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Are thinner tires better for bikes that are used in the city and gravel roads mostly?
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large tires (2.25" ~ 57mm) are way better than skinnier on rough gravel, it's the difference between walking or floating over it at full speed.
>full carbon fatbike

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Honestly probably a goofy ass ride I'd love to give er a spin

On the topic of tires, anyone recommend some fast 650b gravel tires in the >= 2.00in range?|
race kings
i think rocket rons come in a 650
gravelking slicks or rh if you want no knobs (both are 48mm/1.9" though), but rh does make a 2.2" knobby. not too sure about the rr of that one, but i rh tires feel a lot faster than gravelkings on smoother gravel.

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Why are bicycles seen as uncool?
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It makes sense when you consider the risks of interacting with police with the wrong skin color. White guy can get away wearing jeans and a t-shirt on a nice bicycle, or even a shit bicycle, no one will question that it's theirs, even if it's obviously the wrong size. Black guy has to be either wearing the latest skinsuit from Pas Normal Studios or like pic related, otherwise he's gambling with his life just going for a weekend ride.

Just go to /r/NameOfYourCityCycling/ and at least once a month someone will post a picture of a melanin person riding a bicycle deemed too nice for their shade of brown, with a caption like "saw this in the such-and-such district today, recognize it?" and if you point out the possibility that it might legally belong to the person riding it, enjoy your instaban for being "divisive"
this is changing.
in ATL, a majority black city, bikes have recently become normalized for them . skateboarding, too. actually, skaters here are majority black now.
with bikes, you see black dudes on fredsleds and full kit, hipster builds and fixies, pant legs rolled up, the whole nine. over the last six-ish years until now, like half the riders are black. so it's probably only a decade away for the greater US black population.
and Ethiopia has a huge roadie scene, from what I gather.
>black dudes on fredsleds and full kit
That's what I said though. Read my post again because you apparently didn't
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Oh nvm maybe anon doesn't know what Pas Normal Studios is. It's $200 jerseys. Black roadies have always gone overboard with the cycling gear because it confirms to non-blacks that they're Very Serious Cyclists and not just some n-word who should be shot 37 times when an acorn falls nearby.
I'm saying they're not in any greater numbers than black dudes on regular or hipster stuff. same split as the white riders. you're saying they all wear kit to show they aren't poor but I was at a bar the other day that unbeknownst to me was the end point of an alleycat. the bar was packed and probably half black, and all the riders were just in normal or messenger style stuff. there weren't any lycra, or maybe a few but the majority was dressed like alleycat riders do, white and black

Why the hell were so many cities built on a grid with roads running North-South and East-West? With the East-West roads you get the blinding sun directly in front of you a lot of the time. If your workplace is east of home you get blinded in both the morning and evening commute.

All you have to do to solve this is rotate the grid 45 degrees. Now the sun is never directly in front of you. When it's low in the horizon it will dip behind trees and buildings on the side of the roads. Buildings following the street grid won't get no direct sunlight on the North and South facing windows and blasted on the East and West facing windows.

Why did nobody think of this when cities were being planned?
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I’ve lived in Phoenix AZ and this is indeed an issue especially if your windshield is old and sandblasted. You can’t see shit and visors don’t help
Both of our large bus depots are orientated so that they receive full sun all day if they were ran east to west instead of north to south they get some shade and it makes me wonder if it was intentional because of homeless
>Want on travel due north
>17 days of driving east

Sounds like some desert bus shit
Most of the Midwest and Great Plains were plotted out on a grid system in the early 19th century to aid land grants, sales and settlement. Unless there was something like a river or old Indian trail, roads and towns followed this autistic grid.

just found about the Petite Ceinture in Paris. y'all mfs kept that quiet wth looks cool as shit
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Pretty cool, will look into it.

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Should I take the Mosquito pill? I would probably get an XEL. This might be a pipe dream, but I want to commute in one of these.

P.S: I know it is a death trap, but it is better than a Helicycle, plus the Mosquito Factory is close to home.
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Those are the ones I had.One was made by Blade. I almost bought their Bo-105, I regret not doing it (it is one of the rarest Blade helicopters, third to only the Huey and 700 sport heli).
>Should I take the Mosquito pill?

