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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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sick grope foto. we should do it again some time
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Yeah, I don't remember what it was exactly or if I still have the clip--probably do--but I remember Barker-sama saying something like "Wow! That was somethin' else, kid!". It's recognition like that that makes me like Barker and his ACES.
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Punching an execution hungry Ronig to death never gets old.

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Say something about this silly cowboy game (source mod)
gud game
deserved better

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/v/irgins, I come to you in an hour of need.
I have been struck by a queston I cannot find the goddamn answer to, because trying to research the history of how things were sold in the past, rather than now, is hard.

What was the first MMO to do the "If you buy the most recent expansion, you get all the previous ones", and at what point in time did they do it?
Depends on what an "mmo" is to you. I think it started with season passes or definitive editions. Idk the answer for mmos but valve started with dota 2 for season passes and tf2 for loot crates. Total annihilation started live service/free dlc.
Neverwinter nights started the first major paid dlc, Redneck rampage started paid dlc overall.

Ultima Online was the first micro-transaction mmo.

Hopefully some of this helps you with a lead.
I specifically mean the trend where an MMO releases a big paid title expansion pack, but then makes previous expansions come free with the latest one OR making all but the latest expansion able to be accessed with just the base game.

Like with WoW you originally had to buy the base game + the burning crusade + wrath of the lich king at one point, but at some point they switched to "If you buy base WoW you get the base game, if you buy the latest expansion you get ALL expansion content"

the removal of "buy each expac separately", once the biannual expac had become normalised.

I'm having trouble specifically finding which MMO(s) first started that practise, sorry if it was worded poorly.
why did you post a picture of toontown
nigger come do a vp already.
I think that started in 2022 with wow, looking at online discussion around that.

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Any Roblox OGs here?
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I'm pretty sure like 20/50 of the first season's hunt was shitty cashgrab grinding simulator games, I expect no different from the second one.
They might even reuse the lobby

hey so i currently run a semi large anarchy server along with a couple other little servers

the network i do dev work for (where i have a fair amount of say and can make these types of proposals) wont let me run an anonymous minecraft server and i'm debating doing it on my own money, time and resources, but want to see if anyone would be interested

the simple premise:

- cracked server
- all users are named like "user 1234"
- ip/logs turned off on the server level
- unknown gamemode (could do anarchy, plots, idk)
- server hosted in moldova, the "iceland of europe"

it'd basically be a chatroom with minecraft gameplay as an option. other people on my network said it was too risky for them to support but supported me doing it anyway on my own time.

i just don't wanna put all the work in if the server's stupid and will idle at 0 players

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I would be down, but, keep in mind that anarchy is a very fine balance. Things that make anarchy mc fun:
>considerable server history to explore and be a part of
>The right balance of plugins and moderation that allow player creativity and expression without allowing things that completely destroy the server
>some semblence of consequence or reason to do things.
I implore you to dig through salc1 and fitmc to get an idea of what you want from your anarchy server. It is essentially game design.
Fuck yeah, count me in
thanks all i'll set it up and report back
Please do, I'll check often to see if it's done
hey all, this is OP, i'm just about done with the INITIAL plugin (it's very basic, but is fully anonymous and holds up to all the promises. it's IRC-style)

IP is onionmc.net and will be up within the next hour. server is cracked, i suggest using a username you don't normally use, even though they're anonymized, i have not disabled logging on the server yet for debugging reasons

/vm/craft is the unofficial 4chan Minecraft EarthSMP server, using a 1:500 recreation of Earth as the map.

Chat reporting is disabled, allowing everyone to engage in freedom of speech without getting their account banned.

Current map opened in December 2022. Since then, several thousand players have joined and we have had several years of history, politics, and lore.

