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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events

List of all patches chronologically

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply by mentioning you're from /vm/.

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]

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No wonder these haven't sold
prices on everything are bombing harder than hiroshima nagasaki
That's just a guy forgetting a 0 there.
no prices really are that low

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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
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Fuck, I lost my password. I tried every single possible combination of what it could have been and it does not want to let me in. If I'm gonna play, I'll have to play on a different account.
Update: for some reason I seem to remember the password I put on the Herobrine account.
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Update update: I managed to find my password only to find that all my items are gone >:(
you didn't read what we said about anything not in chests being lost?
I skimmed through it I guess, but I didn't pay much attention and I'm really tired today.

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdump
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>Katja last standing's POV in final zone
I recently had a game where the last enemy left alive spent a couple of minutes hiding between the buses at the school.
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I'm the only who feels that NN backpedalled in details with Eva's summer skin compared to Haze? The devs could have done something like pic related if really wanted it.
Give Johann back aieeee

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>what is eve
mmo space sandbox
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
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But what you are boxing is the question.
There is never enough
it has a laser bonus, fit lasers or you're a fag
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>Higaran ships only use projectile weapons.
pre order refunded
No pulsars, no ion frigs, no BCs?

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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Vanilla Minecraft SMP server for anons.

>SERVER IP: Anon.Minecraft.Best
>LIVE MAP: http://anon.minecraft.best:8123/

>Rules: Dont be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc.

The server also features things like the ability to lock doors/chests and individualized loot from world-generated structures like nether bastions and End Cities so everyone has a chance to get loot from there.

All anons are welcome, feel free to ask questions in the thread, post builds, and talk to other anons who play here.

-Season 2 has begun
-cave town 2 group build starting soon
-many hats added, wandering traders will sell them (very rare!)

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No more Oskar drama
I have Read the Menu i need Oskar2 meat

>What's new?
3.23 is in PTU and open to all
Invictus announced, starting on the 17th, Polaris to appear exterior only

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links

>CitCon 2023, intends to release "within next 12 months" (this year)

Previous thread
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Spawn points don't really matter for the salvage claim missions in the contract manager; just pick any. They also greatly buffed the dedicated salvage gun, so it's no longer a meme to just salvage with it for profit.
is it available for sale everywhere?
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Yep, they are at every platinum bay and plenty of other shops.
Overall a smooth patch it seems. Good QoL compared to previous patches, that starmap took ages to deliver but is looking good.

I bumped into these issues on my first play session:
>DB is slow, inventory is taking a while to load and some requests are taking a while to be actioned.
>You sometimes choke if you take your helmet off in the cockpit of the ship, the interior of the ship also shows ice/frost in the interior which looks off.
>Spazzing out and getting teleported back when loading boxes on the mule
>Star map not allowing you to lock on to a node by clicking on it, the moment you move your mouse to click calculate route the destination gets deselected. Only way to lock on is to search with text.
>Mission Objectives still cluttered with the star map after calculating route for a single destination it is still displaying the other objectives. They should make a distinction between the selected objective and other objectives with a change of colour or something.
>Run at 80 fps
>Turn on DLSS
>Runs at 80fps
So the upscalers did fuck all then.

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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Because most of it is happening in china, literally just cutting them off, and maybe russia too, would drop the majority of cheaters. Though at this point the damage is already done, it's a symptom of the west dying culturally.
PDL bros... What could have been
I'm a siege addict and its gotten so bad I had to tap out and play Subnautica this season.
Pretty fun, though the Aurora still looks unfinished

>there is no going back to how things used to be
The only possibility of a fix is competent anticheat + account verification using ID or something else invasive. Everyone screams at the top of their lungs at how it would be too invasive, but I don't see any reason not to have segregated verified and unverified lobbies
So ubisoft just updated their anticheat and I can't help, but marvel at how easy my lobbies have suddenly become. Before I struggled to maintain a k/d of 1 maybe 1.5 because it was a pro league level sweatfest in every single match, but now I drop 2/3 kills for each death. Could be just a coincidence/lucky matchmaking, but I don't really believe in those, especially since I'm so consistent now.
confirmation bias

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I am pretty old school, I cannot stand for microtransactions or pay to win games. I never got to play EverQuest but have heard great things. I loved Final Fantasy XI and pre-combat Star Wars Galaxies. World Of Warcraft was fun back in the day but it has changed so much.
Guild Wars 1 was neat for what it was. I have tried brushing up on some up and comings that are featured on MMORPG.com but nothing really feels epic enough.
Is the genre dead or is there a future?
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I just saw the trailer. Looks pretty cool.
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the trailer is kind of weird but it does a good enough job of conveying the job. osrs is a pretty unique mmo that i love a lot and i think it's genuinely one of the last if not the last MMO out there that can actually be played for fun. it's designed pretty much for solo play so you wont exactly get the same social experience that you did from ffxi or swg but it's still an mmo proper with a big world and a lot to do in it. check it out
Thanks, I think I will do that.

No. Theres not a big enough market to make a game with any semblance of a grind anymore. Kids today don't want to socialize with strangers and don't like anything that takes too much time.

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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what's the /vm/ or /vg/ group for this game? I dont want to play with reddittors
Just get some friends, anyone you add from here is gonna yell slurs at the first player boat you see and you'll get banned
Just go to the official discord. They're not that bad, and there are some skill ed players in there.
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S13 Flame Rises

Side with Athena or Reapers to decide weather Flameheart is coming back or not

Reaper Ship thats piloted by devout skeleton that has fireball attack called the Ashen Roar

you get to seize the ship and bring it to reapers or athena for knowledge and gold

theres also the full flameheart set to be earned like briggsy set

drops(?) the burning blade of the souls
>Side with Athena or Reapers to decide weather Flameheart is coming back or not
How many fucking times have we "decided" this? Jesus christ move the fuck on.

