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Go on construction fags, do your best
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golden poast
why does he have such a feminine face
You gotta have lost all of your self-respect to allow having this kind of physique. I mean come on, at some point you should notice this isn't normal and pit some effort to be fit.

If that’s feminine to you then you need to refresh your eyes.
Tbf to him he's a walking health anomaly. I'm not sure if it's genetics or from being obese as a child or a mix of the two but he's perpetually stuck as a 9 year old mentally with a body that doesn't produce any testosterone.

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I'm looking for more art with the same vibe as pic rel. Please post and share
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look for MTG art
She looks like she wants to defecate

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why do people who can't draw well do tutorials on youtube?
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Reminds me of Chinese companies poaching white people into becoming white monkey and making big bucks in china, being giga celebrities on Weibo and bilibili.
Like for real saying it takes so long to create videos, not really, you just need a timer and a clear vision, unlike drawing where you just can’t be as efficient
APHMAU, DREAM, DHAR MANN, Gotham chess, dramawhore Jschlatt , even the wannabe mrbeast with blond hair, Jesus Christ YouTube is more astroturfed than I thought. Insane. They have so many YouTubers and dramawhores

Even shit like scammer payback.
No dawg they even own asmongolds otk network crap.

The amount of gigajewing in insane, never in my life YouTube would be so fucking astroturfed.
That is too depressing, so many companies being under one banner, the amount of god damn, I really felt like YouTube should be regulated the amount of clickbait and drama nonsense is insane but that looks like a giga monopoly. Like lol, most of the richest YouTubers are a part of their group, even their companies as affiliated.
Like man this stuff should be regulated.
It takes a máster two hours to paint an industry tier splash art but the average is 12 hours
He's on the higher tiers of useful knowledge for putting paint on the canvas. Personally, I don't like how rigid his recommended approach is but it's useful for beginners who have no direction.

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wtf is he even trying to say?
"I feel compelled to draw the problem version, but it's not my fault! pls don't cancel me!"
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>wtf is he even trying to say?
He wishes to develop a certain style, yet he isn't consistent with it, so he feels as if little progress is made.
What's hard to understand here?
Please drink your meds.
Commit suicide you mentally ill clowns with maimed cocks
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I don't know who is more pathetic, those who try to make artists draw a certain way or the artists who bow to losers.

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>be me
>never drew anything more than the usual house on a hill with the sun in the sky doodles or used M$ Paint when i was a kid
>start generating AI images I like
>over time edit a lot of those images and learn basic tool usage, especially early on learning how powerful enlarging the brush and using it at low opacity is
>realize that its not all that impossible to do and quite enjoyable actually
uhhhhh... bros... the AI art to artist pipeline... I think it got me...
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What do you mean , it looks decent to me
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I don't trace them because (other than my brain not learning much from tracing anything) the anatomy is shit, but I do reference them alongside normal references. The AI I use recognizes the main 2 styles I want to learn to draw, so it's been quite helpful for lookdeving. If it weren't for AI, I probably wouldn't have as much motivation to draw daily as I do now.
Fundamentally I don't disagree with the anti-AI crowd about the dangers, but it is kinda annoying that you can't be transparent about referencing AI because if people see that AI "tainted" your process, even if a human being actually did the work, you're still viewed on the same level as lazy grifters who've never touched a pencil flooding the internet with eldritch slop. Though as annoying as it is, I suppose there's a little bit of self-satisfaction in anti-AI people praising art without any idea AI was involved.
Nice, You avoided being a turbofaggot, enjoy actually drawing OP it’s pretty cool
Spoiler alert: You will completely lose interest in it in a few weeks.
Lol loser

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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All the good memers were chased away and now you're stuck with the guy above me.
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And after this accidental leak we had another chapter that shows Tonkers was addicted to smoking. We can't help but to infer that this is due to him trying to distract himself from the memory of what he had done. However, Tub catches him smoking but the ever quick thinking Tonkers played it off as if the cigarrettes were just candy cigarretes.
Had the leak never happened, even we might have been fooled, but now we know that Tonker's leisurely demeanor is just a facade.
Instead of bashing my head I'm going to bash my balls and see if it has the same effect
Yes, all the deniers are silent now.

Your kids will be genious artists and most likley page one Dad'ers if you smash them hard enough.

Fantasy artwork was best when being made by coomers like Royo or Caldwell.

Now what fantasy art are you making anon?
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not modern.

Dont worry, despite the typos que post clearly transmitted the relevant information to understand that you're retarded.
>he says while posting generic_bitch looking_out _window.jpg
so innovative
retarded fucking weeb you're precious asians are just sucking off tolkien and germanic/yuropoor folklore like every other fantasy artist out there
>innovating fantasy art
>tracing jpeg into moe shit

shit like this is actually worse than Ai because a (bug) person did it lmao
Damn, I really like this piece

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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Can you name a painter that uses or recommends acrylic primed surfaces with oil? I don't see any advantages. >>7155610
As the other anon said, oil grounds are less absorbent than acrylic. Your initial washes will sink in much less on oil. If you're going to use oils a lot you should buy some oil primed panels or cover one you already have with oil primer just to see the difference. It's very noticable.
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Oh, I know your art. Pretty cool.

