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>all of the cameras use a sony sensor
>doesn't matter the price, even at $8000 you get a snoy in a box
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Canon also seem to use those type 1 Sony sensors.
The sensor is a monochrome photon counter, nothing more, and sony builds them to client specs under sony's rules. It's often not the same sensors they use in their own cameras, which is why you dont see nikon using the a7riv or a7iv sensor ever and they've been using revisions of the d750 and d850 sensors instead.

CFA specs and signal processing, which actually matter for more than signal to noise ratio and readout speed, vary by brand, and its been theorized that sony draws up contracts affecting these that cripple their competition if they buy a sony sensor, ie:
>fuji can only have sony's next gen 40mp APS-C sensors if fuji does not make an APS-C camera with a bayer array, as the resolution increase from switching back to the superior CFA would BTFO the entire a6 line and sony would lose their entire APS-C customer base (and probably some FF users) to fuji.
>nikon receives semi-crippled sensors for fps/video simply because they are significantly better at making cameras and lenses than sony, resulting in nikon to struggle to support competitive sports/video features - hence nikon's recent purchase of RED - and therefore RED's contracts with non-sony sensor suppliers. sony probably straight up told them that they would never provide nikon with global shutter technology and that was it.
>LEGALLY POSSIBLE WITH LOTS OF NDAS: Sony can theoretically say "we will give you this sensor, but this list of features must not be supported until X amount of time has passed" in a contract, making them an unseen hand in controlling the entire camera market and maintaining their #2 position
Selling out to snoy was a mistake
Panasonic sold off their fabs several years ago and Kodak did well before that.
Supposedly, Nikon sourced one or more sensors from TowerJazz for the D700/800 line.
Sigma had Foveon manufactured by Dongbu, but, reportedly, that ended as a result of them fucking up the full frame design.
Phase One might still get theirs from Dalsa. Though, I'm not sure who the supplier is after they transitioned to CMOS.
I also haven't heard who Leica gets their 30x45mm stuff from.
Canon's used Sony for many of their compacts.

For love of the pentaprism.

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>Like going from a d810 to a d850
It's less than that even.
20% more instead of 25%.

>APS-H never mattered
It did when the largest sensor made in F mount was produced by a soon to be bankrupt third party.
because bitching about what happened to other brands in <2007 is how pentax fanboys cope with whats ongoing 2016-current

the fact is pentax is dead - killed. innovation halted. they dumped unfinished garbage on the market. their great leap forward was forcing noise reduction to game their DXO score and then... quit.

who's ready for the pentax K-1 II diary edition?
It doesn't matter, what matters is that Pentax did it 10 years later than the competition
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It surprised me that this exposure was spot on without any positive EV compensation

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Equipment MakePENTAX
Camera ModelPENTAX K-7
Camera SoftwareK-7 Ver 1.13
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I used a polarizing filter here, too bad I didn't notice the camera used the widest available aperture so the edges are not very detailed

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePENTAX
Camera ModelPENTAX K-7
Camera SoftwareK-7 Ver 1.13
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)79 mm
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Subject Distance RangeClose View

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When you realize editing photos sucks and you should of just brought a Fuji...
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Xtrans has lower color resolution than bayer for the same reason bayer has lower color resolution than foveon. Because photographers universally test gear on black and white charts, they never noticed this. Fuji really loses color accuracy and detail on objects with a lot of red or blue and false color artifacts are common before additional post-prcoessing if you don't use the corpsifying SOOC jpeg engine and opt for FOSS software that gives you unnecessary amounts of control (or, unnecessary for normal cameras).

It was never that xtrans prevented moire, it moves it to a different frequency and below that it just gets lost.

To be a fujifag, and expect a photo to look detailed above IG resolutions, is to spend way too much time in an editor. I think they're also where the anti-pixel-peeping culture comes from because there's no logical reason to be against enjoying a larger photo. Not everything is about "the vibe".
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Interesting line artifacts

There's probably a reason unrelated to processing that kept xtrans off GFX cameras. GFX cameras are big, they could shove two flagship smartphones and a huge battery in there.
>Curious. There must be something wrong with fuji.
There's something wrong with their users too, you can spot the fuji stan and the photographs molested by Xtrans 2 seconds after the sighting of either
You’re old *and* a nophoto?
we're all hasphotos here but this is a fuji gear thread, made by an angry fuji user, and we all know how foolish it is to post photos for angry fuji users unless you enjoy negative attention

Just "found" this same camera. Pretty much brand new. How much can i scalp a retard hipster for it?

