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>be me
>be kayle main in league
>be pretty good mechanically (my friends say I am)
>be shit at macro
>watch all the videos about macro
>still don't understand
>still win most of my lanes from outplaying them
>win after lvl 6
>get fucked by a fed ap carry
>remember league anons kayles base mr is 28
>build wits end and zhoyas
>still died even after having a total of 5 secs of untouchableitly
>next game
>fist counter matchup and win

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it’s literally macro, retard
you’re playing Kayle, which means even if you’re ahead you’re not exerting much pressure - you need your team to survive the early so you can win the late. If you can’t help your team (good macro) then it’s a coin toss whether you will win or lose
play a champion that can more easily exert pressure or stop playing top lane. jungle taught me good macro
Thats because you are talking about a company consiting of nothing but retards. Why do you figure more than 90% of all riot games employees are bronze and iron and why do you think every patch creates more bugs than it fixes. Nowhere in the enitre world of gaming is there a single company with such an incompetent staff as riot games. As the average IQ is 100 my guess would be its 85 or less for riot games as a whole. And I hardly doubt any of their "software engineers" would be able to work at mcdonalds for a single week, simply because we are talking about mentally challanged apes, end of story. And Phreak ofcourse is the biggest joke of them all. He is what you get when you put arrogance togehter with 50 IQ and the will to only destroy good things. Dota 2 was fine. League of legends is a rip off, destoryed by people who can barely hold a fork. Dont bother trying to improve, next seasons its gonna be all different anyway. Btw if you are gold you are at an unfathamable level from their perspective. I am not kidding, you leave every single one of those retards miles behind you
Play a hard solo pusher like nasus instead.
>Hardstuck gold
>pretty good mechanically

pick one please

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Bored of current minecraft, missed when you were playing in 2011? Try out b1.7.3!

>Aren't older Minecraft versions vulnerable to some exploits?
You're likely thinking of log4j which only affected versions above release 1.7 (https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416199399693-Security-Vulnerability-in-Minecraft-Java-Edition)
>This version isn't as refined as i remember!
Try out some of the suggested mods in the link below

>Server IP
>Client Setup Guide
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you have to "/register <password>" and make a password.
Then "/login <password>" with the same password
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>What is this place?
A small survival server that started a few years ago (early/mid 2019). Most of the players who play on this server are either from Ukraine, Russia and America. Due to it's players wildly different demographics, the minecraft server is extremely chaotic and edgy. Complete anarchy.
The Discord's moderation is also kept at the bare minimum!
It supports minecraft 1.5.2-1.18, so you have a little choice there (even though 1.5.2 is objectively the best :)

>IP: betachy.eu
>webpage: http://web.betachy.eu
>Dc: https://discord.com/invite/KqZ796f

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Am I too late?
Its taking me around 20 minutes to find a match late at night in NA.
Am I learning a dying game? Any advice for a new player?
I figured I'd try each hero at least once before deciding on a main
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If you're matching for 20 mins I guess you're queueing the newbie MM mode. Very few players is playing that so it'll take much longer to find a match. Try normal MM instead for faster queue and watch guides to learn the game. If you find norms too hard you can try to learn from bot matches to start.
I've lost 16 of the last 20 games, this is getting frustrating. Almost half the time it's because some retard calls "gg" in the first 8 minutes. Oh, your safe lane got bullied out of lane and only has a wraith band/boots at minute 12? Boo fucking hoo, maybe try protecting them as they farm. (Also, I just had a game were I as offlane fucking starved the enemy Faceless. He literally had a quelling blade, brown boots, and fucking null talisman by minute 13. We still fucking lost)

The worst part is when these fucking cowards don't do anything when they complain. Be a fucking man, stand by your words, and dive the enemy fountain. Don't be a hypocrite and tell the enemy team "end fast" if you're going to fight back. If you want to give up, don't just sit there farming the jungle "just in case". Dive the fountain. Sit in mid lane and destroy your items. Fucking do something!
No its not, but you need thick skin deal with this game
you will get stomped
you will get angry
you will become extremely racist
you will lose a lot
and most of all
you will waste a lot of time learning it, for no real gain.
There is nothing like dota tho.
Coming from league I've noticed that early leads aren't nearly as important and games cannot be called as early
play winter wyvern mid/hard support and rush witch blade --> recommended items. if you're hard support, just buy random shit, can't go too wrong in low level games, you'll figure it out eventually.
it's a very league of legends like hero and lets you troll allies like anivia, except even harder. if you're decently good at league, this hero really fits like a glove.
t. convert from league

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Designated /vm/ fightan thread.
Come talk, compete, vent and shitpost about your favorite fighting games here. Post your coolest webms, maybe convince some anons to play with you on fightcade, pull of some sick wall combos on Tekken, get slime rushed on Street Fighter, get infinited with incomplete characters in Them's Fightin' Herds, or do obscure things in obscure games only a total of 5 people have ever even heard about!

