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Or is it gay?

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Everyone knows I’m lurking for asian pussy when I wear these
blue waffle sneaker
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ok retard

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... when you walk down the streets, just because of how you look or dress?
it's happened to me maybe twice in my life. and i DO dress like a faggot.
It happened maybe 7 times in my life and it hurts every time :-(
No, I’m 6’2”

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I'm 19m neet residing in Berlin & willing to do anything.
Currently 80,5 kg, 11-12 bf.
I won't send any fotos but trust me I'm handsome.
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>& willing to do anything
youre 20 pounds overweight. but you become a runway model by going to a modeling agency and getting singed by them
Invest in some knee pads
you need to go to gay bars and get picked up by a recruiter, fuck him, fuck the assistant's assistant, fuck the assistant, and then finally you can fuck a guy who can put you in touch with another guy you have to fuck to get on the runway. All the guys you need to fuck are males. Enjoy your new career.
Do I fuck them or do they fuck me

Is this pose feminine? I do it a lot in real life, and I know that doing it with one hand is pretty gay, but I always do it with both hands. I just want to get the opinions of other people on this.
Yup, all trannies had to do was to put their hands on their waist all along!
Dude, don't joke around.
No, you just look like a dad who is trying to keep it together as he watches his son bat .000 in tee ball.

You know the little shit isn't going to the show, but he still thinks he deserves McDonalds after that performance.
Unconfident little fuck

Where's the best place to buy cheap, good quality wifebeaters for outdoor wear? I tried Hanes but they were so thin they were transparent and just overall bad quality.
the corner market that you meet your meth dealer at, walmart, a flea market, or a bodega next to a check cashing place
I'm actually a brain surgeon but ok.
Can 1000 pushups a day get me there
sure you are, cletus/jamal/paco. go buy another ck hat, dont forget to put on your fake gold chain

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Anybody can tell me the name of this thing for the hair?

Thank you


We black folk call them hair bobos.
Thank you so much
yes yes obrigado to you too latinx

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I need some hair tips guys. Everyone says I look lame as fuck and can do so much more with "the locks". What can I do? I'm not trying to grow it long I just don't want to be a loser.
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Your second picture reminds me of Louis Theroux
How old are u nigga
>comb it into a side part my young virgin friend
most virginesque advice i've ever seen on this board, ever, at any point in time. you are fucking doomed
>blastoise EX is unsleeved

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How do I twinkmaxx?
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>uncanny and alien
i feel like women into femboys or whatever is a very vanilla type
>anyone know who this /pol/twink is?
annoying attention whore from Russia. he posts on /int/
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Patrician taste, ideal relationship dynamic in my opinion
sasha go back to your containment board
Freestyler. Drop the microphone. Straight from the top of my dome.

The white man's choice
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Mental illness
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>He doesn't know about the Hollywood Hulk Hogan meat shoes
What in the absolute fuck are you rambling about
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personally i prefer thugs
Pussy repellent socks.

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Just got a pair similar to pic rel and looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in HD, realized my skin and hair look mega shitty. I want to go back to blurry vision…is this how perfect 20/20 chads have been seeing me this whole time? Fuck.

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Why do trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive on men but women love it?
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Volume on top with short sides makes the wearer look taller than they are.
Tall is a desirable trait and women fall for height fraud unless someone points it out for them. A lot of guys also get this cut because it hides a receded hairline, which is something of a problem for zoomers.
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This too. Prison gays do this to sign what they sell.
because short hair on the side highlights good facial structure if you have it
First how do you know that "trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive" you know them or something. Second who cares about a troon's opinion they are a troon.
I fuck trans women - doubt they would dislike this

They tend to just like more traditional masculinity desu

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What did lower middle class people think rich people wore prior to the TV show where the world decided that it's not conspicuous consumption as long as the physical letters of the expensive brand are not explicitly spelled out on the exterior surfaces of the garment?
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the super rich wear left but each item costs $10k and looks worse
I hate these "rich people bad, super rich people good" memes. It's rooted in classism which i don't mind, but if you say to the same people who post these memes that poor people are dumber, criminal and generally worse people then they start all huffing and puffing.
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There's a lot of weight to the idea that many designer brands prey on the middle class/slightly rich. LV, Gucci, Prada etc, every middle age woman I know saves up for a $5k bag at some point in her life and buys one covered in the designers name or initials, even if it's a really cheaply made bag (for the price). The ultra wealthy being less conpicuous brands isn't nessecarily "better" but at least the items are better quality.
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I don’t because one time I shat myself in a brand new pair of Diors and just couldn’t bear the shame of seeing them so I washed them and sold @ half price.
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every now and then. I got a woolrich jacket for cheap, some very comfy and decent looking suede shoes for $12, a drake's 100% wool flannel for $40, and a nice oscar de la renta jacket for $15.

Gotta wade through a lot of bullshit though.
No, because I'm not pathetic enough to wear used clothes of complete strangers like a beggar. Your family and maybe friends are the only people whose used clothes you should wear. And even that should be avoided as much as possible. Tell them to wear their clothes until they fall apart. If you can't afford a piece of clothing, then save up enough to buy one for yourself, or live within your means and get something you can afford. Have some self-respect and dignity.
>b-b-but what if it was discontinued???
Then it wasn't meant for you. Move on.
Most men's clothes are either worn to shit or for fat people. I still do it because it gives you opportunities to find interesting things that you can't buy new.
I get all my clothes second hand, mostly only eBay. I prefer unique pieces for very cheap rather than overpriced mass produced garments I know thousands of other people also have.
I make all my clothes from fabric I collect and when they wear out I deconstruct them and reuse them for something else

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What compels grown men to dress like teenagers?
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you all really need to stop watching tranny and femboy porn
Have you ever seen a woman?
>What compels grown men to dress like teenagers?
Mid 30s millennial boomer pulling of sex core, due to bodybuilding i feel like in my 20s.
>Mid 30s millennial boomer pulling of sex core
this is almost like another language when you're not terminally online
>t. creature in the op pic

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