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The official tf2 server of /vm/. Discuss.

IP: banttf2.ddns.net
Site: gyate.net/tf2
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I've been playing on this a bit recently and I'm surprised there's even a thread here. I thought it was just a server for 2hu autists. Honestly a really nice server, good settings
hombre and crew are actual pedophiles and justify actual pedophilia/crimes Daniel was a confirmed groomer and accepted his discord buddy grooming a kid. This server is weird, they don’t ban people who have admitted to be actual pedos like the golden pan groomer among others. Never was a big player here but this shit is wild. Guess the saying goes “lolicons/touhou fans are pedophiles”.
Hey my discord said Daniel got banned, it's a pinned message next to the Sam hyde 2fort basedjak meme
is kaze trans
yes, this is why based daniel and anthony got banned

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Risk of Rain
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I've advised you to try this repeatedly, let's hope you actually try it this time.
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>may 10th is maid day
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>maid chirr is already 4 years old
time flies
host when

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tell me i hear everything.

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Why are Steam jannies such massive cheato dust covered humorless reddit faggots? I swear, you can't even make a light-hearted, benign joke on that shithole of a site without getting banned for a few days.
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What the fuck are you seething about for retard?

You're so fucking fast to kneejerk with your "muh pol" that its clear YOU have the issue.
Pol is rent free in your mind.

pull the fucking plank from your own eye before you try to criticize the sliver in mine.
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>ESL squealing
there are rules for a reason
mama mia i discussaria!
>Genuine Meltdown
i seen better ones (you) SCUM

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>What is Sonic Robo Blast 2?
Sonic Robo Blast 2, abbreviated as SRB2, is a computer fangame based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a 3D platformer developed by a group called Sonic Team Junior, using a modified version of the Doom Legacy source port of Doom. It is closely inspired by the original 2D Sonic games for the Sega Genesis and attempts to recreate this style in 3D. Entirely original to SRB2 is its multiplayer mode, a variation on classic first-person shooter games with Sonic elements.

>2.2 Launch Trailer:

>Download The Latest Version:

>Download Older Versions (also includes it's prequel Sonic Robo Blast 1): https://www.srb2.org/download/historic-downloads/

>Places to get mods for the game:
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>misunderstand one word
>turn a temp position into a fullblown coup

what a fucking retard
>Why is there an Idolmasters track in Ring Racers?
For the same reason there's an Idolmasters character in the game.
>Is there just a tranny in Kart Krew that loves it that much?
(You) already know the answer to that question. The answer is yes btw.
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...bros i dont think auto ring is still saving this game for me...
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Mysdick, Slob and Pervy Poo a shit
All hail the NutsJr
If this for DRRR, wrong thread: >>1285103

Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

You can use this site to get stats from recordings:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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one sec

pass : shaw
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haxxers for this effrontery?

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/vm/ plays Hunt: Showdown NEW EVENT EDITION

New weapons new changes all for the better? Post lfg's, discuss new changes, ask for help, and shit on others by posting your superior loadouts.

Mosin schizo, stam shizo, dragonbreath schizo, gay admin schizo need not apply
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officer carbine is borderline broken yet i rarely see anyone use it
no range
just equip an uppercut or upperP
I feel the same about the Slate desu, it feels way too quick for being optimized without perks and being reasonably priced. I prefer it over Terminus + levering
Im also a slate man myself. I dont think the other shotguns are worth using compared to it. Though maybe its just the pure aggression in the slates pump action.

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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
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S13 Flame Rises

Side with Athena or Reapers to decide weather Flameheart is coming back or not

Reaper Ship thats piloted by devout skeleton that has fireball attack called the Ashen Roar

you get to seize the ship and bring it to reapers or athena for knowledge and gold

theres also the full flameheart set to be earned like briggsy set

drops(?) the burning blade of the souls
>Side with Athena or Reapers to decide weather Flameheart is coming back or not
How many fucking times have we "decided" this? Jesus christ move the fuck on.
seaofsisters, it's your fault xbox is embarrassing playstation by being sea of thieves the best seller on playstation despite stellar blade
That's not how it's described, you're getting trolled

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It's good
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Been loving the Dust 2 come back, real OGs can turn this map into a serious win streak

Then comes that zoomer faggot who cries in chat for us to pick Mirage because apparently he's a beast on it and never loses

We pick it just for lulz, we get raped by a team of spergs prefiring everyone and toggling the minute they get behind on the score board, there goes my 10 games win streak. A 2-stack duo in that team, one account with zero history and comments filled with people calling him a cheater literally knowing our position no matter what and getting kills through smokes, the other guy always waiting for us somehow with the negev and clapping us.

I avoid Mirage just because that map has all the bottom barrel scum of CS, from cheaters to actual retards larping as pros yet always end up with shit stats.

Bunch of fucking retards in this game

You guys were saying the exact same shit when CSGO changed the meta completely from CSS back in 2012. Eventually CSGO's meta became fun and people started really getting into it 2014 onwards. It took a good 3 years for CSGO to become a top tier game, before that you had a shit esports scene and people complaining constantly.