Previous thread: >>1010381
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do people not normally talk on fightcade? i always type 'hi' in chat at the start of matches and they almost always 'hi' back. not that i've been playing very long at all though
Fightcade has a built in chat so people usually talk there but most modern fighting games have little to no ways of communicating with your opponent.
I see what you mean, but surely they would have changed engines eventually, right?
even if it got C&D'd, it was nice to see Faust personally go help out the team for it, she was always close to the mlp fandom iirc and this was one of the best ways she showed it, but it's still such a shame we never got the game with the actual characters, not that the original ones are bad or inferior.
I hope that, somehow someway TFH gets out of its current situation, a game like that deserves more attention from the fighting game scene, and better than what it got
I don't particularly care for it. I know community's a big part of it for a lot of people, but when I play I really just wanna play. If I get some familiarity after playing for a while and across sessions, sure, but otherwise it just doesn't feel like the time or place for much beyond pleasantries.
I don't think TFH can really ever make a comeback, as at this point the best it'd get is some form of community install and caster similar to how MBAACC is set up, but I'd hope that M6 can move forward onto a new project, even if it means having to set up a new studio. Hell, Mike Z would probably give them the Lab Zero name out of spite or at least use the Z-Engine again, and a new cartoonish fighting game that isn't so tied to The Forbidden Show would probably do numbers.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, because Texas and Stronghoof were kinda ehhhhh, but the original 6 were paragons of their archetypes, and Shanty was pretty good, so maybe they'd still be able to pull off a great new entry.

Still the best game ever free to download on team simple dot cum

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Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:

>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.

>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics


>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2

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sick grope foto. we should do it again some time
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Yeah, I don't remember what it was exactly or if I still have the clip--probably do--but I remember Barker-sama saying something like "Wow! That was somethin' else, kid!". It's recognition like that that makes me like Barker and his ACES.
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Punching an execution hungry Ronig to death never gets old.

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Welcome to the thread for the one and only MMO that let us explore and play in J.R.R. Tolkien's world.

I've been replaying it for a few weeks on Landroval with a friend now. We got to Evendim the other day. I've also been grinding professions like a madman to keep up with our level since quest gear seems to be mostly trash compared to crafted one. We're playing on Fearless for landscape dificulty but even then as a party it really feels easy to crush anything except for zones that are explicitly made for fellowships like Garth Agarwen.
Any /vm/bros playing the game? What were your recent adventures? Or maybe some of you are abc wizards that like to play music in-game?
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Haha yeah 90% of the gear from level 1-60 looks retarded, especially if you aren't mix-matching them in the cosmetic outfit tab
My favorite thing about this game was all the small towns and settlements it adds to the map. Really makes Middle Earth feel alive, and the big locations stand out much more because of it.
I started playing today. Didn't get very far since I had other appointments to do. How does the game compare to DDO, their other game? How F2P friendly is this game? Since I keep hearing that the game has a dwindling player base how difficult is it to do group content and how easy is it to solo?
>How F2P friendly is this game?
My info is about a decade out of date but when you leave the F2P areas, the game isn't subtle about it. You're ONLY allowed to do main story stuff and the world suddenly looks a lot more lifeless. But the F2P area is huge so it's cool for a while.
Everything up to level 95(?) is f2p.

CloverMC is a cracked whitelisted Minecraft server compatible with any version of 1.8. Brought to you through courtesy of ICA.

Reply with your username to be considered for a whitelist and the IP.

It Features:
- Cracked account support
- Web-based login system that allows you to remain logged in for up to a few days at a time
- A map size of 32k x 32k blocks
- No jannies. Other than the owner ximself who takes a hands-off approach to allow muh sneedom of speech to shine (kind of like hausemaster from my favorite faucin tranarchy server 2builders2tools)

As for plugins, there's an anticheat, one for cracked skin support, another for chat greentext, and finally one that (re)spawns you to random coordinates across the map upon initially joining aswell as when dying whilst no respawn point is set. Not for the faint of will.

Rules are simple.
NOTE: This is not an anarchy server
- No janitors.