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How much better is a full frame camera than an APS-C
1.5x better

Nikon made a nifty fifty sized 40mm f2
Sony made "film sized" 24, 35, 40, and 50s (but slower, f2.5-f2.8)
Sigma made a "film sized" 90mm f2.8

Small lenses are possible, but unwanted because most customers are pros or larpers that want f1.2 for the brides bokeh fetish
How reliable are these fucking things? I really, really want one but I don't want to spend 300 bucks only to have it die after a couple of rolls
Super reliable, because simple design, it just werx. Specially those that are obvious barely used. Ill sell you mine for $350, zero scratches, no dirt, immaculate glass, snappy buttons, bet has 5 rolls history MAX.
no you're gonna scam me otherwise I would

So on Facebook this dumbass was practically begging me for a day to sell my dslr camera (pentax k-x) to him for like $50 less than I listed it, and I gave in because he gave me a sob story about being new to Texas and wanting to be a influencer. So I drive 15 minutes to meet with him, another 15 minutes waiting for him, and show him the camera and how it works. This fool whips out his iphone and starts comparing the iphone display to the screen on the camera saying the quality isn't as good.

I politely explained how he couldn't compare the big OLED screen on his 2020s iphone made to watch 60fps 4k videos in 2000 pixel resolution or w/e, to the small lcd screen on a dslr camera made in 2010. It literally only exists to display the settings and a small preview of the picture/videos, so you can then look at the actual quality on your PC through the memory card. Then this idiot didn't even know what a memory card is! I actually had to explain what it was and where he could buy one. And after all that he says, "sorry bro the quality is not good, I just use my iphone" and drives off...

Maybe zoomers actually are technologically illiterate. This fool ruined my day.
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>My point is that most cameras from the 00s were kinda sexless
Pentax has carried that feature over into the present day

Well late Gen Z and then Gen Alpha (generation following zoomers).

Stuff like they can't type on a keyboard, they don't know what local files on a computer are, they don't know what folders on a computer are, they don't know how to save files on a computer, they can't do proper Google searches with specific keywords, can't connect to Wi-fi etc.



>le real tools for real pros
It was because these pieces of shit were either glued to a tripod or glued to a 24-70 and never used for real photography, just clothing ads and weddings. Hence leica stayed in business and fuji managed to capture a market selling otherwise defective garbage.
the early dslr era was bad enough for cameras like the fm3a to sell to a significant number of people

and it continues! look at canon and nikon - canon is still the worst (at least nikon is slightly less blobby now and has uh, 3 small lenses)
Age has nothing to do with it, that's just the standard selling-shit-to-strangers-in-person experience.

Scored one for cheap. Been playing around with it today.. had lots of fun. Not ultra sharp, but it makes up for it in how compact and easy it is to manage.
Seems strange that nobody has bothered making these ultra compact mirror lenses in the modern age up until NISI's recent announcement.
Will the new NISI be sharper than the OG?

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>Seems strange that nobody has bothered making these ultra compact mirror lenses in the modern age up until NISI's recent announcement.
because they're all objectively terrible, and a 70-300 will beat them, and be desired by far more people
These things cost $1000+ so i wouldn't say they are undesirable. The main point is having long reach in a small package.. Regular telephotos from the era usually suck ass and has to be stopped down to f11 to not have an image that is 50% green and purple anyways.
You have 250mm in a lens that is no more than 6cm long, looks like a regular lens. The stealthy nature of it is also something to consider. Just think of how you could put it to use in streetfaggotry for instance where having a large lens attracts attention.
Mirror lenses are the opposite of stealthy since you have a big bright fucking mirror attached to the front of your camera. They are objectively dogshit lenses and there’s a reason they’ve basically disappeared from any manufacturer’s line up. They’re soft, shitty lenses with horrible bokeh.
>Seems strange that nobody has bothered making these ultra compact mirror lenses in the modern age
Because better things exist.