Even NIP did the longest win streak on the competitive scene in 2012-2013 with over 80 wins back to back, and teams were always abusing some kind of glitches and weapon issues to get an upper hand up until 2017 or so.

Give it time, they'll build up on it. It's way too big of a cash cow for them not to make the changes the community wants anyways.
>New Inferno is objectively inferior in just about every way to old new Inferno
>New Cache sucks compared to old Cache, neither of which are even in the game right now. No idea how New New Cache will turn out
>Cobblestone MIA, realistic chance it doesn't come back for years, if at all.
>Train nowhere to be seen
This game peaked with Operation Wildfire and it's been steadily downhill ever since.
This game fucking sucks. I have hundreds of hours in GO and CS2 and I’m still below average. I can’t even line up my shot or react in time before getting wipedout from half way across the map or get insta-killed when I try to peak. I swear spraying and tapping are basically random. Also stupid quirks like the ticks being out of sync with the guns apparently or why the bullets fire from head height (???), or why the spray pattern deviation deviates from the centre instead of the actual spray pattern. There’s nowhere to practice recoil in the game without being killed by bots/players (maybe there’s some obscure workshop map but ffs).

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Welcome to the thread for the one and only MMO that let us explore and play in J.R.R. Tolkien's world.

I've been replaying it for a few weeks on Landroval with a friend now. We got to Evendim the other day. I've also been grinding professions like a madman to keep up with our level since quest gear seems to be mostly trash compared to crafted one. We're playing on Fearless for landscape dificulty but even then as a party it really feels easy to crush anything except for zones that are explicitly made for fellowships like Garth Agarwen.
Any /vm/bros playing the game? What were your recent adventures? Or maybe some of you are abc wizards that like to play music in-game?
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>How F2P friendly is this game?
My info is about a decade out of date but when you leave the F2P areas, the game isn't subtle about it. You're ONLY allowed to do main story stuff and the world suddenly looks a lot more lifeless. But the F2P area is huge so it's cool for a while.
Everything up to level 95(?) is f2p.
i hear this is the best lord of the rings game so im thinking ill download it today. i had no idea the game was still online
It's still actively being updated regularly, the last expansion released a few months ago with a new class even.
i hear it is very p2w though

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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probably all the stupid spikes yeah
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i want to get into this game again but the amount of lag every server has is just unbearable
i sure hope this server tech funcom keeps babbling on about lives up to the hype
i want to try mp but im afraid its just sweaty pvpers and filthy erpers
Depends on the server but in the years I’ve played neither have been an issue
Szeth counts as a demonic animal

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How do people alt in Foxhole?
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dead game
dead general
The game perpetually surfs around the 2-3k player level because that's the maximum player count before queues start getting unbearable
Below 2k players the game gets dangerously close to being fun what with having access to comp fields and no queues on frontlines, so people start playing more until the pop issues naturally correct themselves
It's why I'm coping that the air update adds more servers for the air hexes so the population can increase a bit more but I know it will be a dead-on-arrival clannie only toybox like naval was.
>Decide to play back in january.
>Its great but nothing really happens.
>Get kinda bored but keep playing until February.
>Hear about this thing from Blizz.
>Get sucked into WoW's new thing, Season of Discovery.
Every. Single. Time. I feel bad.
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Imagine playing nu-wow while bitching this game is boring.
hello? chip on your shoulder central? what? I've arrived? great! This minecraft server has a bunch of zoophiles, they joke about fucking dogs and what not. They even have a private discord chat where they just post photos and vids of it. Just bring this server down if you can. They even behead dogs bruh. They are fuckin wild.
Not your army.
How does this affect you, personally?

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guys hi. please join this server the server ip is constantiam.net
the server version is 1.19.4 and you would need a copy of the game to play on it
i need friends since everyone on the server tries to harass me everytime i join because i destroyed some other dude's items.... please join thanks :)) my name in game is JimmyApe
I'll play on your server for $5 a week.
i should probably check in on my base to make sure it hasnt been griefed
Who needs friends when you can have minecraft cats :3
Hi guys I am new player can I join?

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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Base game died after devs were unable to update anything in the game due to korean devs holding the rights to the code.

Then base game moved to kakao games with even more pay to win shit added to it.

Archeage Unchained came which claimed no pay to win and split the remaining community into total irrelevance and the game has been having shit numbers ever since. Even on Unchained you have days with approx 10-20 people on the server.
In my experience PvP in MMOs is always 100% gear dependent rather than skill, as an adult with a girlfriend, full time job, and an actual life everytime I've tried to PvP in an MMO I just get wrecked, not even because of skill but because I can't possible catch up to the grind

Can't even git gud in PvP MMOs. If I want to PvP i might as well play something like Team Fortress or Overwatch where it's somewhat of an even playing field
Just buy a geared toon lmfao?
Does it have full loot PvP? If not then it's a PvE MMO. Simple as.

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