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anyone have a decent map of the place?
need desert
whitelist Lezs
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Tell me everything there is to know about Poopydicky123 AKA Aits AKA Coolidge AKA Rolce AKA Cornholio AKA Fleshwere AKA 123 Poopy Aids Balls.
Everything. Spare no detail.
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>>1281701 (whitelisted)
sorry for the wait. I qas busy fucking sir_nabbbit's milf mom

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I am pretty old school, I cannot stand for microtransactions or pay to win games. I never got to play EverQuest but have heard great things. I loved Final Fantasy XI and pre-combat Star Wars Galaxies. World Of Warcraft was fun back in the day but it has changed so much.
Guild Wars 1 was neat for what it was. I have tried brushing up on some up and comings that are featured on MMORPG.com but nothing really feels epic enough.
Is the genre dead or is there a future?
oldschool rumescape
I just saw the trailer. Looks pretty cool.
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the trailer is kind of weird but it does a good enough job of conveying the job. osrs is a pretty unique mmo that i love a lot and i think it's genuinely one of the last if not the last MMO out there that can actually be played for fun. it's designed pretty much for solo play so you wont exactly get the same social experience that you did from ffxi or swg but it's still an mmo proper with a big world and a lot to do in it. check it out
Thanks, I think I will do that.


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Say something about this silly cowboy game (source mod)
gud game
deserved better

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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the radium torches are also the best because they dont affect fps
probably all the stupid spikes yeah
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i want to get into this game again but the amount of lag every server has is just unbearable
i sure hope this server tech funcom keeps babbling on about lives up to the hype
i want to try mp but im afraid its just sweaty pvpers and filthy erpers
Depends on the server but in the years I’ve played neither have been an issue

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/v/irgins, I come to you in an hour of need.
I have been struck by a queston I cannot find the goddamn answer to, because trying to research the history of how things were sold in the past, rather than now, is hard.

What was the first MMO to do the "If you buy the most recent expansion, you get all the previous ones", and at what point in time did they do it?
Depends on what an "mmo" is to you. I think it started with season passes or definitive editions. Idk the answer for mmos but valve started with dota 2 for season passes and tf2 for loot crates. Total annihilation started live service/free dlc.
Neverwinter nights started the first major paid dlc, Redneck rampage started paid dlc overall.

Ultima Online was the first micro-transaction mmo.

Hopefully some of this helps you with a lead.
I specifically mean the trend where an MMO releases a big paid title expansion pack, but then makes previous expansions come free with the latest one OR making all but the latest expansion able to be accessed with just the base game.

Like with WoW you originally had to buy the base game + the burning crusade + wrath of the lich king at one point, but at some point they switched to "If you buy base WoW you get the base game, if you buy the latest expansion you get ALL expansion content"

the removal of "buy each expac separately", once the biannual expac had become normalised.

I'm having trouble specifically finding which MMO(s) first started that practise, sorry if it was worded poorly.
why did you post a picture of toontown
nigger come do a vp already.
I think that started in 2022 with wow, looking at online discussion around that.

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Any Roblox OGs here?
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It's good
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1080p monitors can come in hz above 144 you can even go to 240+ if youre obsessed enough. finding stuff in 165 or 180 is kind of common
went down this pipeline when Valorant released, got a new mouse, monitor, and moved for better internet.

Been loving the Dust 2 come back, real OGs can turn this map into a serious win streak

Then comes that zoomer faggot who cries in chat for us to pick Mirage because apparently he's a beast on it and never loses

We pick it just for lulz, we get raped by a team of spergs prefiring everyone and toggling the minute they get behind on the score board, there goes my 10 games win streak. A 2-stack duo in that team, one account with zero history and comments filled with people calling him a cheater literally knowing our position no matter what and getting kills through smokes, the other guy always waiting for us somehow with the negev and clapping us.

I avoid Mirage just because that map has all the bottom barrel scum of CS, from cheaters to actual retards larping as pros yet always end up with shit stats.

Bunch of fucking retards in this game

You guys were saying the exact same shit when CSGO changed the meta completely from CSS back in 2012. Eventually CSGO's meta became fun and people started really getting into it 2014 onwards. It took a good 3 years for CSGO to become a top tier game, before that you had a shit esports scene and people complaining constantly.

Even NIP did the longest win streak on the competitive scene in 2012-2013 with over 80 wins back to back, and teams were always abusing some kind of glitches and weapon issues to get an upper hand up until 2017 or so.

Give it time, they'll build up on it. It's way too big of a cash cow for them not to make the changes the community wants anyways.

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