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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
First for big booby black mamas paired up with big-dicked blonde twinks <3
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I did something for /sex/ check it here >>>/f/3507269
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From a comic I'm working on about a young hoodlum. Like a drill rap version of torpedo 1936. This is more of a concept than a full idea. I want it to have explicit sex and violence so it's not just hentai
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Thoughts? Any critique or red line would be appreciated.
looks fucking horrible, but yeah is ok if you are autistic, everyone has the right to draw
Kek, damn straight
'ellig on /'ex/
chaotic good ass post
Why did you draw her vagina so droopy?
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Have Fallout 2 on the brain right now
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How's my anatomy? Im especially worried about the legs. Any critique is appreciated.
They look a bit sho
Why does she suffer from megalencephaly?
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Figure this doesn't deserve its own thread, so I'll ask here:
Does anyone have any good sources for NSFW settei? Seeing how artists set up their coom characters is really helpful for me.
i don't, i'm sorry
what does "fish" mean?
There's a lot of stuff that looks weird with this
Tell me about it. I dont mean that in a combative way either. I did design everything for compositional purposes. I wanted to emphasize depth with the inside of the fridge, the middleground with the characters and the backdrop establishing a kitchen setting.
This is the worst general. Even worse than /fag/. I hope you all poop your pants.
its literally the best one. People actually make stuff here and give constructive critiques
Someone didn't make it in the sticky...
give me crits
Your contribution definitely made it better.
You fit in here perfectly kek.
hey that's my pic in the op!!
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I want them to have "personality", a lot of detail an variety to work with. Shit needs to be interesting and fun, I can't just draw a hole on a slit. Come on.
Of course that doesn't just "happen", i.e., someone recommended in this board a western artist from the 80's Don Lomax it was, never heard of him, I thought his work was freaking awesome. So I take things from that. As well as stuff from Niku ringo, mimasaka ideaki, the white passion series from ohtado, onikubo hirohisa, and a million other artist add fun things to the mix. You can't get into a saturated art genre like this and do just ordinary stuff. Weird and out of the ordinary is what makes things fun to take a peek. I would place "weird and out of the ordinary" even above of "good artistic skill+anatomy+rendering+whatever". I think the best example of that is Ganassa, the guy is a fucking master of anatomy and artistic skills, but the stuff he does has absolute ZERO erotic appeal. Such a waste of talent. But, he adds to the market's variety and that's good and fine. Everyone should have a sit on the table.
I like your stuff. Any place where you put all your stuff?
Yeah, I see your point anon. Cool to see that you're exploring possibilities. Reminds me to do the same.
I love how deranged your shit is, keep being you
Thanks anon!
>Any place where you put all your stuff
/ic/ and /f/ lol. I just can't finish shit. That image in example, all of those figures will be animated, the shapes are already done, but it takes a lot of time to put together a final swf with all those bit and pieces. I don't know what to do with those nuns in example.
I'll probably add more girls to this one >>>/f/3507269
I should put an Id to the flashes to help search on swfchan, but that's useless since anybody can reuse the animation assets and do new flashes. That's fine, I'm ok with that, we are all just having fun.
Little doodle idea I had. Someone posted a comic of a fat lady getting stuck on an escalator. So I turned it into a mimic fighting my OC, Blanche. It's really small tho so forgive the poor quality. 0.1 pen.
Nice midnset. It's a shame you lack mainstream appeal. Drawing porn in this style is a waste of time imo, but you do you. If you enjoy it, then you are winning.
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Niku Ringo’s recent futanari exorcist comic is one of the greatest futa doujins I’ve seen only ruined by the stupid nose hook fetish.

God I wanna fuck her, her sweaty armpits and her beautiful body all day so bad
>Niku Ringo fans
Looking good, just keep at the anatomy studies. Take a little more time on your line art weight. I think you're probably just not giving it much thought but it can really make your art pop, so just spend that extra time making those lines juicy.
I'd suggest doing a study on 'values' in grey scale, it'll help you be bolder with your hue choices when colouring. I think most people when they aren't super experienced with painting make the mistake of having a desaturated choice of colours.You look like someone that's probably progressing quite fast, so just keep at it! I like the look of a lot of these.
those are some sexy fuckin puss's
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Niku struck gold with this character design imo. She’s not super skinny like most manga/doujin designs but she’s also not fat, she’s got a body type I love and the haircut with the outfit works together perfectly. It also helps that he didn’t make her dick all gross looking either like a lot of futa artists. And the faces she makes when she’s trying not to cum is just *chef’s kiss*
Perfect woman
Handle of an artist that used to lurk here who drew similar subject matter
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Little flash idea I had. Someone posted a hot OC getting stuck on a mimic escalator. So I turned it into a flash game.
I thought it would be a fun thing to do, it was. Hope you like it. You can check the animation here >>>/f/3507313
Click on [embed] and it will play on the browser. Click on the file link and you will save it to have it on your pc. Have fun.
It was "the fisher".
Holy. moly. I am honoured you liked the idea so much you turned it into a flash game :3 I saw the animation too. It's great!
Hello fellow coomers.

How do you usually come up with a good lewd outfit for your characters? Especially when it needs t be semi-believable and still leaving pussy/ass/tits in the open.
can't go wrong with a skirt and vest ;)
You do you. Though personally I think you have gone the same way Tradd Moore did - his latest works are so stylized they don't read as a comic book but more like some kind of fresco. And while I can appreciate the skill needed to do them I think that's a mistake as you kinda lose the flow of the story due to it.

You have a similar problem with your figures barely reading as people. And combining that with nudity? Seems kinda self defeating.
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I love drawing porn for niche indie games
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Gave up in the middle because it looks like shit…
Only liked the more clean one (which is why it is more polished than the other ones lmao)
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(Image didn’t got attached)
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Is this over saturated or over exposed or does it work?
definitely eye catching but the reese's draws the eye more than the badge and the eye path between the warm elements is a little awkward, maybe it shouldn't have legible text or push it back like the cube, and the badge should be a little brighter
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ermmm this is sick
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size kink always gets a vote from me, good shit
nice cock, looks tasty
Your sense of perspective never ceases to impress me.
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God damn this is great.
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how do i make this dick look better
Hot. Make it come out from her ass, or mouth
Holy samefag
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Holy schizo.
meds, now. faggot.
Whenever this faggot posts there is immediate dicksucking to his incomplete sketches. Either collective shit taste, which isn't unlikely either, or samefag.
Why so much pornography here?
If you don't understand how good his forms and sense for perspective are, that's a you problem.
Pyw, I'm sure you can do better (you can't).
i like these cocks.
do you post elsewhere? I haven't checked the self-promo thread in a long time.
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please add lighting.

For the anon that posted pic related last thread:
all you did was amass information over time piece by piece and string it together into a reasonable narrative to rationalize your core beliefs about the world. That's all that was and that's why you are completely absent from all your descriptions about the world and you describe as some distant "dissociated" object.

