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How do you even study color?
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eyeballing something like OP pic is like impossible, and color picking it makes even less sense
if you can paint in greyscale, then you can do the same but in color.
if someone downloaded the Bill Perkins Color Theory Bootcamp from OCC could you please upload it on gofile or mega /pixeldrain ...i would be eternally grateful
They are hard stuck in your mom's arse
pay for it piggy
oink oink

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Aot get shatted on a lot for it's supposedly bad art or whatever, yet the manga after the first few chapters look like this?
What were people smoking? This looks better than most current ongoing series out right now
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If people wouldn't judge you by your worst, it wouldn't matter to leave them in.
Anon you seem to have lost track of the conversation.
This poster >>7155316 says that OP's image is a bad example of the artist's work because it's an outlier. Instead he says a better example of the artists work is actually the crappy panels from early in the series.
I asked here >>7155323 what the point of judging an artist only for their worst work is.
Then you (?) >>7155339 claim it's because people look at your worst work as the baseline, and make the leap to say that one should always curate your portfolio with your best work.
Nobody mentioned portfolios up until this point and I don't think anybody would disagree with the idea of putting only your best work in your portfolio. It's not relevant to the discussion, as not a single person has suggested putting bad work in one's portfolio.

So I'll rephrase my counterpoint to get us back on track: What's the point in ignoring that an artist grew and improved over time? What use is it in seeing some bad panels from 10 years ago and ignoring all the gains they've made since that point? These are not rhetorical questions, I'm asking you to explain what you hope to gain by viewing artists as only as good as their very lowest points. Because as I pointed out, every artist has drawn crap at some point. It's a necessity to learn, are we all only as good as the shitty doodles we made as babies or something?
Anin, this is an art board. Try Quora if you want a philosophical discussion.
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And now you're committing to mental gymnastics to avoid answering a pretty straightforward art question. I see this conversation has reached it's conclusion. Peace dude, hope your job treats you well.
You want me to answer your question? I don't know why some people are making shitty threads like this. I don't know why others feel the need to nitpick popular artists. What has any of this to do with artwork and critique? There's no point responding to your post because it's all just hypotheticals and I don't even disagree with anything you said.

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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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post 100
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Sorry been busy with other studies. Starting to get the hang of volumes, but still struggle with smooth curvy limbs. Might stay on these pages a while longer before moving on, the detailed mannekin looks intimidating.
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Not particularly close with loomis mannikins, but I was doodling around poses to get a better feel of the overall proportions in other poses.
I think I'll start picking up the pace and going further in if only because lately studying in general has been draining my motivation. I should probably balance it out with more leisure drawing.
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haven't liked anything ive done this week, probably another week of study on these before moving on to pg 46

respect to anyone who gets past the first chapter, i feel like im in /int/ territory rn

always impressed with your stuff!

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We all know /ic/ is a hilariously toxic shithole, but most art communities are poisonous in one way or another, being either vapid hugboxes filled with meaningless ball fondling or burnt out hoods filled with gangbangers who relentlessly fling their shit at every sincere question or discussion. I'm curious about why, in all things, artists are so resistant to the very idea of authenticity, of actually talking about art and what they like about it.

The zeitgeist everywhere online is self-deprecation, self-hate, and a complete refusal to take what one does seriously, or talk about it without having to wink at the audience or debase themselves in some way.

For example, an artist posts a piece that moves me. I leave a comment along the lines of "I love this, the two figures seem to represent [blah blah blah.] Was this your intention?"

Artist responds with "yeah I guess lol it's really just a bunch of pretentious crap tho I'm garbage glad you like it but whatever it's shit lol nobody cares anyway."

This is the default mode. On /ic/ art related questions are always met with "kill yourself" or immediately turn into a shitshow of hot takes. One gorilla takes a shit, another gorilla runs with it, takes another shit, and by the end it's just five monkeys jerking off in a pile of their own feces. It's impossible to discuss or analyze art for art's sake without some sort of meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."

Why? Why are artists like this? Is it some weird maladaptive coping mechanism for having been shamed or bullied for drawing dinosaurs in highschool? Is having a passion for character design (or even anime titties) that embarrassing? Why do artists have such shit self-esteem, and why do they perpetuate it by internalizing negativity? At what point did artists go from casually talking about what they authentically love to refusing to take their work seriously?
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There's a fairly simple reason artists generally don't get along when they're in large groups; introversion. The art industry rewards those who analyze everything to an absurd degree and like spending time alone, which are both natural traits of introversion. Imagine a construction worker being bullied (as introverted children often are), sometimes specifically for their chosen profession. Then imagine they are forced to carry on in life with all of that trauma screaming at them to give up what they love. They end up spending days or even weeks at a time working alone, then they're pressured to let the unwashed masses to analyze what they've done, continuously, for the rest of their life and beyond. If this was the norm for construction workers then there would be just as many cesspits on the internet for them.

Source: I'm a major introvert with 30 years of abuse, neglect, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse behind me. I isolate myself because I don't know how to appreciate it when I have positive interactions with people. I'm hypervigilant, so I only feel safe behind a screen watching other introverts progress artistically.

