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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
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you don't actually have a bike do you
Preach. It works both ways. Cyclists certainly don’t behave as though they are the most vulnerable road users.

It’s a shame. Bikes should be fun and cheap transport. Let’s all maintain order and follow the rules of the road so there are fewer accidents and everyone gets to go home safely whether they’re on two wheels or four.

Known tons of cool cyclists who ride responsibly. I like to ride in quiet areas for leisure on a nice day. Unfortunately a small group of entitled activists have utterly ruined the reputation of a genuinely great idea
>muh safe space
> cyclists who ride responsibly.
You mean who stay off roads unless there is a 0% chance any motorist will ever see them and be able to get upset. That is what you people mean by this.
Kind of, shows amazing control and balance but at the same time that's really fucking obnoxious and I wouldn't ever endanger myself for something as stupid as random retards online thinking I'm cool.

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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If the coupler system is already developed, why hasn't any country rolled it out to their entire fleet?

>because Europe is very fragmented between dozens of different freight companies and state-owned railway networks
...and why have no non-european countries done it?
I accept your concession.
How is that a concession you braindead mongoloid?

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I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. I’m 21 years old about to be a co pilot with aircraft equipped with PT6 engines, this is the first time I will be flying a a turbo prop aircraft and I’m baffled. I’m so used to flying 4cylinders 6 cylinders aircraft and aircraft with POH of like 300 pages but now it has 1000 pages. Is it normal to feel overwhelmed? Like what is your advice? I know the basic of how the pt6 works, I understand it. And honestly, the process seems so much more simple. What do ?
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just get lots of sim practice in youl be ok
I hope you make it to the legacies before you start balding. The boys and I will spit roast you like a piggy pink pig and make you squeal.
Well at least he didn't post a frog...
God turbines are so sexy
who is the best tragedyexploitationtoober?
blancolirio? pilotdebrief? dan gryder?

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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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The Canadian version is the Coasting Trade Act. It has the same stipulation about Canadian flagged vessels getting preference in-between domestic ports, but in 2010 they removed tariffs on foreign-made ships, so Canada has a respectable fleet now. Also it’s more permissive of foreign-flagged ships to perform coastal trading if no Canadian flagged vessel is available, the US only allows it by Presidential waiver.
Holy fuck, why is there a /pol/ack who is calling everyone a chink?
Stay on your containment boards, and jannies need to do their job.
Could there be a market in making ports on the canadian side of the border and then doing the last mile to the american side on trucks or trains?
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I randomly clicked on this board just to see if theres actually people talking about something so autistic as transportation, and this is the first thing I see.
The best place to do that would probably be near Windsor. The rail infrastructure already exists, and they're near major US population centers (Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati).
Obviously developing the port, politics, labor constraints, and getting seaway-max container ships are the major impediments. We'll definitely not see any hurry to do anything with the current politicians in charge.

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Many politics of southwest airlines edition

previous: >>1972682
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Houston. Went on like a four month break right at the tail end of the curriculum (way longer than intended lol), but should have the written and checkride out of the way this month.
But that's silly. You should always ask ATC for clarification if something doesn't sound right. I've has to correct ground a few times when doing escorts because they were sending me the wrong way, into the path of other aircraft, or into the wrong taxiway when doing aircraft escorts. Or I wasn't comfortable with the amount of time given on a runway before a plane lands on my head. Or if I didn't hear if they acknowledged my response. They're human too. Those videos are meant for avgeeks and armchair quarterbacks.
that sucks, but is kind of expected tbH. Is not like F1 where everyone is constantly crying about safety so is now rich cunts doing rich cunts things, the danger factor gives them that respect.
Which one of you is this.....

kek what a fag

When you see it

Previous: >>1781074
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you didnt see it
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Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
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I've always wanted to go to the Secret Sidewalk

Some of the concrete sections are starting to fall apart because the aqueduct hasn't been maintained in decades.
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>mfw missed out on opportunity to ride the speeders this year