Did you know? Words create images too! You appear to have lots of images about the world, mostly related to:

>true sexuality

>the modern vs. not-modern
>a dichotomy between 3dpd and hentai
>a dichotomy between natural and unnatural
>a dichotomy between nature and nurture
>black and white, true and false, on/off state thinking

>coomer visualization practice
>The Realm of Futanari

You don't know the first thing about "image formation" it's probably part of the reason you're awful at perspective drawing. Do I know? I actually do know anon, thanks for wondering. :)

You have a fixed sense of reality and your judgements amount to what's called "a value system."

You live in a world where there's a non-zero chance a meteor could strike your house and anon calls you autistic because you write like an incel robot.

The structure of your language and reasoning is basic.
That's why you sound like you go on "tangents" and you always have to draw opposites and say "yes, but" over and over to reason yourself out of all the corners you write yourself into when you try to articulate yourself.

>"With imagination anything is possible"
"Anything" is the limit of imagination and you probably aren't ready to go beyond it.

How do you tolerate such an aggressive avoidance of ignorance, anon?
based schizo
Anon, people can photo edit over the screenshot of (you's) to hide the others. It's a tactic that I use to gain power over my weaker skilled anons.
yah its in the promo thread
No one would take that much work for some shitposting on an anonymous shit board.
>didn't pyw
As expected. You are just envious but your ego is too big for you to admit it.
Or just a massive dunning kruger.
I have not had sex can I make this kind of art?
No one ever had sex here. And no one who draws this shit have sex. That's why they do it. To cope with that. Having sex dries up any deranged desire or motivation to do this shit.
That's why that "no-fap" bullshit is so fucking retarded and criminal. Men need to take that shit out of their system periodically. So their brains can function normally with out the hormonal dis-balance fucking up their thoughts and turning their brains into an sponge full of cum.
I have sex with my gf just about everyday and we've been together for about 6~ months or so. She knows I draw porn and we watch porn together fairly often.
I do it because it's easy money. Your copium is showing kek.
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I need to draw more sex.
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What's the story behind this scene, anon?
A boy and a girl discover a mystical pond where a female elf, who is the avatar of Baphomet teaches them to surrender to lust
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maybe some other day
Cool. That is worthy of a whole story-comic.
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I have a similar one in mind for this OC of mine. I'm trying to find the strength to start it because it's going to be a huge undertaking
tell me more, I like this idea (I'm also drawing you a cover :)
whos the girl(s)? whats like the general plot of an episode? why does he wear the mask?
Nobody cared until he put on the mask.
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anon I cant see it, what can I do?!
Check it on swfchan under the same file name, I guess it must be there. I know swfchan isn't so user friendly (ad pop-ups and shit), but they keep alive much of the flash still out there.
I could post it again on /f/ but I don't want to be a nuisance there. If you don't find it on swfchan, I'll post it again on /f/.

BTW, I'll be posting a new flash soon on /f/. Not related, but, you'll see...
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very cute and adorable. just some nitpicking:
penis is flat. give it some room to curve upwards. show penis volume with the panties.
left thigh is thinner than right one.
ribbon should follow the gravity.
nipple goes up when arm is raised.
biceps should be flexed in this arm position.
show volume of pillow with overlapping.
fold lines don´t seem to follow any direction.

you are hiding hands and feet. this is propably your weak point.
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We do a moderate amount of trolling.
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one more thing
>"Why is everybody obsessed with futa, are you all trans or something?"
This is called a "cognitive distortion" anon and this one in particular is associated with depression.

What makes you obsessed with transsexuals anon?

I know you don't have an answer and that you want to turn this into an argument where one of us is right or wrong and you want to dance around what I write because I'm "laying a trap."
I mean no harm. The trap here is how your mind reacts to what I'm saying.

When did you start combining a personal sense of identity with your sexuality?
What makes taxonomy so important to you when it comes to your relationships with other people?
What leads you to the conclusion that evolutions in representational drawing are a consequence of an addictive cycle?
How are you able to judge some evolutions as more harmonious than others?
Where do your values come from?
What are values for?

>porn-sickness brought out the faggotry. If you stare at dicks all day, you're bound to get attached
To correct you,
we get attached to things that we need.
That is the simplest explanation I can offer to a simpleton such as yourself.
Now, reality:
>contact between our sense organs and "sensory stuff" produces "physiological changes." Physiological fluctuations produce a subjective experience of fluctuating sensation. Nerves that fire together wire together.

That's all for the science. That is the actual limit of what we can say "conclusively."
You say "fag" because you've been conditioned to speak like an infant, anon. You're conditioned to relate to others like an infant, and you need other people to meet your "needs" because you are "attached."

As a scientist: your hypothesis or "argument" is "unfalsifiable."

I am smart, anon. Part of the reason I am and you aren't is that I learned to eat with a knife and fork and you're still spooning baby formula.
You don't vote anon because nothing you believe is worth voting for.
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I'll join in too.
I like longer torsos.
This is an image manipulation and you can do whatever you want with it I think the most my critique can hope to do is provide an alternative perspective, maybe you notice something you don't like or do like.
added some color to an old sketch, how do we feel about the cool under-light?
Looks better
File deleted.
keep it to /lsg/, subhuman
I understand you are a schizo science denier, but I'll bait.
>we get attached to things that we need.
This is such an over-simplification that it hurts.
Do you seriously believe being attached to a gay friend could turn a person gay? Or being attached to your line of work (drawing penises) would turn a person gay?
Please, I need a citation for that.
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You aren't welcome here.
You're gonna banned for false reports underage faggot
One post shows internal organs, the other is loli.
Also I haven't reported anyone. I'm just reminding these idiots they have a containment board for that stuff.
the girl on the far right is hot
You're reporting a piece without a single drop of blood as "guro". You're a mouth-breather or a newfag
>You're reporting a piece
Do you have bad reading comprehension?
Tissue penetration and showing internal organs is guro. You don't need blood for that to be the case.
That's my last reply to you.
>Tissue penetration and showing internal organs is guro
no it's not you fucking moron, guro is GORE, do you think this is gore? This is tom and jerry level of violence you fucking moron
>That's my last reply to you.
Good. Then I won, lurk more newfag
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HNNGGHH Fuck that ass is hot. Impressive work anon. Thanks for sharing anon.
Consult with an optician (or psychiatrist) as soon as possible.
needs a cute blonde shota next to her <3
Glad you like it!
Cool to see one of the first arts here, be Vera.
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>stylised sexuality
We can go even more abstract
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My entire post was actually about the gay anon that was stating obviously that he believes those things by avoidant-ly phrasing things in an autistic rhetorical tirades.

I don't believe gay is a thing. It's a word that dumb people use to describe dudes kissing other dudes, often with a sense that it's "not right".
Society has conditioned a select population of mediocre midwits that think being attached to a gay friend turns people gay or that staring at penises all day or some of the day or any part of the day turns you gay.
They gather like rats on 4chan where no one knows who they are(a person that they have lots of internalized hatred for by the way)
and they make lots of threads concerned about sexuality gender and identity.
Ironically, I think these people are closer to transsexuals than they allow themselves to admit.
I'm not projecting: that's a statistical likelihood. A safe bet. People who are actually comfortable in their own skin don't worry about being gay.
I appreciate people you even though this feels like friendly fire to me.
Please ask retards for citations I was stunned that someone called last threads schizo post "food for thought." It was not food for thought: it was a schizo science denier bugging out of his mind because he doesn't like what other people like.

