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Just got a pair similar to pic rel and looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in HD, realized my skin and hair look mega shitty. I want to go back to blurry vision…is this how perfect 20/20 chads have been seeing me this whole time? Fuck.

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Why do trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive on men but women love it?
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Volume on top with short sides makes the wearer look taller than they are.
Tall is a desirable trait and women fall for height fraud unless someone points it out for them. A lot of guys also get this cut because it hides a receded hairline, which is something of a problem for zoomers.
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This too. Prison gays do this to sign what they sell.
because short hair on the side highlights good facial structure if you have it
First how do you know that "trans "people" find this hairstyle unattractive" you know them or something. Second who cares about a troon's opinion they are a troon.
I fuck trans women - doubt they would dislike this

They tend to just like more traditional masculinity desu

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What did lower middle class people think rich people wore prior to the TV show where the world decided that it's not conspicuous consumption as long as the physical letters of the expensive brand are not explicitly spelled out on the exterior surfaces of the garment?
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the super rich wear left but each item costs $10k and looks worse
I hate these "rich people bad, super rich people good" memes. It's rooted in classism which i don't mind, but if you say to the same people who post these memes that poor people are dumber, criminal and generally worse people then they start all huffing and puffing.
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There's a lot of weight to the idea that many designer brands prey on the middle class/slightly rich. LV, Gucci, Prada etc, every middle age woman I know saves up for a $5k bag at some point in her life and buys one covered in the designers name or initials, even if it's a really cheaply made bag (for the price). The ultra wealthy being less conpicuous brands isn't nessecarily "better" but at least the items are better quality.
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I don’t because one time I shat myself in a brand new pair of Diors and just couldn’t bear the shame of seeing them so I washed them and sold @ half price.
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every now and then. I got a woolrich jacket for cheap, some very comfy and decent looking suede shoes for $12, a drake's 100% wool flannel for $40, and a nice oscar de la renta jacket for $15.

Gotta wade through a lot of bullshit though.
No, because I'm not pathetic enough to wear used clothes of complete strangers like a beggar. Your family and maybe friends are the only people whose used clothes you should wear. And even that should be avoided as much as possible. Tell them to wear their clothes until they fall apart. If you can't afford a piece of clothing, then save up enough to buy one for yourself, or live within your means and get something you can afford. Have some self-respect and dignity.
>b-b-but what if it was discontinued???
Then it wasn't meant for you. Move on.
Most men's clothes are either worn to shit or for fat people. I still do it because it gives you opportunities to find interesting things that you can't buy new.
I get all my clothes second hand, mostly only eBay. I prefer unique pieces for very cheap rather than overpriced mass produced garments I know thousands of other people also have.
I make all my clothes from fabric I collect and when they wear out I deconstruct them and reuse them for something else

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What compels grown men to dress like teenagers?
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you all really need to stop watching tranny and femboy porn
Have you ever seen a woman?
>What compels grown men to dress like teenagers?
Mid 30s millennial boomer pulling of sex core, due to bodybuilding i feel like in my 20s.
>Mid 30s millennial boomer pulling of sex core
this is almost like another language when you're not terminally online
>t. creature in the op pic

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Are there any comfy walking/running shoes that aren't for geriatrics grandmas? I've got a pair of Hoka Clifton 9s, and while they're the comfiest shoe I've ever worn, they're also extremely ugly and don't go well with any of my clothes.
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Can you be more specific, please?
It’s so weird to me how most athletic shoes clash so hard with most athletic outfits. People wear solid colors, generally muted, while their shoes are eye-blasting bright green or something, always with weird designs and oddly shaped. Even if these Hokas were grey they’d look strange. It gets even harder to find normal looking shoes when you get specific about fit and use.
So if you pair those bad boys with an all black outfit you'll look fine, but with a pair of jeans they'll look like homeless vomit.
Typically you want to wear bright colors when running so a wagie doesn't splatter you on his way home from the cagie
nigga u fat as fuck if you have to wear sports shoes for walking lol

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How can I wear camo and not seem like a sperg? How can it be incorporated into a menswear style?
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I'm already trying to reincorporate more modern styles. That jacket would look great with some "gorp" style pants and some gramp shoes
CADPAT is nice
It's too close to Marpat. Only decent digital camo is Turkish or Singaporean.
no you wouldnt
yes 3 of them are incredibly rare and historically significant. you couldn't even get one ripped in half for $200

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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They're poorly made plastic shite. I have a family member that works at McLaren and he literally wouldn't be paid to own one. About 50% of them have serious electrical faults or catch fire. There hasn't been a good one since the mercedes SLR or at a stretch the P1, but even that has a lot of issues and the Porsche 918 was better.

