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>29 years old
>shit at drawing
>shit at animating
>no natural talent
>dedicated to practicing for at least an hour every day
>want to be a professional 3d modeler/animator within 5 years
How delusional am I? It's my dream.
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It's doable, you don't necessarily need to be good at drawing to be good at sculpture/3D, though much of the knowledge between the two intersects. Study anatomy, form, proportions, character design, colour, etc. but rather than drawing the lessons (though you can), try "sketching" them in 3D instead.

That's the key word there. I've seen quite a few amazing 3D artists who are fairly shit at 2D, though like I said, the skills intersect.
its easier to model than draw. fundamental but abstract knowledge is the wall for good art, but the wall for good 3d is knowledge of your toolset
Just draw your fetish and if you don't have it, then commit suicide since you are a woman
go to school?
An hour a day is not enough for 3D. Simply using the software is a lot more technical and it will be more time consuming to get anything to even a basic level of done-ness

Are there any books teach the fundamentals of painting from imagination in the same way that Vilppu or Huston teaches the fundamentals of drawing?

I just keep seeing shitty youtube videos. It seems very cryptic
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unsurprising desu
artists are never subtle about their fetishes
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It seems the woman is modelled on his own wife, like he usually did.

Honesly I kinda get him, not gonna lie
We should actually copy BLACKED.com twice instead
is... is he going to insert that femur into her?
>meanwhile Vilppu like drawing plump women

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for clothing folds, there's a gap there right? like imagine a hole and then the folds of the clothing go over it
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There are books specifically about drawing clothing folds and drapery, they'd likely help you more than simply watching others draw them.
thanks for the resources
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They're good at showcasing raw fundamentals in abstract like advanced technical perspective and capturing highly realistic accuracy in things like material. But that mathematical focus on something so autistic is at the price of making anything appealing at all beyond "jus like a foto". A lack of soul, if you're so inclined. Like staring into the eyes of a doll.
Morpho, Burne Hoghart and nakamura seiich have some nice books on the subjects IMO
also there are tons of anime books you can find n sadpanda or any place to be honest
can you share some of the vids you've been watching? I'm curious to see how koreans do it

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Has anyone found a crack for Clip Studio 3.0?
The other versions are all on nyaa but no dice for 3.0 so far.
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Nigga you use Linux. You're not gonna pay for anything if you can find workaround to it. Just stay with Krita.
Krita is fucking dogshit, used by hipsters. CSP is still the best program, despite all of this bload, shitty sub plans. CSP 1 is literally all you'll ever need shit like the fish eye lens perspective grid, items can be attached to models, and multilayer liquify are good, but its nothing groundbreaking.
The only thing I don't like is how animation is very limited on the basic CSP, and you need the expensive version.

You know that this is the same exact PS slippery slope? Not to mention the more le cloud-le subscription is something and less local the more likely it is to fuck up. I can guarantee you CSP 4 will have fuckups.
I'm an adult and prefer to just buy things rather than deal with piracy these days. I just fucking hate windows.
I've been using a shitty pirated version of paint tool sai that I downloaded like 10 years ago. You're telling me I can pirate better software out there? Any recommendations?
thanks man i'll add that to my common sense repository

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>ITT: we post styles we hate and why.

Keep seeing this garbage pop up. "muh ethereal" meaningless slop. Every piece is unfinished on purpose but not really. Eerie image for the sake of being "le cybergoth Y2k". Always draw by either women or they/them
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>Everything I hate is slop
Fuck you, nigger.
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hey now, mister. we know we're niggers, no need to remind us.
No draw demoralization nigger thread is gay.
Anyone engaging seriously is Never GMI

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No one is reviving the thread and I think it's so sweet that /ic/ has a space for this, so I guess it depends on me now
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9.5 out of 10 would hang in my living room
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What a beautiful sky!
these are lovely, anon!

yooo this is very sick

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>Mediocre artist
>Has made millions
How did he do it?
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Comics are a medium where the writing is told mostly (sometimes just entirely) through the visuals. This is a hard concept to explain but it is what sets the truly great comics from the good ones.
If writing is the 'only thing' that matters than make a book.
>Has made millions
Think he was able to buy a house with the money form the film though
He definitely got paid well from the Netflix show
He was the first nigga that wasn't japanese to understand that people like cute romances when the people in it actually look fucking cute and aren't horrific DC/Marvel hairless monkeys.
He was likely paid straight up for the film, rather than paid in royalties, so yeah he probably could.