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Booba edition:

>What is Vintage Story?
Medieval block autism

What is a hobby you picked up irl with inspiration from vintage story?
For me it was brewing.

>What’s New?
Not much. Ded hours. A few people went back to og. A few to random servers from the official nigcord. Wigger made an anarchy server that only he plays.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

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Winters would be more challenging if getting wet would immediately make you start freezing
>Autistic people, who no lifed and larped a lot at the time
I was not larping. I actually manage and run an exploratory guild called the Hermes Initiative in real life. I build hacking spears from basic component parts I find in my backyard. In my free time? Geocaching. Perhaps you need the safety net of a "video game" to fulfill your wildest fantasies but for me life is too short to move 10% slower: I game like I live and unapologetically at that.
hey guys i got my serial killer rp app accepted on resurgence anyone wanna join me and cause mayhem?
Everyone hates winters enough already. I would accept it if windchill and heatstroke became things. Like wearing armor/warm clothes in the desert. Or being out of shade for too long.
The Hermes Initiative was seriously such a good name. It would be cool for a shipping/transport service or airline. Sucks exploration irl is mostly dead besides wandering in nature to find random old ruins.

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Anyone playing on any of the private servers, Homecoming, Thunderspy, Rebirth, etc.? Made any meme characters or cool OCs you want to share?

Please no server feud autism.
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The posts about stroyer are nothing but headcanon.
>he prepared for it
He decided one day he was done with the server and that the people running it were scum.
> Even by gamer standards, Stroyer had almost NO interpersonal skills, and he seemed well aware of this
Something like this just goes to show you are bullshitting and trying to add credence to your retelling of the story.

I would ask you what drives you to lie, but it's obvious you're mentally ill an desperate for attention. The one guy who actually released genuine proof of the server existing and you're trying to pretend like he's an asshat. Kill yourself.

He didn't even do that. He made the videos for his friends, and they happened to get found by a user on the SEGS discord. Him coming forward was literally a direct result of being hungry for clout when he saw his opportunity. Otherwise, he would have let it go.
A nearly two month old thread. Wild.
they keep scrambling my vegeta
make him on thunderspy (if you like soloing lol) they added super saiyan hair

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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

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Terrorist/Bomber class. #1 damage in the game. Great mobility and positioning. Lacks pretty much everything else. Complicated but rewarding.
Sneaky Assassin class. Similar to Rogue. Can be complicated with Trap chaining. Unique access to Invisibility to cheese. Strong poisons. Good damage and positioning. Can basically one shot with huge trap chains. Annoying in 1v1 PvP due to Invis and one shot trap builds that instagib people.

Both classes are similar and have some complexity with Bombs and Trap Chains. They're both notable for effectively spending AP on skills for future damage through either traps or bombs. Rogue is more mobile, but Srams have invis. Rogue damage is also much higher, and their bombs can be destroyed.
Both are also more mid range classes AFAIK but shouldn't struggle with ranged content. Rogue especially doesn't care because when paired with something like an Elio or Panda it just has to nuke something once.
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Quest EXP is BIG
i love dofus, but I wish ankama left a dedicated english server :/ the server merge ruined alot of things
Unless Dofus explodes in the West (which could happen depending on how Unity is rolled out) it's unlikely there will be a server that's nearly entirely, naturally, English speakers.

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>Wait, I can play this in English?
Yes, there are numerous guides and resources on how to get the game translated via DQX Clarity.
>How much is translated?
The entire main story up to the end of version 6.5 is hand translated, while all of the quest and regular NPC dialogue use machine translations because the dialogue for them is stored on the game servers instead of in the game data itself.
>Do i need a VPN to play?
The United States are unblocked but if you live in any other country that isn't the USA or Japan then a VPN is required.
>How long is the free trial?
You can play for free up to a point in Version 2.3, the end of the first expansion, then you have to purchase the All in One pack and a subscription after your first month with the full game.
A payment and subscription guide is on DQXAbbey.
>DQXAbbey Website with many resources and links to guides
>Set Up Guide
>Translation Tools

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How solo friendly is it?
for better or worse it's very solo friendly
there's a rental system that let's you hire other people's characters while they're offline, it's capped at +10 levels from your highest leveled job, but the cap is removed for friends or guild members
so if you join a guild you can just hire a party of max level characters to carry you through the whole story
Anlucia gets me feeling a type of way
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>MMO? Yes I better ask if I can play entirely alone.

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New Valorant thread since the last one just died.
Just returned to the game. Is Outlaw worth it?
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play Omen/Chamber/Yoru and TP past the trips
>new agent is non-binary AND a smoker

i don't know how the brothers at the mosque are going to feel about this one
They had the perfect chance to make a cute tomboy smoker that is easy to play and solo friendly and they blew it with tranny shit.
As soon as she gets nerfed her pickrate will plummet.
The only real reason people are still playing her right now is because she gets a mulligan every 3 rounds that puts you into a horrible position for the crime of being better at aiming than her.
"ok we killed clove now lets just rotate away lol"

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The First Person, Second Biggest Hero Shooter.

FACT: /palg/ hosts custom matches and pubs together every weekend! All new players are welcome!
FACT: You'll be playing against bots until account level 5.

Onslaught is the best mode in the game.

>Free Download

>Latest News

>Account Statistics

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Since they're nerfing all the healers again so playing support is even less fun, can they get rid of the passive anti-healing everyone has now so healing can be fun again? I'll take less output if they get rid of the passive anti-healing. Also is the new Furia skin gonna be hot? Do we know what it looks like yet?
Nevermind, just saw the video. Skin is whatever. Can healers stop sucking now though, please?
Oh, it works again

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