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Is the anime style becoming more and more accepted in the American Comics industry? If I want to make a living as a penciller, is the anime style a viable thing? Also, is it possible to make a good living penciling and inking comics for publishers that aren't the Big 2?

I heard horror stories of anime-style comic artists unable to find work in the early 2000's, but surely things have changed now, right? Anime is quite literally the most commercial art style that exists. I find it hard to believe people aren't accepting of it, even now, in comics.
>american comic industry
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It is impossible because people like this fat retard

Are the ones gatekeeping the industry
by the way, he says all this shit but he used a Japanese pen name to try and pass his comics as manga :)

Youd have more luck self publishing or going to france or belgium
This is funny, because Jim Lee, Tood McFarlane, and Rob Liefeld all had heavy Japanese manga influences in their comics.
>presenting a bunch of "rules" within the first 30 seconds of that video
utter trash
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And marvel and dc will make sure no one like them will ever be hired again.
I like David Finch, he has nice tutorilas and is a pretty good teacher, but his mentality when it comes to cfeativity is exactly what marvel/dc likes and exactly what is killing the comic industry.
Watch the David finch video about how to draw head, at it he says something "ok this hed is too tall I cant get away with it"
Why not?
Pic related. Best comic book in history by the way.
In all most of his videos he has these little comments that are honestly just sad
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Check out the comment section. Proko's menagement team is 24/7 on it because it is by far the worst video on the channel.
Literally every single popular manga doesnt follow any of these retarded rules
Stop making these gay hypothetical fantasy job threads if you won’t even post your shitty work
lol theyre already here too by the looks of it >>7166517
>inking comics
You should be able to prove you inking chops, regardless of your own personal art style, anyway.
That said, if you're making your own work, and presenting it to the publisher, they likely don't care if it's 'anime-esque' these days, and only care about quality.
Though I can imagine them worrying about how saturated that look is already and wanting something more 'fresh' to catch attention.
Lots of newer gen artists like Dan Mora and Jorge Jimenez are heavily anime influenced.
There's literally no 'american comic industry'. Its already a rotting corpse. Best bet is to try start your own western based manga group/studio or wait abit and join someone who does.
I don’t know what or who you are talking about. You physically cannot post your work because it invalidates your awful, awful wish fulfilment threads
marvel comics are SHIT and dying and living off of avengers movie money. why would I want their advice
You ignore any advice that would actually help you to achieve publishable work in maybe a decade. I’m being generous with a decade cause your work must be pre beg level
kek are you him
Fucking who? You’re the schizophrenic who keeps making these threads instead of learning how to draw
>Though I can imagine them worrying about how saturated that look is already and wanting something more 'fresh' to catch attention.
Wouldn't you say the same about Superhero styles? And don't business people usually want conformity to proven styles, instead of investing in uniqueness?
is there something like this from a person that actually publushes good art?

I cant stomach american comics, its so stiff, forced, edgy, crude and unaestethic.

I'm sure some of the artists could do a lot better if they werent a prisoner of this rigid ass comic style
No, your best bet is to just go to a japanese publisher. It's easier than trying to build a business/industry from basically scratch and it's not as hard as you'd think. They're actively looking for authors who are skilled, and if you're not skilled then you're just dreaming anyway.
>And don't business people usually want conformity to proven styles, instead of investing in uniqueness?
Yes, that is a known requirement of marvel/DC. They have a house style, and expect you to work within it.
>No, your best bet is to just go to a japanese publisher. It's easier than trying to build a business/industry from basically scratch and it's not as hard as you'd think. They're actively looking for authors who are skilled, and if you're not skilled then you're just dreaming anyway.
I heard there were actually dozens of people who are already published in Japanese magazines, but they basically don't publicize themselves
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Read the comic The Killer, the one they made the movie with Fassbender
That's a very good comic that adheres to all the fat guy talking points without making it dull, stiff and unaestethic
It sticks to frame, doesn't change gutters, have insane coherence and great composition even within panel
It was weird seeing Finch draw Link and Guts. He drew them both like generic stocky capeshit figures. They looked like DC characters cosplaying at an anime convention or something. I don't know why so many comic book artists have this weird barrier up around manga where they refuse to try and really udnerstand or replicate the styles of different mangaka.
Because the whole reason anybody would want to see a drawing of Link or Guts by David Finch is to see how he depicts them in his own style. Same with basically any other famous artist drawing another's characters. Do you complain that mangaka draw each other's characters in their own styles too?
Link is a twink, at the very least Finch could have drawn him with his proper bodytype instead of as a muscleman. The Guts one was mostly fine I guess. Maybe I just don't appreciate the style enough to really get much out of his renditions.
the weirdest thing about his guts drawing is the reinforced concrete
Looks like shit
American comics are desperately trying to copy manga style, but doing it badly
Frank Miller too
wait, really?
Yes, especially with Ms Marvel and Gwenpool
>american comics
>mediocre capeshit by jobbers

idk if you guys are just bad faith weaboos or genuinely ignorant of real american comics.
Reminds of when Jim Lee drew Goku on stream and half the chat was chimping out about how he wasn't copying Toriyama's style.
>Marvel is the industry
Top kek. Marvel is a shuffling zombie only still around because of inertia. Only a fool would go to work for them or DC.
Who are the up and coming stars?

Please don't say webtoons...
There really isn't any, although Dark Horse and Image have been gradually eating away at the Big 2's market share, but normies are completely unaware of them. Manga currently dominates comics sales in the US.
rerolling until you are born japanese in japan is the meta
>And marvel and dc will make sure no one like them will ever be hired again.
Bro, all the top artists at Marvel and DC are Latinx weebs who draw in Westernized anime styles. The reason Marvel and DC don't hire Lee, McFarlane and Liefeld types anymore is because none of those guys (with the exception of Jim when he was still copying Byrne) were that good. Liefeld in particular was ass and catapulted by the cultural EXTREME zeitgest of the late 80s/early 90s.
yeah, I don't think anyone is denying the skill of Western capeshit artists. They're incredibly good. The stories are just restrictive and uninteresting, is all
I honestly wish people would recognize American/Japanese fusion as it's own thing. The way American artists adapted Japanese visual language into a realistic style is very interesting and effective on it's own.
Now imagine if they weren't forced to draw capeshit.
It's just good art. And anime has its root in america anyway.
The level of cope is unreal
If you are Chinese you will fail, if you are Japanese you may be successful, if you are Korean you will have more success streaming, if you are American meh, it depends on your ideology if you are a magician the indie market exists, if you are woke they will force you to draw capeshit shit, but in If the "comic industry" is dead.
You should go watch the original disney sleeping beauty. The designs there are unironically more beautiful than anything done today, anime or not. I don't think Sleeping Beauty has been surpassed ever since then, and it may not ever be surpassed, even for the next 500 years.
I liked this overview, but the best info comes up in the last minute and it would be interesting to show several pages that stand out for him specifically. For example, Hitchcock's blocking is very different from Spielberg's blocking techniques and I wonder if he has maybe three artists he could analyze to really dig into the logic of their panel layouts.
Actually I kind of see what you're talking about there, because Korean Shoujo manga does look like it might be patterned off of Sleeping Beauty.

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