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Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can
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Because everyone can be a critic. My art my not be best and honestly most anons posting in my threads utterly mog me but, I can still provide advice since you don't need to be an artist to know if something looks good or bad
Kinda like in the "coaches don't play" principal
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Please tell me
I'll give you a hint, It's by one of the big three.
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any crit, cruel or not. i want to improve.
Very nice /v/-tan. You show knowledge of muscles clothing and shading but there are a few things that I disagree with
For a guy a muscular I think his shoulder could be rounded out more, the way the clothing folds there makes it looks more inward than outward making the shoulder a bit small
Instead of separating the biceps and triceps more clearly you gave them both some very ood folds and shading making it look like his arm is made of several more muscles than there could be
The hand looks very awkward, there is not really much of a wrist and it makes the entire arm smaller.
A few shades on the back of his head fell a little random trying to give much detail on a part I think looks fine without
Not sure if I can criticize this part now since I don't know the entire context to the pic but the likes around and on the arm form the action he performs make his arm look sort of wet

All in all very good, definitely logging me but thats hardly a challange

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>go to art school expecting to do and learn art
>get bombarded with endless essays to write
I'm tired
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Say the name of the school, I'm very curious where this kind of shit happens at
Oh never mind, lel.
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>Exchange info with any of the other students who look like they're decent
This is so old and still true today.
oof she sounds possesive, sorry for you

Post it
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>how to say you are a pedo without saying you are a pedo
ngmi opinion
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Ooh lucky you, I literally just got done organizing the layers. 9th is Bernie Wrightson, who's responsible for probably the best inks like... ever. His Frankenstein illustrations are unbelievable.
Nothing wrong with that
it's a compliment

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What is the fastest way to become popular online in current year as an intermediate amateur artist with poor social skills?
Even simply trying to reach 1k followers on twitter with SFW art is hard, though thus far I've only been drawing OCs.
draw fan art and fotm
pander to an artist with a big following

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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?"/"What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

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bump, anyone?
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anyone have these?
also what's a reliable way of finding procreate brushes in the archives? 'procreate' and 'brush' bring up way too many results
AngryPigeon re-shared their brushes anons, can someone get them? I remember someone tried to contact them last thread
I remember a reply that had the brushes so I looked it up. Here, idk if it's the same as your link or if 82pigeon updated it. The OP warned of these brushes being a bit weird and hard to use also.

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

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I like to do that. It's some of the funnest parts imo, thinking of the how the parts move, not only RoM on the joint but also how the plates or such over it slide/twist to accomodate the rotation. (pic unrelated)
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have some inspo from the master Kawamori himself as a bump
Are there any resources on designing mechanical forms? I don't even know what to look for
there's probably textbooks and other educational material for industrial design and vehicle design, likely good place to start

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why do 80% of characters face towards the left?
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my brain hurts
Almost sure it's this guy https://twitter.com/all_yellow777/media
This. I'm left-handed and all my characters face toward the right.
depends on the direction you read/write.
if you write from left to right then figures facing to the right tends to project more energy and confidence - that's the historical portrait norm.
facing from right to left is the opposite - unless you write/read from right to left.
so you're either sissies or kikes
retard forgot to flip the canvas while drawing, baka

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What is the best framerate for pixel art sprites?
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Based, thank you friendo
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This animation is shockingly organic for what you usually do. Keep at it crazy anon.

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Do you think we should be getting numbers like this for this kind of shit? This just proves you don't need art, just being "that guy"

Is being that guy all you want? Or should you be actually drawing something you want? We need a new art site, this is getting retarded.
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>noooo why do artists appeal to the lowest common denominator?
>proceeds to make threads that get the most (You)s with low-effort content
Good one, OP.
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>everything that disagrees with what i like is bait
>a factual statement is bait now
>you're supposed to respect frauds who whore themselves out... because they have a bunch of minors and bots following them
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>everyone seething at someone making it
>not give attention to things you don't like
>seethe endlessly
complaining about Telepurte... on a Telepurte thread... is LE BAD AND SEETHING
neck yourself

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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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You won't get a response. There's nothing human left there. He was a normal /beg/ who kept getting told to grind gesture until he went mad. Killed his whole family and painted gesture drawings on the walls with their guts. Now he sits in a forgotten corner of an asylum, wordlessly churning out these scribbles, hoping one day the voices stop telling him to grind gesture.
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Every time I come across her paintings on twitter I feel like I'm being fucking gaslit. They are so in-your-face in their symbolism yet everyone pretends as if it requires a ton of deliberation to understand it, or it has no meaning and is just garish. Nobody calls it out for the heavy-handed amateur squibbles it is. What the hell?
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> YOU Are black. We evolved from BLACKs
let's see how long this theory holds. every 5 years or so, guys are like
> ooow man is older than we thought, we found new tools dating back a few millennia earlier than before

I think I remember the Chinese pushing the idea that they're the original ones

truth is we have no clue, just a few educated guesses made by field experts based on measurements processes developed in the last 100 year. the average man just has no clue, and will never have the opportunity to even understand how those measurements work.
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she cryin over massa not giving her a yt baby
>We evolved from BLACKs
out of afreeeca theory was debonked chuddie
Humanity began in a fertile location between the Euphrates and the Tigris
she stole it?
I would bet my life that that sculpture wasn't actually made an african artist

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Maybe large artist are selfish after all.
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>entitled cunts thread
idrc about ego boost, curious about the latter mostly
hmm makes sense anon
actually could you list a few ? I'm interested in seeing their work
If the 2k followers you have disable showing your retweets
A- that means the retweeted art gets 0 views
B- how are they going to see YOUR posts
They're just random dudes like you and me you retard
How many 10 follower Andys are you hyping up and retweeting on the dailiy?

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This is a thread for /beg/s and /int/s (there is no /adv/) to share and discuss art.
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>realistically there's nothing you can do
a lot of anons can probably unlock extra daily energy by getting fitter but that eats into drawing time so ymmv immediately, highly recommend for everyone for long-term whole-life gains anyway
It basically comes down to style - there are some general ideas like putting thicker lines on the side of the character that is in shadow, on thicker parts of the body, to emphasize some body part overlaps and so on. But in the end you need to choose things you want to put attention on and stick with it. Hell, there are even people who use lines with same thickness over the whole drawing on purpose and make it work.
pls respond
Yes, because being a true artist means constant grinding for years, losing any love or passion for craft, hating your work 24/7, while malding from the fact your previously faved artists are having an easier lives.

Everything else like having fun and supporting friends is not allowed, and only leads to coddeling
if you have adhd like me you can try hiding all your gadgets in a separate room so your boredom will force you to do something. resist the temptation to daydream as much as possible.

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, make note of your own monitor resolution and magnification. Try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements.

For high quality raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA
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virustotal flags the installer as trojan once im
dont talk like a twitter faggot
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like a week ago or so i posted wip of a big painting i was doing, i finished it and wanted to share it <3
do you have nightmares?

I used to have hardcore nightmares and hallucinations in my bed, but for the last year or so i've been chilling
It’s important to avoid attracting demons into your home and mind. You should try praying to Jehovah through his son Jesus Christ to help you find the truth. Take care
you clown
you're gay

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