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I’m getting worried guys, we’re a week out and we still need 1,200 backers. Finally getting the Sail Barge is a dream come true for us oldies, but it looks as though it might not happen. Even with the inclusion of Yak Face we just aren’t getting the numbers like we need. Did you guys back the barge? Do you think we can reach 5,000 backers in time?

#BackTheBarge #IBackedTheBarge
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Btw, Danoby never confessed that he made it up for clicks. What he told Michael was that they should have a fake feud like wrestlers. Michael's autistic or has ADHD or something and can't imagine a scenario where he's wrong. So he doxxed Danoby and threatened his wife and kids.
>the same number of subscribers but less than half the number of uploads
>didn't have to resort to clickbait Lego videos
Danoby2 won.
Mouecucks always lose
Holy shit this is not normal behavior
You know, Michael blamed Scott for his not backing the Barge? He told everyone not to fund the Barge, because Scott's Ghostbusters Ecto-1 failed, so naturally he blames Scott as the architect of his misfortune.

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Are ventriloquist dummies and other antiques /toy/ related?
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Hell ya. Including Muppets. And Danny O'Day has been around a long time and used to be the mascot of Nesquik. I love Danny.

>that crazy dummy in the picture
The little guy in bottom right is worth a lot of money. Saw him on Storage Wars.
I only collect the composition ones or professional figures. But I still have a Danny somewhere in my house
That's more of an /x/ territory

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>find a toy i really wanted on shelves
>get to the cashier
>"sorry sir, we cant sell this to you because its street dated"
>go to store the day said street date is lifted
>some bastard already took the figure i wanted
Fuck street dates
this happened to me with the sonic movie figures at target, I waited for the morning open to ask for the figures because they weren't out and they had no clue what I was asking for, they came out with a case, minus the Robotnik, like it's becoming very easy to walk away from collecting when this shit happens every series with flippers, retailers, and distribution bullshit

it's kind of like the toys aren't really in the store to be bought or enjoyed, you just show up, feel defeated like a cuck when only half the figures are ever there, and the retailer gets your foot traffic, the scalper gets 3x what he paid, and you just wasted your time and energy
Ask them to put it on layaway for you, most stores will
Holy shit, layaway hasn't been a thing for over a decade.

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Is there any figures from this series that isn't shit or overly expensive?
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I wish they had made some Army men-style toys out of this. Like you could make a bunch of different poses for Snake himself (i.e. Aiming the SOCOM, aiming the Stinger launcher, crawling, running, throwing punches/kicks) and the rest would be Genome Soldiers or something like that.
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Except those are models, not solid, single piece figures.
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Just paint it green then.
would kill for an mgs1 variant. hate that all the merch is just V and occasionally 3 now.

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For people who buy figures, fiddle with them a bit and then A pose them and never really touch them again, what's the logic or the emotion there that leads to this? Is there a way I can understand the reason behind it?
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My collection tends to have static poses because it's convenient and doesn't take up much space. I don't have a dust-proof display case, so I tell myself "why bother with elaborate poses?" especially when I have cats. However, I still collect them because I have an attachment to the character and/or find them cool-looking. I like to think that one day when I have enough space, time, and resources, I can make a cool display area. Right now though, I'm just building up that collection if that makes sense.

>What I don't get is people who put them into storage
I used to have my entire Dragon Ball collection displayed on my bookshelf. After being frustrated with the dust build-up and figures toppling over because of my cats, I opted to put my P-Bandai and the "not as readily available" figures into storage.

>Also can't stand people who buy 1000 of the same character
Thoughts on those, including myself, wanting to build a Spider-verse collection (meaning multiple figures of the same Spider-Man design)? I feel like this whole multiverse phenomenon in recent years in pop culture has given people more reason to collect the same character.
I don't think there's necessarily always judgement behind these questions. Think of it as genuine curiosity and wanting to understand vs "why u like what i do not? ur stuff is bad".

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>Is there a way I can understand the reason behind it?
Have you tried not being autistic as fuck?
personally I buy them so i can take pictures of them fighting each other. But right now they arent really on any shelves or anything cuz usually when i do put them on shelves i end up ruining the display cuz im always taking them out to take pictures. And its exhausting to keep setting them up over and over again when really all i wanna do is take cool pictures of them fighting each other. Its more of a photography hobby for me. When i get a better place to store them i’ll set them up in a cool display. Theyre all in a tub right now so i can access them more easily whenever i have inspiration for a shot. But i dont really display them much.

I’m also gonna take a break from collecting cuz i NEED to save money for a car and move out of my parents house. Action figures have kinda taken too much priority over that lately so the MAFEX Cyclops i ordered for like 118$ a few days ago is gonna be my last figure for awhile until i have more room in my life for this sort of thing
For me, the A pose is like the figure's "docked/charging" position, then I go crazy when I pick up the figure to pose them around and take photos with. Sometimes they go back to their A pose, other times I stick with a dynamic one. That said, I know people who just like seeing 3D representations of their favorite thing so they just display them lined up like that.

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I wanted to start a thread to talk about historical figures or similarly themed figurines.

Freeing has published the table museum collection as well these neat iron maiden figurines, and i want more of this.