Aside from being a death trap it isn't useful for anything. Bingo fuel is literally 20 minutes of flight time with a max climb rate of 900ft/min and never exceed airspeed of 70mph.

In other words you likely have to refuel after every single touch 'n go around a small grass strip.
if anything, its lack of usefulness unironically makes it sound useful for personal transport
20 minutes is all I need. at 70 mph my longest commute would be 8 minutes, plus I pass the local airport on that route.
How do you think a Mosquito compares to a Helicycle or any of theose newfangled coaxial jobs from the Czech Republic?

Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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Cool thread anon, kinda crazy how long those old trains have been around. Won't miss the old interiors though, I never felt comfortable on those plush seats imagining what type of unspeakable horrors it had experienced and absorbed.
It's the Bay, basically every public surface is heavily coated in a thick layer of feces and hepatitis.
Imagine how many people visit the ER due to being lacerated by drug pipes stashed in the cushions each year
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Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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Looks like a walmart bike, lmao
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youre moms a walmart bike
SE bikes are pretty much only operated by juvenile delinquents in those summertime "flash mobs" that ride around crashing into people and generally being obnoxious in groups too large for the police to try to do anything about. They're also almost all nonwhites too.

I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but it's kinda surreal seeing /n/ nut over this thing when you guys are hostile to anything counterculture-ish, unabashedly racist, and generally not in favor of anything that isn't pushed by the mainstream instagram algorithm towards the 25-35 year old white male incel demographic
It's like your first day on this place
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what on earth are you going on about

Is he still around?
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You're out in lycra riding your campagnolo fitted road bike and this guy points a gun at you and says "haandit ower,,, sumunabitch"

Your move?
*pulls up next to you on a trike, points a gun
We love you bacon

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>bike got stolen last november
>whatever it's cold soon anyway
>also bought a car in december
>missing outside activity other than running, really miss going on trails etc.
>considered buying another bike but also like the idea of skating because I enjoy ice skating and am pretty good at it
>also would fit in car easier than a bike
What are some good beginner cheapish skates for a big guy with wide feet?
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can confirm, I thought 3 big wheels looked cool to start on and I live in an area surrounded by hills, no bueno. You pick up to mortal speed pretty quickly so learning to stop and build leg strength right away was a big challenge. Also tore my TCFF in my wrist because I forgot about guards.
I think wrist guards are a great safety net for inexperience in hindsight.

tldr; 4 wheels probably less fast and more manoeuvrable
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pickrel: 3x100 k2 lt trios
I have worn them to pieces
I also have a 4x110 k2 marathons but they are to stable for me. very fast though.
I'm looking at getting some 3x125, probably powerslide. but The fr skates do look good.
>tldr; 4 wheels probably less fast and more manoeuvrable
I think it's the other way around, 4 wheels gives high speed stability at the expense of low speed agility. 3 big wheel skates pick up speed faster and have better turning agility at the expense of stability. This is of course a generalization, what's more important than wheel count is wheel size and skate length, however, number of wheels do heavily dictate ideal wheel size in a skate's design. Bigger wheels give a smoother ride but brings CoG higher off the ground resulting to less stability and more agility, opposite for smaller wheels. Those 3 factors are like a bike's geometry and heavily influence how a skate feels. I'm not an expert in the subject (am a bikeboy) but I'm familiar, interested, and I do intend to buy my own set of skates soon enough
/xs/ has a roller blading thread, /rag/, that is sorta active. The newfag buy question is fairly common there, I'd recommend lurking through it if you want to get some reviews.
thanks for the info crossboard anon

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What are the considerations needed to make between choosing a locomotive or MU to power a train?
I know passenger trains in Europe tend to be MU but freight is always locomotive hauled.
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Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches? I can only think of the TGV as an example of a locomotive + articulated coach set. They seem to be a neat idea, you can save weight and increase capacity for a given train length, lots of EMUs (like pic related) use the configuration.

I understand that freight wagons might have issues due to axle loading limits, but coaches are far lighter.

That's weird, maybe they're in a coach 'set' of 6 that are semi-permanently coupled together?
I'd imagine that disconnecting & reconnecting the cab car would be a pain so it's just easier.