>What makes anon obsessed with transsexuals?"
This anon is not a doctor he is a loser with zero love in his life.
Anon has no love in his life because he has no discriminating faculty when it comes to love. No "compassion" for himself or for others. That's why he worries about "making it" and "not working hard enough" and wants impostor syndrome so he can fight every single day to "be a man."

Anon obsesses over transsexuals the same way he obsesses over being wrong in an argument: his ego can't accept "I'm wrong" or even just "maybe I'm wrong." This anon is needs "explanations" for everything that he can follow so that he can be lead from one blind stupidity to another.

Gay people who are uncomfortable in their own skin are reasonably uncomfortable around this dangerously aspergian retarded "sociopathic" "know-it-all" intellectual.
The discourse around "trannime" and "what's with all the futas" is infantile.
"In in its infancy."
Babies hate being "woke" because babies need time to sleep before they grow up.
They cry when they're shaken awake and they cry when they see penis instead of vagina on girl, because girls are objects in their world and are meant to look a certain way according to their "mental object" of what girls "are." Likewise, they apply this to "boys" and "men" and "themselves" and come up with all kinds of profoundly asinine rationalities because the brain is designed to be reasonable and to avoid "cognitive dissonance." The "smartass" will never realize he's being unreasonable without someone having the sense to "take the bait" and point out the problem and ask for "citations."
The person who avoids citations and argues anyway is trying to "force views on other people" and is stunningly incapable of recognizing the immense value in a difference of viewpoint.

I'm so straight I could fuck a dude deep in his throat,
ask him to smash me from behind like I'm a bad girl
and it wouldn't be gay.
sorry if it sounded like that's what I was saying
as what I was saying was intended to be on the contrary.

Regarding attachment: It is an oversimplification.
The anon I'm responding to was overcomplicating it. It's clear he's a beginner and he needs to go back to basics before he moves on to those painful details you're aware of.

I was aghast at how many anons claim to have well-reasoned positions on subjects that they only understand the side they prefer to be on.
These people look to me like they are are slaves to the whims of their feelings and their thoughts.

They've grown into manchildren, incapable of holding the dialectic and incapable of participating in the democratic process with any good faith.
They shitposts on 4chan about shit no self-respecting man, gay, trans, straight, lesbian, teletubby, grouch, circle or square has any good reason to make time for.
Their ideas are "erroneous" and have failed in the natural selection of ideas.
No one gives a fuck if anon thinks he's figured out "the reason" for futanari artwork like he's some kind of pseud doctor who isn't allowed to practice medicine because he can't meet basic requirements to do so. This anon can barely pick up a pencil to draw, let alone write a thesis paper.

I'm not "schizo" I just "jump around" when I write sometimes. I'm writing for the idiot that gets pissed off by what I say and is too afraid to "take the bait" when I tell certain people that they're wrong and I have a very long list of words alone that are sufficient to prove out the many problems with "the futanari realm" and "coomer visualization" that don't even require me to ask questions about "what does anon mean by those things." I know what he means by those things. I know those things are fucking stupid and I know why because I know what those things actually are. I have "truths" that cut through "stupid talking points" like a knife to warm butter.
He's just a troll having a laugh. That people you describe are not here lurking and shitposting in /ic/-/sex/ from all places lol. Those retards are in YT comments.
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cavemen saw shit like this and immediately started gooning in their literal goon caves
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/beg/ trying to fix and finish an older pic, I could use some critique and tips
the shoulder/arm/chest area has been a problem so I've been trying to study other artists to figure it out. still not really sure how to attach the arm properly.
I see. Well, I wholeheartedly agree with what you said. I am 100% sure that sexuality is a spectrum and a lot of people are bi or gay without even realizing it.
I apologize for calling you out. English isn't my first language and you probably just write too eloquently for me to follow your line of thought.
anon you really need to stop replying to your own posts with praise. Your art is not just unappealing, it's outright bad, and everybody knows that it's you because you do it in every thread where you post your stuff.

I don't understand as well, if you're going to lean into the "gelatinous thicc" meme why aren't you out there actually studying fat women's anatomy?
nigga you KNOW that's not how an arm works
Amazing stuff! Super hot anon, looking forward to seeing more! You got socials?
Goofy looking, poor anatomy, stupid expression

Fuck I hate this
Very good pose and shading, but the freckles look way off.
Freckles are blotches of varying shape, size, color and density, not identical dots.
Thanks. I can rework the freckles, what do you think is a better way to render them? I'm also going to work on adding better lighting to the hair, I got lazy and rushed it.
Use a softer brush with opacity, redraw the freckles with uneven shapes, start with large blotches and then smaller, more sparse ones around them
Freckled areas often have a different color compared to the rest of the skin
Anon this is amazing, keep on going
Cmon, stop trolling him. This is akin to making fun of mentally challenged people and you know it.
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Bad anatomy, horrible pose and angle, Crap, bullshit
Way too much work. Just use a scatter brush and a clipping mask and then lower the opacity
amazed my long-form "futa/traps aren't gay" shitpost with a mix of mcluhan and baudrillard style lingo is still getting mileage an entire thread later... but if you are getting off to images with no real referent no real partner no actualization in another person then it reasons that the images one can be attracted to in his fantasy may start to become increasingly unreal and fetish-driven, e.g. "normal" ero-manga/hentai with correct genitals progresses to futa or tentacles or monster girls or vore or whatever
i don't see how you can really deny this unless you don't believe "reality" exists apart in the first place, which is just a more extreme version of what I am saying regarding images and not a serious objection, so if the objections are indeed coming from a "schizo" who does not inhabit the same mental environment a neurotypical person does then all the seethe seems reasonable
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Oi in header, pure sexo!
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Holy Double dubs of truth... that deserves a reward.
I used your pic as inspiration for one of the animations in my last flash little project, you can check it here >>>/f/3507629
I like how your resolve a complex scene like that, you're good anon. Thanks for the inspo. Keep at it.
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I was not amazed anon. I knew you'd read all my posts and write something like this.

I don't blame you for calling them "shitposts" to diminish yourself. You think it makes you more of a sympathetic character and that it helps you hide from scrutiny.

What you've actually demonstrated is that you don't value your own ideas.
You borrow other people's "lingo" and "style" and you don't believe in the power of your own speech.

I have no need deny what you say anon. Nothing you write bears any "truth" to be denied.

I was speaking the truth, that's why you needed to write back at me.

You're struggling with "cognitive dissonance," and you can see you've grown "content" and "dependent" on your adaptive patterns.
You are inside denial, subjectively experienced as "confusion" followed by providing more evidence to support your claims because you're happy to continue paying the cost
of a life without compassion and feeling for other human beings.

You don't care about any of those things in the first place.
You as a person feel very little. You're "dead" on the inside, and
you hate yourself. Compassion is the last thing you want.

