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this is a /g/ archive from 20 years ago, 2004
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because the entire point of the desperate changes moot made around that time was to stop the glowniggers from stealing his site and he knew they demanded nobody there move on to a seperate one, of course 8chucks happened anyway so they came down on him like a hammer.
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>xX_BasedNazi1488_Xx doesnt put illegal images in my cache for the feds to recover
the feds obviously use those names to do exactly that. It's the people with names like chinochanismywife and xxx_totalkonlove_xxx that end up being the most based right wing and also anti cp.
haha yeah a coincidence...

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GNOME is going bankrupt. DONATE NOW!
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what is your use case for more donations?
That screenshot isn't from GNOME foundation, it's from a phoronix article: https://www.phoronix.com/news/MTY2Mjc
However the phoronix article cites GNOME foundation saying basically the same thing: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/CurrentBudgetFAQ
>The GNOME Foundation had a temporary lack of reserves due to processing the funds for the Outreach Program for Women (OPW).
I've worked at companies where the policy was to fully shut down your workstation at the end of every day. Ostensibly for "security and environmental" reasons. Now that might be a stupid policy, but as an employee it wasn't my policy to decide but nevertheless my job to follow.
>hurr why do you want to shut down your computer? t. ebussy
>If they need to constantly spend money instantly, they should use the money to train a custom coding AI to help them
That would very rapidly be money wasted. Think about it, if they do that next year instead of now, they could get far better results for the same amount of money.
Big if true

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I bought a dyson hair dryer in Japan.
I brought it home and plugged it into a step down transformer and shit didn't work, blew the fuse.
What do?
That thing cost like $100
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>shampoo is poison that makes your hair fall out anyway.
Does normal bar soap do the same thing? I usually use that to clean my hair.
Depends what chemicals are in it. I'm not versed in these mattesr, I just know (in America atleast) there's been a few huge scandals with people losing hair due to companies putting chemicals in the shampoo that will make people lose hair.
>What do?
Go back to high school and pay more attention.
Why would companies do that? Wouldn't they lose business if people don't have any hair? Or do mean out of negligence?
They do it secretly and then sell other products that promote hair growth. Look it up.

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How will computers change in the next 10 years? I'm seeing major progress in:
>artificial intelligence
>virtual reality
>augmented reality
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Cope buzzword
>How will computers change in the next 10 years?
Hardware developers will try to keep up with software bloat so that things are at least a little perceivably faster, despite getting slower every year due to the frameworks depending on frameworks depending on bloat depending on bloat depending on telemetry depending on spyware ... etc...

People will shell out kopeks for "upgrades"
that pic is chronologically innaccurate. 'nano bots' manipulating emotions came before ai.
especially not if fossil fuels are gone/banned
Just got a metaquest2, as an entrypoint to vr hardware it's great.
Compared to my valve index who cost a fortune and have still to setup properly months after, the metaquest2 is a breeze to setup and play with.
The downside is the shitty meta ecosystem and the price of the games and apps.

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Is it more important to have:
Expensive center speaker, good left right, okay surrounds, optimizing the budget where it counts
vs. having the same speaker in every position, creating a more accurate "sound field"?
Assuming both setups cost the same amount, what would be better?
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I found that if your front left/right are high quality you dont need a center at all.
the ability to change volume on center only is a godsend
Bro you are optimizing on the wrong end.
If any of your "surround" speakers are adjacent to a wall, you have already lost. This isn't surround, it's "sometimes sound comes from the speaker behind" sound. There is no sweet spot of actual three dimensional acoustics, because the ratio of direct sound to wall reflection is just too bad for that.
Surround is for rich people. For a proper surround setup, you need a big living room, big enough for the sofa to be standing free in the middle of the room and also big enough for all surround speakers to have at least(!) 2m of distance to each wall.
ONLY THEN can we even START talking about which speakers to buy.
You will, of course, discard my remarks off-hand, like so many other pseudosurround consumers.
>bro if you don't have your own personal movie theater why watch movies? its not how the artist intended
>bro if you don't have the perfect watching room with acoustic treatment to fix the early reflections and wave cancellations, why even watch something
or I could actually go about my day and enjoy a fun surround sound system with my friends and family. gonna add 6db to my subwoofer just to personally spite you
>You will, of course, discard my remarks off-hand, like so many other pseudosurround consumers.
As prophesied.

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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Speaking of VR, just found out that Carmack went to work for Facebook and right before leaving Zenimax he googled how to wipe a hard drive with magnets.
I mean at this point its no different from spyware
Can't you just use secure erase? That's what I've done and it's supposed to be secure. Just run it a few times.
someone redpill me on servo
In the future, you will not get a choice. You have read Eudeamon, right?

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>Regex filtered me instead
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The syntax. Making the "language" a mess of special characters. The syntax at the very least shouldn't mix text to be matched and control characters, just like you have to quote strings in every sane programming language.
high and low level language are not just about how they are computed they are about the end user experiance. A high level language needs to be human readable, regex is not, you cannot intuit the logical meaning of regex, you just have to learn what everything means. meanwhile I may not be a math major and a complete codlet besides but I can still understand what an if statement looks like in almost every high level language. it's going to start with the words IF, and then go on to have some kind of operation, using some kind of operators.
then it passes the output.
this is HUMAN readable. in other words I dont have to know any of the syntax rules to pick out what it means.