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Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
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why are shitty digital cameras getting expensive now? did I miss some e-celeb video?
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>they're lucky if they have a pot a piss in
At least they have a street to shit on.
ogei, tard :DDD
>I'm too autistic to negotiate
What does this even mean?
Means i pay whatever the seller wants. I look for underpriced items.
Sold 3 digishitters to zoomer girls this week. Made a whooping $250.

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the retarded abstract photographer is here. again...I did not die.
old but good

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what do you think the custom recipe mike_sunday used on these? he's not telling in the comments. gotta respect the hustle

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fucking sherlock ova here
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what is this
please let this thread be bait. these shots are horrible
Instagram “photography” scene would make your head explode if you think this sample is bad lmao.
>open insta to dump some recent pics
>loads of "sponsored" (i.e. people paid for it) photography profiles pop up in my feed that are some of the lamest boring bullshit to ever grace my eyeballs

>Sony gets APSC sensor
>Calls it super 35mm
>Charges 1800 usd
>People buy it anyway

How does sony get away with it?
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Nobody in cinema cares about FF because video frames are seen for ~1/30s from a consistent distance or limited to a consumer display, and photos can be admired up close at arbitrary sizes and printing methods ala paintings

You can even shoot 16mm film (worse than micro four thirds) and show it in theatres without people noticing because the successive frames allow the human brain to see through the noise
>The full frame camera experience:
>Stills: ISO 800 already? Bust out the AI NR. Uh oh, I can see 1/1000th of a cm of motion blur, shit, it's so obvious, i cant show this without a fucking rope 2 meters in front of it so people cant notice
>Video: *sets to DX mode, auto ISO 100-25600* footage looks great. damn.

>The crop sensor camera experience:
>Stills: *furious, literally angry coping*
>Video: *auto ISO 100-25,600* footage looks great. damn.

>The crop medium format and up experience:
>Stills: not today, i am broke
>Video: first, how much are you paying me
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>Nobody in cinema cares about FF

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>ISO 25600 on video
you're talking out of your ass, unless that camera is recording in any kind of lossless or I-frame only lossy video, the DCT quantization during compression will eat away every detail possible and leave only raped macroblocks. ISO 1600 is already enough to start getting blocking with a camera recording in H.264 at a substantial 80Mbps. This is over twice the bitrate of a normal Blu-Ray, or about the same as an UHD BD
Can't you just buy a ZV-E10 and put a PC closed loop water cooler on it and achieve the same shit?

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What is you all's opinion of him going over old cameras?

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Apparently he has an extensive collection of firearms.
you have to live deep in a suburban shithole like he does
Go to small town thrift stores in the midwest and semi-rural areas. They still believe digishits are worth $5. Then start a youtube channel to drive up prices after you've accumulated at least 50 of them so you can sell them for $100 each.

Boom, now you have a nikon Z8 and an S lense
I bought one of the "top-end" mavica floppy disk camera after watching his video about the mavica. Thankfully i found in on thriftstore for around 30 bucks or so.

It's one of the reason why I'm into "older" digital camera rn though I'm specifically more into mid to late 2000s camera phones like SE K800 or Nokia N95. My first camera phone is an iphone 3g so it's interesting to use what is pretty much superior camera that came years before
I hate his new obsession with garbo quickstart PCs, buy more obsolete broadcast equipment!

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Fujichrome Provia 100F edition

Previous thread >>4304705

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links

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Not him, but yes.

Based. I was thinking of using some/all of my 65mm 250D to take pics of my dog as well!!!
>that should be enough, right anon?
It is, but it's still 8 hours too much of monotony.
Farm. Some days are long, some days are short.
New bread
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How do I know what kind of film camera will shoot the sprocket holes other than the sprocket rocket?

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Please explain to me like I'm retarded (because I probably am) why I'm not getting a blurry background when I set the f-stop low.

All the tutorials say lower number = blurry background, higher number = clear background. But here I took two shots, one at 3.2 and the other at 8.0 and they look virtually identical. I photoshopped the effect I want but I don't know how to get it. These are the lowest and highest my camera will allow me to do when I set it to A priority mode (Nikon Coolpix).

