

Here's what young people can do with proper training: https://www.artrenewal.org/14thARCSalon/Category/DaVinciInitiative
give me a rundown on your workflow because I'm still figuring that out
It's always young people who trained for few years but never ever there's a middle aged person who started in their 30's or 40's and still manage to achieve this level of skill
>It's always young people
Yeah no shit it's a competition for teenagers you doofus
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>keeps drawing
>gets better
>not faster
>Look up late bloomers who succeeded in art
> All of them draw unsophisticated doodles and abstract shit including van Gogh

tired of this bullshit
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I work with lineless art, so I doubt my workflow is going to be of much help, but in case it helps:
My initial workflow consisted in "more layers for more control", meaning that I had a layer for each individual piece just so I could have control over them in case I needed to do changes like moving or changing color. The part that screwed me over was layers growing in number, leaving me with nonsense like gif related that made the process a painful chore.
At the end I realized having control of those layers was not compensating me for the hassle that it was navigating them, in fact it was only making the process more time consuming. After this, I changed my workflow to only use the absolute bare minimum of layers and bite the bullet in case I was needing that missing layer control, it resulted in my a massive output increase that affected my social media engagement, my willingness to experiment new things and making improvements, as well it made art more enjoyable.

If I had to give you a concrete advice, it'd be: Stop giving a crap about the very little details, limit your resources effectively to avoid overcomplicating the process and find a way to always make things easier for yourself. Hope it helps.
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Why do people care so much about drawing and getting better? Youre not enjoying the process, you just want to jump straight at the results, you want to see a 1080p Full HD 60 FPS drawing, but you dont want to walk the road to get there, youre not having fun, youre not getting enjoyment out of creating something you love even if it looks like shit.
Why havent you just jumped into the AI bandwagon already? Everyones shitting on drawfags and telling them that they are obsolete, but I havent seen an actual drawfag that does this for fun care. I thought AI was supposed to get rid of all of you, seriously, you guys are pathetic.
What the fuck am I looking at, how do you NIGGERS work with SO, MANY, LAYEEEEEEERSSSSS, I only work with like 3 max and that already stresses me the fuck out.
basically this
I noticed this is a problem with a lot of aspiring artists. They want the result, but they don't want to put in the effort to get there. They want the image in their brain to be put on the paper right now. They don't realize that their hands don't even know what the brain is seeing.
What do you do when you haven’t improoved after 6 years?
This was me.

I drew for years and didn't improve.

This plateau nearly ruined my life, but I didn't give up.

Instead, I decided to travel and find the greatest art masters in the world.

I journeyed from the far west, to the far east, and studied under every painter who would take me under their wing.

In the end, I still didn't improve.

Talent is real.

And I don't have it.
>draw something
>took me 1 hour
>fixing it
>2 hours
>its still bad
Real artists don’t have to fix things. That’s the whole point of line confidence, even in the sketching phase. Everything is perfect from the start.
I dont have that luxury. I need to brute force every line I draw
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>gets worse
>draws again
>gets better
>gets worse

I have no idea how artists can stay consistently good. Is drawing really like working out? Keep doing it till you get consistently good enough?
On some days, I draw good. On many days I draw terribly, how do I fix this? I just want to have a steady rate of stuff I'm proud of.
man, I don't have nearly as many layers as this example and I still take forever to do anything. People keep telling me that "speed comes with experience", but I feel like there also needs to be some sort of focused fix on top of drawing more. I'm doing something wrong and have no idea what it is or how to go about finding it.
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You can't go at 100% all the time. Your skill will fluctuate from day to day that's just a fact of the trade. You shouldn't be comparing yourself to yesterday or even last week really but more like 2 weeks to a month ago. You are improving, if you're actually practicing and not just doodling, you just don't see it because you're improving by a point of a percent each day, you need to wait for a build up to really see it. Show up, don't look at your drawings and just practice every day and by this time next month you will see improvement.
Instead try
>draw something
>it took 1 hour
>leave it as it is
>draw something else
>leave it as it is
>revisit the first thing and draw it again
Personally, I built resistance because I've been doing this nonsense for roughly 7 years (much to my detriment, but still), so I know how to navigate through millions of layers and not go insane. It still makes the craft insufferable, but it's by no means not doable.
For reference, picrel is only 22 layers total, could have gone even lower, but since it was a commission, I wanted to play safe.

I'd say you have to find what's slowing you down, because there is something in your process that is slowing you down and it's not lack of affinity to your tools. Try looking at the way you draw from a more critical perspective, not towards what you're drawing, but towards yourself drawing. Alternatively you can record one of your sessions and watch it, that way you can yell at past you for the mistakes you start picking up.
To me, it was the aforementioned overcomplication of the process and also that I gave too much attention to the pixel-perfect details that were not going to be noticeable in the grand scheme of things. Your problem could be in the construction, or the way you focus on strokes, zooming in too much, [ctrl+z]ing way too much... little things like that. Start from those little things.
if you enjoy it you enjoy the hard work

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