Regex on the other hand is all archaic syntax rules designed to be operated on in systems with a very limited amount of ram and character space. it is basically the assembly if filtering shit.
>quoted strings
I can agree to that. Quoted string + non significant whitespace by default would be nice, like in perl6's regexes.
so your major problem is syntax and no semantics?
imo you haven't use them enough, it becomes intuitive after a while. you must use the extended syntax though it makes a night and day difference, like here >>100202042

I don't agree with you about an alternate syntax using if keywords because then literally 80% of the letters would be if-s or and-s because that's what regex, parsing and logic DSL do. It's a shit loads of IF, AND and OR and JUMP (for quantifiers). There is no point in writing IF because every single regex subexpression except is capturing groups is a conditional and thise conditionals are all ANDed together. Quantifiers are loops so they also contain a conditional just like C for/while loops contain a conditional if you look at the assembly.

Here's what it looks like with IFs everywhere (ANDs are implicit)

bool match_pattern(char *input, size_t length) {
char *ptr = input;
char *end = input + lenght;

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>imo you haven't use them enough!!!!
tools are meant to be easy to use.
well go ahead and describe the syntax you want for a search tool that would have the same semantics as regexes

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Any free video editor to trim videos without losing its quality
It's a 1080p video
For desktop
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Look up the right commands
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I use vidcutter for trimming and clipping.
It doesn't re-encode, it just cuts at keyframes and copies. So it's really fast.
can i do it in ramdisk to not clutter real disk space?
Set video to copy instead of a codec.

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Does anyone here have any faith this tiny bunch of people are ever going to produce something that rivals the other mature DEs?
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Yes. They're a solid company that has a track record of making good decisions.

They're damn close to releasing it anyway.

The only people upset about this are ebussy and the red hat legion.
God i wish those feet and heels were playing with my pp
Portmanteau of mad and balding, which was popular zoomer speak like 4 years ago
>about to be released
In a usable shape, or some pre-alpha do-as-i-say state?
thanks, i'd never have guessed

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Imagine the switch and steam deck with this shit. Bring 2-3 batteries with you and swap them out easily.

Portable tech is nearly useless without it. It felt more high tech 15 years ago when I could just swap batteries on all my devices.
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Well done, anon. You're their target demographic.
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I'm sure your wifes boyfriend loves buying you the new iPhone every year. How's that 15 pro max treatin ya champ?
Every post so far fails to mention the obvious fact when it comes to removable phone batteries:

It allows you to kill the power to your phone when you're not using it. They can't track you with GPS or cell towers and they can't activate your camera or microphone. Yes they can do all these things, even if your phone is simply switched off. Remove the battery and you remoce their ability to spy on you via your phone.
>for a reason: optimization
Optimization of what? All the technical reasons got already debunked. They're not even cheaper to manufacture. Battery compartment is insignificant for a phone design.
The only thing a fixed battery "optimizes" is the time between getting a new phone
>Kill yourself EU trash
The words you are looking for are "thank you".
You're welcome.

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What was the point of making this?
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Hey, Linux brothers, I have an idea - how about abandon Wayland, because it's bloated and old and make new one? Yes, it will make linux desktop unusable for about next 15 years, cause many users to experience painful transition, normal developers and business will probably abandon troonix completely, ecosystem will become more fragmented, even more complex hard to maintain, but it a price for progress.
They wanted to improve the Linux desktop. But sine they didn't actually care about the desktop, only embedded shit and other crap they got paid for, it was really bad and it has been taking years to get it ready for the desktop.

This year, for sure.
As a long time user of Linux since 2007, i can confirm that gnome has done nothing but get worse since then. it all started with gtk3.x thats when it went down hill. go look at some old gnome 2 screenshots using emerald and beryl. they look 100x better than the lazy flat monochrome look of today.
My stupid display setup choices
we got too close to year of the linux desktop so they had to act fast to avoid such a horrible fate. now we have waylandjtm0k

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bitwise manipulation, recursive / dp programming, functional programming, newest frameworks, etc. Who uses Power Tools and excel instead of assembly for regular business bullshit. Is there a name for such a developer?
SAP developers and Power BI developers
Python devs
because they don't know what any of those words even mean
you just don't like programming

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should I use dark or light mode if i wanna make my eyes last longer?
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you spend 18 hours a day looking at a screen, you're eyes will be fucked within 10 years either way
>if i wanna make my eyes last longer?
Shut down the computer.
>should I use dark or light mode
I'm dpoing it like this:
if briught outside = light mode
if dark outside = dark mode.
Nothing works, age will get you.
Your vision will turn to shit, it's inevitable.
best answer.

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This is the kind of discussions I have with chatGPT-4 (25$/month btw)
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For $25/mo it should've had the decency to call you a retard.
it did what you asked for
Feel free to give tips on how to not have that happen.
you have human for that yk?
Another victory for Ukraine!

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Deadline: Midnight between April 30th and May 1st

Please post cover art and theme suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.

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Album submission
Title: 16 Votes
Shout out to the 16 heroes!
basic guitar recording and creating drum tracks. what DAW to use? Preferably something simple that will have me recording without much hassle. how did you learn how to program drums?
If you have a Mac just use bandcamp, otherwise Reaper will work ok.
You learn drum programming by just doing it and look at basic well known rhythms
any daw will do, just need an interface. learned to play drums irl
>still stuck flipping through samples on the 404 trying to make a pattern I like enough to follow tutorial videos
It's such a pain in the ass having this thing in my head telling me I need a better loop to start learning. I know my first few beats on the 404 won't be good but I'm stuck going in circles cause I really want to like whatever I'm making.

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