Agreed. I don't understand why people like panerai at all. They don't even look good, they are bland and boring, have ugly design language, and don't do anything special. Anybody that doesn't know watches is never going to look at a panerai and think it's a decent watch, for them to mean anything to you, you have to already know what they are. As opposed to picking up an omega, a jlc, a zenith, or a glashutte people will instantly be able to tell they are nice watches even if they don't know the brand. The only panerai is like is the submersible on the bracelet, and that's 10k for a watch that isn't even that nice or special, and is still relatively boring. The only good thing they ever did was the radiomir to give cancer to anyone that would wear something so shit.
mazda may be citizen and subaru may be tissot? I dunno
had mine a few days now. just couldnt justify paying double for a submariner. really loving the white dial so far. that blue is awesome, too.
rolex is porsche. the 911 and the datejust are both timeless icons in their respective field that can easily be dailied and are desireable enough without being expens7ve enough to be something you would brag about
I like them I almost got that watch that came with the model boat and their blue dial sports watch is solid. I think their dress watches are too big though which is unfortunate because that seems to be what they focus on.

If you're ugly, every outfit will look bad on you.

If you're attractive, basically every outfit will look good on you.
A really shitty outfit can make a hot person less hot, but a really great outfit won't make an ugly person less ugly.
you're still better off being ugly with a nice fit then ugly with an ugly fit
Nobody cares unless you're in the ninetieth percentile anyway. Dress for yourself.
you didnt put on the meme arrow, therefore you say this and look like this

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>use AI to create model wearing a blend of your favourite brands
>post results
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you log into https://www.bing.com/images/create and type in what you want to see
>AI slop thread
mainly got shiny and/or padded nylon makes me cum buckets
What prompts do you use? I use (((bing))) for inspo but most of the shit I get is overstylized
>log into
this is 4chins and we are anon.

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do you have a specific style, anons?

i would say that a gamechanger in my confidence was to find my niche and build a wardrobe that was consistent with my personality and then stick to it. nothing like going streetwear on day and techwear on the other

i think this way people create a better defined image of you (if you fuck up you'll be 'that guy' though)

for example, since i'm a subtropical academic, I tried to build something along the lines of professor-chic/ivy-sprezz. that works inside or outside of university.
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I call it “autism”. It’s important to stand like this in public as well.
you look like a faggot
thanks friend

femanon here,

literally female gaze, that is a beautiful man. Simple, cute, pale, and approachable.
I’m straight and I think he’s hot. Like a handsome fox

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i can't stop buying Iron Heart shit
What’s this?
While I envy the depth of your pockets, I assume there's a lot of redundant stuff on your wardrobe.
What's so good about it?

my regular style is heavy jeans, hiking boots, and a t-shirt
what do? i only have few weeks
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Yet they style on you both aesthetically and professionally.
Honestly I don’t know the nigger or the Jew on the right. Financially, I don’t doubt it. Regarding academic achievements, I doubt it. Also doubt that their family life is as good as mine.
Jew on the left, I know bill. Also the nigger dresses like a hobo. I can’t see the other fits when they sit. But t shirt and blazer isn’t a good look.
Yeah this is true kek. Half of the people just look homeless and the few that try to put some effort into it still end up wearing their 5 year old gore tex boots.
It's fine without one if you have a blazer and a simple shirt under it
depends, if you're some tard-tier physishit, dress like a regular autist
if you're actual physicist - hep-th or math-ph, socks and sandals are mandatory

>wears provocative clothing
>nooo don’t sexualize me you PIG!
why are doubles standards in favour of women socially acceptable?
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is he Asian
Indre overdosed after she got kicked out of her moms house

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I basically just ignore 99.999% of the woman around me now. If your going to show it off and be intellectually honest about it then I don't want to know you. I don't get pissed if I'm shitless in a pool or the beach and some woman compliments me even if I find her unattractive. I just act like an adult, smile or say thanks and walk off. If they try to pursue it I say "sorry I'm married". These hoes have the maturity of a 14 year old.

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New suit for a job. Tailored. I am wondering if it fits me ok? I was thinking maybe there is too much extra fabric in the back upper leg area, but I know nothing about suits.
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Look at some modeling pics for suits and note their poses. I know you're not posing but you look like you don't know where to put your hands, and that'll ruin a look more than the fit
Take the crockett pill
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The fit is awkward mainly because the armholes are too big for you. You can tell by how the jacket appears to be trying to get as far away from your torso as possible when you start moving your arms. I also think your belt is pointless and too bulky and the shoes are not good.

Is it "OK"? Yeah, probably, but it's not /fa/.
you bought a suit that was the wrong size and you tried to tailor it down so it looked your size, but its obvious from the jackets sides and the crotch of the pants that it wasn't cut to look good when trimmed down

t. anon that learned the hard way you can't just take a 30 inch waist trouser and cut it down to a 28
Pants are little too short, and the rise is too low, which is why you get that silly looking shirt triangle above the waistband when you close the jacket.

When you button the jacket it also seems to be too tight since you get that weird looking X wrinkles around the button, which should not happen and you lapels don't roll natuarrly but fold in a pointy way.

Shoulder area is not visible here

you probably need to size up by one and then get the sleeves shortened a little.

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