On a side note, I don't know if I'm introverted because of all the bullshit I've had to deal with, or if I just can't handle the bullshit because I'm introverted. All I know is I would rather cut myself than be cut by others.
because when im genuine i get "you cant be serious" or "troll" or just a simple "youre making shit up" so instead i chose to be an asshole
>afraid of vague rudeness
>cope by repressing every emotion except hate
Let me be the first to tell you it's okay to be sensitive. That being said, there's a lot of trash in the world. You can react to every little bit of garbage the wind blows your way, or you can put it in the nearest dumpster and carry on. Choose wisely.
i dont think you understand what i meant
people dont believe in my genuine self and call it a fake persona or a troll and yes they use those words irl and said it to my face
im not afraid of being sensitive im just old and tired so im just mean to people by default
Authenticity implies some amount of vulnerability involved. It's hard enough to be vulnerable publically, let alone in the cultural zeitgeist you've pointed out, where being 'cringe' is to be avoided at all costs, and self deprecation acts as a good defense mechanism for any possible criticism. There is also a well documented downward trend of literacy, and long posts almost guarantee a tl;dr sort of dismissive response, and it's harder to get people to engage in good faith or with some sort of sincerity. Also, people try really hard to be funny online, but don't understand it doesn't work when you try to make every second sentence a zinger. A combination of all of these is my guess, I think younger artists specifically really care about their projected image and 'branding', maybe that plays a part.

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Adorable I give you 3 pepe coin for it.
thats not pepe, thats apu. uncultured swine
He glows, I like :)
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pleace phosho this into something good
Good morning I hate women, I wish they all died suddenly

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How did your life change after embracing being a porn artist? Do you feel more confident, do you tell people what you do? Do you get to meet more interesting artists?
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I have 2-3 notifications a month on Patreon and I have mad anxiety to check them over every time, because I know it's either a sub or a cancelation
I have like 20 patreons consistently for a year, and it's very painfull to see the number go up and down and always be the same
did you check a buncha other patreons to set ur price? do u think 3 dollars is the best entry tier, arent theyre a bunch who are at 5 dollars, do u just do pinup or simple lewd arts? do u just upload at the end of every month?
I felt that way too, then I just accepted that fluctuation as part of the process. It's normal to lose some people at the end of the month, and I always gain them back.

>did you check a buncha other patreons to set ur price?
>do u think 3 dollars is the best entry tier
It depends on the content you're offering within that tier. If you consistently provide multiple pieces of art each week, then raising the price to $5 appears justified, provided your artistic skills match the value.
>do u just do pinup or simple lewd arts?
High res full color pin up with different variations, monthly poll, PSD/CSP files, time lapse, art suggestion privilege, discord benefits and art tutorials.
>do u just upload at the end of every month?
Every Friday.
did u do anything special to get out of the no view twitter void, did u just post consistently?
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NTA, what's the point of having friends if they're not even worthy of getting a so-trivial fact about yourself?

Draw this in your style
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de rusting
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Exibitionism is hot. If ur good looking at least.
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First time with a body desu
Only brown people can be incels.

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Thank you friend. I was loosely inspired by bruce timm's work from BTAS. I like his harsh shadows and how the clothes fold. I hope to post 1 picture almost every weekday, and I hope you give it a try too. We can only go up from practice!!
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Back at it with a penxil drawing cause i was out to lunch. Not the best but digital is way easier to do than traditional. Took about 45 minutes.
Forgive the shameless bumping btw, i believe an exercise for art is much better than the endless threads of squawking, envy, ai, "how do i...", and get rich quick schemes.
Sorry, forgot to rotate it.
Back again with an hour long drawing. I always loved the jungle dinosaur and cave man pulp ideas. I also am not a fan of the current obsession with feathers on every dinosaur. I much prefer the more reptilian form for large dinosaurs. I even enjoy drawing many theropods having crocodilian lile scutes on their necks as a way to protect themselves from other theropods and aggressive mates.
One thing i forgot to mention and would like to improve is the texture of my drawings i do not like how muddy my shading is, but im not sure i completely a fan of cell shading and similar styles either. I like how manga ink work looks but that is just a genteral statement as i dont have an exact style in mind. Not to mention that there are plenty of incredible greyscale inked western works. I suppose we shall see.

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I never used copic markers before, he had tutorials that got taken down everywhere and then there's people who saved them but don't want to share. The people who have the videos are on this board and don't want to share with people.
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He doesnt want mini mes as he said. Learn somewhere else. Be a sakimichan clone no 690000 A
>ugly style.
His art style get my dick hard só fuck you.
he actually is insanely butthurt that waifufagging became the thing that helps him pay his bills. It's almost pathetic, from time to time he'd go in very long woe is me type posts where he'd lament things he had to draw in the past to become famous. Does anybody know if he actually drew porn or something?
Marker is a sucky medium outside of greys. Use watercolor instead.
other men's stuff makes you hard? well that makes you a full blown homo then

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What’s going on with deviant art
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/co/ despises AI and spergs out when it's mentioned
>objectively good AI art
good morning sirs
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Honestly the red joystick looks like a big button. At least a mixture of both.
I think what is much more worrisome or alarming that this is Mike Allreds style. Since it is an AI you can say it stole his artpiece.
It's why newgrounds is seeing more traffic than it did in over a decade.
so his style is ai style? nice.

