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Septa? More like septic.
bump because it's not an urbanism spam thread
on account of all the poos and shitskins filling it

buy a car like i did and be free
you have nothing to lose but your chains
Regional Rail is comfy if you are going to/from specific points in the suburbs to center city, otherwise it's kinda useless
Both subway lines are disgusting, I would rather walk
Buses aren't bad, not great either
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what if they made a second through-running regional rail system interlined with the current one for cross-suburban transit

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Something nice to him.
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It's ok I see it too
F22 in mufti iirc.
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Sh1t like that is normal in some places.
Are you for fucking real dude
That poor jetliner, it has a prolapsed anus and a hemorrhoid.

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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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Kick cars while you ride next to them duh
Just pull up behind the vehicle, lean against it with your hand propping yourself up on the vehicle, and start loudly drumming your fingers until they move.
I guarantee this will send the average driver into a blind rage, but is probably legal in most jurisdictions. Won't send your blood pressure spiking either, since you're taking a breather.
love punching the shit out of side mirrors
also modern plastic front bumpers are fun to kick
Be black
I just lift up their wipers to let them know in a nice way that they're being assholes.

Please post BIG or otherwise interesting at-grade railroad crossings.
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In my old home town, virtually every thoroughfare with at least four lanes already has their level crossings replaced by bridges, the only exceptions being in our harbour (pic rel), branching off like this onto very minor terminals or company grounds, and in our outward industrial areas, which haven't seen rail traffic in literally decades
I've been on that dutch highway lately.

Americans would fear the fact you can travel 100kph (62mph) when coming from that 30km long levy and there's that out-of-nowhere railroad crossing.
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Old beater edition
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In germany I dont even need a proper license and can legally haul the same tonnage behind a tractor as a semi may. Just not at the same speed and on the highway.
Not a very sustainable incentive.
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i think they only built about 300 of these and most went to australia. commiefornia emissions have probably scattered the last few here in the states
wabco made the best elevating can and i've seen pictures of some 653/9 machines built by an aussie with a wabco elevator
t. hates scrapers
>dad owns a small farm
>farming economy sucks ass
>old ass tractors and equipment, everything is jury rig and terrible
>Case IH 5130 and John deere 3000 something
>case has fancy electrical shifting that occasionally fails
>gears won't engage
>case has electrical clutch and it has no no feel to it
>reversing and putting on equipment is awful

>john deere is old ass mechanical beast
>nothing electrical except lights and they don't even work
>cabin is old and noisy
>breathe in dust and oil fumes
>speed and rpm meters don't work

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gonna argue that one. case 5130 maxxum has hydraulic clutches that are engaged by solenoids and spools. if ur shifting is failing, it can be the diode on the back right rear of the cab, or the shuttle switch are most common. the hydraulic clutch will also last 3 to 4 times longer than a dry mechanical clutch, though i do agree the feel is different.picture of a hydraulic fwd/rev clutch
check'd digits
nothing you described can't be fixed. a factory service manual is worth spending the money on and much cheaper than paying somebody to come out even once. it's silly to piss and moan when a few hours wrenching will remedy the issue

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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This is why I prefer conversion kits because of the easy DIY. Some pre-made ebikes are just awful to work on
is fiido a good brand and specifically the fiido t1. to use for city travel and maybe carrying women back to my place from work
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Anyone familiar with the C13 regen braking parameter in KT controllers? I currently have mine set to "1", and it seems fine for flat ground. What happens if I turn this all the way to "5" and bomb some hills? Will I notice a difference? Will something potentially blow up? The manual says to not do it, and so does my budget--so I'm asking if anyone does this on the regular or knows in depth about this setting.
Pic related.
If you/ve ever lived in the midwest you know how uhholy the winds can be we are talking 25mph+ constantly with gusts, don't even get me started on summers/winters. Distance isn't everything in the midwest lol. Suiox falls can get up to 90F in summer with 80% humidity and down to 0 in winter with a huge wind. An e-bike is good if you're going to/from work or picking up groceries regardless what /n/ thinks.

How do you guys get to/from work on your bikes or groceries? Just show up "yeah sorry just did 10 miles don't mind the smell!" or "oh gotta leave even earlier so I can change from my areo outfit".

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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>full carbon gravel bike frame for $500 from chinks
>Barely any reviews
Am I investing for a huge hospital bill or are they decent enough to get?
I’ve heard that the low grade stuff has very poor quality workmanship. It’s carbon, don’t risk your death.
You're right. Found some guy on leddit and it cracked open like glass.
I've been looking for a perfect all-year multipurpose dropbar bike that fits for a long time and my local shop has this superior x-road elite gr.


The geometry is super comfortable, but it doesn't seem like a do-it-all bike. Max tire width is 40mm and no full fender or rack. mounts

Any thoughts? should I keep looking?
Literally not worth your money at $300

Posiden was selling redwoods for $500 new, bout the bottom line for me

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
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your having a laugh
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>slow, expensive, and low capacity
this describes any busy highway
>transit unable to meet the demand of the area
based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
>Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary
it really isn't, it might seem that way if you're used to worse standards but good infra makes a huge difference to the amount of people riding bikes and their comfort/safety.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo highways have ridiculously low speed limits for a "highway" in many places. Other places in the world have untolled highways. Different highways certainly have different capacities.
>based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
Unless you're referring to the Ueno-Tokyo line connection or the Fukutoshin metro, no, there haven't been any parallel routes built.
Tozai, Chuo Sobu, Sobu, Saikyo, Yokosuka, Chuo, Tokaido, Tokyu, Seibu lines are still quite bad. Getting from Chiba to Tokyo in the morning is not fun.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo's highways are all tolled and are only two lanes in each direction. For a major world city, two lanes in each direction is literally third-world tier. In most of America, even in urban areas, the freeways are 65-75 mph during non-rush hour (and assuming no big wrecks or events).
Anywhere in Italy.