>IP: vmcraft.me
>live territory map: vmcraft.me in browser
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No, it's been alive since December of 2021 don't worry about it
Look, here's my advice: worry about yourself and stfu
Black Lives Matter, justice for Travon Martin and George Floyd, fuck you, this is an offical BLM server where we don't support racist ass people like you
This is the best server which has ever existed, I rate this 13/10
This is the greatest server humanly possible. If you don't rate this 10/10 you need to have your mind evaluated

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What are some of the most racist fortnite skins? Explain why.
anything with a white character because white skin is the root of all evil and tyranny and oppression and destruction

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I know there have always been cheaters in the game, but nowadays I encounter one every three games, and it's impossible to play the game. The worst part about it is that after the match against me, they will keep playing because they know that VAC won't do anything about it. The player in the screenshot, for example, has a 3-year-old account and started cheating after only 2 rounds. He probably has been cheating for years, but there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know if the reports send go directly to a shredder machine or what.
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I think a big part of the cheating being out of control in CS2 is because Valve has been working on some AI based anticheat for a while. To get anything AI related to work you need huge data sets.

So letting cheating run rampant and collecting as much data as possible on what types of cheats are detected makes sense on a strategic standpoint. Also planting cheat commands like that wall hack that got retards banned on faceit is another nice trick to collect data and flagging players.

I suspect they will roll out the anticheat with the next operation and we will see a huge ban wave around the release date. That's my guess though, CS2 is a huge cash cow for them and they confirmed at the major in copenhagen that the anticheat is their priority right now.

Only thing people should expect is a more invasive anticheat, like the one in Valorant and faceit. I think they will say fuck privacy and force this type of anticheat on their players in the future considering the source SDK basically is a factory for cheats for any dev with decent IQ.
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>I think
>4 man from mexico on my team in premiere
>they are too stupid to ban the enemy team's best map for some reason
>we obviously lose
>they report me
>2 day cooldown
what the fuck , uninstalled.
Big sad but Big true. This has become my stance as well. My dream was to go pro too but had to swallow that black pill.
Reminder that cheaters always have the advantage against anti-cheat programs. It's not like Valve can just push a big button that says "Stop cheaters". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgkgsgaBBCA And just remember, whatever super big brain idea you have either will not work, or can actually be used by the botters/cheaters to get rid of legitimate players.

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>Early Access - Friday, June 28, 2024 (2:00 AM PDT)
>Release Date - Tuesday, July 2, 2024
>Promotional Site

>Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration (Until Wednesday May 8 at 7:59 AM PDT)
>Yo-kai Watch Event rerun (Wednesday April 24 at 1:00 AM PDT until Patch 7.0)


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67th for sunsluts
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Hello, new player here, just finished downloading. What should I know? Are there mods that I should install?
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Just choose whatever race, gender, and job that appeals to you more and clear quests, anon. It's one long ride and you want to be comfortable doing it.

You won't need addons.

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Does anyone still play this?
I found out it's still alive a few months ago, but I don't know a single other person who plays it. Is there a guild I can join or something? I haven't touched it in like, 10+ years, so I may as well be a brand new player. I did claim that free quests coupon thing before it went away at least.
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>one free expansion
nice, glad I never bothered picking up Isle of Dread so I can get it free now
Feywild is also a great pick for an account that doesn't already have it
Not anymore, since I don't have much time for vidya these days, even less so for mmos, but I would say it's one of the more interesting and better mmos.
So if you have some time, and since you have the quests and expansions for free, give it a try.
One of few games in Eberron setting too.
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I think my account might be a decade old too, probably created it when they went F2P.
Got some free packs. Was hoping for some more but they suspended the event due to bugs. There's a thread on their forums, seems like a few people are making fun of the devs since bugs get introduced after every maintenance.


I got invited to this guild on the default server, seems like the guy is just inviting every newbie that logs on.

Did you get it before the suspension?
How much money am I expected to spend on the game? I remember becoming a VIP, played for a month then quit. I don't really feel like spending money again so I would most likely be F2P. I remember that you can earn coins to buy content.
yeah, you can google favor farming for ddo points online.
don't worry about the whale bait in the cash shop, the only things that matter whether you want to spend money or not is the dlc.

