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Post things you've purchased for your girlfriends before. I'm looking for good styles and reliable online retailers to buy from, hopefully not too expensive though.
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She likes anything from Brandy Melville, 100% cotton and won’t break the bank, but they cater to petite thin women only
Girls usually like whatever urban outfitters is selling at the moment but it’s gotten kind of expensive
Also to add: madewell is a sister brand that’s higher quality but even more expensive
Honestly bro just buy items from Shein. They got clothes that'll make your girl look good, no matter what size she is. All of the things I've purchased for her from there, she's liked or loved. Picrelated is a dress she really liked since I started getting her clothes from there.
>expensive and more expensive
You gotta love inflation, you just gotta!
i want to buy things there but its so expensive for more than one item, 60 euro for jeans and a top!? am i too used to cheap clothes..?
My girl is like 5'7 and 90 pounds, anyone know of a place that makes stuff that'll fit her? Xxs and 00 are big on her it seems
Jfc lmao. At that point the children’s section or order Asian shit asian sizing online
I’m afraid so. Brandy is very reasonably priced imo. Jeans are bound to be expensive regardless, just buy a top or some intimates if you can’t spend that much.
Like the anon said, Shein, and probably Temu, has a lot of stuff for thinner girls (plus things for thicker ones too).
Go take a look at:
>Lucy In The Sky
>Fashion Nova
Bros need some help for suggested haircuts, gf wants me to help her and she has wavy/curlyish hair.
Do you guys know any good hairstyles for that?
Shein looks like shit and lasts like a month
If she wants something low-maintenance a shoulder length layered cut suits wavy hair well, and it doesn't have an awkward phase when it is grown out and is easy for her to style. Bangs should suit her face shape so idk about those. Curtains are in at the moment but aren't to everyone's taste
You'd think that, but the products I've gotten are still lasting and it has been years since I started ordering from the site.
Wish I had a girlfriend to customize
I hope you guys die in a truck accident
Buying your girlfriend Shein is like telling her you hate her. jfc.
Getting affordable and fashionable clothing for your girl means you hate her? I'm not any of those anons you're replying to, but getting good deals on clothing isn't a bad thing. I get clothes at brick-and-mortar stores instead of online.
Usually people don’t like when you get them a cheap gift that falls apart
I've known a couple of people who've bought things from there before and they were happy with what they got in terms of durability. Its only been girls getting things for themselves or guys getting things for girls they were banging. Never any mens clothing, so I wouldn't know how those pieces are quality-wise.
Xs natural fibers only
Honestly, this has less to do with Shein and more about the general nature of Chinese-manufactured products overall, including the devices we're using to access 4chan right now as we speak; type.
>All clothing items are dropshipping shit
The fuck is "dropshipping"?
I have a folder containing 2500 pictures of outfits, fashion, accessorys, shoes, etc that I would show my girlfriend to give her inspiration.

if I had one.
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This is how I would dress her.

In that case, showcase what you think is /fa/ worthy for a girl to look good in.
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Picking clothes for my girls is my love language. I want my girl to be able to pull off different styles. One style 24/7 is boring af. Here's the inspo compilation I started making with my first gf and then continued with other girls. Girls typically like looks 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16 the most.
I posted it here a few times.
If there was only such a think where you could search a term or query and you would get results that are related to the search explaining it to you ...
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I bought this for my gf recently
These are hella dumpy. If you want good linen clothing, check out reformation. Their quality has gone down a bit, but their linen dresses and tops are still great.
>the neutrogena scrub
Ick. Those beads are made with microplastics. Try CeraVe if don't have sensitive skin
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While not the current /fa/shion trend, I'd love to get my girl a dress like this for going out.
Didn't realize the image messed up the colorization after saving it. This one is slightly better resolution, but not by much.
I probably like 16 and 5, the best. kierkegaard is ok, but Rousseau is cringe
i showed this to my girl and she hated it, except the last one with the suspenders.
"never show this to me ever again"
fuck you nigger for wasting my time with the cp.
Not my fault you date some insecure wannabe masculine bitch. Or maybe US girls really do suck that much in general, idk im from Europe
Not sure about one that looks exactly like your pics because that looks unique, but there are probably plenty of these types around.
>Fashion Nova
They have quality stuff. Got my girl some things awhile ago and we both are satisfied with what we received.
>insecure wannabe masculine bitch
Anon we are on 4chan. Call them by their proper names. They are trannies.
Meant for >>18114523 but whatever
My gf has huge tits. What clothes do I buy her?
That depends. Would she be able and willing to confidently wear things that showcase her breasts, or is she more on the reserved and/or traditional side of things?
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i just bought this for mine recently
>Brandy Melville
Holy shit, small / xsmall sizes only, all skinny white models, I didn't think brands like this still existed

