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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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how do people afford going out in such expensive gear?
like they are doing the same content than I but in gear that is worth x300 more
they only get return if they kill another player like them right?
They card swipe, have "old money" (Islands before price hike, multiple premiums growing shit on farms before premium hike, skin investments.), or they're rmt'ing.
Get your gathering skills to T6. That's when you start to realize that making silver isn't that difficult.
doing bz mist camps is just asking for death, i stick to solo objectives in the mist and i still die sometimes, once because this cunt lowered his mount health then ran around looking for me and went into a mob attack which finished off his mount on top of me
>solo objectives
by this i meant objectives that aren't shown on everyone's map

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Do we still have people playing?
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I tested what you said and it's fun af I concede. Do you spec heavily into E ?
NTA but I like to use E build. Its really fun and into certain team comps it's absolutely bonkers healing and damage. Basically just take righteous flame at 1 and then lashing out at 13. The rest is kinda up in the air but I'm partial to the AA talent at 4 and 7. The real issue with this is that if you miss and E its all over for you so it can be unreliable.
Imagine getting MVP just by right-clicking things
Move kharazim to support
>Man, I didn't realize I had spent as much time with abathur as I did compared to so many other characters, and I think I suck shit with him.
Said every Abathur in NA

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cultural fighting game

>Frame data

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>dodge varangian light attack
>I am now punished, she could throw another light counter acting a guard break if she does the unblockable, she can throw another light and it will beat my dodge attack and guard break
Kill assists don't count, you have to deal the killing blow. It's stupid.
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>Dodging a parryable non feintable dodge attack.
Skill issue, unironically.
The first line is you dodging her light attack. Not her using a dodge attack. I'm annoyed that because varangian has crushing counters on both her light opener and finisher. Plus full guard recovery cancels she can just press buttons and dodging her is useless unless you've got a Dodge bash or make two reads in a row.
totally gonna be like the cutscene for the new samurai hero

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Penumbralcraft is a modded full PvP server for those who loved the raw competitiveness of Rust but crave the creative freedom of Minecraft.

The modpack can be found on curseforge (same name as server).
it started off as a kitchensink pack but has slowly turned into a gregtech styled approach to magic+tech

Some themes you'll see:
>Eldritch Exploration: Twisted landscapes, explore outer space, and break into nightmare dimensions.
>Engineering: a tech tree spaning stone age to type III civilization but based off materials and recipes so its possible jump-skip tech gaps .
>Magic: balanced against tech, heavily dependent on rituals and sacrifices.
Cryptids: Exotic mobs and animals ranging from Lovecraft/stephen king to your run-of the-mill furry convention (kos) you can train or recruit.

- no duping
- no xray
- no spam

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the theme is minecraft faggot
go fuck yourself
servers kickin, world limit just got expanded to 12k blocks.

we're getting a new mod for player claims so it can be pvp-friendly. being made specifically for the server.
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low pop looking to grow. here are the regulars

> onionmc.net

> no usernames
> total anonymity
> IRC-style chat
> total freedom
> no logs, hosted in moldova

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anyone else playing the update

i haven't played in years and trading coins for recipes is a lot better than the fucking paper rng grind was
but I must be missing something because the tiering is kinda fucked
I have to beat a 53 guy at 47 to get thick leather recipe
unless i'm missing somewhere I can farm it

also why the fuck do crafting stations not take things from chests
like 90% of the time spent in base is sorting items and moving items from place to place

i also wish the skill gems were more impactful, like getting a skill jewel should make me want to use a skill I normally don't use because it makes it that much better
I wish they had kept updating Battlerite, intead of making this.
I'm playing. Enjoying it a ton. Taking my time. Brutal mode, no wipe, no raid is great for me. Even better would be merciless, but people dont have the balls for it consistently.

Halo has fallen , Microsoft killed it , 343 killed it , their greed , they where blind , no one will ever buy a halo game again thanks for their bad decision making destroyed the franchise , they gotta pay for their sins , they took from us one of the greatest games ever now gave us shitty Micro transactions

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>only a 40 in doubles
That was the easiest 50 in the game.
MMC Halo 3 is just annoying sometimes. I dont know if people are just better now but BR starts are utter cancer. The only playable mode is Auto Slayer.

Even then it just feels like...halos sandbox is vastly overrated a majority of the guns are kinda ass outside of power picks.
Non-power weapons post Halo CE have been basically useless all the way up until Reach with some minor exceptions (notice how the Bruteshot and Grenade Launcher both aren't necessarily power weapons but are really solid if you can get good with them?), and even CE had a useless needler. But man, quick camo with plasma rifle + it could headshot + rotation and movement stun, that weapon was a monster. AR shredded people up close, Fuel Rod was never on original Xbox but it's probably the best iteration of the Fuel Rod Gun.
I’m with you. Halo went from great (1&2) to terribad.
I've never played another game where the ranked/competitive mode wasn't just the regular game but with MMR. Is this not normal in COD? I can't even find a ranked match in halo infinite there's not enough players, who is it that wants this?

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>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.

>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.

Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.

>How do I play?