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>Free to play
>On Steam
>Same great quality as the Puppet Master movies
>Few different game modes: puppets v puppets or puppets v humans or puppets vs puppets defending humans
>Play as the original puppets, demonic toys, totems, or survive as the humans

Been having a blast playing this and I hope it keeps gaining popularity

Looking for new friends to add me on xbox.

gamer tag: peelmobil
Look for a job.

Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
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been tried hundreds of times. Generally ppl can't agree on the settings/mods/rules and there isn't enough chan interest in the game anymore so the results are low pop serbs that are usually 2-5 ppl co op which die two weeks in.

So the general is more of a waiting room for the next update.
unlucky, guess i do some solo stuff until this winter when b43 comes out
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these chinese/korean/japanese hot women player model mods should be mandatory for every server and include the sex mod
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>Activities like preparing a sandwich or making a nailed baseball bat logically require a handy surface to perform the work. The way it’s being implemented – any logical surface will do (tables, counters etc) but this sort of crafting will no longer be possible while standing in the middle of the street with zombies approaching.
This sound retarded. So what, I can have a hammer, nails and a baseball bat but because I'm not next to a table I can't do it? This the most rudementary "crafting" a person can do, you can do on the ground or on top of a fence or car bonnet.
>need a table to make a sandwich
While we do use tables and plates in real life it's not like it can't be done without it. This is just stupid. Counters and tables should just make it faster, or rather, make it a lot slower without it. And your character should just automatically use a surface
The logical assumption is that youll have to sit down on the ground to do those actions without a counter
Whether they actually did something logical or not idk

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>What is this?
A 15 year old byond game that can easily be found via googling the terms "dragon universe byond"
There are guide discords that the game links but I am not here for you to join those

>What do I do?
You pick from a list of almost any race, with some being locked behind mechanics. Open pvp is everywhere so it's up to you to make your adventure of getting stronger, making friends, and building a base, and drilling every planet in the galaxy for your own profit

You can also consider this a strategy game with the builds and many types of characters you can create. You can often consider a few characters you make throwaway such as if you invest in a few permanent buffs and then want to try different ones

Just have fun with it

>What's the catch?
There are almost no rules and you can be killed, robbed, and even raped. Ruthless majin gangs roam the streets
We at /vm/ can band together to place our foothold in the sandbox

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There was a point in time where all races had access to self destruct (an instant final explosion), and a time where a 20 minute cooldown was added, then it got removed from most races . Do you know which your version follows?
i think its the 20 minute cooldown version but still all races can get it
tried ss14 for the first time

why did they implement every single shitty change made by oranges and his cucks? shitty as in 90% of players agreed it was bad and yet ss14 trannies copied it

was hoping for a classic sandbox ss13 experience, got a weird version of modern tg
>shitty change made by oranges and his cucks
Like what ? The botany nerfs ? Nanite removal ? Taser nerf ?
OP here, I refuse to touch ss14 because how offbrand it is. Being taken over by tg fags and not having any real safe haven is awful. Then there's many things where the mechanics aren't fundamentally the same such as no body blocking that just make me feel like I'm playing a worse game. ss14 would have to introduce some fucking amazing unique features and even while some are cool there's no in depth modes or features from what I always hear. I've been playing /vg/station a bit recently and I think I'll stick with what works, I'd even try some of the ss13 different distros before touching 14

Formerly Wiimmfi's

Wiimmfi (Nintendo WFC Revival):
For DS, use:
>a WEP or unprotected network (guest network or secondary router)
>an unprotected mobile hotspot
and set one of these as your Primary DNS (both connect to Wiimfi):

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>StreetPass is about to return
streetpass never went away, it's just hard to randomly find others with a 3ds now
/comn/ has fallen... millions must die.

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