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I never want to hear a single person on this board ever say film has the same dynamic range as digital ever again.

Look what happened to my photo...
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film has the same dynamic range as digital
Make it easy for OP, he's just beginning to open up to reality.
stop it
you're using shitty lab scans, come back when you're dealing with drum scans or raw linear tiffs from a high end device without some idiot operator baking in presets to produce a JPEG

also if you're not MULTI SAMPLING a scan for a negative
you are doing it wrong and cannot speak about the true dynamic range of film
this means, if you're camera scanning, you should be exposure bracketing and doing a hdr merge to eliminate noise and produce a linear 16-bit or 32-bit floating point file to then invert/edit. Any single digital capture of a negative or slide is limited by the digital sensor used to capture it, and means no such scans can be used to actually judge the performance of film.
Grain is grain.
Noise is noise.
Combine noise and grain, and you get even worse results.
>underexpose the scene by like 2-3 stops or more
>expose the highlights as the midrange
yeah cause if you don't overexpose fomashit by 6 stops you might not even get an image

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Cheap digicam photography?

Only started taking pics very recently on my parents' old Sony cam and I feel like I mog 90% of the posters here

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelDSC-S2000
Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.3
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Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created2015:03:15 20:03:46
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Focal Length6.20 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width3648
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Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
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Sometimes I wonder if cheap digicam photography is at all related to the gear and more related to just shooting small jpegs and never editing
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Hey! That's appreciably bigger than on most digicams.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 960 IS
Camera Softwaredarktable 4.6.1
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.9
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)36 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Image Created2024:04:27 09:49:01
Exposure Time2947/1000000 sec
Exposure ProgramNormal Program
ISO Speed Rating74
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Exposure Bias0 EV
Subject Distance4.04 m
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length7.70 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1763
Image Height1321
What is big jpeg

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have you ever caught something unexplainable on a photo?
Define unexplainable

I cannot even explain how my color film works
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I don't remember riding with the naked dude
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Yea this unexplainably bad photo
Posts like this are why fe2fucker is awesome, kek. Made my morning.

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What happened to all the hype?

A few years ago every photographer was talking about this brand, now it’s gone silent.

What camera brand should I be getting hyped about now?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
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Not sure how good it is for video since I don't do much of that but I loved the zeiss 55 on my a6400 for photos. I actually really miss it, been tempted to get another one even though I can't really justify it since I replaced it with a sigma 56.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-6400
Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Macintosh
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)82 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Exposure Time1/320 sec
Exposure ProgramShutter Priority
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/5.6
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Metering ModePattern
Light SourceDaylight
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length55.00 mm
Image Width1600
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Exposure ModeAuto
White BalanceManual
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Another vote for the Zeiss 55mm. It's a little expensive for a #50mm f/1.8 but the performance is far above many of the cheaper alternatives, it's up there with the f/1.4s and in return you get a more compact and lighter lens. I also don't shoot video but others say it's good for that, it focuses quickly and silently in AF and in MF there's no lag.
their recent releases are just overpriced models of what already came out, barely any changes, that's all
What's wrong with their TVs?
>I wanted to do macro from the start because I am autistic
Post macro autism shots.

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what are some good jackets for storing all of you camera lenses in that makes it easier to change it from one to another when on the go while photographing?
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this, bang on this.
And this is why men complain about women going after chads and such. Have some sense of style. Have some dignity in dressing well.
When I go for a hike, and I go out with my 600mm lens and camera, I don't go out looking to impress anyone. I go out to protect my gear, protect my skin from elements, and no care what other people think because I do what's going to be comfortable for me.

I'm telling you this as someone who works in a trade that also requires such level of comfort and above normal than average safety or else I suffer or die if I simply put surface level looks or appeal over practicality.
lmao it's just a hobby mate. I'm just going for a walk in the woods.
I have a conceal and carry denim jacket that i carry my cameras in

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>shoot weddings
>be a photographer ""influencer"" & sell presets
are these the only two ways to make money with photography anymore?
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not in my experience, the baby photographer dresses and handles the baby besides the diaper stuff. You also gotta be willing to put up with young kids which is a rarity especially amongst this board and its endless wall of social inepts.
Thinking some ugly demon that smells like spoiled milk and ketchup is tolerable doesn't mean you have good social skills, it just means you're probably a woman or just have no taste. Dealing with other peoples children has prevented many people from starting their own families and realizing it's only other peoples kids that suck.
if you want to slave away for 12 hours a day and then some more on your PC when you get some, all for $900 - $1300 a month, then sure, go ahead, be a photojournalist
Being a wedding photog sounds kind of based since it pays so much but idk the anxiety of potentially missing a shot fucks me up. I guess that's why they get paid though.
If Spider-Man can do it, so can you!

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Took this photo of a cute lovely bird

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX120 IS
Maximum Lens Aperturef/6.3
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Lens Size6.00 - 60.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.00
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Image Created1980:01:01 00:04:05
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Subject Distance13.630 m
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Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed192
Image Number130-1950
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bump thread of photos
super cute
so many
Very cute bird, OP, thanks.

