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art from a server member!!
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urn] [Catalog] [Bottom]
IMG_3745.png (2.3 MB, 1920x1080) google yandex iqdb wait
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melodia!! TV-Chan 05/02/24(Thu)21:33:56 No.7153822>>7153825

art from a server member!!

TV-Chan 05/02/24(Thu)21:35:48 No.7153823

> >>7144668 (Cross-thread)
> IMG_3924.png (2.03 MB, 1334x750) >google yandex iqdb wait
> 2.03 MB
> my Gacha video TV-Chan >04/24/24(Wed)16:38:07 >No.7144668

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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Yeah that's one of the issues. I can't seem to figure out what exactly a "good" book would be for me.
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>I can't seem to figure out what exactly a "good" book would be for me
aside from asking people here on /ic/, in what way(s) have you tried to do so?
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I think you should Draw-a-Cutie.
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Choose you Spinda

How does one "draw funny"?
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Dude, literally everyone should recognize this artist. If not for this work (Dr. Slump) then immediately for the Dragon Ball/Dragon Quest-style art. Fuck you
fuck off gabe
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Damn she's cute. She 18?
Trying too hard kid. This is an 18+ board.

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All the people who teach eventually give up after telling to go and learn about scott.
Draw a straight line on your paper
Put a dot in the middle
this is your vanishing point
Now draw a box where all lines go into that point
you now have understood how to draw
i learned these things from too moderndayjames and he is helpful but i still dont know what scott really means by cone of vision or tmaking background or even mirroring planes.
I really like Scott Robertson's book but the cone of vision falls pretty flat, he launches right into an explanation of how to construct it and glosses over what it actually does. These two videos will explain the station point, cone of vision, and how both of them are used to control your pictures:


>mirroring planes
These are a set of techniques that tell you how to make symmetrical forms, by copying a box or curve from one side to another in perspective. moderndayjames has a good video on it


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I heard that a lot of mangaka learn to draw manga by being assistants. What does that entail? Just inking, pasting screen tone and doing some backgrounds?
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What do you think (s)he is about to say, bros?
it's just a different version of mentorship. Yeah, a lot of assistant work is slave labor (inking, adding patterns, etc). But doing so you are also essentially redrawing stuff made by a master and learning how it's done, they probably also get tips and coaching directly, so if there's tight deadlines they can even do whole drawings/pages themselves, and they have to look good when next to the originals.
It just accelerates your learning: you get taught, a pro reviews everything you do, you get to grind art gains for like 12 hours a day, and on top of that you get paid for it.

So by that logic the author of Dandadan, learned how to draw by being Fujimoto assistant?

>What does that entail?
It entails whatever the fuck the editor tells you right at the current moment.

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how do i fix it to be able to draw 8-12 hours a day.Back in the day when i just started learning art, i could just sit and watch million art tutorials and draw along, nowadays i cant focus for 5 minutes without wanting to alt tab(to change music/check dms,mails/etc)
i've been drawing for 2 years consistently every day,mostly just practice and sketches
also one thing that kept me going when i was a beginner is that i failed a lot and it gave me motivation to keep going, today i can pretty much get anything right if i focus and try hard enough, after that i immediately stop caring
>inb4 burnout
i tried taking breaks from art,usually one day
>inb4 post art
im not here for critique,just some advice from people who are consistently drawing every day
>inb4 just draw different things
i do, i start the first hour of the day by drawing something i struggle with,then the rest of the day is spent on rendering/coloring/backgrounds/other relaxing process that doesnt require much focus
i do take supplements too, mostly d3,zinc,magnesium. half a year ago i took NAC,thought it would increase my productivity,but seems like no effect, recently started taking L-Theanine,its supposed to help me focus,but idk,feels like its all fake shit
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i learned it by using a basic program by this company/app called 'headspace'. you can easily find their stuff on torrents
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I guess it boils down to what you draw,and possibly why.

Here is an idea:don't just draw,Illustrate. Tell a story in one image,and through the details define the world the story unfolds in. Think of the scene and what the players do within its confines.

