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>they used to serve McDonald's Happy Meals on United flights.
we used to be a real country
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You need to inflate using %GDP not CPI. Even GDP/cap is incorrect for luxury goods like air travel in the past.

Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
>Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
Not arguing this, but also remember a lot of things used to be included that aren't anymore. Seat selection wasn't a "luxury", almost everybody gave you at least 1 free bag, carry-ons were unregulated, priority boarding wasn't a thing, etc. Add all that on to your basic United economy fare and you'll find it works out to at least $600 round trip.

Now we have people who can't afford to be flying burning up what little savings they have because the priceline commercial told them that they and their 7 kids deserve a vacation, while making flying a living hell for literally everyone else involved.
>You need to inflate using %GDP
What does microsoft and google spending has to do with the affordability of air travel for the common man?
>Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
Marxist/Keynsian economists are the last people to listen to about economics.
I think you are overestimating the amount of additional cost for the services that have been monetized, but that has allowed the creation of a flying nigger class which opts out of those 'luxuries'. Still, when you look at the overall cost of tickets since 1990 has trended down, even as the cost of fuel has gone up, which of course is a major driver of cost. We are left with a cheaper, lower quality product; just like most things we buy today.
i'm always a little amazed at the way some corporates had their shit together to pull stuff like this off. putting out ads like "call any travel agent, tell them you want mcdonalds served to you right there on the plane, like a fucking maniac" and then it would actually happen.

i had the same thought and found $260 rt on UA ($110 on F9). airfare staying the same nominal price is an insane feature of the last half century

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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He's too dumb to pass a cyclist. Many such cases
I've always wanted to ride my bike right into one of these
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You and every cager deserve to live a life of misery, far more than you currently do. I'm happy to help with that. Every honk tells me I'm doing it right.

Oh, you want to run me down? Too bad, I can hear your revs increase and swerve out the way, keying your car on the way past. Oops? That's a 20k bill to repaint. You don't want every cager in your neighbourhood to think your poor, right?
>real communism has never been tried
it literally doesn't. you don't drive, nor do you cycle, nor do you leave the house at all. passenger vehicle traffic accounts for far more volume and slowdown than a cyclist, or even group of cyclists could ever hope to achieve. even if you did drive, if you struggle so much to pass a 16 inch wide bicycle in a 9-12 foot wide lane, you shouldn't be allowed to drive.

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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
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Yea me banging your mom
>sovl is when you spend a week in a smelly bus with an overworked driver about to steer you into certain death and 20 druggies that take every coach stop to smoke crack


>Surly drivers
>Non-existant bus maintenance
>FlixBus, their new owner, is getting rid of actual stations, so you get to wait for your late connection with all your baggage at 3 am in a random parking lot
Amtrak, hands down. It's not even a close contest.
Yep there is.
>steals your zoomette gf
>nothing personal kiddo

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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Lot of other Americans don't understand how comfy trains can be. I took a few train rides in Europe and now I realize I'd much rather my commute be relaxing, reading shitposts on /n/, and maybe taking a short nap instead of having to constantly to deal with assholes on the highway and traffic jams.

>inb4 niggers
I only want trains if I can have a separate class coaches which I can already afford the higher price so I don't have to deal with that BS.
>I took a few train rides in Europe and now I realize
This is about you retard
The last post you linked is literally about (You), you fucking numbskull
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>Imagine losing to fucking line 2 of the Toronto Subway

Why are US transit systems aside from NYC so cucked
If that’s what you think food shopping is like….you really need to get out more.

I’m always stunned at how flimsy the cagetroll arguments are.

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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Agreed, the utterly garbage paint schemes and general appearance of the their trains is one of the major reasons Amtrak consistently fails to turn anything resembling a profit. Their trains are soulless metal shitboxes on top of being unreliable, frequently late, and suffering from stale service.
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The big problem with Nightjet is that's part of the Austrian national carrier so they can give their trains priority whereas private railroads seem to go out of their way to screw passenger services here.
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>No one's going to pay for a luxury overnight sleeper train

I mean, they already do though.
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>Interstate 5

LA traffic makes it take nearly as long to drive down as go by rail and it's suicide-inducing.