That's part of what makes it hard for you to draw. You don't allow yourself to be a bad artist that can't make it.
You have no faith in your abilities and you know that no amount of effort on your part will ever be enough to realize your dreams.

Women scare you, that's why they're "monster girls."
You're more comfortable with futa than you let on, that's why you started with them.
Penises make you angry, you prefer "tentacles."

Girls always appeared to you like they had it easy.
I leave that to you to unpackage for yourself.

Girls were also more deserving of sympathy than you were.
That's why you call yourself a "bitch" when you cry.
Being a "sissy" is the only way for you to feel like you deserve to have tears.
god DAMN

anon went full kendrick and dismantled him
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You see girls above you, and you want to be "vored" by something greater than yourself.

You feel a disconnect from the world.
You've grown accustomed to seeing yourself alone in the world.
You try to take away other people's humanity because you have none of it yourself.

You probably philosophize for hours about "what's fair" in the world.
You've stopped judging for yourself. You leave that to your favorite writers and whatever you or the world conditions you to believe. You're an "unoriginal' thinker because nothing in your head
is anything you can own or take responsibility for.
Did you know? The ego is the "I" that holds on to reasoning. I'm not denying science, reality, or the value of reasoning.
You're a "science denier" because you love to live in denial
as long as it makes sense for you to. It does make sense! You're powerless in the world and that's scary for you.

That's why you made yourself "neurotypical" in this conversation.
You dissociate to evade what's in front of you.
It's partially why you procrasinate.

Do you know what your attachment style is anon?
You don't! But I bet you know what that word means and you've "researched" the topic a little.
It's all "psychotherapy babble nonsense," because you can't stand how easy I make it look to reduce your mind to all it ever was in the first place. A little shitty turing machine that halts or doesn't halt, depending.

Promised pain is terrifying for you.
You're also smart by the way anon, that's what allows you "consider all the possibilities" and stupidly read into my words rather than listen and take them at face value.
This is also part of what makes you god awful at creative work.

You are in a hedgehog's dilemma when it comes to relationships, anon.
That's partially what makes you autistic. You want to be like Sonic. Sonic has friends
even though he's a hedgehog.
He also goes fast, and you're slow,
and one day you'd like to go fast like Sonic
with Tails and Knuckles too.
I'm glad you didn't continue after vore.
Your thoughts were getting "scatological." They smell "offensive" because they're shitty and anyone who swallows it as "food for thought" is going to get sick.

It is physiologically impossible to "get off' to an image with no reference to a real partner. It is not possible to "imagine" any of the things you talk about with a real experience.

You're dumb and you think experience is different from thought
and different from memory
and different from imagination.
You have needlessly complicated ideas about how your mind works because you have zero clue about how the mind works.
You protect yourself from real complexity in the world. You "compartmentalize" everything with mental categories like "ero-manga" and "correct genitals" and "fantasies."

Your avoidance of complexity is what makes you mediocre. Nothing you put your mind to requires any hard work on your part.
You write "shit posts", react like an ape, and regurgitate things you've conditioned yourself to think.

You do not comprehend that experience and reality are the same thing, and you'd like to imagine that I'm some kind of extremist that "actually" agrees with your stupidity. It's a fantasy for your mind to "escape" into.

What I'm saying is not an "objection." It is a catalog of targeted insults directed at your ideas, which you only responded to because you got "defensive."
You're confused about your identity as a person and you fill that darkness with ideas about identity.
You obsess over transsexuals because they've figured out who they are and you haven't. You get angry because everyone drawing futanari is happy and you're not and you can't figure out "why."

He is the naked emperor so it doesn't take much.
I'm glad we could enjoy a little point and a laugh at something incredibly stupid.
And here comes BBL drizzy to pile on LMAO
Wtf this is great man, pretty good job!!
You can try Krenz Cushart perspective vids if you wanna develop this skill, also do composition studies on films where you break the scenes in just 2 values.
Very nice stuff
Glad you like it!
Thank you
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I like this.
>Mr Racism
>Hairy arms on girls
When you have to resort to controversy in order to get reactions, since the art skills are missing.
Holy kek.
anyone know the artist behind these draws?
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Crap satanism by edgy virgin
you're mixing up me with what I am describing because you have a hard time separating a position on something from agreeing with a position on something; I am not saying I am into futa or vore or monstergirls I am describing where those sexualities come from
is a cancer doctor himself a type of cancer?
if I know how to play baseball am I a professional baseball player?
Is a scholar of chinese history inherently an ethnic chinese person?
no... but you might feel the need to argue anyway
>You do not comprehend that experience and reality are the same thing, and you'd like to imagine that I'm some kind of extremist that "actually" agrees with your stupidity
experience is "images" and sensation that is what I said, so yes if you are saying the experience is real and there is no other real you are saying your futa fetish is real in your mind, which is a more extreme version of my saying that the futa fetish is image based, you are agreeing that it is necessarily image based because for you the images are the only real-experience
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Thank you so much anon. To be honest, I do these things without too much thought. I just wanted to do a version of that image as fast as possible for that flash. If I have to do that for real, many things would change it would not look like the same idea at all. The guy fucking the ass in the back wouldn't be there just his torso, same as the guys on the side, and the guys on the back wouldn't be even visible. You can't put EVERYTHING on a picture like that, you have to chose. BUT, this is the beauty of crude coom art, it doesn't have to be "accurate". We really want to see an "idea", it may work better on one people and not so much on others. I love checking this raw coom artists, they are clean out of "artist's prejudices and tropes", they have the best and purest form of "coom mojo". The opposite to Sakimichan, if I can make it more clear.

Aside from that, when doing an animation like that, you have to put limits and rules, many times opposite to "common sense" in regards to color theory and composition. That one has 9 animated pieces, that was the least amount of pieces that I thought it would make it work, well, almost. I don't like the "thrusting" effect, I'll have to add a couple more layers, to make it work. I'll add that in the next update.
Thanks for the advice, it is good advice, and you're right. I just may be forced to deviate from those rules in favor of speed lol. But you're 100% correct.
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Butterfly ass
Buga buga chaka uga
lol, though that shit looks more like some european north eastern celtic druidic satanic bullshit.
Probably (you).
Other than samefagging, I don't see the reason why you'd be interested.
one of the posts says "/ic/ is my blog," so it sounds like the artist is anonymous
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This has not been disagreements or agreements, anon.
This has been you becoming wrong, and all I did was point it out.

You defend yourself because you put yourself in weak positions that need to be defended, anon.
You enjoy positions where you're on your back.

My random stories hit so close to home for you that you need to say "I am not saying"
to cover up yourself.
You felt "exposed." My post was violating for you to read, anon.

You were reactive, and when you react you tell people what you're afraid of.
You're confused because you're a "demisexual", and you only allow yourself to experience attraction
when you feel safe.
You're a "control freak," and you probably get intrusive, unwanted thoughts around emotionally available people.

What gets "mixed up" for you are your beliefs, which are really just thoughts about how you think things work.
I'd like to say you're stupid again, but really, you're an "ignoramus" as one anon already pointed out.