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>be airbus
>do nothing
>stay winning because your only competitor can't build anything except a rehash of a 60 year old design that keeps nosediving
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DIE and BRIDGE... Basically far too many browns and blacks being hired based on skin color instead of actual qualifications based on colorblindness and suitability for the position cratering profits and QA.
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>b..b..but blacks and browns DAE the west has fallen muh DEI
so did DEI exist in the 90s? Because the troubles began with the McDonalds merger, much in the past. The fruit of that misfortune is only bearing out in its entirety now. Companies on this scale don't collapse overnight if they aren't doing risky finacial shit, they rot. I would point to Intel as a less severe case.
>>be airbus
>>develop FBW 40 years ago
>>tweak control of every newer plane so it flies exactly like a320
>>planes basically flies it self, if it weren't for regulations pilots could literally watch porn and finger two stewardesses at the same time
>>say that airlines can save on type rating costs due to every plane flying like a320
>>regulators buy it
>>airlines gobble your cum..i mean hydraulic fluid because they want to save money
>>give too good to be true leasing option for airlines
>>stay winning because your only competitor builds planes where pilot is expected to stay in control for more than 3% of the flight
Embraer should be wrecking those old farts

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How do we stop these from being banned or regulated in america?

I don’t think people realize how bad it is. No public transit, no taxis, no bike lanes america is HELL. things like this are necessary. Everything is miles away and there’s not one bit of transportation.

For many it’s the only way out of the house at all.
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Aren't bicycles already illegal in America?
It is hard to see the bicycles because some kind of wheeled toy is blocking my view of them.
I have a black ops sniper across the street with an infrared scope trained on your position. If you ever post again it will be your fault.
Cyclists are a massive pain if they have a bad attitude and can be a huge source of concern for drivers so I am not really a fan..

However the government regulates us enough already so PLEASE no registration for bicycles of any kind, I’d rather deal with reckless Uber Eats riders and entitled cyclists than have yet more state overreach. The problems will resolve themselves in time. I have heard the police have developed some kind of dye they can spray on perps who use E bikes so if they try to run they’ll simply pick them up later on rather than trying to pursue
Why are people ITT acting like IEDs are bicycles? The question is should terrorists who bring these bombs into buildings or onto public transportation be treated as enemy combatants. And the answer is of course yes. The question is what should be in charge of taking out the terrorists. DOJ, DHS, etc.
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ban rentals
seriously, just ban scooter rentals and all the problems instantly go away
like, history teaches people nothing
every cager knows that the fastest car is a rental car
every biker knows that the car most likely to kill them is a rental car
every cyclist knows that the guy who bombs the local hill the fastest is not a lycra-clad fred on a roadie but a thrill-seeking kid on a rental grannybike
and the exact same is the case with scoots, except the barrier for entry is even lower
absolute lunatics ride scoots like they are stolen, and since it takes no effort compared to bikes and cars they push them to their, and society's, limit
but that will never happen because rental scooters are a billion dollar industry, they hold the reigns, so it's either all scooters are banned or none are, the societally beneficial ban on rentals without ban on personal scooters will never pass because corpos will never allow it

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Ah, what a lovely evening to ride my bike.
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Wasn't this the train that some whitu piggu rode next to while a bunch of jap railfans were autistically waiting to get footage of the train and then seethed about the cyclist ruining their shot and made him into a 2chan meme?
that's a train
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Thanks, I found the memes. Japanese foamers are scary

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How many spare wheels do you keep?
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>take a room that's 97 sq ft
>now imagine that its entire volume is occupied by 26 inch wheels
>and that's just the wheel room, most of them dont have tires on
>there is another room of the same size that is stacked to the roof with 26 inch tires
>like 300 wheels on it
thats pritty much an annual if not bi annual trip
hundreds of bikes per year go strait to scrap, maybe about 1/4th of them could be fully restored if you had enough people to fix them, and anyone actually willing to buy and use a bike
id estimate you'd need 10 people and at least 2000 square foot of space so you can organise things and dont have to climb mountains of trash
(in nz)
scrap steel is about 20c / kg
scrap allum is $2 / kg

(good prices, often it's half that or less).

Rims are around 400 grams
The hub shell is maybe another 100 grams. Those are allum. Spokes and the axle parts are steel.
So you cut all the spokes and pull the hub apart and you have about $1 of scrap metal.

The reason to do it is to acquire cups, cones, straight axles, and spacers to repair or modify other wheels. Having a lot of spacers from junked cassettes is also helpful for SS conversions.
Cutting the spokes etc makes storing the scrap neater.

