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Requesting the astrological art illustrations ripping from this software, please. I-I'm not a zodiac girl btw, I just fascinated by the 88 modern (anime) rendition of the 88 constellations and wondering. I'm not a g-girl, baka.

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Using other peoples works to make Yourself rich.

Sounds like a scam to Me.
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>tfw I go to the nerd room to record a video but catch my black bull fucking my wife against the SNES wall
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>training him to fuck my wife
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>when he whips it out
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I'm trying to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition on the Xenia emulator but it keeps crashing after the first intro.
I've tried looking up tutorials on yt but keep getting an indian guy with an outdated explanation.

The GitHub forum didn't explain much either.
>tried "project_zone = true" and still the same

I more or less got the emulator for that specific version of the game since it was part of the "fuck you for not having specific console" era.

Any way I can fix this?
I've been messing with the text file but still nothing new.
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As well it keeps asking each time for a save file and even when choosing not to save, it acts the same and bugs on.

Games with dream worlds, dreamlike worlds or mental worlds. That's my request. Games like Klonoa, Dreams to Reality or Nights. Can be entire game or a segment or level.
16 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
LSD dream emulator is a dream simulation game released on the PS1 based on the creator's actual dream journal. It is not very videogamey is more like a walking simulator so not sure if this is what you're looking for.
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to mention this game. Based.
Deadly premonition
The Longest Journey
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
AI: Somnium Files

+1 for Folklore
>The Longest Journey
I was looking for that name. How is the series doing these days
No More Heroes 2

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she is from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d51OZrjhRw
there is models or known women who look like this ?
in which part of china can find them ? they have very different face shapes so the ones like this girl must come from some different area

I'm at my lowest point right now, always denied myself on reading self help books, all I've ever read is fiction. Need something that can help with life in general plus maybe some money advice. Self help books that I've had access to owned by people around me were always stuff that comes off as those for people going through a mid life crisis, and I'm still in my 20s.

Wanted to ask on /adv/ at first but saw a lot of unserious replies and troll threads.
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The I Ching or Book of Changes.

Have fun!
thank you! I'll look into these
I'm going to slide into this thread because I don't feel like making one of my own, it's tangibly related. does anybody know any good websites that I can get good ebooks for free like these?

Fuckin baste, thank you

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everytime i update windows 11, it boots but none of the apps work
i am still able to browse files, but most of the functions just dont work
is it just me or does windows 11 run on jeet monkey code?
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Microsoft sure is benevolent. Making such horrid OS builds for the past 15 years just so that more people will gravitate to Macintosh. Truly, this is something to be respected.

Currently looking into getting one for myself, as I've been growing my own small business but I've got no idea which card reader to get. Any suggestions?

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does anyone have any break the support disk material?
pic unrel

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I'm serious. He's been offline for a year and last I talked to him he out of the hospital after being hospitalised for a month. He was chatting in our group for a weeks after that and then nothing.

He had good Opsec but he did give me two throaway gmail accounts to contact him (but he hasn't responded to any mails since then). Is there a way to use this to find out his real email or something?
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Maybe you just haven't tried hard enough. If you've talked to him over a ling enough period of time you probably have some info to start narrowing it down, even if it is seemingly meaningless info like a birthday
Have you asking his friends for info like birthday, real name, location or other social media? Does his username bring up anything on Google at all
To add to this (not this anon) consider running any known past usernames through the sherlock python script
We were part of an online group discussing history and politics. Made sure to keep decent enough opsec. I know what he majored in, a disease he suffered from and what hospital he was admitted to (have an SS of his bloodwork showing the date and the hospitals name). I know the city he lived in and we're fairly certain of the school he went to. Beyond that nothing.
That's a lot of information, keep digging.
If he's american then you have him practically nailed down.

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Hello. I've wanted to find out the origin of this video since the year before last. This video has three watermarks, but when I searched for them, more videos appeared with different songs and the same duration and watermarks. I discovered the original video complete and without the watermarks. I want to know what these marks are and what song was playing in the video they were in

The watermarks are:
>African style
>video show
>visior CMB beats parody

This is the original video: https://youtu.be/V-EETLkVrFE?feature=shared

Here is one video: https://youtu.be/Jf4jOvYfps4?feature=shared

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Anyone have more of these comics They'd be willing to share? I have around 35.
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massively based

Usually when the editor changes the 5th panel the joke is ruined, but it works quite nicely here.
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Saw this page from an old Garfield comic and I was surprised at how wild some of the art was back in the day. Like Jim Davis wasn't afraid to experiment a bit. Is there a particular year where he just gave up and got lazy with it?

I've tried asking /co/, but it's not a waifu thread so it went completely ignored.
Wikipedia says that from the late 90s onward Davies doesnt draw the strip but just hand a draft to a team and supervise the result; that page is from '89, so I guess that's it.

>Talking about comics in /co/
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Difficult to tell since "Jim Davis" hasn't been just Jim Davis" in decades.
>While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists, while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising the characters.
Gotcha, so around the late 1990's is when it went from soul to soulless real quick. Gonna see if I can't track down some older omnibus' and take them with me when I go camping. If I'm not mistaken, now they just do a buckly and have a bunch of pre-drawn pics for their comic strip.
>Talking about comics in /co/

I suppose it's as asinine as trying to talk about any of the board topics on the bigger boards.

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I am looking to watch some old videos today. Pre 2013
>music related
>gmv amv
>pre youtube
use before:2013 in your youtube search term
NTA but thank you. i dont know how ive gone this long without knowing you could even do that.

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What are those fonts and font sizes please?
doesn't work
Try harder.
Also you won't be able to work out the size without a reference.
I did. doesn't work

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