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How do you guys mentally prepare for the december - january hell months? I just finished my first year of the holiday torture and almost wanted to an hero myself. How do you veterans take the pressure?
can I get a wind check
>uuuuhhhh airport traffi-wait no airport tower this is uuuhhhh four-two-ze-oh wait it's November four-two-zero-six-nine, I mean niner...I'm uhhh thirteen, well probably twelve miles to the west and uhh I'd like to come in.....November four-two-zero-six-niner
>oh and we have the information
tell us about being an atc
Not ATC but I'll be flying for an airline at that time this year so I'll be talking to you!
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I do this.

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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hello saaaar
Do you have me confused for a SWE
If I catch you driving in my lane you son of a bitch you son of God I will pull you out of your car and deliver you to demons
All roads are car roads.
Holy shit. Will this result in dead cyclists? How and what can I do to support this and make sure it passes?

Also once this passes what kind of ICE or minimal hybrid vehicle could I build to legally be allowed to use this lane while still maximizing my space and comfort? I'm thinking something like picrel could be killer if I could get it to run under the proposed regulations. Imagine the age of DOT private Bikelane highway Kei Cars.

Yeah, I'm thinkin' based.

bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
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Completely? Or cut it into some shapes and sprinkle that shit over the frame so I don't have to take the whole bike apart
I'm such a sucker for holographic and color changing stuff. You bet I'm a millennial, back in my day holographic meant limited edition
If you got something that didn't completely clash with the colors of your bike, I can see covering only half of the bike working. Say, top/head/down tube.
silver chain and cassette
rainbow ones even
If it's aluminum, strip the paint off the frame and polish it

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Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

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heh, i live in fl too and have been using some el cheapo sunglasses of unknown origin for years.
but ok i was wrong, with the tint it brings non polarized to $32 over $45 for polarized because tinting is included. it's just the lenses themselves that are $16 vs $36. but no uv protection? dunno. i would assume my current ones don't have that either so i guess i probably won't notice a difference.
Depends on your environment and riding conditions, I don't have a pair of polarized prescription glasses but I used to have a set of polarized Oakleys that blocked a lot of glare reflecting off car windows and glossy paint on clear high brightness days. It's useful if you're sensitive to glare.
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>but no uv protection?
OH, i'm retarded and can't read.
Anybody got experience making/using vinyls on their helmet?
Mine is carbon fiber so Idk how it will interact with adhesives?
Any tips for placing them?
I got some designs I wanna work out while I wait for the state to answer whether its legal or not (Europe so laws are weird sometimes)
Polarized are dumb for general use, if you're a sailor or something fine, but for ordinary land use they cause more problems than they solve

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Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
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Did you start as driver? If so, how'd you get that lucky?
that unwavering confidence of the screen-based workforce, even in the face of ai. also much of blue collar shit is of questionable greater purpose. I long to just grow food and humans, at the expense of what feels like all social standing. the market demands distractions and brutal ethical compromises
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You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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Female bodybuilders often get implants because cutting kills their tits so hard. Pathological muscle girls often suffer a similar fate, or at least try hard to make their pecs look like breasts.
>olympic-style weightlifters
Pretty rare in my experience. Most female weighlifters are fridgemode chunkies. But I suppose it's possible since having a little extra fat doesn't hurt anything.
peak performance
>he thinks 16.5 bmi is athletic
baste taste
does it mean she wants to suck on them on step on them cause i'm down for both
>bodybuilders look like cope machines
yeah well that's not surprising, it's always true regardless of gender
and you can be a weightlifter without being a copebuilder, you know
Total fixie death. Kill fixies behead fixies roundhouse kick a fixie into the concrete.

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the common denominator in every industry switching from being passion focused to money focused is the yaoudis
rope yourself sanddigger
Why do people feel the need to respond to bot tier posts filled with nothing but buzzwords? Come on man, you're better than this
Ayo whats up with United why is shit falling off their planes all the time recently
They already suck as it is and have most of the worst hubs in America
now they stop doing maintenance?
Boeing is a shitty company that makes shitty planes.

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That's illegal!
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reported this thread
The virgin FAA regs vs the Chad pilot
Did you say "I have visual on the runway"?
It's like calling "no homo" for the CVR. They have no way to tell.
Nah I was like “I can’t see anything, I hope the runway shows up *MINIMUMS*, let’s go, let’s go, *100* there’s a tree to my right, alright I see the lights “

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Have you ever defended yourself against a car while cycling?

I've considered executing U-lock justice a few times and knocking off a mirror or something, but it seems like a good way to go to jail or get killed.

Recommendations? Stories?
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Not sure I would call it defence but I've broken mirrors and tail lights of cars parked in bike lanes. Oh an one time a ute overtook me very quickly and shouted something like "fuck off fag" but I caught up in the lights and broke his mirror with my lock, then hightailed it back throught the sidewalk.
Glock owners are too stupid to defend themselves. They're more likely to shoot themselves on accident. They always screw it up somehow
Carry pepper spray
Yeah I was about to say OP is simply trying to get shot while legally being at fault. The city will celebrate your death.
is he ok

Do you guys ever talk to fellow passengers on your public transit?
>another week of riding the subway
>another week not talking to anyone, barely making eye contact, just standing facing the door/looking at the floor
>another week seeing the same people at my home station and never talking to them
>another week seeing the same qt girls and never looking at them let alone talking to them, even if a seat opens next to them
I know it isn't common for people to talk a lot on the train nowadays with everyone having headphones on but it still feels horrible
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>been riding subway for 10 years
>have never spoken to a single other person despite seeing all these same people who get on and off with me in my town's station
it doesnt even matter anyway, not like i would tell people any details whatsoever about myself. still living with mommy and daddy in my childhood home at 32 years old, you think im exposing my life to a single person where they can see that? even the people in town who ride their bikes on the train like i do, i cant face that humiliation even though getting to know people in my same town would be a good social experience, i cant do it.
i only speak to people i have financial transactions with
How often do you take the subway though? I've been taking it multiple times a day for almost 25 years and I get into a conversation every couple of years. Admittedly it's usually because I ran into someone I know. One time I accidentally sat next to a guy I shared a cubicle with 10+ years prior, in another job in another state. I was in a terrible mood at that exact moment and I was ruder than I should have been so we never reconnected.

