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>Come home, white m...
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kek, this faggot screwed a shelf onto a wall once and he's been larping as an unstoppable tradie god ever since
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OP just can't stop eating da poo poo.
:help uganda
You're mad because a nigger can do something you can't. Cope and seethe, you fat neckbeard

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Web Scraping General

AI datamine general

QOTD: If you had to fine-tune an LLM, what would you optimize it for and where would you scrape training data from?

> Captcha services

> Proxies
https://infiniteproxies.com/ (no blacklist)

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I feel like a massive failure never having profited a penny in my free time. what does /wsg/ have in store for me?
>Was a virgin API cuck because I thought it'd be faster and nicer to just use the API
>API was badly documented, output only 200 results before rate limiting, can't access everything
>Stopped giving a fuck and use selenium driverless
Mfw I get everything I want and more.
What o you use it on?
Same. I will lurk patiently and share if I cook up something.

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Thoughts on Pale Moon browser - is it based or cringe?

GNOME Web mogs
Can you imagine conquer these primitives, murdering their men and taking their females? It would be great, like spanish conquistadors
useless today.
Very based

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hyprland bros, our response??

1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
No one cares about FagOS. They should be happy they're getting anything.
Literally nothing wrong with that.
Why don't they employ one of those unemployed programmers who can solve all those hard leetcode questions? Surely they have enough donations to do so?
>malloc implementation
>the function is not called "malloc"
>I don't really want to interact with the project maintainers

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Is it viable? Is it even worth it to upgrade to watch 4K discs on a monitor instead of blu rays?
If you can play games in 2k or 4k, does this mean you can watch 4k movies too with HDR and all that?

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Gin edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

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I have been told by colleagues that TS's star has begun waning (I work in vanilla JS because that's what our big legacy project was written in) and frankly thank God.
Type safety? Just code better instead.
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Kill all framework faggots
I love this framework so much it's unreal.
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What am I doing wrong? The relative path isn't resolved properly but I don't want to use an absolute path for a file that will be hosted on github. I installed ts locally within the project by the way

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>our system thinks your post is spam
>you need to wait for a while before making a thread (300 seconds)
>you need to wait for a while before posting (60 seconds)
>complete the cloudflare verification
>recomplete the verification
>get the captcha
>you mistyped the captcha
>get the captcha
>this board needs an email verification, only these few providers are allowed
>are you a human? solve the images
>connection error
I love being a cuck.
14 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
literally kill yourself you worthless skizo zoomer. choke to death on your shitty memes.
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glowies on suicide watch
doog cute
Election year in US
By november there will be more measures to the point of becoming unusable

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he noticed he had iPod from the year 2001 in quite a good shape, it hadnt been used for like in 10 years and it was simply forgotten inside iPod original box

he put it on sale in a used items marketplace on internet and got 200 monies

some weird collector was prepared to pay that kind of sum for useless junk

yes, the iPod still works perfectly but why would anyone even want these?

it needs to be noted that only the year 2001 models are sought after by collectors, or these are the only ones where you can expect to get more than 30 euro
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but it doesnt have the latest backdoors, sir please upgrade to latest
How do people consume and forget like this. I wish I was rich enough to find treasures laying around the house.
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>learn what it means before calling others out for it. lurk moar.
I just found 120 and 160gb iPod classics in my closet
that is not a lot of money. why post about this?

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if only there was 5.0inch phone with the width of 50.0mm..
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Smartphones are the proof our technology is made by space aliens.
this, whoever makes these phones is probably some deformed bastard who is above 178cm with monster hands and has zero awareness of the average sizes of the majority of people

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Kek who gives a fuck
it's needful to calm down, sir
Give full context and not just a screen cap of what will draw attention

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Attention logitech linux users: Solaar 1.1.12 is up.
There's been a new developer contributing large changes to the codebase since at least the 1.1.11 release. It used to be mostly one guy running the whole thing.
solaar more like saar

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100206211

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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Oh wow, I didn't even know there was a newer version
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anyone still training with loras here? what are the latest recommendations / best practices.

Why is the US's train technology so poor? Seems like they have at rain derailment every week or so.
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Rich people can totally afford private trains (railcars), they just won't use them because they can afford to go faster in private planes.
Based. As usual /g/ gets mindbroken and just starts to screech when presented with facts.
> best and most efficient in the world
> has more catastrophic freight accidents on record than any other nation
bro india sucks
Train tech is fine, diesel electric motors are great. It's the tracks that are all fucked up, from a complete lack of maintenance

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This makes me consider buying an M1.
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they literally tell you in the image lol
Good idea! Pay double for the appleā„¢ logo because you're saving pennies thanks to the increased efficiency! This man is a genius!
it's not about saving money. it's about less heat and a better battery life
So why are the keyboards melting?
Alright, if it's just less heat and better battery life you want, undervolting/underclocking is a thing
Not as good as dedicated hardware maybe, but it helps

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Prior to creating Discord, CEO Jason Citron was also behind OpenFeint, an early precusor to the Apple Game Center and Google Play Games. The service was centered around sharing scores and achievements, and quickly attracted attention due to how easy it was to implement in apps.

The first company to invest in OpenFeint was The9, a Chinese operator known for introducing World of Warcraft to Asian territories. However, there are better known today as NetEase.

OpenFeint would be bought out by Japanese company GREE, Inc. in April 2011 due to the similarity of its own social media platform. This was three months after GREE had both established presence in the United States and partnered Tencent. Not even two months later, a class action lawsuit had begun accusing OpenFeint of selling people's date en masse to advertisers.


Discord and lack of privacy go hand-in-hand at this point, but it's important to understand that this was not some forcing of their hand; Jason Citron deliberately created social networks with the foreknowledge that they'd only profit off personal information.

When looking at other "gamer" centric services from Opera GX to Steam to the modern prevalence of microtransactions and gacha, it becomes apparent that all of this has its roots in OpenFeint.


Some people claim the world ended in 2012 because of Nostadamus or shifts in the planet's fault line. Others think it's just that too many people are on social media. In actuality, there was a concerted effort by corporations the average person has never heard of to insert themselves into our lives, often through the most innocuous ways.

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The interview I posted above is only a week old. This isn't some deprecated issue, in fact with the TikTok ban it's even more relevant than ever.
Okay, but the main problem is the damage is already done. Too many children, teenagers, and young adults have dumped all their personal info and dirty little secrets on Discord since it launched. What do you do from there?
Don't let the history get buried. Discord does not exist in a vacuum.
That service let anyone access the users' supposedly-private info, such as linked Facebook accounts, device IDs and even GPS location, through simple unrestricted API calls. Truly a disaster.
Still, what are people going to do with that info?

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