No cleavage. Somethin comfy and fun but not comical. Introverted style, not necessarily conservative
>Would she be able and willing to confidently wear things that showcase her breasts
I'm not that anon, but I'm in the similar situation, except my gf actually is interested in something bold and sexy. Any good ideas?
I need a gf and a wife asap
genuine qiestion, what is the appeal of these?
Is it some sort of bdsm ownership thing?
You have a recommendation for a men's fashion brand with good quality linen summer clothing?
Does anyone have the higher res version or any of the expanded versions?
I have no clue how you managed to get through the 2010s without coming across the term
Is she 13?
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4chan doesnt let me post higher res version. There is no more expanded versions, but i can make them, i have way more inspo for each look than depicted here. Which ones are you interested in?
Breaking them open with your dick when she's deepthroating you is hot as fuck
Bro that's a pretty cool bracelet
It's a choker for a girl's neck.
How much does the heart ring emphasize the Adam's apple?
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i hope she likes it
Why are you buying clothes for your girlfriend. Is she a child? Let her pick out her own clothes.
I’ve gotten her an issey miyake bag and some nessy khem shades.
My girl is looking for a new style because she's tired of the same plain sort of outfits. What do you guys think looks aesthetically best on a MILF with huge tits?
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Anything with low necklines showing the utters
are you a lesbian?
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Where can I get stuff like #9? I bought a custom greek goddess costume for like $240 off Etsy but its too flimsy to be worn outside for anything other than a costume party. It's only seen the bedroom so far.

If I'm paying that much I want something more practical as a beach coverup or summer dress at least.
Did normies discover FSS?? Good god I want a fatima-wife
>beach coverup
>summer dress
Nigga what?
Get that shit for $5 or less from Shein.
This even more.
Yeah bro just buy her a moissanite wedding ring too
Imagine really being concerned about the type of stone or gem that someone should or would have on a wedding ring, or for a ring itself. If you have a partner who is overly concerned with that sort of shit, then they're likely uber materialistic. To be honest, my partner and I likely will be getting rings with personalized stones based on each other's birth months.
>Shein, and probably Temu
Wearing that mystery material shit even once will most likely render her infertile. No thanks.
why so mad
>why so mad
An incel who's a KHV, that's why.
I don’t like when girls get tanned. I don’t like long nails. I don’t like excessive makeup. I don’t like high heels. That’s it for now. I prefer the closest to the natural look as possible, just like how God intended.
I went there to try on jeans and $138 for jeans flimsy enough you can see the outlines of the pockets on your thighs is honestly insulting. Yeah, they offer free tailoring, but I have an old Korean woman for that.
>I don’t like when girls get tanned. I don’t like long nails. I don’t like excessive makeup. I don’t like high heels. That’s it for now. I prefer the closest to the natural look as possible, just like how God intended.
I agree that a woman who is naturally beautiful is the best, just like how my girl is. That said though, if she puts on some makeup because she feels like it and throws on some heels from time to time, I won't have an issue sbout it.
WTF this is kino, I need to make things official with this one girl ASAP...
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Why would she bother putting on makeup if she already looks perfect without it?
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I like 1, 2, and 16
Isn't the pink and blue the troon flag? Invest in some proper leather gear
I got some bad news for you anon...

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