The first known photograph of a little girl

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
PhotographerTodd-White Art Photography
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
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when you see it...
>>424103 pdf file alert
See what?
british roses are even ugly at young age
Now post the last known photograph of a little girl

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I was watching an old hd tv program from the 90s and it just looks gorgeous. What's the secret? Can we even replicate it now?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1920
Image Height1080
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it has unusual depth of field and subject separation. it's probably a large sensor. the colors look kind of funky because it has weird vibrance, saturation, and looks like there is a low bit depth.

as someone else said, it does kind of look like a CCD sensor. Idk anything about tube sensors.

it's a strange effect. the grass and sky seem to have a good dynamic range, but the building and bushes seem like they have a low color depth.
i'ts definitely a big ass sensor with a non-zoom lens.
try a diffusion filter if you want to shoot digital
why nonzoom
could be MUSE, its means of encoding creates that motion and background blur

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How do I take a pic of someone with a bright sky and some landmark behind them?
Either the person gets dark or the sky overblown.
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>mft users have girlfriends and practice proper camera technique to extract max quality per image taken
Can't argue with either of those points, darn
>mft users have girlfriends
had, she left for chad when he took a better pic on his fuji with DRO400 turned on and sent it to his instax printer
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have again, she came back for the thermal printer
If my phone can do it so easily why is it a pain on my camera?
On your camera the blur from motion/alignment errors looks obviously bad because it is mixed with real details so you go "wow, HDR sucks" because it is higher resolution
On your phone the entire photo is already smeary sharpened blotches so it's just a little ghosting sometimes, nothing stands out if everything is shit

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Pic related is latest photo I made.

I got a question, if I was working with stressful people in their 20s to 30s, how can I make sure I get a satisfying film or photo shoot instead of one that gets overly dramatic for no reason?
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nothing in life is certain my friend, but if it is one thing that makes people happy and calms them down it is money.
Not really anon. Give me something hard, practical, and logical.
As a hobbyist, I'm not qualified, but my guess is planning all details beforehand, making sure that everyone knows exactly what to do in advance and whatever is needed for shoot is available and ready at start would help things go smooth.
Fap before shooting, easy
Well that would depend entirely on what you decide will satisfy you. When you figure that out, do that.

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does anyone know the Olympus OM-1 mark I also has a silver version of it?

and does anyone know where I can find a good second hand one from in the UK?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelE-M1MarkII
Camera SoftwareOM Workspace 2.0.2W
PhotographerIVOR RACKHAM
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Color Filter Array Pattern17660
Image-Specific Properties:
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Image Created2022:06:15 16:04:52
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Focal Length12.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1920
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
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>non-spiteful build quality.
When are they gonna bring back the metal E-M5?
I know right, the mark 2 will always be my fave. So weighty and the last one to keep that metal tripod mount. Worth giving up 4 megapickles for i reckon
yo yo yo
stop bumping your shitty gear threads that should've gone in sqt. there's nothing to discuss further

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Industrial town

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment Makesamsung
Camera ModelGalaxy S23 Ultra
Camera SoftwareS918USQS2CXCN
Sensing MethodNot Defined
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)69 mm
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.4
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width1868
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Image Created2024:04:24 22:25:49
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Exposure Bias0 EV
White BalanceAuto
Brightness10.5 EV
Exposure ModeAuto
Lens Aperturef/2.4
Color Space InformationUncalibrated
Nice. Please proceed.

(For those who use Facebook)
Can you support this image, please
We strive for this and we are willing to do it
It would be of great help if you supported by liking and sharing this photo
We are willing to win a contest, it will end on Monday
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(Para los que usan Facebook)
Puedes apoyar esta imagen, por favor
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nice. do i get to pick one or is it random?
Well, it's a competition.
But perhaps that is where we stand out the most.

>I don't have a job
>I shoot 100 rolls a month
>When the stimulus check hit I've been spending a lot
>1200-1300 undeveloped rolls in the fridge
>500 rolls that are developed but not scanned (not seen by me)
Why are filmfags like this?


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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution1828 dpi
Vertical Resolution1828 dpi
Color Space InformationsRGB
Image Width1280
Image Height849
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Share with me what the ideal non/anti-gearfag setup would be? Can I still shoot large format film without being a gearfag, or is 35mm the only permissible film format?
gearfaggotry isn't something you can buy and sell, gearfaggotry isn't a line drawn in dollars, and gearfaggotry isn't a status you earn because you have a nicer camera than someone else. you might be financially irresponsible, rich, a scrooge, or addicted to retail therapy, but you're not over the line yet. you are not yet gearfag just because you have gear. you are definitely a fag, but not yet a gearfag.

it's a way of life, it's a way of looking at photography, from the results to the process - all through the lens of gear. making excuses based on gear. passing judgement based on gear. it doesn't stop at the camera, it doesn't stop at film vs digital, ccd vs cmos, or full frame vs mft. gearfaggotry runs deep. deeper than "i will finally take those photos once I get my leica". the tripod, the head, the flash, the modifiers, the reflectors, the scrims, the fucking STANDS, the screen, the printer, the paper, the frame, the glass. the gearfag is exacting. the gearfag is never satisfied. the gearfag has spent a lot of time thinking about all of these, arguing about the best - the gearfag sees all of these things, all this gear, as so inexorably intertwined with photography that photography is mostly just about what you used to make the photo. and it need not be expensive, the gearfag may very well decide that expensive things make photography worse. it's just about the gear. when the gearfag is presented with a photo they want a closer look at the exif before they even look at the fucking picture so they can make sure they're allowed to like it. and if you used flash, they will ask you which flash you used. so they can say "oh, doesn't the color temperature vary up to 400k? you shot on that trash? no wonder your colors are FUCKED".

that is what it means to be gearfag.

just by asking what to buy so you can not be a gearfag, as if a purchase can make you more authentic photographer, you put a toe over the gearfag line. retract it. Now!
That must have been fun to write, and I agree with you. It's an excuse to judge an image based on the gear rather than the content.

I like prints more than looking at images on a screen. I have fun imagining a pixel peeper/gearfag using a loupe or standing 1 inch away from a framed print on a wall exclaiming that the corners are soft from a shitty lens and declaring it a terrible picture for that reason alone. In a completely silent gallery as well.
<1% is actually is like that
The Winogrand on the golden gate, but more gay

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