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Pretty much. Firepower is the weakest stat in the game btw, because while 8/10 shielding 'converts' to 0.92 shield effectiveness (resulting in an 8% reduction to incoming damage), 8/10 Firepower only results in a weapon effectiveness of 1.048, which is only a 4.8% increase in outgoing damage. Combine that with the fact that every other ship except for the NX2K has a shield effectiveness stat of at least 0.97 for a 3% reduction to incoming damage and it turns out that against the whole of the standard ship roster Diavolt only has an effective ONE POINT SIX FIVE SIX PERCENT increase in damage output. Comparatively, Diavolt does 15.544% more damage than the weakest firepower ships (P-Delta and Orbitronix), but this doesn't translate into much of a difference in damage taken, surprisingly. Like I said in a previous post, although amended in light of the fact that the older information was derived on double damage, actual damage received will only vary by 3-5 points of energy between worst case situations and best case situations. There's not exactly a lot of room for skillful maneuvering within a margin of 10 energy, much less half of that.
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Thank god for barracuda
Cannons are ok because they slow people down by a lot and seem to be less affected by lag than other weapons.
Don't forget firepower makes cannons shoot slower and has no effect on tremors.
>seem to be less affected by lag than other weapons.
They're the second most reliable way of killing somebody in last place besides mines and next to impossible to use in the midpack because of how precise you need to be + the lag offset. You can at least prefire people with rockets/plasma/unguided missiles because they come out instantly or in the case of plasma have a charge up buffer that you can reliably account for.

In theory, if you are playing with high latency, the best way to use cannons would be as an extremely brief impromptu minefield if you just fly straight and keep firing along the most common racing lines (imagine trying to prefire where you'd expect somebody flying perfectly to be).

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The official tf2 server of /vm/. Discuss.

IP: banttf2.ddns.net
Site: gyate.net/tf2
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Checked it out, but there appears to be a password.
I'd ask for the password, but I'm guessing it's a "if you know, you know" type of thing.
It's baldguya
I've been playing on this a bit recently and I'm surprised there's even a thread here. I thought it was just a server for 2hu autists. Honestly a really nice server, good settings
hombre and crew are actual pedophiles and justify actual pedophilia/crimes Daniel was a confirmed groomer and accepted his discord buddy grooming a kid. This server is weird, they don’t ban people who have admitted to be actual pedos like the golden pan groomer among others. Never was a big player here but this shit is wild. Guess the saying goes “lolicons/touhou fans are pedophiles”.

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Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:

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It wouldn't be dark and darker if you weren't sitting around, unable to play the game because you are waiting on a patch.
I love Shadow touch so much. It works so well in naked runs.
Back to 0 build variety gameplay
now with even less build variety with smite and BOC nerfed
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>it is definitely here to stay
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>Breaking news:
CONTAINMENT in-game event is live and running until April 16th
YEAR 9 roadmap has been revealed. 2 new operators, 2 operators completely reworked.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

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the prices and the entire market does seem broken for the past few days. i wish you could check how many purchase orders for buying items.
Ram deserves to be at the top of this list
Ram >>>> Dokk
>I can fix them
I’ve been getting hit with the crash exploit almost every other game. Is there any way to avoid iit?

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So, is Guild Wars 2 worth playing? The only MMO I've ever put significant time into is SWTOR and I've always been interested in trying it out. Any other MMOs worth trying out, like say Elder Scrolls Online?
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It's great if you ignore anything related to the story. Lore bits are nice but only because it's taken from gw1, the sense of scale is epic, combat you may love or hate, keep in mind the base game doesn't reflect at all how the game plays at the expacs, not a real f2p game.

Interact with people as little as possible. Also HoT maps are still the GOAT.
which mmo do you actually like anon?
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The story can only be somewhat enjoyable if the player doesn't take it seriously. Which is kinda fucked because it often tries to take itself seriously which just ends up being ridiculous. Still, besides the weak plotpoints, buggy af story progress (I can't even count how many times we had to restart complete chapters when I was replaying the whole thing with a fella), I still could find *a few* enjoyable people from the cast, but the rest was just straight up annoying.

On top of that, the newest expansion's story is even shittier than before, destroying the somewhat promisable dark, raw, meaty and cruel atmosphere with "i know we kill your whole society but our king is so grumpy (。•́︿•̀。) plspls help" plot.

Also fuck those who decided to kill Tybalt in episode 6.
I enjoyed the original story up to heart of thorns, you are right, newest expac does suck massive balls
Reminder that Taimi has been dying for 12 years and Braham is also still alive.

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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Just straight gold at the moment. I'm pretty broke and I just want some fast gold.
mods sell for nothing, only way you might make more without trading is to salvage mats from highly salvageable valuable items, but even that's probably a wash
you need money?
Farming raptors? Sell the item to a merchant, keep great conches worth >300g. If you get any "measure for measure" inscription, salvage those and put them on the conches, then salvage the conch. Sell the dust you get (should be ~70-150) to the material trader.
Yeah, just came back and realized I just had like sub 10 plat to my name.
Ya, just tried to find the easiest thing I could do.
you on rn?

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Poppo string bikini summer alt
Mixed Poppo nude summer alt
Mother Poppo topless thong summer alt
>pins soon
>that means update soon
I hope it has more lore written by Junpyon, he goes into details we never even considered being a factor like Peat's brother.
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>Just look at porn
You people just can't help highlighting yourselves.
>>1277831 Need more context for this. What are you talking about
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>watching porn means you're a tranny
Man... You people really need to stop lurking /pol/

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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Do along moralfag.
I think it's possible if you make it into pixelshit with minute-long cooldowns even for basic actions.
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the only good mmo
not an mmo
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I immediately lose all respect for a person when I find out they play MMOs. Imagine willingly subjecting yourself to these sorts of timesinks, and sometimes even paying for the priviledge. Imagine your time having so little value. I tried one once, and quit in disgust.
>ask about MMO
>it has really good (single player) content!
What the fuck. Where are the mmos you can play with friends?

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