You lack awareness, and it's the source of your suffering. Do you actually practice anything you preach?
You'd see that all your -phobias if you did.
You'd see your "existential dread."

Please do not speak as if you have positions, anon. All of your positions are cheaply borrowed from other people.
You're a broke beta male and it's probably the only thing you can afford.

I'd bet you're "passive" during sex.
You worry about sounding stupid. "What if I get called a gay schizo again?"
You're not worth standing up for yourself, so you stand up "arguments" like so many houses of cards.

You think about big bad wolves when you hear the wind blow.
We were playing Jenga anon, and you lost.

This word means "to fixate." I know you think there's more and I'm here to tell you there isn't.

You have contrived a new word for focus in order to create an antagonist in your dichotomous, fractured and delusional language of "unorthodox" people.
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Powerless people like you win in the world by creating a home for imaginary friends
to foster your own obsolescence, anon.
I know all about your art plateaus.

"Alternate versions" of what people say are in your imagination,
and they help you avoid being the loser you're afraid to be.
You think life is a race, you're such a loser you need to feel like a winner.

You sound like a hungry whore for motivation.
I'd bet you depend on willpower and "reasons" to do hard things.

You don't see yourself fetishizing chinese scholarship, baseball, or medical doctors, anon.
You embarrassingly compare yourself to people that you see as superior and place on a pedestal.
A key difference is that make conclusions where the real experts leave "questions."

You make these comparisons when you feel "bad" and you create analogies to make yourself feel "good."
You feel bad because you're a small halfling anon, and you need to picture yourself as Frodo on a noble journey.

It's your "personal narrative," and it's obvious that you see yourself and people that "agree" with you as "right" and other people are "wrong." You're favorite words to hide behind in this position is
>separating a position on something from
>agreeing with a position on something

You separate to create an agreeable concordance in your disordered mind.

That's what I meant when I told you about compartmentalization. It's normal by the way. We all compartmentalize.
The difference is that you're doing it with your "repressed sexuality," and it's so bad that you need to leap to "extreme images"
to articulate the words of your porn-addicted mind.
How do you think you keep track of all those fetishes?
The avoidant mind adapts in the ways that it knows how.

You don't know how to live in a world where your interests are conditioned.
This is why you're careful about what you expose yourself to. You easily become a slave to your mind
and you rant to create excuses for this problem.
You have a mind that needs to be active all the time just to stay functionally autistic.

nothing you say has value or means anything.
It is a "cry for attention"
because it's growing painful to live a life where you are not worth attending to.
You focus on everyone else 'cause y'know y'ain't worth your own time.

(You) want to know where sexuality comes from because it's hard to accept what your mind is turned on by.

Did you know? Understanding of mind is a consequence of mind. The answer is recursive, and you're wasting your time trying to understand yourself by trying to understand everybody else as if you're really all that different.

I feel sorry that you were unable to experience the embarrassment of puberty.
I think it's stunted your growth.

You're unable to accept yourself and you only look to self-knowledge for a reason to accept the person you see in the mirror.

I have had no need to argue anything, anon.
This is just me telling you that you sound stupid.

The ideas you've articulated are incorrect
and they're also invalidating towards yourself so I don't need to do anything.

You can't recognize the difference between having what you've said devalued
and having what you've said evaluated. You overvalue your own thoughts and opinions over the vast pages of life available to you.

It's not my futa fetish anon, it's yours! :)
I am in awe of how difficult it is for you recognize your own compulsive disorder.

Do you want to know my fetishes? Do I arouse you that much?

They're called preferences anon, and you don't have any of your own.
That's probably why (you) draw porn in your personal time:
you don't have anything important to you that's worth drawing.
You just like being "turned on" and "turned off" like a little robot or a light-switch.

>BBC-chan this is my least favorite of your pictures. Please redo it. Make it less condescending. Romanticism was cool then, it's cringe now.
>This has been you becoming wrong
>you rant to create excuses for this problem.
enough projection to fill two posts' worth of word limits, well done
I'm pretty confident he's spanked it to
golden showers and bimboification and
probably likes facials.
For anyone wondering what projection means, it means our ability to use personal experience to understand the experience of others. It's normal and I don't blame you for doing it.
>>BBC-chan this is my least favorite of your pictures. Please redo it. Make it less condescending. Romanticism was cool then, it's cringe now.
lol, why are you addressing BBC? he's not been around for a while.
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"Projection" is sometimes the last bastion of "non-traditional narcissism."
Everything was written to give the reader new exotic search terms with a little humor.

Thank you for tolerating my prose. I know it's wordy, condescending, an looks like "projection" and "narcissism" to a lot of idiots who wish they knew better.

>Please make more paintovers in addition to your critiques.
What makes critique and paintovers shitty:

Here is a beginner-unfriendly lecture about "fundamentals":

"Fun to Imagine" is more playful and beginner-friendly series:

If you have trouble with overthinking and you'd rather read than draw:
Labyrinths of Reason

Has an Audiobook:
"Conjectures and Refutations" is okay.
I preferred "Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow."
"Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius

Some okay speeches about sex drive if you've dabbled in BDSM:

Sources to learn more about non-traditional narcissism for boomers:
"Mindset" by Carol Dweck, and
"The Mahabharata" translation by Sri Swami Satchidananda.

If you play computer games and want self-improvement advice
I recommend HealthyGamerGG.

A perspective on "mind":
How being an artist becomes cringe:
Envy towards other artists:
Dating advice:
"Why are artists traumatized and autistic?":
Types of procrastination:
Regarding "emotional expression"

May you have fun this Summer, /sex/
I dunno. xd
I kind of have some beef to squash with him and that picture came to mind after I finished writing.
The last time I had a stubborn conversation like this one I was watching BBC-chan have a meltdown
about one or two anons that weren't receptive to some shitty redline advice/teaching "muh fundamentals" thing he was trying to do.
That picture of his kind of embodies what I think rubs a few people wrong about him and brings them to dislike his artwork.
none of what your sayin make any sense my nigga
Lamest use of AI yet. I tried to read it, genuinely interested. Boring an nonsensical as fuck. The fuck it's all that about?
I'm just hoping for the satanic artist to post some more stuff. That's the most interesting shit posted here in quite a while.
that's okay. That means you're still on your way here, anon.
It took me four years to understand everything I've laid down and 10 years of various art schooling programs prior to that.

>For those of you that managed to read and thought "post your work"
tell me what my ego is /sex/ and I'll post my professional work and a link to an AMA.
Tell me who I think I am, not who you think I am.

Please request something for me to draw while you're at it. I love making new pictures.
What kind of lingerie do you think I wear for others? What do you think my kinks are? What kinds of stories about the world do you think I make up?

There are multiple sound bytes from those sources I linked that will explicitly state the nature of my ego.

Please be specific. Remote accuracy is remotely incorrect.
Use a paragraph or be very succint.
The shortest answer is a self-contradicting sentence that happens to be true. It's good for flirting.

I won't acknowledge any answers that don't take place within the lifespan of this particular thread.