And hopefully your metal recycler doesn't notice the steel eyelets on allum rims and say it makes all your allum dirty.

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But do any of those parts even fit on a non-BSO wheel? I thought nipples were different for good bikes.
My local bicycle has nice nipples and you never know until the bra comes off

Comfy Winter Edition

Old Thread: >>1938049
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Women who attract 'chikan,' and women who don’t: An illustrated guide

Related: Aging foid in her 30s is offended she is NOT approached anymore and WANTS to be harassed

>Ikokka Kodama, a Sanyo Shinkansen equivalent to Platt Kodama introduced
>basically you take the all-station Kodama between two stations that are served by the fastest class(Nozomi) for a 20-25% discount
>SmartEX reservation system purchase only, up to 11:30 PM the day before departure
The biggest winner here is Fukuyama, served by only 4 or 5 Nozomis per day and Kodama only adding just over half an hour of travel time from either Shin-Osaka or Hiroshima yet still eligible. Shin-Osaka - Okayama makes sense too at 24 minutes extra. Unfortunately it's non-stopover so in for multi-stop trips it'll make more sense to get normal tickets.

>Cost of Osaka Monorail extension construction hikes by 80%, completion delayed to 2033
>both primarily attributed to ground around Uryudo being softer than planned forcing more expensive foundations as well as worker shortages
>this 80% is already after the planners went around downgrading stations visually to save cash
>this, and similar hikes with Saitama Rapid Transit and Nishi-Hiroshima Tram extension may affect cost/benefit calculations of other lines in the future

Kanto Railways to become under Keisei

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Totally random late night thoughts

At the current known speed of travel throughout space (maybe not max) but at the speed the JSWT (telescope) reached the L2 zone in space. It would take 7291 generations of astronaut to reach some planet they believe has a civilization on it meaning it would take 324.7 Million Kg's of food for the entire journey assuming only 1 breeding pair or humans at any one time (inbred as fuck)

583333.3 years assuming 80 year lifespan which isn't including the 20 year overlap having 4 people on board whilst children are brought up to speed and left at age 20 by their dying parents. They would they be dead because the amount of inbreeding required at those levels would make them so fucking retarded they would forget how to breathe.
In closing. Close to 700,000 years worth of life, 389.7 Million Kg of food (including the 20 year overlap) is what would be required to make it to that planet

We aren't making it to any other civlized planets before our finite resources are depleted. Humanity is fucked unless we come leaps and bounds in space travel and shielding technology.
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>fixed point in space
but he's driving
I just started reading this book, and it has some dumb passages.
The time tunnel is acted upon by gravity and electromagnetism, so it traces a path in roughly the same position on earth's surface.
This is why the flux capacitor even works. If it wasn't affected by electromagnetism, how could the conduits even direct or influence the flux?
The concept of seed ships have been speculated in scifi since the 1960s. Essentially you send autonomous AI ships stocked with human sperm and ovum. The ship wanders the cosmos at "slow" speeds for hundreds or thousands of years until it finds a suitable planet. Then the ship AI inseminates thousands of ovum with the sperm and artificially birth the babies. Robots will become the surrogate parents and educate the children. Once the humans are ready, they will be transported down to the planet. The seed ship then departs to repeat the process elswhere.
cryostasis sleep + relativistic speed


FTL warp

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Let's see those handlebar set ups, what gadgets and gizmos are you running and why?
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that's because the dorks on /g/ still live like that
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>physical buttons
love it. touch screens are cancer
it's easier to look back one handed. It naturally causes you to turn a little so you have to learn to counter steer and pedal to go straight.
J. C. BAM!ford

Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
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>Then—suddenly, and seemingly coming from nowhere—the poo's natural predator, the box car, appears a half a mile in this distance, and hurling itself at the blistering speed of four miles per hour.
>It's over rather quickly for the pajeet.
>His friend can only look on helplessly.
maybe they were deaf idk
wow ragdoll physics are real wtf
>I wonder what the clean up procedure is after these things
IIRC the plataform gets cleaned as any other blood related incident (so probably a janny with protection against bloodborne diseases) the tracks just get treated by a white powder cleaned agent
explain yourself Americans
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