Usually it's just mentally ill people who talk to me when I'm in a certain mood, I guess they can see I'm also not right in the head. They're not so bad really, just strange and lonely. Since my doctor put me on certain medications it has been easier for me to engage in a steady conversation with schizophrenic homeless people. It's good practice in case I ever want to become a normie again.
i take it twice a day during commute hours. lots of people on both trains. see lts of people, the same people usually, getting on and off at my home station. im on the train with some of these people for half an hour. i still never talk to anyone.

i know times are different now than the long past because 99% of people are on their phones with headphones on so you would actively have to disrupt their experience to talk to them. but i dont think thats hard for normal peope to do.
>Do you guys ever talk to fellow passengers on your public transit?
The polite thing to do, and the only thing to do on public transport is to stfu and mind your own business. Talking to random people on the train would exhaust me and everyone else and I would have no energy to do anything else. Anyone that talks to strangers on public tranasport is mentally ill.

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It’s happening, bros.
is that just a shitty render or is it actually going to be diesel?

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Are thinner tires better for bikes that are used in the city and gravel roads mostly?
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large tires (2.25" ~ 57mm) are way better than skinnier on rough gravel, it's the difference between walking or floating over it at full speed.
>full carbon fatbike

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Honestly probably a goofy ass ride I'd love to give er a spin

On the topic of tires, anyone recommend some fast 650b gravel tires in the >= 2.00in range?|
race kings
i think rocket rons come in a 650
gravelking slicks or rh if you want no knobs (both are 48mm/1.9" though), but rh does make a 2.2" knobby. not too sure about the rr of that one, but i rh tires feel a lot faster than gravelkings on smoother gravel.

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Why are bicycles seen as uncool?
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It makes sense when you consider the risks of interacting with police with the wrong skin color. White guy can get away wearing jeans and a t-shirt on a nice bicycle, or even a shit bicycle, no one will question that it's theirs, even if it's obviously the wrong size. Black guy has to be either wearing the latest skinsuit from Pas Normal Studios or like pic related, otherwise he's gambling with his life just going for a weekend ride.

Just go to /r/NameOfYourCityCycling/ and at least once a month someone will post a picture of a melanin person riding a bicycle deemed too nice for their shade of brown, with a caption like "saw this in the such-and-such district today, recognize it?" and if you point out the possibility that it might legally belong to the person riding it, enjoy your instaban for being "divisive"
this is changing.
in ATL, a majority black city, bikes have recently become normalized for them . skateboarding, too. actually, skaters here are majority black now.
with bikes, you see black dudes on fredsleds and full kit, hipster builds and fixies, pant legs rolled up, the whole nine. over the last six-ish years until now, like half the riders are black. so it's probably only a decade away for the greater US black population.
and Ethiopia has a huge roadie scene, from what I gather.
>black dudes on fredsleds and full kit
That's what I said though. Read my post again because you apparently didn't
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Oh nvm maybe anon doesn't know what Pas Normal Studios is. It's $200 jerseys. Black roadies have always gone overboard with the cycling gear because it confirms to non-blacks that they're Very Serious Cyclists and not just some n-word who should be shot 37 times when an acorn falls nearby.
I'm saying they're not in any greater numbers than black dudes on regular or hipster stuff. same split as the white riders. you're saying they all wear kit to show they aren't poor but I was at a bar the other day that unbeknownst to me was the end point of an alleycat. the bar was packed and probably half black, and all the riders were just in normal or messenger style stuff. there weren't any lycra, or maybe a few but the majority was dressed like alleycat riders do, white and black

Why the hell were so many cities built on a grid with roads running North-South and East-West? With the East-West roads you get the blinding sun directly in front of you a lot of the time. If your workplace is east of home you get blinded in both the morning and evening commute.

All you have to do to solve this is rotate the grid 45 degrees. Now the sun is never directly in front of you. When it's low in the horizon it will dip behind trees and buildings on the side of the roads. Buildings following the street grid won't get no direct sunlight on the North and South facing windows and blasted on the East and West facing windows.

Why did nobody think of this when cities were being planned?
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I’ve lived in Phoenix AZ and this is indeed an issue especially if your windshield is old and sandblasted. You can’t see shit and visors don’t help
Both of our large bus depots are orientated so that they receive full sun all day if they were ran east to west instead of north to south they get some shade and it makes me wonder if it was intentional because of homeless
>Want on travel due north
>17 days of driving east

Sounds like some desert bus shit
Most of the Midwest and Great Plains were plotted out on a grid system in the early 19th century to aid land grants, sales and settlement. Unless there was something like a river or old Indian trail, roads and towns followed this autistic grid.

just found about the Petite Ceinture in Paris. y'all mfs kept that quiet wth looks cool as shit
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Pretty cool, will look into it.

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