Posting a wip.
>painting thick on thick
There is such a thing as too much texture my friend.
Which books or videos should I read/watch for water colours?

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do this
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Don't listen to them. This place is full of trolls and crabs who would have you believe "you either have it or you don't", that the ability to draw is innate, or that if you haven't been practicing since childhood then it's too late for you. They're wrong and salty because they're being held back by their own mindset. Anyone can draw, you just need to be willing to practice and learn.
I went years thinking I'll never be able to draw, that it was too late for me, especially with my ADHD making it really fucking hard to stick to it and practice. Almost a decade later I realised, if I had started a decade ago, I could be pretty good by now. So I downloaded Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson, that book that's shilled here pretty frequently. I didn't finish it of course, largely because of my executive dysfunction, but I went from stick figures to stuff that's actually kind of okay, and I can only improve from here, and that's just from two months of working on a book I never finished.
You're no longer a child, so you probably don't have all day to draw like one would. Some work say that you missed out on years of practice. This is kind of true but also, now that you're an adult, you know how to learn much better than when you were a child. Instead of blindly stumbling through art and slowly, gradually improving as you learn naturally about lighting and perspective and stuff, you can actually read books on the subjects and improve much more rapidly.
Please don't let idiots on 4chan be the reason you lose hope. In 10 years you'll wonder what could have been, and then probably think it's too late then too when it's never too late.
Would say* fuck I'm dumb, but you get the point.
He’s honestly right. He’s not attacking Pawell’s character. He’s just pointing out that Pawell is in no position to be giving anyone advice
Thanks, like for real. Honestly a lot of what you said are exactly the same worries I have towards art.
Gonna follow your advice and stop listening to them.
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closing one eye helps you with the foreshortening, doing this and drawing blind will get you better you better line quality and more hand eye coordination you fucking beg tards

no wonder nobody on ic can draw hands youre all about as good as ai

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Mikey is so based. His hips are perfect for studying.
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Unironically why are Y'ts so insecure about this stuff? Literally no other demographic acts like this
lmao why don't these streamer fags close their tabs when streaming
posting a hot black chick with a white dude on twitter gets you thousands of death threats. You niggers are the most insecure race of all.
This will never not be funny
>frazetta, shirow, this guy
Is being a BLACKED cuck the secret to making it?

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I am not exactly a furry but I did nut on Lola bunny and Judy hoops a few times and I kinda like drawing anthropomorphic characters. I also watched beastars once.
So my question to experienced furry artists out there is what do I need to do to be noticed by furries and get commissioned? What sites should I go to post my art? Is it true that furries pay all types of artists and that the demand is very high even for non extreme work?
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You're invisible in the fandom without a fursona so every furfag inevitably gets one whether or not he has to pour hundreds of dollars into it or draws it himself.
Is it? Interesting. Tell us other furcutural facts anon
We love cock
sounds gay. unless they’re all women?
oi vey tkd

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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made this last year
thanks, also nice quints
Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you think so.
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how bout now ?
i think i fixed it up alright

Are women naturally better artists than men?

Looking online, there seems to be a lot more women posting great art than men. Female artists get out of the /beg/ phase much faster, are more consistent with their art, are more varied with their styles, aren’t massive coomers, and are generally more soulful.
Why can’t we compete, bros?
Is it because women get obsessed with drawing their husbandos and brute force their way into becoming skilled artists or something?
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Inuyasha is also by a woman.
>This is why women artists tend to produce a lot of nuanced, subtle colors in their work, and generally tend to work with less saturated colors. Men are drawn to intense saturation because their color perception is limited, they need it loud and overt.
Dude, any artist in history that has painted skin, and there's many men down that road, must have developed a great handling of subtle, low-chroma colors.

> In much the same way boys recoil from the grossly pink and insipid aesthetic that characterizes their mothers and sisters
Picrel; also as far as I remember, young princes in Europe used to weak pink at some time. Blue jeans used to be for slaves, and tiny skirts for prostitutes.

> girls recoil from the stupidly loud and animalistic silliness that represents the boys
I can't count how many young girls I have saw in my life who were playing football and trying hard to mimic boy's attitudes.

> The reasons are evolutionary
Evolution theory is pretty, but it's still a theory, and from what I understand, what is understood by the general public is grossly wrong to the *current* status quo on the matter.
its all made up, thats why
Women poop more than males
This man makes a great point.

the video made sense to me but his work is still permabeg tier
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looks like Gabe+
>technically proficient
>no appeal whatsoever
Hits too close to home
Watching the iterative drawing tutorial made me stop overthinking and just sit down and draw which was a good thing for my art progress. For that reason I think it's a great video for every overthinker noobie on this forum to watch. I don't really like his art either but who cares
>do you get better at drawing from drawing a lot!?
as opposed to not drawing at all?
its never too late for him to change this

Feels weird to see stuff that feels like it was put in an ai blender and traced over. Don't know wether to call it smart or souless.
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Not to mention the poses lol got less dynamic
Because retards will shit themselves senseless at the idea of artists not hating AI. You can train a model off your own art and they'll still screech about "muh stolen artwork" and "pick up a pencil".
>he got filtered by a pencil
Seems like their style changed within a few months looking at the time it was posted. Also the fact that they put 'NO AI' is also saying something. One of the posts they put their stuff onto a AI detection website.

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