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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>Frankfurt - Kassel
I really like the cheeky "IC34" on the relation, which is rideable with a D-Ticket from Dillenburg to Dortmund.
The time table is constructed as to it never being the fastest connection for anyone coming from Frankfurt, but it's really a nice throw-back to the days of the InterRegio.
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traveling to Siegen on a IC with the D-Ticket. sounds interesting. I'll buy some Sauerländer Gurken.
Oh right, it was via Siegen, not Kassel/Warburg.
Sorry for that brainfart.
not the problem of the rest of country that Bavaria decided to dig a hole in Munich to burn money there (7 billion €uros cost estimate currently). 2. Stammstrecke is making Stuttgart 21 look like an absolute bargain.

Show me the jury rigged shit you've cobbled together yourself instead of buying from a store.

5gal bucket panniers, homemade bags, diy anti-theft solutions, etc.

p.s., picrel was absolute useless 3d printing and raspberry pi bullshit
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You can already download the plans from their website here:
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how hard would it be to recreate the fubi design?
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What problem is this bike trying to solve?
don't think too deeply about a folding bike, anon.

Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
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Few storage overheads...

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I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
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sounds like a <32mm problem
was that the bad guy in "marathon man"
Bumping this thread to remind non thru axle havers that there are NO thru axle standards and in fact every single fork has a different, custom, proprietary axle despite superficially having the same "spec"
As a first time thru axle haver, you people aren't kidding. 12x142mm with 1mm thread spacing but it's a sufficiently different pitch to be incompatible with my trainer and my trailer, both of which came with like three different thru axle adaptors. Mavic speed release how bout I speed release this dick in your mouth

Previous gen TCR is pretty much an unbeatable value play innaUS. Polygon is possibly better, but Giant has as big a dealer network here as any brand for in-person support and trying before you buy. Agree that Canyon is somewhat disappointing on value.

Sensible chuckle
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solid-axle > qr > thru-axle

Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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My city had a coop but the gutter trash kept breaking in and stealing everything.
Personal politics aside, just do $4/hr. It's worth it, even if they are preachy. Learn those skills, and if they're worth their salt they'll have project bikes you can build. Don't you want another bike anon?
Bike thieves are on par with addicts who refuse help. They'll rot themselves to death. Support your co-ops anons, all bikes are good bikes (even E-bikes).
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Yeah I'm a freak with no social skills but isn't that the point? If I had people skills I would be doing normie things like attending roof top parties or riding on boats with the kind of women that have the hair like this

I already have two
Unwarranted life advice: Normal people don't live sitcom lives. Some obsess of bikes, others anime, some guns. For some the expensive hobby is crochet, for others it's deep sea fishing. Rich assholes who couldn't make a dime without help from their parents are openly worth hating though. Find a group ride (bar or not), just talk to people, and don't let yourself be so angry at others doing their own little thing.

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Hey guys, new bike day for me. I pretty much just ride for exercise but the road bike has gotten a bit boring... So I bought an entry level trail bike and although I likely overpaid I'm still happy for now. Gonna try some easy trails in the next few days and see how it goes. How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
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I've met one or two roadies who seemed like jerks, out of hundreds. The vast majority are friendly and have good manners.

Most MTB people I meet are obnoxious low class boors.
Ok you win, I hope some good happens for you today
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dumb leftcel
My experience is the opposite. Roadies mostly tend to be grumpy sourpusses and mountainbiker are much more likely to be happy and friendly.
Sounds like you're an anxious beta cuck who's intimidated by loudmouthed guys.

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>they used to serve McDonald's Happy Meals on United flights.
we used to be a real country
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You need to inflate using %GDP not CPI. Even GDP/cap is incorrect for luxury goods like air travel in the past.

Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
>Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
Not arguing this, but also remember a lot of things used to be included that aren't anymore. Seat selection wasn't a "luxury", almost everybody gave you at least 1 free bag, carry-ons were unregulated, priority boarding wasn't a thing, etc. Add all that on to your basic United economy fare and you'll find it works out to at least $600 round trip.

Now we have people who can't afford to be flying burning up what little savings they have because the priceline commercial told them that they and their 7 kids deserve a vacation, while making flying a living hell for literally everyone else involved.
>You need to inflate using %GDP
What does microsoft and google spending has to do with the affordability of air travel for the common man?
>Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
Marxist/Keynsian economists are the last people to listen to about economics.
I think you are overestimating the amount of additional cost for the services that have been monetized, but that has allowed the creation of a flying nigger class which opts out of those 'luxuries'. Still, when you look at the overall cost of tickets since 1990 has trended down, even as the cost of fuel has gone up, which of course is a major driver of cost. We are left with a cheaper, lower quality product; just like most things we buy today.
i'm always a little amazed at the way some corporates had their shit together to pull stuff like this off. putting out ads like "call any travel agent, tell them you want mcdonalds served to you right there on the plane, like a fucking maniac" and then it would actually happen.

i had the same thought and found $260 rt on UA ($110 on F9). airfare staying the same nominal price is an insane feature of the last half century

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