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No redraws required. Show your OC or someone else’s. Give your thoughts and critiques. Maybe this can work as a containment thread for OC redraw discussions/drama.

If you’re going to be a crab, then please be specific.
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Does he have an accompanying platforming video game?
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fairy senpai.

Dahlia has the ability to transform into humanoid races. She does so so she can sell her husband's honey beer that he brews.

would you cuck Cedar. would you really do him dirty like that?
I'm just seeing this now. Tf this is so cute fjdnjd thank you for this food
I would not cuck Cedar I would cuck Dahlia
Hi, newfag here.
Your OCs are very cute anonies, please keep posting them.

What is, objectively speaking, the best drawing exercise?

What drawing exercise is, subjectively, (you)r favorite?

And what drawing exercises do you think are ineffective and/or suboptimal?

You may list multiple exercises for each question.
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>memory drawings
based wizards. if there truly is any "secret" drawing exercise out there, it's this one
What if I can't even trace a photograph and can't figure out what I should be doing differently? I cannot seem to grasp what exactly I should be attempting to mark with lines, or what I should be trying to achieve with any given individual line. It would be simple if I could somehow extrapolate what a drawing of something might look like just from observing it, but that isn't something that comes naturally to me.

The things I instinctively want to mark with lines are highlights and the parts of the subject's surface that are closest to the viewer/camera, which so far as I can tell is 100% wrong.
It really depends. Generally speaking, you want to capture the main forms, so the outline, where clothes begin or end, main folds in said clothes, facial features, any outstanding details (like writing on a t-shirt). How detailed you get depends on what you are trying to get out of the drawing, and also things like how big your drawing is (clusters of details in smaller drawings just look messy), or what the focus is (if the focus is the face, draw more of those details, and less details elsewhere). Some people also choose to draw lines where shadows begin/end for example. What works or what doesn't is mostly a matter of trial and error. If you are drawing someone's face and draw every single wrinkle, skin mark, eyelash, etc. and it looks messy, next time try doing it simpler, skip the extraneous details and focus on the main bits. I'd suggest going through the book Keys to Drawing (the first half is enough), it's what helped me most to learn both how to copy accurately, as well as what to focus on/keep when drawing from life, and what can be ignored.
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It's best to get a grip strength trainer. And squeeze it every day. 5 sets a day until failure. Grip strength is often overlooked by amateurs.
how to train sphincter grip training?

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I made my biggest progress in art when I started drawing less, and spending more time watching art videos, reading art books and browsing twitter art. Do 20 minutes of intense, focused drawing, then do 40 minutes of theory.
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Beautiful crabbing, well done my friend.
what do people have a problem with? learning theory and then applying it is a solid strat. the ratio should depends on how much theory you already know but can't execute on yet.
nobody likes copying the same 200 exercises from boomer books that "get you better at observation"
looks like op is spreading false information

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Anyone have a list or compilation of ancient art books with ancient, lost, old master knowledge? I want to know how those old farts got so good.

The only authors I know of are the Arthur Guptill books, Harold Speed books, and JD Harding's books. Anyone have any more? The older the better!
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Cesar Santos made two videos about this book, from 1765 written by the painter Thomas Bardwell.

Link: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=gri.ark:/13960/t8nc9nw2k&seq=1
Correction: the first edition is from 1756.
Where's the pdf for this book?
>Sketching and Rendering in Pencil
I found a pdf version on archive.org, though there are epub versions on zlibrary too.

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Why does drawing traditionally or in a sketchbook calm me while doing so digitally fill me with stress?
Anyone else have this dilemma?
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I know how you feel OP I can't like digital drawing no matter how much I try, I have a small drawing tablet so the experience is even worse than it would be normally but I can't bring myself to like the act.
Even a huge Cíntiq looks awkward, I don't like the act of drawing to begin with and digital is even worse.
I tried prompt for a day but the experience is even worse than drawing so maybe I should give up altogether and learn 3D, Pixel Art or even Music instead.
>With trad, even if it's a bad painting, it's mine. It's a unique physical object that actually exists in the real world. There's something satisfying in that, that digital doesn't provide me.
Now that I think about it I feel the same way about buying printed comics and books vs webcomics and ebooks.
>the experience is even worse than drawing so maybe I should give up altogether and learn 3D, Pixel Art or even Music instead.
Learn programming or game design. They're cooler than drawing and pay better.
It's the opposite for me. I can play around with digital tools and have fun with them, but drawing traditionally is pure suffering. I hate pens and pencils and always have.
Maybe you're better at traditional? Same thing happens to me because I know I'm going to struggle and be stressed out trying to wrangle the shitty digital pen and my drawing is going to look bad and discourage me.

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