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Help me settle an argument, /ic/. This is an official movie poster. My friends say this art is /beg/ tier, flat, and ugly. They didn't even think this was official. How would a /beg/ be hired to make movie posters if it was that bad?
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Ok, fix the worst one then
You are just talk, you don't know what you are talking about and worst of all you don't draw, classic no-draw
I don't give a shit what you idiots think so I'm sure as hell not going to waste time convincing you.
Convince of what? You can't draw your opinion doesn't matter

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Why is concept art almost always superior to the finished product?
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No doubt, I'm just pointing out one of the reasons it looks "worse" so to speak.
>why is 3d always better than 3d?
gee idk
Except the game is Fortnite so they probably changed due to laziness and deadlines.
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They actually did model most of it, they just decided to half ass it

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I got the idea to use color palettes ripped from album covers as a way to cheat having to pick my own colors, so far its a massive pain in the ass, but a lot of fun. Ive only listened to 3 songs from this album, go ahead and call me a poser and a fake fan lmao, but I love the cover art and decided to have a go at it since i suck major ass at dealing with complementary palettes. Hopefully this thread doesnt die immediately lol, post drawings using colors from album covers, music videos, band posters, etc !
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Experiments are fun though
>Why have fun when drawing?
I don't know why some people come to this board.
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tried my best
wtf that looks cool as shit, anon. post more
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Album Cover I did.

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I wish I could draw like a kid again. Fun? I don't know how to have fun anymore! I can't doodle anything without curling up on the floor wheezing. How do I draw like a child and stop caring about anatomy or perspective or values??? How do I draw like picrel without losing my mind?
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I don't know but I want to know too. Every time I sit down to draw I start brainstorming ideas and eliminating them because they will take too long and I won't gain enough out of it. Its like art is an investment of my limited time on earth since I'm already 30 and every hour I waste is critical.
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>be me
>open up mspaint
>try to draw something good on my cheap drawing tablet
>get frustrated after 20 minutes because everything I draw makes me look like I'm retarded
Another productive day of drawing
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just embrace being retarded

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Will drawing 8 hours per day unironically help me get good in 1 years?
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they were masonic lodgers who studied ancient runic texts

you don't have a privileged access to their education, unfortunately
quit crabbing out like a faggot and pyw then. or are you too chickenshit?
how do you come up with this? The pose, the clothing, the colors, the expression, the weird shit all over her body. Even the background seems simple but I could never decide on orange hearts on a yellow background, and the hearts are in 3d and in a swirl. How can you just imagine something interesting and draw it? How do you grind imagination? Everything I draw looks like a family guy screenshot with "correct" anatomy.
You may have made your practice too rigid with fundamental study. You could start by studying the piece in OP's post. Not a 1:1 copy, but in your style. Observe your result after its finished, then maybe think about how you could push the design further to your liking. (Would I want to see a certain distortion in anatomy? Is there another object I could integrate into the design? What value/colors would I maybe like instead? Would I like her in another pose? What abstract shapes within the picture might make this more appealing to me? Etc.)
just draw whatever tickles your fancy, simple as
the guy went through his fundies arc for a year or so, then he just doubled down on the stuff he actually wanted to make
i do drawpiles with the guy every now and then, and once he finds his groove, he just keeps going

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How important is it, for you, to set aside special practice time to develop your line dexterity? How much time to you spend grinding muscle memory exercises?
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Is this your work anon?
Believe this anon
I am doing circles every day for hours and never draw anything
I feel like shit but I can draw a better circle then any tool could ever do
broken wrists
>practices all this 3d visualization shit, draws 2d cartoons with 0 anatomy.
this guys exercises are retarded, they don't produce results and I don't feel like he utilizes anything he does in his own work. draw vehicles from reference that shit is very hard and you'll feel it more, you have to draw specific circles and lines relative to each other there's a wrong answer vs drawing 100s of arbitrary sloppy circles like he's doing. also if you're just drawing random lines and circles you're not necessarily using those lines you're training when drawing your waifu, you might be using smaller lines with your wrist or going far slower.
yeah, he is very sloppy with his exercises. It almost makes me think he's trolling with all his videos

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I did it bros. I managed to draw two intersecting planes from a vertical length, and also learned to find a height from a perspective length in 2 point perspective.

I still don't know very well how to rotate in an intuitive way, since that should imply moving both VPs and Measuring points in exponential proportion over the horizon. Tell me if I'm wrong, but to simply rotate a given angle I should project that angle from the station point towards the horizon, right?
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Sorry for the fuckhuge resolution.

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I drew the meme Bateman image.
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kek its this that does it for me, even a pro would be slightly off on one of these lines
I take back what I (>>7154028) said. fuck OP, hope his face gets cut off in one of those Mexican cartel videos.
traced and doesn't really capture the likeness? that's rough.
it's the two stray hairs near the ear that really sells it. No fucking way you manage to line it up that perfectly without tracing
forocoches momento
OP on life support

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