It's wasted energy and there's still wear and tear to consider. Though as you say that might be negligible.
>Jacobs bogies
main downside is that cars sharing a bogie are a bitch to seperate, while the whole point of using sperate cars instead of an integrated multiple-unit design is to be flexible in their combination.
Btw, I've seen similar designs (not sure if technically a jacobs bogie or if there's special terms for it) in car-transporters and container train cars, making two-car consists with 3 or 6 axles respectively.
I've always heard them referred to simply as articulated cars, jacobs bogie I only hear in reference to passenger equipment. Articulated autoracks are two cars, articulated well cars can be up to five cars, at least in US. 3 and 5 car articulated well cars are very common. I don't see it as much with autoracks.
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>Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches?

When going through the trouble of Jacob's bogies, it makes no sense to have them on 'dumb' coaches. If you want to keep the axle load in check, the middle sections will get about half the capacity of a full coach - or even less when vestibules are considered. Jacobs bogies are also troublesome to rearrange the train, if it's not an EMU, then why limit the inherent flexibility of the wagon consist?

This is why they are popular on EMUS, but not traditional coaches.

However, this does not mean there weren't any. A famous example was British Silver Jubilee coaches originally pulled by A4 Pacifics. Pic rel is a German-made four-car set of Polish railway's double deckers which were phased out a few years ago. Those have three axle Jacobs bogies and were being used as two, three and four car sets. Romania, I think still uses these.
I'm only asking as it seems like most passenger trans are made of coach sets where you have a number of them coupled together for a long period.

The axle loading doesn't shoot up nearly as fast as you might think, a coach is an air-filled with some seats, racks, etc inside. Also, each section in an articulated set is shorter to reduce overhang inside the curves, but there's a reduction in the number of bogies over the whole train length.
The overall weight of the train goes down too, as each bogie is heavy. Maybe ~6 tons each for a lightweight design, which adds up. E.g. for a train of 8 coaches that could be a full coach's weight.

I get that this is probably more of a consideration where acceleration/ high speed performance is needed. As you say, for Amtrak and other long distance/slower services the consideration changes to reliability and easy maintenance.

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Which is better for everyday travel throughout the city? Context: my city has shit bike infrastructure and there’s not enough space to bring a bike inside a metro or bus.
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Rollerblades with air tyres offer too much rolling resistance. For donhils they are good, but that's it.
Escooter or ebike. Non powered modes of transportation are a meme, especially for hilly cities/long travel
I kind of want blades but they're 200 dollars for decent ones.
Buy a car if that's the case.
I prefer to haul my fat ass up the hill under my own power(200 W).

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By pic related.

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rofl even
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Old money had not much choice to do with their money except ventures and philanthropy. Yuppies i've met are almost always ruthless opportunists and tend to think quite highly of themselves with some brainlet shaky moral framework around "something something generative wealth" that's so rhetorical it sounds like something straight out of a bitconnect seminar. I've met a few that are smart enough to own up to being terrible people but I notice most try to outrun it with frivolous spending and drugs.
It's in response to the quote of "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation" by Gustavo Petro, which urbanists like to use as some sort of gotcha (without understanding the source). Petro was mayor of Bogotá at the time and now President (with an approval rating of 33%), but in no metric does Bogotá, HDI, GDP, etc. stack up to any given European or American city.
Its a one-way loop road.
My brother rides his motorbike to the football, it’s legal to park on the footpath here so he gets really close to the gates.
My coastal town literally built underground parking that extends to the coastline. Seems like a skill issue.

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The /n/igger fears this
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Put a small nuclear reactor instead of relying on conventional fuel and you would have a proto snowpiercer.
This is America, I piss 300km.
Thats why trains work in Europe, but planes just make sense here. This country is 5000km wide.
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haha yeah that would be wild
Yes planes make sense for coast to coast travel in America. But that's not the majority of air traffic in the US. Anything under 10 - 12 hour train travel is comfier on a train. If it's shorter than ~3 hours on a train you're getting from city center to city center faster than on a plane in most cases. On longer trips night trains are mega comfy way to travel. Hop on a train, sleep a full night in a proper bed, wake up in your destination next morning. And all that without having to get to the airport early so you can queue into getting molested and then wait for your plane, only to land way off from where you most likely want to go to.

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