I don't mind posting my work. I'll do it for people that can demonstrate clairvoyant perceptiveness which is a very rare marketable skill. It is the minimum respect I've learned to expect from good jobs.
Having this ability to guess who people are from word choice alone is the final lesson of my self-taught curriculum.

I've included the picture that inspired me to pursue character design when I was 12 if it helps ya'll think.
One last hint: I love to draw femdom for my oomfies.
why so petty lol
I wish I could draw half as good
I remember that pic, and the series made by the artist. I thought it was really cool at that time. So you're supposed to be 27 years old aprox? How do you get to reach that squizo level at that young age? I don't care who you are, I'm more interested in what do you expect from your immediate future. Do your generation have any aspiration in life at all? I'm thinking that this generation should be called "S" for sex and squizo. The 4chan generation. You were raised in this fucked up hyper reality, we may have build it, but you made it your home and world.
well for starters i would like to see you draw my pic in your style
odds and I cancel this furry art commission because this autist is way too fucking picky and is trying to befriend me and I'm a little desperate for money but I've got another one and fuck this fucking weirdo shit give me fucking odds now
evens I finish it
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how can I improve my chibi sucubbi?
Throw that thing in a AI and see what comes out of it.
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Any criticisms and/or redlines would be helpful, i wanted to place the lizard's pointer finger around the bunnys neck and the rest of the hand sprawled since his neck is too small for the whole hand

Oops mean to ask, just as a req, next time u draw a big guy and a boi could u make the guy wearing military gear, and wearing a mask? As an estrogenized femboi i love that stuff! (btw ur stuff is gr8)
>You can't put EVERYTHING on a picture
Preach it man, less is more!
I honestly love the idea, animating so much movement and keeping it all coherent to the scene is an incredible skill, I once went crazy just trying to animate two dudes fighting it out so kudos to you for doing it!
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You want the proportions to be more like this anon.
Don't be afraid to use references when you're making this kind of design.
by learning to actually draw.
blog please?
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I don't know what is this but I like it a lot. I'm doing a Flash thing with it. I already have 2/3 of the project done. I hope I get it finished by tomorrow.
I like this one as well >>7161841
please tell me this is an old drawing
Nice seeing you still active. Good stuff as always.

>he's not been around for a while.
I feel called out.
I'm so proud of you for seeing 2024--2009=15 and then adding 12.
There's a 14 somewhere in there too, though.

I wish there was a way for me to convince you that "ego death" does not mean what you think it does and that you cheapen yourself by not caring about who other people are.

>4chan generation
"Reality" can't be hyper or fucked up but I can totally understand using those terms in the /sex/ thread to get a rise out of people.
What's really fucked up is the notion of a "matrix" and a history of people invalidating or ignoring others' experience.

I wanted for him to feel a little "called out" wherever he is.
You can probably draw about half as good.
The skill ceiling is lower than we like to imagine
and higher than we think often before we start

I would like to but *slams table* that's not how the game's played.
You again, you always post the same poorly drawn shit over and over again, they look like deformed dolls made by a 10 year old child
I don't approve if this drawing. Just wanted to let you know. Girls with dick and balls is gay.
I am an idiot and lost a lot of shit due to user error. Does anyone have tutorials/helpful images for drawing cock and balls?
The perspective was not wrong.
Please keep words like "off" and "right and wrong" out of your mouth around good drawings.
Don't go around telling other people what it takes to improve when you really don't know
All you did was "work hard," and that's the limit of your understanding on improvement.

You do not know what "accuracy" looks like in a drawing, which is why you have such a strange array of the same words that only refer to one thing. "Looks correct."

You see it, and then you recognize it based on your last experience of what looked right last time.

You have to sleep on your pictures and ask for feedback. It helps you jog your memory to get into the habit of doing what you did last time. You're careful to get feedback from people that respect you since you can't tolerate the perceived vitriol of those that don't.

I only wish you could experience how it feels to get feedback on a picture that is both perfect and capable of being better.
How it feels to do something you really have never done before.
"I prefer your old art." Where do you think that comment comes from?

You're so polite in a conversation and eager to show others how you accept compliments and well wishes.
you speak in 4 tones:
"ThankyouThankyou" "YourtookindTookind" "YoullNeverImprove" and
"Nothing bothers me, that's why I lurk on 4chan and have reactions to schizo posts that vaguely remind me of myself and have my name and picture on the end"

I'm sorry you got doxxed. I think the critiques you got were low quality and written largely by assholes.

I know you think love is clicking like on everything and saying thanks to everyone but it's not.
It's making up for your own lost time at best.

You live in a "walled garden" and it's nice in there, I'm not trying to take anything away from you. Any "devaluing" you see here is coming from you, not me. Don't blame me again for you seeing things that aren't there.
I don't mind if you think so. I personally just don't think there's anything wrong with being gay.

Are you replying to the wrong post(er)?
Why did you abandon ortamaw and do you love me?
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Feeling like the practice is finally starting to pay off :)
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fuck, fagot
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>I personally just don't think there's anything wrong with being gay
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>check comments under my drawing
>"why is the guy's eye blue? I can't relate,"
Kys and back to pol chudcuck
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Ops forgot image
I definitely wrote everything there just for BBC-chan.

My first three posts were taunts
the last three were supplementary reading for >>7163909

and the one after that was written just for BBC-chan
about things only BBC-chan will have a sense
about what is meant by what is being said.

>anon thinks he understand things about the other people's sexual preferences
>unlikely to have friends to discuss these matters and is a "lone reasoner"
This is a typical problem for the alcoholic philosophy major that browses Reddit.

Anon can't see that and thinks I'm projecting when I point it out.
>gets angry when you use "reflective listening" on him
>is lonely and likely touch-starved
>depends on emotion-focused coping and only writes jokes when he finally feels that he's being "attacked"
And then he gets defensive and tries to let everyone know he doesn't care blah blah blah
A good lecture about why people get angry about being right or wrong:

Anon is "a danger to himself and those around him."

>were you saying i'm wrong? were you disagreeing with me?
>aren't traps gay?
>but muh images
Those are the only talking points that reading metaphysics, sociology, and watching The Matrix can afford you.

After they've outlived what little use they have one has no other choice but to
>cope and seethe

simpler translation:
"I know you are but what am I?" - a 4 yr old
That's what your brain really does with that stuff.
There's too much women with dicks in this thread. I can't cope.
This is why I'm not popular.
>A good lecture about why people get angry about being right or wrong
and you've written how many angry, projecting posts now?
Shut the fuck up
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>shut up!
>i hate u! ><
Ultimate impotence.
here's a pic to cheer you up
Learn to discern between your anger and my anger.

There's very little in there but I acknowledge some of it's there. It's annoying for me to talk about stuff. It feels unfair that what's obvious to me is not obvious to others. There's a similar effect within perspectives for a drawing.

>anon presents argument for his notion of right and wrong
>Remember Shakespeare?
That's all I pointed out. It's that simple.

It's not even really a house of cards.
It's just two cards that you played in different positions. "Good, bad."
"Stuff I like, stuff I don't like" and lots of pedantry to make it sound like more than that.

