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Disregard their juicy asses.
I'd like to get the white nikes plz.
Left: airmax 270
Right: vapormax plus

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i went in wanting to hate them thinking the upper would be plastic but actually they're kinda cool if i knew who the artist is/cared
Nooooooo not the heckin memento mori boots!!! How will my frens know i’m le depression???
Steampunk boots? CRINGE
it’s an art piece by an 19th century painter i think
The two halves of this post are in perfect accordance. Such symmetry and balance is rarely seen in fashion.

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How do I get a good fitting pair of jeans? Mine always look like this
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go to a store that sells blue jeans and try on different brands until you find one that looks good on you. a bit labor intensive but it works
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pre-washed jeans never get permanent creases because the fabric is softened before you ever wear it, leading to shapeless fits like this.
buy raw denim.
i recommend resolute, they focus a lot more on the fit than other brands.
if you want a more specific recommendation post a picture of jeans fitting the way you'd like and i'll tell you what you need to get.
that looks good, but if you don't want them to sit on top of your shoes like that then get them hemmed an inch or two. personally i like some piling on top of the shoes, but your pic is kind of in the awkward zone where there isn't a gap between the jeans and the shoes, but they're still short enough that it interrupts the flow
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the broken ankle effect happening here?
go slightly shorter
go slightly longer
or taper them in a bit
any of those fix it
t. used to work at a denim botique
Honestly, those look pretty good. Do you live within or near a major city? If so, there’s probably a shop that specializes in selvedge denim which is preferable to visit since their fits are going to be way better and more consistent compared to mass produced jeans. If you don’t live near one, go to any department store that sells Levi’s and bring a tailor’s tape measure to measure the waist, upper thigh, and front rise dimensions of the best fitting pair of jeans you find. Take note of those measurements and then buy a good pair of raw selvedge online with comparable dimensions. Make sure to try on many different cuts (straight, slim straight, straight tapered, slim tapered, high rise, medium rise, etc)

Post things you've purchased for your girlfriends before. I'm looking for good styles and reliable online retailers to buy from, hopefully not too expensive though.
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It's a choker for a girl's neck.
How much does the heart ring emphasize the Adam's apple?
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i hope she likes it
Why are you buying clothes for your girlfriend. Is she a child? Let her pick out her own clothes.
I’ve gotten her an issey miyake bag and some nessy khem shades.

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Do clothes look bad nowadays because they’re all cheaply made? It seems like you have to spend hundreds on something for it to look nice, whereas in the past everything, cheap and expensive, just appeared to be made with better material.
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its meaningless because "made in usa" only refers to the final sewing/assembly of the garment. you can ship straight up slop textile straight from china, pay an illegal immigrant below minimum wage to sew it together, and call it "made in usa" legally.
the brands that don't do this and aren't ripping you off will tell you where the cotton was grown, where it was milled into textile, and often times they'll give you the exact names of the farms and mill. without that information (or the equivalent to it for other garments) made in usa may as well mean nothing. usa is a high tier region to grow cotton in but not even really the best in the world.
there isn't inherently anything good about making textile in a first world country. its like the selvedge line on jeans -- a company that pays first world wages to their textile workers IS LESS LIKELY TO cut huge corners elsewhere. that's all it means. more likely to not be shit. doesn't mean it isn't shit.
Partly but it’s mostly the people themselves looking like shit.
ww1 -> ww2 meatgrinder of white death then mass immigration really did a number on the average american and european physique. europe was hit less hard by immigration, or at least less quickly than america, but it was made up for in all the weird eugenics shit that happened over the last century like scandinavians force sterilizing guys who looked too swole at the gym.
Clothes have always been expensive. They just figured out how to manufacture fashionslop at the speed of light and now $10 for a pair of pants is normal.
>now $10 for a pair of pants is normal.
And people look at you weird if you say you spent $100 on one pair.

What are good affordable online clothes stores?

Already know about Uniqlo. theres no archive of /fa/ anywhere so i cant just search a thread already asking this, and the sticky sucks.
>i want good stuff cheap
we get this thread every day, stop being poor
I don’t know what to tell you but I just wanted to say I love Yoshitaka amano
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presented without comment.