And suddenly you have an Ultimate Purpose, continuing the story,embellishing the world. Or try another scenario in the next.
you are right, i've been mostly drawing same shit for a long time, maybe its time to step up the gamew0pst
Unironically seek therapy.
men dont need therapy

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I don't hate artists for taking the easy route and just fixing AI art as their own
I hate them because their art has become completely identical to other artists who do the exact same strategy

Mark my words.
The market will collapse from oversaturation and these artists will inevitably return to their old ways just so they could stand out.
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>When the pajeets who says AI is just a tool found out artists are also figuring those tools.
No offense bud, been using this for a while.
Yes and all of you produces identical stuff
>Yes and all of you produces identical stuff
Check out one of the threads nearby.
another faggot that traces AI and passes it off as their art

Favorite outsider artists? Looking for weird stuff.

Abstract art is art insofar as cultural institutions say that it's art.

To create art is to create harmony. It is to demonstrate a relationship between the disparate elements of a thing by which those elements all accord with one another. This harmony is beauty.
The way abstract art works is that the artists take a quite random jumble of things, and assert that they are in fact harmonious in some way. This is different than traditional art, which tries to make things actually visually harmonious; it's not creating harmony, it's ASSERTING harmony.
Abstract art is inferior because it relies on the viewer knowing and caring about the assertion the artist makes regarding the beauty in the piece. Generally, abstract art has accomplished this by leveraging institutions (museums, galleries, magazines, etc) to give their assertion of beauty more impact. That's why abstraction didn't really take off until the CIA astroturfed it into existence, by the way. At any rate, once these institutions lose their cultural force, so to do the claims of the artists. If someone who had never heard of abstraction found a Pollock in the trash, he'd think it was some sort of test canvas. It's art that can only exist within a limited cultural context.
This is distinct from art which is too intellectual for the average person to comprehend. Monet wanted to capture the particular character of light, and pursued that goal (showcasing the harmony of light without strict form) intelligently. An intelligent observer can decode Monet's work without knowing anything about Monet, and perceive that value.
Pollocks work, on the other hand, cannot be decoded. Even if it does, as he alleged, create beauty by displaying his subconscious urges, those urges can't be detected by someone viewing the art. If he wrote a description of what he felt he had imparted in a particular painting, the reader would be as informed by the description alone as by the description combined with the painting.
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So surrealism is obsessed with the idea of the subconscious mind, in order to use that, they put together objects and scenes that make no logical sense together. Your brain forces a meaning on to it, but it thinks there must be a pattern there. This was called Automatism.
Abstract expressionist did the same thing, but believe iconography (renegotiable subjects) distracted from Automatism, so they want your brain to have no bias to objects to get in the way of free association.
would you consider Transformers, one of the best movies every? it made a billion dollars.
When you blew off the "magic all powerful people" you made a new set of magic all powerful people, that are in control and are the reason the some people like the art you don't like.
I have already addressed your transformers objection about elsewhere. Accessibility isn't the only category we can use to judge the quality of art. But art which is not accessible to literally anyone isn't meaningfully art. Look at a Pollock and tell me what it means. Compare it to what he says it means, then compare it to what a gallery says it means. You'll get three different answers. The artist isn't really doing anything.
People who claim to like abstract art don't actually like it, they're just playing out a social convention. They're lying about the beauty they infer in it to avoid seeming artistically illiterate, because institutions told them the paintings were beautiful.
Automatism is the idea that art isn't complete until its in a persons mind, The goal of an abstraction is to not explain what it means, so that each individual person free associates their own thoughts and emotion when looking at it.
look at abstracts like you looked at clouds when you where young.
also your ego is enormous to think no one can like something cause you don't
>penis joke

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Stop here share and Comment !
Located in the Mecca

All Forms of this specific Genre Welcome
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Rochester NY Freight tracks
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Practice for walls
Nigger and mediocre art

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Previous thread >>7075266

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles can coexist here.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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nice, very r.crumb
new bread >>7153485
Thank you!
i knew a girl with skin like that and i love it

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Do you believe this is one of the major reasons as to why Dandadan looks significantly better than both CSM and JJK?
Not to mention that he had all the time in the world to grind considering he only got his first serialization after a decade of being an assistant.
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Making that story in a succinct 1-2 page drawing or 4koma is a lot harder to do desu. I don't know how people continuously come up with ideas that arent just overdone or too corny
>over a decade's more worth of experience
>has to settle for Jump+
If anything this should prove that good art alone is not enough to make a good manga and shows why CSM and JJK are superior
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On most of the big sites, it's all the same jokes, just different presentation. Overdone doesn't really matter, overdone is what gives jokes meme status because everyone gets to be in on the joke. That's a plus.