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Ok I'll play around with it some more. Doesn't seem like with this model it will vary much but I'll just do the zoom/distance trick for now.
The P1000 focal length vs f-stop table can be found here: https://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/nikon-p1000/nikon-p1000A4.HTM

If you want the bokeh equivalent of a full frame 50mm 1.4, you will need to zoom in to 1116mm. Not sure what the mimimum focusing distances but you pretty much have to be a block away. Also for more bokeh, try to keep the subject as far from the background as possible. There are bokeh simulators you can play with.

If you are photographing really small subjects, bokeh is pretty easy but you need to look out for minimum focus distance. Usually you get highest magnification at the widest angle and telephoto closest focus distance is pretty long. From a forum post at dpreview: 3000mm= 21'8", 2400mm=19'5", 1500mm=12'11", 1000mm=6'1" and 500mm=5'.

All in all it looks like the P1000 would have some good close up photography potential.
Artistic bokeh portraits is just not what a superzoom bridge camera like the P1000 is for. This is a camera for taking adequate pics of birds, animals, planespotting, trainspotting, creepshots, sports, creepshots.. just about anything but how you're using it.

Spend $500. Get a D600 ($400) and a 50mm prime lens ($100). More bokeh than your ass can handle.
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I got it because it was highly recommended for birdwatching, and for that it really is amazing. I can get an ID off a sparrow at 250 feet. It's like a handheld spotting scope that can do pics/video too. Really love it for that, I was just curious about other stuff since I was trying to photograph my feeder and one thing lead to another and I was on a baking page showing pics of cupcakes with blurry backgrounds and got curious how to do it too.

>All in all it looks like the P1000 would have some good close up photography potential.
Not sure how close you mean but I got this tiny tree frog last fall with it.
nice frog

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been a long time guys, having a kid and a fucking meth-head crazy dog AND being an arborist climbing trees year-round doesn't give me much time to shoot anymore. Other than the 3 or 4 opportunities I'm given to go shoot, i just don't really want to anymore.

This will probably be the last time i post here, some of these are new, taken with my trusty old Ricoh Gr i got way back in 2015 (which i never ONCE dealt with the *dust* issue), some with my Nikon d750, and a few from my Samsung S10/Google Pixel 7 phones.

A lot of these are going to be old files I've either re-edited, or old RAWs i never got around to touching, and just recently gave them my best shot. I will also add a few photos i think are my absolute best (i will label them as such), feel free to shit on as many of them as hard as you want, ill bite the pillow and take it dry.

Anyways, its been a great 10 years on this god forbidden board, and even though gear faggotry never slowed (in fact, it got worse, thanks Sony) you guys were the ones that taught me everything i know. From taking and giving criticism, to techniques and genuinely great advice, i got it from here (i still miss Bass). Thanks guys, its been fun.

Anyways, feel free to post any old or recent lowlight/night shots you've taken. It doesn't have to be recent either, post night shots from years ago that you're the most proud of, id love to see.

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Recognised it as norway instantly, really is something about them street lights
Love the Pleiades, very nice

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My mom cleared out her basement and gave me her old 110 camera she used back in the day. Anyone ever shot with this format? Looks like a roll is ~$10 and dev is $12 for 24 exposures. I don’t have high hopes since the negatives are so small, but it’s portable
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yeah that was a cool video, I thought I bookmarked it but I guess not. very impressive how thorough those nips were, polishing the lenses and everything.
In my family we always pulled the cameras apart to fish the film out and sent it to a lab like normal film because the processing was cheaper that way for some reason. So we sent a lot of those cameras straight to the landfill.
OP here thanks for the info. I’m going to shelve this one. That $20 can be better spent on more 35 or 120 film instead that actually looks good
Save it for when your dumb zoomer girlfriend wants "hella retro photos like scott pilgrim you know bro like we're gonna be playstation one today"
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Old here. I think this is one of the pics I took with the camera like OP. It and the others that I suspect of being from that camera are prints 3.5 x 4.375 inches in size.

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I mean...if you want to play with it just because, go ahead. But 110 and Kodak Disc were dog shit. They looked bad at 3x5.

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