>a) It's important to notice when someone is blaming others for things they don't control.

>b) It's important to notice how this person displaces responsibility for their negative experience onto others.

>c) Don't take responsibility for things that aren't yours to take responsibility for. We all have enough problems of our own to deal with, and a few of us forget that and become irresponsible.

I have done what I can to return a certain amount of agency to two users in particular that appear to me like they live responsively, not responsibly.

They do not take responsibility for the displacement of personal problems onto others. That's part of what makes it hard for them to just draw.

I want to tell you how to recognize anger in text but I won't. :3 is a secret

Both the people I targetted sometimes see themselves as people with every reason to be be happy, show everyone all the time how they don't get upset about stuff
and are mysteriously infuriated by small
"pet peeves"

They get mad at at the way I write because I'm not interested in being kind enough to "be more considerate."
They felt reduced, and they didn't like it, and it amazes me that these two users can't see that there's no mystery to how they behave. All the mystery is beneath the behavior.

>What makes you...?
Those are good questions to ask.
Nobody cares
Hey, after 5-6 year Gains Goblin finally started to use thinner lines to define the muscles on the figure. Previously outlines and muscle groups used the same line weight. Another 10 years and he is gonna master the art gesture so that his figures don't look so plastic.
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2008 vibes
that's your self-talk anon.
Don't go imposing what's yours onto others
just because it helps you survive.
Yall a bunch of dumb nigger-faggots, frankly go fuck yourselves
Which Deviantart account did you snag this image from?
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fuck off, fagot, go to /lgbt
By that time, pets would be able to draw better.
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It depends on the type of ass
I worked on it some, what do you think?
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Alright, I have everything I need ready to assemble in flash. Again I went beyond of what I expected to do. Now to get a big cupa coffee and start my favorite part, to build the flash. It could take a while or it could be super fast, we'll see. Preview on Picrel. I don't know the title yet, "Forest Sacrifice" sounds cool.
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>Ops forgot image
Very clear improvement
>I definitely wrote everything there just for BBC-chan.
I see, then I guess you are just being incoherent because of alcohol or drugs or something. That's how all you wrote sounds to me. Either that or you are a complete schizo.
I'm trying to find some good artists to study that does realistic anatomy, but render it in a simple yet appealing way. Something that isn't just cell shading. Recommendations?
Kys projecting tranny nigger
>Kys projecting tranny nigger
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I did not expect what got me in the mood to draw was they/them pussy, but here we are.
So what I'm getting from this thread is that everybody is implying that they're a corporate cuck, or a tranny. This is strange.
Can we see her hot sweated ass? pleasemmmhgghhss...
It looks like washed shit, all the paint seems muddy and opaque, Even drawing coomer you are shit
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Why so much porn in this thread, don't you guys go outside?
Are you lost, or just illiterate?
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thats why its called a wip smart guy
Ngl, i wanna start with drawing women with hips, then draw bbws. How do i start?
I was going to post some of the ones I've already drawn, but I'll draw her ass.

ooh, those seams, is she a robot?
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sketch for the vidya request thread
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IT'S DONE. I came up with a little story, the forest god ask for three offerings, you get any of the three outcomes at random. And starts again. Very simple.
You can check it here >>>/f/3507802

I want to do this one >>7161841 next. I already have a story. But this time it will be a "kinetic type"of thing, no options. Just a story. It may take more time to do than the Forest God one. We'll see.
Great stuff.
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Oh no a 4channer thinks im trans for being ok with homos what will I ever do!
Does anyone have experience with doing r18 art commissions via Pixiv request? I don't have the mental capacity anymore to deal commissioners who belong to padded rooms. I just want to draw, ship it and get paid.
Just be more selective
are you on pixiv?
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What a weird frog! Ribbit
Nice! Share us your socials
OtakuMindy on twitter, I just made it so nothing else atm :0)
what texture brush are you using for the skin, or is it a noise filter?
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rough sketch, could I get some feedback on it? Need a way to make the leg more structured so it doesn't just look like a big almond lol
also there's an unfortunate tangent line with the panties and the arm that I'd like to rectify but I'm not sure how - maybe tuck her arm in more so that it's in front of her forearm?
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I'm starting to move to NSFW. I really like the way I captured the volume of the boobs.

the honkers
man, the legs on your drawing looks better already than the ref itself. You got this. The most obvious thing could be her torso, it should be a little bit more lengthy, just a tiny bit. A good element of reference is her belly in the ref pic, there's much more room there than in your drawing, you can stretch her belly a bit and add a few line details like in the hip area. And maybe improve a little her shoulder, push it up a tiny bit.
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Fuck I love so much some of the pics you do. Like this one. Hot shit.
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Doodling some low effort slop, since never tried to draw that and i kinda like it
I know that i need more coomis and copy some Japanese artist, what also you can rec?
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Did you draw this pic related btw? I'm a huge fan. Pls share socials.
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>some of these drawings are actual abominations not even the "its muh style" excuse can justify it

I will never be so hard on myself whenever i get a bad sketch/drawing
Critique them you lazy bastard!
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yotsuba nakano (the quintessential quintuplets)
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turanga leela (futurama)
I really like the shape language on the midsection
Why don’t you give yous to people who ost decent work but only to drama and bait?


This thread is useless and you are a bunch of niggerinos
You must be 18 to post here, incel kiddo
No your the nigger
A lot of you draw penises really poorly.
It's just what my penis looks like, don't judge
I came to part when I start thinking about doing NSFW more like a job, and less like just a hobby, and monetizing myself as I keep getting commissions. I want to ask a few questions about this sphere:
When it comes to monetizing yourself as a whole, how do you nsfw artist do it?
All I know is artist do this "teaser" picture on twitter, censored on pixiv, and the good stuff is paywalled, but what should I use as paywall?
I don't really want to censor my stuff after all people paid for it, and I do want them to see the finished product so pixiv fanbox is questionable. I dunno about alternatives. Pateron hates NSFW artists' guts too, so does Paypal, so I don't know, what and how to do it, to not get booted.

As for other, the question, do I need to register myself as a company, that I have an income by doing this to my country's tax office or no?
Isn't much more easier and safe to make money in ANY OTHER way unrelated to nsfw? And I'm not against nsfw stuff, on the contrary. I just think that people like you shoot themselves in the foot making things extremely difficult, when "making money" should be the least difficult issue.
The normie sfw scene is infinite in possibilities to monetize any shit. You can edit videos, make art for thumbnails, build stock content in sites that produces shit on demand like shirts, mugs, etc, doing catch phrases with personalized logos. Nsfw will always be a niche market, hard to monetize, hard to "advertise" and harder to cope with mentally. You will always be cornered by that shit.
Going back to the issue, let's say the people funding you, know who you are, they want to keep you going, so they will find your real nsfw stuff in places like this site. They know it is you. You can even have an alibi by saying "that's not me, anybody can post any edited shit in 4chan trollin' honest god fearing artists! GODDAMNIT! HOW DARE YOU! YOU PIECES OF SHIT! I'LL SUE YOUR ASS!". So you can have a Patreon a Paypal or whatever monetizing platform to cash, just posting sfw stuff there. It doesn't matter, you will post you're fucked up shit in free anonymous sites like this one and your content will reach your funding crowd anyways in a safe way. And you will be clean, you just have to be adamant to faggots making false accusations against you. Fuck them losers. You do you. You're swimming in a shark tank, be a shark or be shark food.
SFW sphere is bloated my man, and unlike nsfw its viewerbase consist of ultranormalfags.
Sure you can get in with some meme drawings, and pray the algo picks you up, but I have noticed this:
I'm not saying you need to be the next mika pikazo, and constantly get 1st place on pixiv, but let's face it, normalfags DO NOT pay for art. Most people will not do so either. They want it free, and to be able to see on their shitty phones for cca 5-6 seconds and move on, they are not going to commission you, I can assure you that. Designing logos? Dead fucking end, you'll get one gig/month at best, waging away in an AD company, and even that is because you are the "I know a guy who does this" via connections, but if you just start out? My man, a safer bet is getting a saw and cutting off your libs then applying for autism bux, disability benefits and foodstamps.