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Why do most men's shorts options end up being polyester trash or gym shorts? I've been looking for stuff like pic related (mostly cotton or natural fiber) and find very little that genuinely seems worth buying. Any recs?
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What's with people wanting stretch in everything these days? If you need stretch, then you're wearing clothes that are too tight for you. Stop trying to dress like a stripper to show your "curves", and buy clothes in regular fit instead of slim and skinny fit.
Finally someone says it. But it goes for men also
the upper blocks on shorts are always cut goofy and the thighs are always too billowy and huge for my legs.
i buy chinos or raw denim jeans then cut them off into shorts. jeans are fine with a raw hem but you want to go like an inch too long because they will shorten and fray over the first few washes. chinos should be folded and hemmed cleanly where you cut.
looks way better on my twink physique. gets constant compliments and irl w2c asks.
I just go to the thrift store and buy jeans I can make jorts out of. 5" inseam max btw.
I don’t think there is any way for men to pull of shorts other than an athleisure fit full lululemon or something comparable. There’s no khaki short fit that doesn’t look you’re about to do it to em. Maybe if you’re literally on a boat it works.

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can someone ID this yellow thing? It looks like some kinda linen cardigan but it also looks oversized as fuck

also tips for finding this color? when looking for yellow i only get ugly dark yellow gold looking shit

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unsightly. this is why I wear ankle socks with my sandals
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What's unsightly about it? Do you prefer to gawk at men's bare naked hairy legs?
if you take another look at your picture you'll note a distinctly sausage like quality to what skin is exposed around the knees. no, it's either no socks, ankle socks, or straight up leggings when it comes to pairing shorts with sandals. but I'm willing to sacrifice ankle socks for the sake of compromise
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>wearing socks with sandals

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What should I be using to maintain body hair? Any reccs? Something that catches hair would be ideal, shit goes everywhere. I won't buy anything Manscaped since anything shilled by YouTubers is also cheap garbage.
pls respond

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I just got a pair of dress boots from Mexico called botines. They look like chukkas but with the traditional pointed toe. Do western boots go best with denim only or can I pair them with other material?
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>As long as you don’t tuck your pants leg into the boot they could go with anything, even a suit.
I can attest to this. I wear cowboy boots to work every week. It's a boss look.
We call them "pull ons" here in the south. Faggots from the west coast call them cowboy boots
some good non chinese cowboy boot brands? Want to try scouring ebay but it's going to be tough in the UK.
No one fuckin calls em that.

Chisos, Hyer, Anderson Bean, Horsepower, Ariat Premium, Blackjack.
these are extremely expensive.

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Are they effay?

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i'll work as a male nurse in a hospital for a month and there are young nurses that looked like they never had a man working with them before.
how can i improve my chances at impressing them? everyone wears a uniform and fragrances are banned, is the best i can do just working on my haircut, skin and physique?
or is there some secret alpha
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sounds good, thanks
What is a "stripper lean"?
when they lean back into your shoulder so that their head is practically parallel to yours. like if you stepped away they might fall backwards or if you craned your neck forward a bit you might kiss them like a vampire
Here’s some advice: don’t date nurses. Keep them around and friendzone them, let them want to date you, but don’t date them. Don’t even have sex with them.

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Previous thread: >>18115434

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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The original easily.
Just steal it back what's the big deal
Who called Serge Lutens masstige?
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All white like I got the whole thing bleached
Drug dealer chic
I'm wonderin' if a thug's prayers reach
Is Pious pious 'cause God loves pious?
Socrates asks, "Whose bias do y'all seek?"
All for Plato, screech
I'm out chere' ballin', I know y'all hear my sneaks
Jesus was a carpenter, Yeezy, laid beats
Hova flow the Holy Ghost, get the hell up out your seats, preach

Human beings in a mob
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a God?
What's a God to a non-believer

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thoughts on this?
i don't know jack shit about perfumes and i never used one, but today i was shopping with my gf and she liked this one so i bought it

Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
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I like bangs on women
are you a bishop?
Because you can use them as handlebars
Head is better and more effective as a handlebar for a blowjob/facefuck, hips and long open hair are better handlebars for backshots
Are you all virgins here
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