Figures based on famous historical objects are something i wish more companies would do
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I liked how he was different from the knight on foot with slightly altered armor, big pointy sollerets, and long horse riding spurs. The horse itself was also pretty cool. Wish they'd redo them at a slightly altered scale or make different European armors at least.
These look cool. Is there a historical basis for the ark of the covenant looking like that or has Indiana Jones just cemented that look for it.
Mummy thicc.
I mean, there’s chapter(s) in exodus that goes over every finite detail of the arc and the tent it was housed in
I need to get caught up on the Table Museum figures. They're fun, but I fell off of collecting them a while back. I did get the DX Tut, though.

I picked up two of these guys so I could have them joust on my desk, and I never even got around to unboxing them. I should get them out of the closet.

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>get into hot wheels recently
>everytime i try looking thru racks for a treasure hunt these neckbeards and greasy faggots are hogging the aisle and preventing me from looking through it instead and pick the racks clean of all the good cars, probably just to scalp them too
I fucking hate this hobby
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At my Walmart, on top of the tourist zoomers and occasional poor person that saw TikToks about what hotwheels are “worth money”, it’s the same middle aged dude that comes every night when the pallets are put out without fail. Everything cool and “eBay worthy” never makes it to shelves. I couldn’t even find anything cool while I was working there because it was all scooped up before my shift ended.
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How does IRL mr queasy have so much molten barf liquid inside of him to vomit for a whole minute straight?
the fat smelly neckbeards are probably actual hot wheels enjoyers, scalpers usually look kinda clean cut and showered and usually wear bluetooth headsets
Looks like a sportsball game, probably gulped down 1+ gallon of bud light. It's mostly liquid if you look at it
Oh god I have tears rolling down my face from laughing.
And how is no-one else around him wretching?

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>"Its in a bigger scale therefore its better!"
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>I totally get not mixing scales, though, that shit is disgusting,
Depends really on what exactly is being mixed. 6 and 7 inch stuff can feasibly work if you blur the lines a bit in my experience but sometimes there'll have to be some concessions made simply due to what does and doesn't exist. Imports and Domestics especially.
It was a joke
I would love a 1/1 scale Gundam
>Being a scaly
>1/18 betar cuz it smol!
>*Nobody makes cool vehicles or playsets to accompany the figures thereby making it pointless*

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Nov will be anime girl hell for you wallet.
Agent Venom (Marvel)
Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
Danboard Mini (Reissue)
Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)

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I only buy toys that look like fun. Bonus if it's a character I like. But I'm not interested in characters I like that don't make for good toys. Like Darth Vader for example.
Interesting. Some probably think this is dumb but I understand it. I sometimes also am interested in buying figures that just feature something I haven't interacted with.

Also what do you mean by Vader not making a good figure? The overall design doesn't get too much in the way of articulation, so it should certainly be able to make a fun toy.

Agent Venom. Flash Thompson (the old high school bully) joined the army and ended up losing his legs. He got the Venom symbiote and that design is the result.
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remember to search using japanese terms to get actually good posing (on average)
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If Toy Story was real, how would 1/6 Zelensky fit into your toy community?
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Putin is like 5'5
From what I’m seeing he’s basically the same height as Zelensky
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He was already in Toy Story though?
Itd be wildly out of scale with my other toys, except for a few transformers.
I'd use him to beg my parents for more toys.

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Hi again guys, sorry I was gone for a while.

Post some toys!! anything is fine and any suggestions for a topic welcome too.

As Always balance poses are encouraged.
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I'm going to immediately buy that.
I immediately bought that. I hope it's cute in hand.
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Do you even stack?
>Super Monkey Ball figure, too
How much are these?
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Why has hasbro not tried to revive her yet? Nor anybody else for that matter, Furry Barbie would likely do a lot better today than back then.

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Why is side eye a thing with so many action figures?
by so many you mean the ones mcfarlane makes? I really don't see this ever happening with other lines
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>this thread

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When a single character is made by multiple lines, which company do you choose to buy from?
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You fool! It's the big apple he protects!
cry more bitch boy
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I got to say the SHF look the best out of all of them. I expected the Kaiyodo to pose the best. If you want the best of both worlds, I'd go with Mafex. I own the SHF and the ML version, btw.
SHF certainly does look the best from certain angles. Still the paint job and wacky hips are enough to where the mafex is starting to grow on me. I'm thinking the mafex will take the cake here, but I also already have the SHF and ML so idk if I want a third tobey spidey. Might have to sell the others.

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Recently got my kid into speed racer. I forgot how good this show was. Looking online, I’m really surprised there is no good Speed and Mach 5 combo. It would be an instant buy if someone like Figma came out with a 1/12 combo. I bought a 1/18 scale die cast Mach 5 and hope to eventually commission a 1/18 scale Speed. Thanks for reading my blog. What other toys are you surprised don’t exist?
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Those both look really good. The one I bought got to the house and I’m pretty happy with it. Got it for under a hundred. I’ll post pictures in a bit.
This is cool. It’s almost a mix of the Mach 5 and 6.
Thanks. This is a good recommendation. I remember Thunderbirds re-runs from when I was young, but I never got into it. Now with my kid is a perfect time to.
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About time Speed killed these two annoying little shits. No more hiding in the trunk for you.
This time the one to hide them in the trunk will be Speed.
As pieces, before burying them in the middle of nowhere.

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