>low cost airlines
>wait in line for two hours to get fondled by the TSA
>to spend an additional three hours packed like sardines with non-whites
>jk, your flight got cancelled so you're gonna be here for at least another six hours lol
Dreamstar's got a wikipedia page now so I guess it's happening (maybe)?


>20 dollar toll peak hours to travel under 8 miles
I set my transponder to 3 occupants so it's free, if I ever get pulled over ll quickly set transponder to 1 and tell the cop their machines are malfunctioning. I've been doing it for about 2 years and have saved so many hours of time. What will eventually happen??
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>They have cameras checking occupancy in Virginia.
Pretty sure all of them do and have for a while, enough to catch on what's a person and what's not. Stuffed animals are common and in Portland someone was ticketed for it.
I'd be very surprised if the state ever caught up with you anon, express lanes are just another way to milk money out of bay area tax cattle, and I don't think any self-respecting cop is going to bother enforcing it

CHP is currently banned from using them because of CA's privacy laws. Individual cities and counties use them extensively though, it's why looters don't hit San Mateo because they got red light cameras on all sides and will fuck people before they get into SF.

I've seen it enforced, I've also been cited for not paying my bridge tolls and I have had my car towed for it too. Owed $1,500, DMV pulled my plates, and I let them keep my '98 civic lx because it was a pos anyway. They got me at benicia and made me discover crockett (dont google) while I walked to a safe area where a cab was willing to pick me up.

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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staged pic. looks like he cut a slot in the glasses
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>cager comes along with high beams
helmutothe,,,save!,again!,,i dip my headso visor blocks the lights but can see roadahead.,
,,,cage ALLWAYS dimms when they see me,,,,maybe a tiny "beep" apology after they pass?,
,,have BigFarm reflector on the rear so theyseeme miles away from behind.
>Diagnosed with 2 fractures, hematotympanum, hematoma and thrombosis
>He is recovering well, still has all his motor functions and still talks and acts the same as he did before the accident.”
>Dazed and confused shirt

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>accidentally bust a bravo
>gf as passenger
>told her to jerk my dick
>she jerks me
> high voltage light
> so much stress
>no phone number
>busted in her hand
>she wipes me
>turbulence starts to kick in
>landed safely
fake and gay
Mokulele is peak regional kino
>working for the devil
i'll pass
Bot thread, niggers tongue my anus

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What are your thoughts on Embraer? what is the future of the company? What do you hope they accomplish?
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https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/boeing-partner-embraer-aircraft-manufacturing-edf3758a it's happening
They already denied it, though they did announced studies for it last year.
Those motorcycle style yokes look retarded.
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I know, the Brazilian Air Force has something similar on their website, lots of KINO pics.
>what is the ATR
>what is the C408
>what is the C208
>what is the CRJ-200

>This is a

>Red Line train to

>Shady Grove
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If you build homes for the average BART hobo, they will just tear out the pipes and wiring and sell them so they can keep getting high on the street. For some people the only way to help them is through force, and if that doesn't work the best solution is a final one.
Oh and fentanyl dealers plus the bankers who launder their money should be flayed alive and left on screaming display on Market St, that would also help resolve the problem.
Exactly. Can't believe people still vote for these dipshits thinking that they'll solve the housing problem.
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>operator is high
>"red line train, red line train, thanks for boarding, five points next station"
>Shady Grove
that's when you know not to relax

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am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
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>making third world migration to the first world easier than ever
Can't wait for Europeans to get Hondurans
This, I also support oppressing the poor further
They are getting out of line these days