All the shit you listed takes a fuckton of time, and its outsourced for a reason. Video editing? They are all teenagers, and zoomers who work for a bag of rice. Andrew Tate, and other influencers literally became viral by doing this, paying laughable money to them to make youtube shorts. Animation is terrible too, and Invincible is a very good indicator how bad it is. Learn 3d? Have fun with your indian coworkers, and I guarantee you, flipping burgers will be extremely attractive at the end of the day. (and a lot better paid too). The whole entertainment industry is in a deep shit now that ESGfunds dried up too.
NSFW has a lot more dedicated people, who are more willing to pay, despite smaller pool, and harder exposure.
oh, I agree with everything you wrote there. But, still, the mainstream market is a much better and safer bet to build a business. It's a big enough market to find your own place. You have rugrats-tier level artists making bank there. Anyone can make it. Think about all the known artists wearing off and falling from grace and fame, not because they suck, but because, people gets bored of the PERSON. Art still is a human interaction driven activity, even you can have your chance and your place if you put the work.
NSFW will just be harder to go through. Everything is against you, the global money system, state law, even the people's hypocrisy, the backstabbing. No one will step up for you, you will sink alone if shit hits the fan.
With coomer art, you are constrained by the fact that nobody will use their real name or face to promote your stuff to other people. Nobody normal chats with their friends "hey you should check out this hentai bro." Doesn't mean you can't make money or grow an audience, but you are highly dependent on access to pseudonymous/anonymous platforms—that can decide at any moment to end their relationship with you for making smut—to do very direct marketing, because again there's no real organic or word of mouth growth, just you trying to capture the willing-to-pay-for-smut audience's attention in the places they spend time browsing.
How do you render like this? Is it a combination of brushes? Techniques like subsurface scattering? Colored lines? Ambient occlusion? Tips? This is confusing?
Incredibly cute
Said the nigger
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Ok, a quick WIP. Picrel has a bunch of animated elements put together just for this image. I have other stuff done already. A young couple of human virgins walks into a forbidden place, guarded by a hot dark elf. She has been guarding the place for centuries and the punishment for trespassing is DEATH, non negotiable. The young couple face their tragic fate with sexual consequences. Will the dark elf spare their lives? We'll see... dropping soon on /f/
>swan and background is only good thing here
Anon... Beside porn you can be a illustrator for a book and get way more money
You may be right, but, like an anon wrote above, be honest, don't you think that it wouldn't be too hard to get this sort of art easily available everywhere? And add AI on top of that now. I'll be competing against a whole universe sucking dick left and right trying to get a "job" from some loser trying to get me to do a masterpiece for free.

I get what you say. I totally do, but if I have to choose, without "money" involved, I would choose the hot sex animated story to exist rather than some lame art for some lame cash grabbing product that no one gives a fuck about. You know, as time passes, I wonder what are the things that I come back to, films, games, stuff. And, it is shit like this, that leaves a mark. Those early awesome hot anime, some classic porn that you always keep going back to, these old flash games. Mainstream shit, like movies, (saving the classics like Predator or Die hard, Star Wars, whatever), you rarely keep that shit in your head. Games of thrones i.e., That was fucking amazing to me, but I wouldn't watch that shit again. But there's old shit that I keep enjoying like it's eternal, it just refills my spirit every time a new again. Good Sexy shit, is just eternal. It never gets old. Doesn't matter how many times I see some classic shit like I dunno, "The Fashionistas" and all that italian classic porn form the 90s, that shit is outside of time and space.
This shit "games", this is the kind of shit that I would "commission" someone to do. Can you imagine that? Paying an artist, to do all this shit, and paying extra for the revisions, paying a coder guy, (willing to do this shit), and paying him extra for the infinite revisions to the animation or game... That shit is impossible to afford. It's fucking priceless. People spend fortunes, their life work in money, to buy shit, a watch, a car, a travel, just one night in an hotel in fucking Dubai, they do that. Well, I may be buying this shit as well, by doing it. And I love it
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Oh shit you're back!
I call this one Le thug watches the sunset, thoughts?
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Hey what's up anon! Yeh, just having a little bit of fun. I guess this is my final form. I can do shitty visual novels in shitty dead flash format for fun now. A couple years back I couldn't do any of that. Who said /ic/ can't help anybody? heh
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A real nigga doesn't leave his back wide open.
You got distracted and now you're paying for consequences that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
You're not making it out of the hood with this mindset.
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>normalfags DO NOT pay for art
>They want it free to be able to see on their phones for 5 seconds and move on
But it is exactly the same with NSFW.
The majority of the online audience is there only to get free shit, and you are playing the lottery to get found by a minority in a niche who is willing to pay for their own specific fetishes, when the big majority is a young audience, followed by porn addicts who will just take anything and give you likes and validation so you keep feeding them more, followed by lots of grifters i.e. other "content creators/nsfw artists" who just play the hugbox game to farm numbers, followed by scrapers who will take your coom to sell merch, followed by a minority of "game developers" and an even bigger minority of commissioners.
Commissioners who commission nsfw artists are always the same people maybe commissioning a few big accounts to draw their OCs, so others will draw their OCs for free to ride that clout/trend.
It's akin to a marketing strategy:
>"Sure, i might have spent xyz amount for a comm of my OC, but if the artists share it and it starts to go viral, then other artists pick it up and draw me free shit. If it don't work, i still didn't waste money because i still got something out of it"
You very rarely see someone commissioning an artist multiple times for the same character in a short time span; wouldn't you want to have more scenarios and art of "your OC"? Go lurk OC/draw threads on other boards to get an idea.
In the end, commissioners just have superficial fetishes and they try to get people infected with it, like a fetishist stereotypically does to ultimately get more content of their fetish.

If i liked xyz, i would comm here and there so it would create a chain reaction of other starving artists trying to get in on the trend and make me free xyz shit.
If i can think of this, having no interest in getting free xyz, do you think someone who is obsessed with a fetish won't do that?
soft brush and a round brush at 30% flow with opacity and flow toggled on
new bread >>7171479

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