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Saw this page from an old Garfield comic and I was surprised at how wild some of the art was back in the day. Like Jim Davis wasn't afraid to experiment a bit. Is there a particular year where he just gave up and got lazy with it?

I've tried asking /co/, but it's not a waifu thread so it went completely ignored.
Wikipedia says that from the late 90s onward Davies doesnt draw the strip but just hand a draft to a team and supervise the result; that page is from '89, so I guess that's it.

>Talking about comics in /co/
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Difficult to tell since "Jim Davis" hasn't been just Jim Davis" in decades.
>While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists, while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising the characters.
Gotcha, so around the late 1990's is when it went from soul to soulless real quick. Gonna see if I can't track down some older omnibus' and take them with me when I go camping. If I'm not mistaken, now they just do a buckly and have a bunch of pre-drawn pics for their comic strip.
>Talking about comics in /co/

I suppose it's as asinine as trying to talk about any of the board topics on the bigger boards.
>Like Jim Davis wasn't afraid to experiment a bit.

he wrote, drafted, and contributed to the storyboards and the stories for almost all the animated specials, except Babes and Bullets, and some of 9-lives. So there's some relatively severe moments in them compared to their contemporaries.

But since he signs everything, nothing goes out without his approval and there was some freaky shit in the 9-Lives book.
You wouldn't think it, but Jim Davis does seem to have a bit of love for the spookier things. No idea why he likes throwing his cartoon cat into those scenarios though.
yeah the best place to talk about comics is actually /trash/ now, not kidding

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