,,,,jump to26;00
I work for a mid-tier carrier as customer support, traps are gay, any other questions?
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I’m no airbus fanboy but has the A350 pretty much totally dethroned Boeing’s long haul offerings at this point? It’s reputation is so good that it has had a total hull loss and people are saying they’d fly on one again in a heartbeat
Twinjets are boring
Give me an a340neo
777X is just a 30 year old plane with new wings and engines, but 350 is designed with 21st century technology
If you want to use PC from the 90's or Core i7 PC, which would you rather use?
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In theory the 777X is not a bad plane, it could be great in fact. The original version of the plane was fantastic at its introduction. A few significant upgrades is honestly all that's needed for it to stay competitive, but the flying public doesn't really have faith in Boeing to deliver a quality aircraft. Deservedly so, this due almost entirely to all the bad press Boeing has earned itself. The airlines as well don't have infinite patience either as its languishes in production/certification hell. It's difficult to replace a 777 with an A350 especially with the new variant's even more impressive capacity but it is an option.

Age isn't such clear cut simple factor to consider - the A320 is just as old as the 777 and its neo is the belle of the ball when it comes to orders.

While I just defended the 777, I like the A350. I like big twins and I cannot I lie. The A350 is one of the best planes flying today alongside the A220 but unlike the A220 it doesn't have as unique a character to it. At least it doesn't require as frequent engine maintenance however.

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Is grant petersen's quote still true?
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Or just find a nice lugged frame on eBay.
How so I commute in jeans on a mountain bike never had issues other than a cheap pair I had ripping on the sprocket
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15 years ago, road bikes had narrow 25mm tires and a brutal 39 x 25 hill gear. They were designed for athletic sufferfests. Who is defending that exactly?

Modern road bikes have evolved to fit comfortable 35mm tires, even people racing routinely spec 28,30,32mm tires and the gearing is usually a very wide 11-34 cassette with a 34 or 36 chainring. The entry level road bikes have rack mounts.

You won't find anyone saying oh lets go back to mid 00s road spec. Of course not. But there's some kind of strange cognitive dissonance towards people who actually suggested the change before it happened. You should be thankful.

I think the anger is not actually towards what a bicycle should be like, but how a bicycle might be used (for transport, or, for casual fun). $5000 taiwanese gaspipe shitters are an absolute red herring. Most unracers spend less than $500 and ride something old. The fixation the hyper expense of boutique unracers stuff is basically just projection by people who are deeply insecure about cycling and need to signal their wealth while doing it so as to not be viewed as a bum or a child.
yeah, and then cold set it
>15 speed
>oh, you can't really see the second ring in the picture but it's a triple crank
>tires and a brutal 39 x 25 hill gear. They were designed for athletic sufferfests. Who is defending that exactly?
Me. I want a bike designed for athletic sufferfests.
(Of course, fatter tires and lower gearing have made their way into the pro peloton because they generally allow riders to work harder for longer. On the other hand, I have a 2004 CAAD and it's fuckin great.).

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Trains should be powered by induction strips underneath the tracks, like really powerful versions of wireless phone charging. It's more compact than overhead catenary wires or third rails, more resistant to weather and damage, and less likely to electrocute people.
>10 times more expensive
>inefficient power transfer
God i wish only 3 digit IQ people would exist on this planet
Don't forget
>Sorry about your 5 miles of ruined induction surface because something was dragging
you do not understand how IQ works. Ironic.
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>you do not understand how IQ works. Ironic.

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>What bags do you use
>What do you carry
>Why are all saddle bags shit
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It was actually not bad, first month was tough, but I shed some of that crap, and I did 10% grads with relative ease.
>I think the front end is a bit harsh
What bike handles that better in your opinion? I mean you can get a spring loaded stem. My friend did it and he likes it.
I used to have a carbon bike on 25mm but it was way harsher than the Triban on 28mm. And now with 32mm I don't have any issues.

My stock wheels are still perfectly true, suprising honestly. I have the RC520 model, which came with better wheels than the lower end versions I think.
I recently bought this on a whim. How is it when riding?
>t. saggy boomer
What straps are those? If you don't mind me asking.

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