The comic I used as an example has at least 5 similar comics with exact same joke with similar numbers of upvotes right now.
There's a new person who hasn't seen your joke yet every single day. There is no such thing as over done on the internet.


There's a charm in corny too.

People still disdain ai art. The story of ai art is "there is no human behind this, it's soulless". Most people refuse to engage with it unless they're facebook boomers.

Still make your 4koma.

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>There's a new person who hasn't seen your joke yet every single day. There is no such thing as over done on the internet.
>There's a charm in corny too.

You're right, i dont know why I didnt reaize that its so obvious that the more people are in on it the better it is because they'll actually enjoy being a part of it.

>People still disdain ai art. The story of ai art is >"there is no human behind this, it's soulless".

I dont know how people can genuinely be okay with the idea of turning to AI for the creative works we consume. It feels so obvious it should be rejected.

>but to also consistently practice writing, >communication and storytelling

I know I fell in love with manga because of the combination of art and stories, but you're right as well I shouldn't neglect the storytelling because ultimately it's just as important if not more so even if I do enjoy the drawing side a lot more.
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>It feels so obvious it should be rejected.
Same thing can be said for majority of popular ‘contents’ on the internet.
Many, I mean MANY people right now are basically junkies who crave for endless waves of digital content that would distract them from their boring real life.
E.g. people voluntarily fixate themselves on stream of shorter-than-a-minute, fast-paced videos for HOURS even though they are completely aware that those are some of the lowest-quality, least-time-worthy stuffs on the internet and frankly not that interested in their substance in the first place. They just like to be distracted.
Generative AIs are basically perfect invention to exploit that massive, not-picky-at-all audiences. Yes, a piece of media would be much more interesting and engaging if they were made by a bunch of talented, real artists… But the promise of literally never ending stream of contents is too good to pass for those people.
My humble advice for artists? Aim higher. Higher than constantly chugging out low-grade ‘contents’ to get people’s fleeting attention to get by on. Don’t drag yourself down to the same level as literal piece of softwares designed to exploit people’s poor choice of life style.

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Why is anatomy so hard to learn?
>Video courses that seem helpful are way too long
>Art books full of rambling
>Never feel like I'm understanding what I'm drawing
Does anyone have an absolute braindead guide to it? Something like 'anatomy for dummies' that isn't 5 hours long.
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the thing is, ass-wiping can and has been reinvented, with the bidet
Watch nude pose videos by Ballerinas and Bodybuilders.
Not OP, but what would you say is a good way to fast track improvement in this area? I'm at a point where doing basic shit like lines, elipses, boxes, etc. is braindead easy, but trying to move into even the most basic figure construction and it's real fucking hard to get my lines to go where I want them to, and there's lots of trial and error and erasing.
been having the same issue and ppl said to just draw more and don't mindlessly copy do it with 100 % concentration while comparing the line to another line or angle or parallel like or half ratio etc etc so just do that i guess
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Skill issue anon. Smart people don't bother with school, so why should you bother with video courses, "how to draw" books, anatomy courses, etc? Learn by doing, not reading.

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**Art Supply Thread: Copic discontinued all the SP replacement nibs except for the 0.3 one Edition**
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How grimy is your room?
not sure if I can expect an answer here, but do you figure indian ink and graphite are safe for composting?
basically I'm thinking about using all the paper waste I create for compost and I don't know if I'd be poisoning myself and/or the ground
I figure paint is a nono because heavy metals, but I'm not sure about indian ink and pencils
I mean the carbon itself is fine but I'm not sure about shellac or whatever else might be in there
Any good portable easels? Used to have a cheap one from Amazon, but it wobbled too much.
You mean retractable erasers?
Sakura has a great body that takes any standard stick, or you could get the Sumo Grip

>make pencil drawing
>do a clean trace of it with a pen and a lightpad
>inevitably fuck it up because shakyhands and do multiple traces
>scan onto my computer and combine the best parts of each in bw
>print it back out on my (old monochrome, no glowie dots to ruin the artwork) laser printer at 1200dpi
>color it in
>scan it again
Am I insane? I don't have an example to share because my characters are super secret but picrel is the printer
Masamune Shirow got up to shit like this all the time.
And now he draws BLACKED porn. Stop while you still can, OP.
I do it all the time a few years ago, its just easier to draw on paper, and its easier to iterate when you do this.
That's just the final destination of the porn coomer.

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